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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Please just stop replying ... he's so desperate now he is self bumping between his accounts ... everyone just let this topic die and the attention he so seeks go with it ( since any decent debate in here has long since gone ).


I was trying really hard not to make this post over the past few days to avoid bumping it myself but people just keep buying into his crap I just had to point it out. ;)


I love the irony of that sentiment ;)

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Please just stop replying ... he's so desperate now he is self bumping between his accounts ... everyone just let this topic die and the attention he so seeks go with it ( since any decent debate in here has long since gone ).


I was trying really hard not to make this post over the past few days to avoid bumping it myself but people just keep buying into his crap I just had to point it out. ;)


Get over it, lol.

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31 more views and this thing foes 100,000 views. That impressive.


100.500 and something. It shows people are interested to hear what the development team plans on doing about so many deserted servers. Where do we go from here with such few choices left?

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100.500 and something. It shows people are interested to hear what the development team plans on doing about so many deserted servers. Where do we go from here with such few choices left?


Or we're interested in your performance art.

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The development team have posted on this thread? I must have missed that.


No, but with 2300 plus replies you can bet everything you have they are reading it. At some point they will have to respond and let us kno9w what their future plans are about these dead servers and the decaying player base. Hopefully sooner than later.

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No, but with 2300 plus replies you can bet everything you have they are reading it. At some point they will have to respond and let us kno9w what their future plans are about these dead servers and the decaying player base. Hopefully sooner than later.


You remember how a good chunk of the posts was just you repeating the definition of Denial? Yeah, even if they were still reading up till that point, they probably switched off after that. And since the servers aren't actually dead (unless you count your "proof", like telling us the population of a server on a Tuesday morning at 4am local time as proof the server is dead), there is nothing to reply to.


Oh, and if you think the number of replies mean they MUST reply... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=644159 - 5872 replies, no yellow triangle

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You remember how a good chunk of the posts was just you repeating the definition of Denial? Yeah, even if they were still reading up till that point, they probably switched off after that. And since the servers aren't actually dead (unless you count your "proof", like telling us the population of a server on a Tuesday morning at 4am local time as proof the server is dead), there is nothing to reply to.


Oh, and if you think the number of replies mean they MUST reply... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=644159 - 5872 replies, no yellow triangle


I didn't say they MUST reply. You said that. I said you can bet everything you own that they have and most likely are reading it. Why must you always twist everything I say? You never stop either.

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I didn't say they MUST reply. You said that. I said you can bet everything you own that they have and most likely are reading it. Why must you always twist everything I say? You never stop either.


Sorry, I must have misread


At some point they will have to respond
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Yep the game has died and will lose more subs as time go on, a few reasons are in play here, mainly the bad and incapable engine that the game runs on, some poor decisions to change the make up of the game and move into solo content and the fact that EA has shown in their presentation that Bioware as a studio is now invested in Action genre rather than RPGs in order for EA to make more money by that kind of games.... after all the lack of support behind this game and its development from EA has been notorious and it really shows to even new players who log in to come across broken quests/events or long queue times in pvp/pve and in general lack of players. As most of us know this was supposed to be an mmo where players stay sub to get lots of content to raid/pvp and at least stable game engine, and none of these are really present. a couple of wz every 3 years or operations that far apart is the sore reason no one stays sub for long, why would we stay sub to a game for an hour a month worth of story which is in fact a lot of cutscene and usually has many many bugs introduced by each chapter? On the other hand, the challenge has been taken away from this game, no more difficulty in leveling/raiding/fp (which is how you actually learn your class by the way) you just fire up a game with a level one character do 5 quests and congratulations! you are now level 10! you want to do a fp? no problem here either do it solo and have a robot tank/heal/dps for you or do a tactical with an all dps team where levels vary from 10-65s ... in most cases the flashpoints used to be tied into the quests and made sense and were relevant to the level unlike now where you just are boosted to level 65 with your 3 baby abilities of level 12 or what ever and you watch as the 65s kill things around you... Who are we kidding the stuff is mainly from the games release and they keep making it "relevant" by uping its level.. happened at 55, then at 60 and now at 65... where is new content? how many bloddy times can we run the flash point hammer station or EV ops? please don't argue that the stuff is relevant still because it is level 65 now, or that you are perfectly happy with the game because the chapter format is perfect.. its not, I mean it doesn't even have replay value once you hit the Kotfe. the game was dying before hand and this chapter format is now helping it. I'm going to cut it short here because I can just keep going on about the issues that will never be addressed as they never have been for all these years either
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I was just noticing that this thread is now on page 6 of the all time most viewed posts out of 1005 since launch. And while I was there I was reading this.




Very interesting nostalgia from 2012. I remember it like it was yesterday. It has almost the same exact flavor of this post and obviously the same exact concerns as we do today. The only difference I see from 2012 to this post here is that back then they had ALOT of servers to run to. And this post clearly points out that we have reached the end of the rope. And I believe the development team owes us some answers of what if anything they are planning to do to avoid this perfect storm this game is heading into. Very interesting read and I remember reading it in 2012 like it was yesterday.


There were lots of deniers on the boards back then, too. 'Games not dying', 'This will never go f2p' , 'I like small server pops', 'My guild's fine', etc...

Edited by Savej
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There were lots of deniers on the boards back then, too. 'Games not dying', 'This will never go f2p' , 'I like small server pops', 'My guild's fine', etc...


Yeah, and look how wrong they were. 4 years on and........we're still here? Ah, well. I'm sure it's dying THIS time. Or maybe the next time. Third time at the latest. Definitely.........maybe.

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Yeah, and look how wrong they were. 4 years on and........we're still here? Ah, well. I'm sure it's dying THIS time. Or maybe the next time. Third time at the latest. Definitely.........maybe.


Yeah - after two merges and going f2p - everything was perfectly hunky dory ;>

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Yeah, and look how wrong they were. 4 years on and........we're still here? Ah, well. I'm sure it's dying THIS time. Or maybe the next time. Third time at the latest. Definitely.........maybe.


Yeah I know Crazy. They were so wrong that shortly after that we went from 188 US servers alone to now just 8, APAC servers completely shut down across the board, and EU down to 8 servers from 170. And what makes things even worse than that is out of the 8 server that are actually left, most of them are wrecked and desolate. So yeah even back then people saw what was coming. And now what are we left with as far as choices? Not much. This game has reached the end of the rope. There is no rabbit to pull from the hat. Minus the formation of a mega server very soon the remaining server left with people will look like POT5 quickly at the current rate that the player base is dissolving.


The bottom line is that some people have discernment and other don't. And for anyone that has discernment it was easy to see what direction things were and are going. For someone who doesn't have discernment it is very difficult to understand or see clearly. So attacking the people who see clearly is really your only option.


The fact that the people in 2012 and 2013 saw clearly that this game was heading for disaster was iron stamped by the game going from 188 US servers to 8 in a very short period of time. And no matter how nard you kick and scream against those people it doesn't change the fact that they were absolutely correct and spot on. To me it was easy to see then and it is easy to see now. But I also understand not everyone has the capacity to see that. Kicking and screaming that the game is not dead is not going to change anything. Your not going to breathe life into this game by kicking and screaming and hating people like me who see things for what they are. All it does is hurt your foot and weaken your voice. Kick and scream all you want. I see what I see and the fact that you hate it or don't like it doesn't change me or what I say 1 tiny bit.


Like I said earlier you can judge a man by his friends. You could also judge a man by his enemies. And the fact that some of you hate me is worn like a badge of honor. It strengthens my resolve.

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Like I said earlier you can judge a man by his friends. You could also judge a man by his enemies. And the fact that some of you hate me is worn like a badge of honor. It strengthens my resolve.


I don't hate you. :(


I've had to tell people this before, and it still saddens me that people think that way. The people on these forums don't all fit into the same box, it's a rainbow of character types, that make up this community. Some are at one end of the spectrum, some at the other, and plenty more, the silent majority, are somewhere in between.


We are a family (much bigger family than you think, maybe ;)), and like all families we can have fights and arguments, but if I hated you I wouldn't even bother to argue with you, I'd just walk away. I've agreed with you on several points, I've disagreed with you on a lot more. The same goes for everyone one here. Some I agree with more, some I disagree with more, but at the end of the day, we're all here to play this game, and try to make it the best we can.


In the end, we ARE a family, and whether I disagree with you or not, doesn't mean I don't appreciate you.

:jawa_biggrin::jawa_biggrin::jawa_biggrin: (All those emoticons, and none with hearts?)

Edited by CrazyCT
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Like I said earlier you can judge a man by his friends. You could also judge a man by his enemies. And the fact that some of you hate me is worn like a badge of honor. It strengthens my resolve.


Hate you? You give me too much credit, I'm too lazy to feel. The closest I've ever come to being bothered to hate is Blue... And maybe Max (Killjoy, not Ownage).

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Hate you? You give me too much credit, I'm too lazy to feel. The closest I've ever come to being bothered to hate is Blue... And maybe Max (Killjoy, not Ownage).


Wth is Killjoy these days anyways? And how can you come close to hating him? :p


I think hate's too strong of a sentiment for most people on online forums. I think certain people have some mental issues and need a reality check or you know, go breathe in some fresh air for a while but I wouldn't go as far as hating anyone. I think MCB is a muppet half the time and I shake my head at how he words stuff and bangs on about certain things I disagree with but I don't hate him. I spend my 15 bucks to play the game and have fun, he spends his to post 'game is dead' threads, 'sound the alarm' and perform in-game population analytics. Each to their own right?

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Wth is Killjoy these days anyways? And how can you come close to hating him? :p



Hopefully having fun in the game. If he's dropped out again I'll miss him. He makes me think.

Edited by IanArgent
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I think hate's too strong of a sentiment for most people on online forums.
Agreed. Unless the feeling lasts after you log out off the forums, it's not "hate". I reserve my hate for those who truly interfere with my enjoyment of life. I've yet to encounter a videogame forum poster who wields such influence. Drivers who don't use turn signals? Totally worth hating. Eggplant ... the vilest of all vegetables? I hate eggplant ... and I'm not that fond of those who don't hate eggplant. The authors of anything on a gaming forum? Not so much. Also, I'm pretty sure that before I'd allow my emotions towards a specific poster to reach the point of "hate", I'd just put that poster on /ignore. Edited by Thoronmir
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Wth is Killjoy these days anyways? And how can you come close to hating him? :p


I think hate's too strong of a sentiment for most people on online forums. I think certain people have some mental issues and need a reality check or you know, go breathe in some fresh air for a while but I wouldn't go as far as hating anyone. I think MCB is a muppet half the time and I shake my head at how he words stuff and bangs on about certain things I disagree with but I don't hate him. I spend my 15 bucks to play the game and have fun, he spends his to post 'game is dead' threads, 'sound the alarm' and perform in-game population analytics. Each to their own right?


At least im not switching hands every five minutes :p

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