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Everything posted by Jezusisblack

  1. Seems like your 'team' must suck badly that they cant even handle that sage/sorc. Sage/sorc have light amour. they can heal but they have to cast it. meaning they can be easilly interrupted. So basically they can do 2 things: Speed = pullback or slow but best = stun. Knockback = pulback/stun/silence or jump. Its quite easy to counter if you save the cooldowns for the right moments and dont just spam it... Sorry to say this but most of the players that come here to whine about class OPness are all just a bunch of nuubs. Every class has its greatness and its flaws. Learning how to control them is what makes you a better player. Ofc there wil be guys playing Sorc/Sage who will obliderate you in sec. But so will there be COmmando''s/bountyhunters/Snipers etc.
  2. Instead of whining like total idiots about: "Thats OP nerf! or OMG that cant happen NERF!, stop playing or play your class better. Its not a 1v1 situation its 8 vs 8. Play like a team. If played well not 1 single sorc wil come to your side. If he does its not because of the speed. Its because your team sucked in the first place. We arent running on a *********** running track here! We are playing on a field where you can basically control any fights with cc and teamwork!
  3. Can you guys fix this please? Probably working as intended, but its really annoying. Playing bgs with 4 guild mates its annoying that we have to invite each other after every bg and reque. We tried not inviting but that made us getting other que's or playing against each other. Fun if you want it, but not so funny if you want to team up. We tried to make a Ops group. But then we couldnt even join bgs... Strange cuz whenever you join bgs and you wanne talk the general tab = Ops!
  4. Perhaps EA should do some more research before nerfing anything in their game that came out a couple of days before? Nerfing a prof a couple of days after release with like 80% after months of beta's etc doenst really sounds like a good tought-trough gamedevelopment to me...
  5. Agreed. Stop listening to those retarded nuubie whiners are be ready to lose a lot of subs. It might sound stupid, but its the truth. Gamers are to 'spoiled' these days...
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