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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I'm just figuring out this whole crew skills and missions thing, so I may be a noob. I'm trying to figure out what all the complaints are about.


I just sent my guy on a mission that costed 95. He returned with a lockbox that had 181 credits. I sent him on a mission again that costed 95, and he came back with a lockbox with 125 credits, AND an Energy shield schematic.


Am I missing something ?


Yes, statistical significance. :)

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"One day after patch, and it's about 5 AM CST (which seems to be the time they run on). Chill out, maybe they're just not in right now. They have a lot to do, and dealing with the entitlement of people who are now angry they aren't making stupid amounts of profit probably isn't priority one. I hope they fix the issue as well, creds are a ***** enough as is, and I'd like to have a way to be self sufficient in making them as much as possible."


"However, given how many people were abusing it, dropping it too low is a reasonable reaction right now. Better people aren't screwing up the economy while they figure out the best way to maintain it with reasonable profits, then just let people keep abusing it."

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I spent countless hours since the twentieth (playing on a release-day server) getting my slicing up to 400, and my Scavenging and Armormech above 200. Even at 400, you still fail C5 Slicing missions. Now I log on after taking a break for Holiday festivities and I can't earn ****. I can't help my guildies out with their mounts. I can barely afford new gear for my companions (which I absolutely NEED as a mid-30s Sentinel). New skills are going to have to wait. Repairing armor (which, again, happens frequently as a mid-30s Sentinel) is going to become unaffordable.


You virtually nullified about 40 hours of companion time. Thanks a bunch, BioWare. I've stopped recommending this game to people as of now. The half-break from the usual grind of MMOs was nice while it lasted.


I'm either going to re-roll as a Commando or quit. I don't know as of this moment, but you've got a lot of convincing to do as for why you now deserve my $15/mo.

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I've noticed im losing more credits now after i spent hours getting to 400. I think this really needs to be fixed and if other problems are resolved by similar means it's gonna be time to put the game down for good I think.


We all make mistakes but it really depends on how they chose to rectify it that counts. At the very least, explain their reasoning behind what they did rather than leave us peeved.

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Once again-what interdependency you're talking about? The only useful crafting skill out there is Biochem...Colored crystals are fun and all, but ultimately don't provide a bang for the buck.


As for voicing our concerns, well, you're awfully optimistic :rolleyes:


lol the interdependency I'm talking about is the rare crewskills missions for your bioanalysis and diplomacy that you won't get with just those skills or rare schematics you can't purchase from vendors.


Biochem is a great crewskill. No denying that. However you will need the fun colored crystals to min/max out your dps/crit/etc. as well the other crewskills for crafted items from schematics we haven't even seen yet.


Technically, you can just use one crafting crewskill with the accompanying gathering and special mission crewskills. But you will miss out.


lol and yes voicing our concerns is how change starts.

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I don't normally post on forums, but I have to say the nerf is a little too much. I am still making a profit, but barely. The time it takes for a companion to do the later lockbox missions takes too long and turns in a minimal profit...or a small negative profit. The slicing should be fixed to give more profit, but not back to what it was/or make the time it takes companions to do missions take less time.
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Just got done sending my companions out for a total of 20 missions (Bountiful/Rich) -- net loss of 3.6k. Completely pointless. The credit boxes I picked on on Alderaan in the meantime (the 'gathering' aspect of this skill) netted me about 1.5k, so after 3 hours, this awesome skill netting me -2.1k. I mean really...


I'm not crying over losing 2k, but considering before the nerf I'd profit around 5k after those 3 hours (doing missions and gathering lockboxes), yeah I have to agree slicing got nerfed bad.

Edited by Consiga
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Please look at the numbers now Bioware.

I am not jumping up and down saying "PUT IT BACK". I am saying, however, that now it loses money.


Why should I pay 1400 credits on a C6 lockbox search for a box that returns 1000 credits?

Why should I pay 1900 credits for a high reward C5 lockbox that returns 1400 credits?

Remember your design goals BW, slicing is a mission skill for non-crafters. It is a way for them to utilize the crew skills to make money or get gear without entering the crafting world. This skill is no longer profitable as a mission skill.


Please consider adjusting it so the profit margin is smaller, not a complete loss now.


Please give BW some constructive forum posts on this topic, thank you.




I don't think the nerf has been in place to look at this over the long haul 100 slices or 1000 slices.. no one has taken into consideration average amount of crits or whatever recipes found for classes, etc..etc..


every gathering class will end up in the negative from their products if all they do is send companions out.

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+1, fix the higher level slicing missions. Right now I'm torn between dumping the now worthless skill for another, or if I should wait to see if they rebalance it. I don't want to lose my high skill level, but there's just no point in keeping it if all it does is waste my credits.
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well as far as i can tell...


when this patch hit i was 30, with ~250k when i logged on after 1.01



and now im going to bed at lv 32 with ~400k...



while im not 100% sure how much came from slicing and how much came from the bit of PVP and heroics/quests i did... being up 150k while buying all skills every level and staying upto date with my mods in my 7 orange pieces of gear, id say slicing is still pretty darn profitable...


this doesn't even count all the missions/ schematics i picked up...


now that i think about it i spent most of my play time farming "the first" and the Dr. for my new toon im going to make so most of that is slicing...

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Well a simple fix for the current "i pay credits to mostly lose credits" dilemma would be to just reduce the mission costs by 20-30% and maybe add a Rich lv4 lockbock Mission and a Bountifull lv6 one - won't be op but at least it would be a profit.


Alternatly just add back in the Beta Chance of Item Lockboxes similar to Treasure Hunting is right now.


Couse atm Slicing just isn't worth ist anymore.


Augments are cool in concept - but well you need 3 and ur set (1 x ear and 2 x implants) - not counting the off-chance of a augment proc on a raid reciepe Drop Craft that might happen in some weeks if your lucky.


And augments before max well - they don't sell at all.


Missions, some are nice but well if they aren't a Bonus but the main thing you Slice for its nothing to write home about either.


And Cyber Recepies - well most aren't worth a thing (the space ones lock good but well starting 50 you most probably won't run space missions anyway and the BoP ones...)

Edited by Lyandria
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Yes well, there are also those who have already made 700k + credits that don't want others to make credits so that they can be the "financial overlords" and that leads to them coming here and telling how good this fix is, when they sit there with 4 million credits like one of the previous posters.


If this fix stays, I vote for everyone who has more than 500k credits pay a tax deduction of 95% and then see how they feel about it.


Slicing was made for making credits, now its only there for augments. Yay.


Slicing removed the need for gold sellers. Oddly enough, after the patch I've never seen so many gold sellers about, borderline celebrating the new patch. Extreme changes like this makes me have second thoughts about the game as well (even though its a very awesome game, drastic changes like this scare me)

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Well I never made a 100k in 3 hours or whatever.


I did use it to finance all my other crafting. Now they are idle because there is no source of income.

When you are leveling crafting you make the cheapest item that will give you a skill increase. No one will buy these items so you rev-eng for small return on mats. Even if you learn a schematic no one is going to pay much got a low level blue or purple since everyone is still leveling and you will soon outgrow the gear.


I want this game prosper and hold a strong player base so if nerfing slicing into oblivion is what is needed (though obviously that is not the case) then I guess its OK. However I don't see a way to craft hardcore without some mechanism to bring creds in to the crafters



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+1, fix the higher level slicing missions. Right now I'm torn between dumping the now worthless skill for another, or if I should wait to see if they rebalance it. I don't want to lose my high skill level, but there's just no point in keeping it if all it does is waste my credits.


Same, it's basically totally pointless.

I'm making a loss on it, frankly I'd have been happy with them just making the missions take longer to do, slowing down the credit gain, it wasn't free money it just cut out the middle man, crafting ultimately is there to save you money, you make your items and either wear them or sell them. Slicing cut out the middle man and the real issue was that it was too quick to make money, not that it made money.


It was a gathering profession, the whole point of it was to make profit, not lose it. Now it's pointless, I only used it to put money into my crafting and also into the economy.


I took it because it suited my character and I'm on a role-play server but I think I'll think something else up.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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Please, for the love of balance, change it so that the least amount possible from a mission covers the cost. If every single mission at least recovered the base cost to deploy a crew member it'd still be worth sending them out for the chance at crits. Even before patch the tier 6 missions were almost worthless since there are no bountiful or rich.
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Please look at the numbers now Bioware.

I am not jumping up and down saying "PUT IT BACK". I am saying, however, that now it loses money.


Why should I pay 1400 credits on a C6 lockbox search for a box that returns 1000 credits?

Why should I pay 1900 credits for a high reward C5 lockbox that returns 1400 credits?

Remember your design goals BW, slicing is a mission skill for non-crafters. It is a way for them to utilize the crew skills to make money or get gear without entering the crafting world. This skill is no longer profitable as a mission skill.


Please consider adjusting it so the profit margin is smaller, not a complete loss now.


Please give BW some constructive forum posts on this topic, thank you.


Slicing is supposed to return your ITEMS and a bit of money, you spend money on the missions for the chance to get good items for yourself, slicing is not supposed to return pure money to you

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Now that I made enough money to level up some mission skills on alts, I'm making far, far, far more money selling those materials. T2 and T3 diplomacy and investigation mats sell for a ridiculous amount of money. I usually make 2-3k a mission, after I sell the mats, 10k+ if I get a good crit. QQers jealous about being poor because they don't know how to avoid spending money on useless crap gonna get those nerfed into oblivion next?
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Slicing is supposed to return your ITEMS and a bit of money, you spend money on the missions for the chance to get good items for yourself, slicing is not supposed to return pure money to you


Uhm, you are somewhat wrong there... Money was the ressource that slicing was the gathering profession for.


The schematics and missions are rare drops and not a steady ressource.

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From the runs I've done, it looks like all they did was nerf the hell out of the returns on Rich missions. Returns on Bountiful and below seems to be about the same. Pre-fix, Rich was (on average) about a 100% return on investment and Bountiful about 50%. Now Rich is more or less a flat 0% return while Bountiful remains at 50%. I haven't tested but I would guess that Moderate / Abundant are still the same as well. Actually, wouldn't surprise me if all they did was cut/paste the Moderate data into the Rich column (or whatever the appropriate Excel analogy is) since Moderate has always been about 0% for me. Lazy.


I just run Bountiful missions now and still make money. Not as much, obviously, but eh whatchagonnado.

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Slicing is supposed to return your ITEMS and a bit of money, you spend money on the missions for the chance to get good items for yourself, slicing is not supposed to return pure money to you


...er, yes it was. That was the whole point of it.


Now that I made enough money to level up some mission skills on alts, I'm making far, far, far more money selling those materials. T2 and T3 diplomacy and investigation mats sell for a ridiculous amount of money. I usually make 2-3k a mission, after I sell the mats, 10k+ if I get a good crit. QQers jealous about being poor because they don't know how to avoid spending money on useless crap gonna get those nerfed into oblivion next?


I keep seeing replies like this, you know it's very likely that the people you were making your money off were slicers willing to pay your stupid high costs.

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