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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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I just came back after taking a 2 month break, and after running through the 2 new chapters. and being told by many that the game is dead. I would have to somewhat agree, at least on the server that I am on. And no I wont transfer servers, I have put way to much time and money into a game just to lose the names i have along with the guilds and so on. If they do a server merger fine, I would accept that. But from what they have said there is not one in the works so when my 3 months are up I will be leaving again. I really miss the way this game was when it was in its hay day.
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I just came back after taking a 2 month break, and after running through the 2 new chapters. and being told by many that the game is dead. I would have to somewhat agree, at least on the server that I am on. And no I wont transfer servers, I have put way to much time and money into a game just to lose the names i have along with the guilds and so on. If they do a server merger fine, I would accept that. But from what they have said there is not one in the works so when my 3 months are up I will be leaving again. I really miss the way this game was when it was in its hay day.


You just made the OP's point. Your story is just 1 of 1000s and 1000s exactly like it. I am frankly shocked that these forums are not riddled with 100s of posts saying exactly what you just said.

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You just made the OP's point. Your story is just 1 of 1000s and 1000s exactly like it. I am frankly shocked that these forums are not riddled with 100s of posts saying exactly what you just said.


That's because bioware and its drone army, along with its army of players that have been brainwashed, push those forum post away to hide the darkness.


The fact that a little light can hide lots of dark is something we can relate here. The game is in a dark time, it is falling. Money is being spent on it, but that's the CM, not subs... Lack of subs means lack of consistency of players. SWTOR is becoming more like a Freemium mobile game app, just pay what you want here and there on a weekly or bi-weekly or monthly basis on the CM and it gives this illusion that the game is "profitable". Hence why the shift to developing mediocre/garbage content and geared toward making shiny stuff to put on CM and so much rework with the CM.


However, with all this darkness in the game, Bioware projects the CM and other little things as these beacons of light. Even a little weak light puts out much darkness in a room. The more hype that is projected by BW/EA, the more projected light they seem to shed. However, many see through the light for what the light is hiding. The light is great, it can expose things, but it also hides things as well. EA has used "light" for hiding, not for exposing. The players have used the light to expose though and see through it. To argue differently is to be naïve. This game is not even close nor will ever be close to how it was 2-3yrs ago.

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Yes, yes, I see now... anyone who disagrees with you has been "brainwashed". :rolleyes:


Meanwhile, I haven't touched KotFE, I've never touched PvP, and I pretty much do about 1 or 2 random Ops a month as a favor for a friend to fill in for a rage-quit or something if I happen to be on.


The server I'm on has players on all the time, the content I enjoy doing is always available, and I'm having fun doing what I'm doing.


But, you know, enjoying the game and not seeing all these signs of IMMPENNDING DOOOOOOOM makes me "brainwashed".


What's next... are you going to start spamming the definition of "denial" at us? :rolleyes:

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Yes, yes, I see now... anyone who disagrees with you has been "brainwashed". :rolleyes:


Meanwhile, I haven't touched KotFE, I've never touched PvP, and I pretty much do about 1 or 2 random Ops a month as a favor for a friend to fill in for a rage-quit or something if I happen to be on.


The server I'm on has players on all the time, the content I enjoy doing is always available, and I'm having fun doing what I'm doing.


But, you know, enjoying the game and not seeing all these signs of IMMPENNDING DOOOOOOOM makes me "brainwashed".


What's next... are you going to start spamming the definition of "denial" at us? :rolleyes:


^^ Worthy of a full requote, for emphasis.


And thank you Max.... saved me having to make essentially the same counter-post to that nonsense. :)

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T...this illusion that the game is "profitable"....


What does that even mean? There is no illusion, the game is profitable; or it'd have been shut down already. Unless there's significant "outside" investment, you can't create an "illusion" of profitability, and there's no source of that for SWTOR, no VC funds looking for unicorns, and EA is siphoning money to pay their licensing fees, rather than putting in investment.

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Yes, yes, I see now... anyone who disagrees with you has been "brainwashed". :rolleyes:


Meanwhile, I haven't touched KotFE, I've never touched PvP, and I pretty much do about 1 or 2 random Ops a month as a favor for a friend to fill in for a rage-quit or something if I happen to be on.


The server I'm on has players on all the time, the content I enjoy doing is always available, and I'm having fun doing what I'm doing.


But, you know, enjoying the game and not seeing all these signs of IMMPENNDING DOOOOOOOM makes me "brainwashed".


What's next... are you going to start spamming the definition of "denial" at us? :rolleyes:



You don't enjoy the game, or the direction that you perceive the game is headed? Perfectly valid opinion.


It's when you start going on about how anyone who does enjoy the game and/or its current direction must be lying or delusional or a paid shill or whatever that you lose all credibility.


News flash: some people just genuinely enjoy different things when it comes to entertainment.

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You just made the OP's point. Your story is just 1 of 1000s and 1000s exactly like it. I am frankly shocked that these forums are not riddled with 100s of posts saying exactly what you just said.


Most of the people have already expressed their feelings about exactly what this person said. Years ago these forums were riddled with unbelievable amounts of anger towards this game. I mean like pages and pages of full out rage. It has calmed down a bit because people do exactly like this guy has done. Resub, realize game is dying and stale and unsub. A lot of people expressed themselves years ago and don't bother wasting their time coming to the forums. They learned the hard way that no matter how many people are furious and no matter how many people unsub, the powers to be could not care less.


Now we are down to only one server that is worth playing with frequent que pops and a lot of activity 24/7. But like I said even the last server TheHarbringer has started its decent. And without server to server que system or the formation of 1 mega server, this games life support machine may be finally turned off.

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Most of the people have already expressed their feelings about exactly what this person said. Years ago these forums were riddled with unbelievable amounts of anger towards this game. I mean like pages and pages of full out rage. It has calmed down a bit because people do exactly like this guy has done. Resub, realize game is dying and stale and unsub. A lot of people expressed themselves years ago and don't bother wasting their time coming to the forums. They learned the hard way that no matter how many people are furious and no matter how many people unsub, the powers to be could not care less.


No, it's very much reverse. Now is when the fourms are full of anger and bashing of this game. From launch to SOR, it wasn't completely positive, but they were no where near as as angry as the forums these days.

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No, it's very much reverse. Now is when the fourms are full of anger and bashing of this game. From launch to SOR, it wasn't completely positive, but they were no where near as as angry as the forums these days.

The forums are slow as hell these days...the front page used to roll over in less than 30 min. Comparing then to now is pointless.

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Today, I stumbled across a LOTRO forum thread from 2008, in which the call went out for volunteers on our server to act as unofficial in-game "mentors" to new players. Just make our character names public so players can reach out to us in the game for help or advice. Being the helpful old man that I am, I, of course volunteered. But I did so while emphasizing that I was not the Hunter to contact if all a player wanted was free swag or a high level to hold their hand through their quests. Rather, I would pass along the wisdom I had gleaned while playing LOTRO. I'm more of a "teach a man to fish" guy than one who likes to "give a man a fish." I mention this because I'd forgotten the pearl of wisdom with which I closed my post, but I think it still applies to all aspects of life:


"Light a fire for a man, and he stays warm for one night.

Light a man on fire, and he stays warm for the rest of his life."


TUXs is right ... the forums are slow lately.

Edited by Thoronmir
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I love Star Wars, But this game doesn't even feel like Star Wars anymore. I like some of the change they made but really hate others. I find myself asking one question over and over, what is the point. what am I striving for in this game, and I cant seem to answer that question. Crafting is pointless, nothing in game is better then what I can get off the Cartel Market. I loved the Idea of stronghold but hate the way they implemented them. GSF could have been really good but they should have put more thought behind control and balance and it has a even worse que then pvp and ranked pvp. I have been here since launch and took 2 months off because I got burnt out and half my guild left when they Nerf bombed companions. I didn't care about the nerf at first but like I said when half your guild leaves because it. well then it pissed me off. I will just leave it alone now nothing can be done so I will stop there. I think the Alliance system could have been great. but now feel whats the point, to collect them all and make every one the same what fun is that. I do believe everyone should be allowed to be able to achieve the same things, but somethings should be a accomplishment and not luck or a endless wallet. And to end this, I have a serious question to the veteran players that say they are still having fun. What are you guys doing to keep it fun?
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. What are you guys doing to keep it fun?


1. I don't think crafting is pointless.

2. All the other game features you mentioned (PVP, GSF, etc.) I don't give a flip about and never will.

3. I create interesting characters, like a female pureblood sith smuggler, then sit around /punishing Corso

4. I like to decorate strongholds

5. I'm a guild leader, so I spend a lot of my time online recruiting (400+ strong both Imp and pub guilds!)

6. I enjoy the stories. With 30+ toons, I'd better.

7. I like running around the countryside doing side quests, bonus areas of planets, etc.

8. Dressing up my companions in ridiculous outfit combinations.

Probably more, if I thought about it.

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TUXs is right ...

As usual :mon_cool:

the forums are slow lately.

Symptom of a slow game and bored players. We're all switching from the frontal lobe to the feral part of the brain that replaces more socialized and engaging behavior with poop fingerpainting on the walls.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Now we are down to only one server that is worth playing with frequent que pops and a lot of activity 24/7. But like I said even the last server TheHarbringer has started its decent. And without server to server que system or the formation of 1 mega server, this games life support machine may be finally turned off.


It's cute how you still think PvP is a factor whatsoever in this game lol.


But deep down you must know you're just one step above that guy screeming his lungs off that the game is dead and burried because GSF is dead.



Fact of the matter is game is not dead/near death, it's just catering to the segment of its player base you loathe/whose very existence you deny. To great financial success too apparently. Sux finding out you're not the center of the universe, I know.

Edited by aeterno
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It's cute how you still think PvP is a factor whatsoever in this game lol.


But deep down you must know you're just one step above that guy screeming his lungs off that the game is dead and burried because GSF is dead.



Fact of the matter is game is not dead/near death, it's just catering to the segment of its player base you loathe/whose very existence you deny. To great financial success too apparently. Sux finding out you're not the center of the universe, I know.


Strange reading stuff like this.


Last time that I was an active player, it was PvP that was pretty much keeping this game afloat before it finally went f2p.

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Strange reading stuff like this.


Last time that I was an active player, it was PvP that was pretty much keeping this game afloat before it finally went f2p.


Really? What aspects of PvP were "keeping the game afloat"? The 4 on 4 FPs with PvE objectives? OW PvP on servers that were screaming for a merge? Just curious, because I see this claim a lot in PvEcentric MMOs, such as DDO. Where there is no OW PvP, and what PvP there is, is limited to cantina brawl areas, and duels.


Personally, I don't see organized teabagging, the only thing that PvP is good for even now, as being the only thing keeping this game afloat.

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Really? What aspects of PvP were "keeping the game afloat"? The 4 on 4 FPs with PvE objectives? OW PvP on servers that were screaming for a merge? Just curious, because I see this claim a lot in PvEcentric MMOs, such as DDO. Where there is no OW PvP, and what PvP there is, is limited to cantina brawl areas, and duels.


Personally, I don't see organized teabagging, the only thing that PvP is good for even now, as being the only thing keeping this game afloat.


He was trolling you with confirmation bias, IMO. :) Pretty normal bias from the avid PvPers... because to them PvP is the only thing that matters.

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The forums are slow as hell these days...the front page used to roll over in less than 30 min. Comparing then to now is pointless.


I had the same thought the what makes it sort of worse is even though it's seemingly slower than it has been in the past there is seemingly more doom and gloom threads than ever before. So less overall posts/topics but more posts/topics about doom n gloom or some issue with the direction of the game?


Doesn't make overly positive reading.

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1. I don't think crafting is pointless.

2. All the other game features you mentioned (PVP, GSF, etc.) I don't give a flip about and never will.

3. I create interesting characters, like a female pureblood sith smuggler, then sit around /punishing Corso

4. I like to decorate strongholds

5. I'm a guild leader, so I spend a lot of my time online recruiting (400+ strong both Imp and pub guilds!)

6. I enjoy the stories. With 30+ toons, I'd better.

7. I like running around the countryside doing side quests, bonus areas of planets, etc.

8. Dressing up my companions in ridiculous outfit combinations.

Probably more, if I thought about it.


My worry is people like you are a more minority type player ... the casual players ( the ones seemingly making a lot of the complaints ) don't seem interested in creating 30 toons for repeated story etc.


Thus if the game can't keep these casual type players hooked and paying it's going to have trouble long term keeping the lights on.


There is one key thing that is missing from BW that would go a long way to dimming the doom n gloom and possibly even help keep some people subbed and that is some sort of roadmap or direction for the rest of the year.


For example if they know they were going to look at adding in operations towards the end of the year why not announce it now? Doesn't need to be set in stone but all of a sudden people have something to look forward to knowing it's coming.


The only reason I can think of that they aren't going far out in their announcements is that it may in a way spoil the story content ... yet another flaw to this silly episodic direction they've taken if it limits what future content you can say is coming.


Just seems silly to me if they do have some great plans for the rest of the year to not announce them now ... I'm worried if they wait until KoTFE "seasons 1" is done and dusted it may be too late.


Probably not though because if the announcement is kick *** enough it will always draw people back but at least putting it out there now with their usual "lure" of rewards etc. to keep subbed til then might do the trick.


Could there be no announcements because there is just nothing to announce is another concern.

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Really? What aspects of PvP were "keeping the game afloat"? The 4 on 4 FPs with PvE objectives? OW PvP on servers that were screaming for a merge? Just curious, because I see this claim a lot in PvEcentric MMOs, such as DDO. Where there is no OW PvP, and what PvP there is, is limited to cantina brawl areas, and duels.


Personally, I don't see organized teabagging, the only thing that PvP is good for even now, as being the only thing keeping this game afloat.


Um, the 4v4 stuff didn't even exist back then, so no. OW PvP was pretty fun on Ilum and such, but not that. After all, that was about the time that we were discovering that OW PvP in large numbers was simply not ever going to be what Bioware advertised it to be.


Mostly that the old warzones were really popular w/ an active streaming community, while there was only a single Operation out and not really considered challenging. WZs were pretty much the go-to endgame activity for most players while PvE was still being developed and many PvErs were leaving the game, rather than wait for content to be released.


...thus the server merges, as players were leaving the game in droves.


Bioware themselves said that they were surprised by how popular the PvP in SW:TOR had turned out to be, as they had maily focused on the PvE aspect of the game near launch.


Now fast forward 5 years, and the PvP community seems to be languishing while PvE is considered the real meat of the game.


I just find it interesting how things have come pretty much full circle is all.

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He was trolling you with confirmation bias, IMO. :) Pretty normal bias from the avid PvPers... because to them PvP is the only thing that matters.


I'm talking about things being the opposite from what they were from 5 years ago. I'm not sure you have been around long enough to even have any idea what I'm talking about.




However, if you WERE around, back then, perhaps you will remember this quote:


“The first was that although we had not originally planned the game to be heavily PVP-focused, the ease of getting in and playing the Warzones combined with their fun design gave us the highest PvP participation of any modern triple-A MMO. At that point we turned a huge amount of our resources to PVP development"


It was a long time ago, I know, but there was a very large and extremely active PvP community here once upon a time. While PvE was still being worked on, it was this community that helped to keep SWTOR afloat.


There's no "confirmation bias", just a simple statement of facts.

Edited by Varicite
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I'm talking about things being the opposite from what they were from 5 years ago. I'm not sure you have been around long enough to even have any idea what I'm talking about.




However, if you WERE around, back then, perhaps you will remember this quote:


“The first was that although we had not originally planned the game to be heavily PVP-focused, the ease of getting in and playing the Warzones combined with their fun design gave us the highest PvP participation of any modern triple-A MMO. At that point we turned a huge amount of our resources to PVP development"


It was a long time ago, I know, but there was a very large and extremely active PvP community here once upon a time. While PvE was still being worked on, it was this community that helped to keep SWTOR afloat.


There's no "confirmation bias", just a simple statement of facts.


1) Game launched 4years and 3 months ago. Your decision to round up to 5 years is classic for the confirmation bias crowd... exaggerate often... and then do it some more. I have been here since late Beta, except for a period last year when I quit in disgust over the poor handling of 3.0 release and subsequent bad changes in subsequent 3.x patches.


2) You stated that PvP was keeping the game afloat ahead of F2P. You are simply and flat out wrong. Hence, confirmation bias, which you did once again here.. by taking one comment from early after launch and then declaring it your prima facie grounds for trying so hard to sell us on your personal bias. You will use any quote or comment to support your contention, no matter the context. That is first class confirmation bias in action.


Ahead of the F2P conversion, the biggest segment of complainers and quitters of the game were PvPers, followed by raid junkies, followed by people who will only play one character and are not into alts. A lot of PvPers that did not simply quit...in fact went went free-range and rerolled to The Fatman and declared it to be PvP heaven. The PvPers declared The Fatman to be the home of PvP in the US. It was not. They toxified the server and then left in droves as it was well into collapse before it was folded in the last server merge.

Edited by Andryah
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