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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Please look at the numbers now Bioware.

I am not jumping up and down saying "PUT IT BACK". I am saying, however, that now it loses money.


Why should I pay 1400 credits on a C6 lockbox search for a box that returns 1000 credits?

Why should I pay 1900 credits for a high reward C5 lockbox that returns 1400 credits?

Remember your design goals BW, slicing is a mission skill for non-crafters. It is a way for them to utilize the crew skills to make money or get gear without entering the crafting world. This skill is no longer profitable as a mission skill.


Please consider adjusting it so the profit margin is smaller, not a complete loss now.


Please give BW some constructive forum posts on this topic, thank you.



EDIT 12/28/11 9AM MST

I apologize, I have not been able to keep on top of this properly for the scope of this thread.


Also, the numbers I got were a result of previously unaccepted mission rewards vs the new item system. It appears that there is now a higher chance of uncommon T6 boxes doing the Moderate/Abundant missions so the profit margin isn't quite as atrocious (read: loss) as it initially seemed.



SirFlashington has done me the favor of compiling a live editable google spreadsheet that you can enter your results in. I forsee this getting wildly out of control if not edited responsibly, so if you have constructive feedback that you would like to give to the community and BW, please enter good information.


First you train your skill to raise it and get other items rather credit.


Second all gathering and missions skills make you lose money, GET USED TO IT KID.

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Take Bioanalysis for example.


Exploring the world, i can find a fair amount of materials, for free.

Using Missions, I can find a small amount of materials, for a cost.


Why shouldn't it be the same for Slicing?


By this reasonng you should pull up vendore trash only every so offend when doing Bioanalysis mission. So lets change that so instead of getting 3 mats you sometimes get 1 mat and 2 vender trash so that mission area realy not worth it to you sometime but sometimes we will give you 4 mats.


Just for the record yes I do have a toon level 13 doing Bioanalysis and another level 28 with scavagering. Unlinke Slicing though they can kill strong animals and droids to get the bulk of thier mats and level ups. I do not have the other gathers so I am not sure if thiere is a creature they can kill to get extra mats.

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Also sent back my CE for a refund. If I decide to keep playing i'll just use the money to buy credits from farmers to get into the VIP room and probably spend 10x less.


I cannot wrap my mind around the extent and justification of this nerf. Even after 130+ pages of reading the posts I still don't understand it.

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First you train your skill to raise it and get other items rather credit.


Second all gathering and missions skills make you lose money, GET USED TO IT KID.


Third all gathering and mission skills make you lose money, but at least there is a return of materials. Think before you speak KID.

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Where is the magical land you speak of with plenty of slicing boxes, cause I haven't found it.


You seem to be forgetting that you need a certain level to get mats in the world.


Say you just started slicing. You run into a box that is skill level 50 required. Now you dump a ton of money into slicing just so you can get a box that will probably only net 250 creds? Seems a bit off to me.


The "magical land" (lol cute) is Ilum. The boxes out there, pre-nerf, had the chance to yield 1-6K apiece. Who knows now. One of the reasons I quit WoW was their incessant nerfing that just destroyed the game and Rift wasn't too far behind with that as well. I REALLY, REALLY hope that BW is not walking down that road :( It's not even a month and they're already rendered this skill absolutely useless.


As a sidenote before anyone starts in, I picked up slicing after the nerf as a way to help supplement my other crafting skills cuz I'm constantly broke. Grabbing the slicing nodes in the field was a nice additional income to buy the overpriced stims. But oh well, I'm sure the rest of the game will get nerfed soon enough...

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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Third all gathering and mission skills make you lose money, but at least there is a return of materials. Think before you speak KID.


They're just one of these bitter people, who got upset that people had more money than them.


The fact that Gathering skills are meant to be pure profit skills is lost on them. And yeah - I profit off of sending my crew out on gathering missions, at least - I did till this nerf. Mostly, because I had a market I could sell to.

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Second all gathering and missions skills make you lose money, GET USED TO IT KID.


There is item called "Thermoplast Flux", that is required in all cybertech crafts at fifth tier, you have to get this one way or another. It costs 400 credits per one.

Now, rich scavenging mission for this item costs below 1k credits, and returns 32 items, that from vendor would be worth over 12k


Now please explain to me how exactly I'm losing money.

Edited by Elear
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Third all gathering and mission skills make you lose money, but at least there is a return of materials. Think before you speak KID.


Regarding Gathering Missions, there's a mission in Scavenging called: 'Calius saj Leeloo', it's a 'Rich Yield: Thermoplast Flux', the mission is 2,025 credits. That stuff is 400 credits at the NPC, I usually get 40 - 42 Thermoplast Flux out of this mission. That's 40x400 = 16.000 credits, I save 13,975 credits by doing that mission compared to buying that stuff at the NPC.


Nerf anyone? Or better not? Oh ... maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that ... I can already see the Nerfhammer incoming.

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Regarding Gathering Missions, there's a mission in Scavenging called: 'Calius saj Leeloo', it's a 'Rich Yield: Thermoplast Flux', the mission is 2,025 credits. That stuff is 400 credits at the NPC, I usually get 40 - 42 Thermoplast Flux out of this mission. That's 40x400 = 16.000 credits, I save 13,975 credits by doing that mission compared to buying that stuff at the NPC.


Nerf anyone? Or better not? Oh ... maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that ... I can already see the Nerfhammer incoming.


Haha, I noticed this as well with my scavenging. And UWT. And TH. TH, especially, as the items I get back sell for around what my lockbox yield used to be (selling to vendors, not GTN)

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You can still sell schematics on the Auction House, that's how you make profit...


Schematics are not a guaranteed drop.


Spent 3.7k on 3 missions last night....


Returned 3.2k no Schematics. Also only the gathering skill schematics which are 1 time use are worth it... and even then not every profession will use both yields from a gathering skill so that cuts half your market.



Please do some research before spouting nonsense.

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You can still sell schematics on the Auction House, that's how you make profit...


Uh no you can't - sorry :( As a slicer, I'm cutting off the rest of the people out here that caused this nerf. All schematics are going to my alts and I suggest the rest of you slicers out there to do the same; time to be Sith here and hold the financial community by the throat...

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Yeah, definitely troll. Seeing as how we have spreadsheets with excessive data entries that clearly indicate a ~70% nerf.


Until he shows some math, I call troll ^^


best I can offer to do is Screencap before/afters of my money, but you'll dismiss that as "You're sending / recieving 20-50k from people!"

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Because I know how to turn a profit on Slicing? lol, keep tryin' bro.


Just tell them that you're cruising through Illum and open all the safes spread over the area, and as long as noone else is doing that you're getting a huge profit. Who knows how long this will last, so stop prolling around, word spreads fast.

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