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Everything posted by Mazaroth

  1. Hmm you may be right as I reread over the posts, but in the end, if anyone is offended by a conversation I am sharing in a general forum/chat covered by the EULA that I agree to by signing in that also violates a part of that EULA, then I MAY be reported/ignored as other players see fit. It will be up to the EA to decide if I was wrong in my behavior, conversation, etc. and assign a fitting punishment. And that is what it comes down to. 1) SWTOR the game and forums are NOT protected by any constitutional rights to free speech or any other misinterpretation of freedom/civil rights. The game and forums and any IP belonging to EA/BW/Lucas are private property and subject to corporate ruling that are further protected by law governing those corporate property rights. 2) It doesn't matter how high your (a player, not necessarily you ) threshold for insulting, inappropriate, off color, or any questionable behavior is or what you deem acceptable. The EULA outlines what is and is not acceptable. It's like an amusement park. You can be loud and reenact episodes of Jack***. You can discuss politics or sexual deviations of all kinds. But if you offend, annoy, or harass other customers at the park, even by your conversations overheard, you can be warned or thrown out.
  2. lol the movies were sparse and full of loop holes concerning lore and background information on just about everything. They certainly are not the end of all of the Star Wars canon but the start of all. If we go by the movies for all lore and information, then the galaxy would be a small, nondescript place with too many unanswered questions and even more speculation.
  3. Mazaroth

    Revert Ilum to 1.0

    How does playing a character on a faction with a higher population make a player "ezy-moder"? It's not as if faction populations were decided before the game came out and the Illuminati decided to manipulate a massive character roll on one faction vs. another for "easy mode" gear runs. . . . Or did they?
  4. Farm the first Instance, BT on empire side. You can do it in under 15 mins at any level with the magic space bar (only recommended if you experienced the story before), get ~160 social points, and few hundred lightside/darkside points based on your conversation.
  5. lol Where to start?! For the armchair legal professionals attempting to dissect what is or is not specifically considered harassment or violation of the ELUA and that you have the right to say what you want and how you want to say it: You are obviously bright enough to attempt compelling arguments for what you believe to be an impedance to your free speech and/or ability to speak on various topics freely. I would hope you could use that wit to see that the topic of this thread is not concerned with any rights or liberties in the real world. Now, I'm leaning over a ledge here, assuming you are also bright enough to know that there is definitely a line that gets crossed in most chat with younger, attention starved gamers and not quite adult in mind yet certainly adult in age gamers. The game is for enjoyment, enjoyment of the atmosphere, the storylines, the experience, and even of other fellow gamers. The game is not a venue to discuss offensive topics and materials. It's not intended for people to share offensive material in the form of slurs, jokes, sexuality, obscenities, insults, or anything that detracts and deters the enjoyment of the game. It's really that simple. That is why there is a harassment/violation policy/agreement. And also why players can report/ignore others. Note that it has absolutely nothing to do with how one conducts themselves in private or around friends or in any place outside the the game. Be foul, perverted, fun, witty, clever banterer, political activist, lobbyist, or foolish loudmouth; it is all ok and acceptable in the comfort of your personal space. That personal space ends when you log into the forums or game. With that said, there are indeed alot of gamers that are indeed <censored> and lack many aspects of self control, decency, and social & self awareness. There always will be. That is where reporting and ignoring become valuable to one's sanity. Civility is a rare trait. Especially in a format were there are no true repercussions.
  6. ok, ok, I give up! My intention was not to turn this into who's playstyle is better or mandatory or whatever you guys are trying to twist here. But I'll put my reply to you guys who don't seem to be able to read and understand at the same time anyway. The OP is/was curious about how other players gain social points. There is only one way and that is to group for dialogue choices. There is some good advice on finding people to group with in this thread. Don't be shy about asking, but don't be annoying either. I would first bring it up with your guild since that was the first problem you mentioned.
  7. You can kinda didn't read or understand my post. So, to begin: No, it's not my interpretation of multiplayer. That is the general understood and accepted definition. Multiplayer means many players in an online environment to interact with. Really, you can google it. I never stated anywhere in my post about multiplayer meaning a requirement to group. While I agree about the income part, the real purpose of an MMO is to provide players a place to interact and face ever mounting challenges in the specified game environment while making it casually accessible with new content on a regular basis to garner more new and long term subscriptions. We can argue about corporate policy and financial greed in the gaming industry privately or in another thread. And, again, to reiterate my original point. SWTOR IS a MMORPG. It is by design and function a multiplayer game. You can certainly solo and enjoy the game, however you miss well over 2/3rds of the intended content of the game. I am not stating one MUST group to play or that one MUST group to enjoy the game or that one MUST group at all. I was simply refuting the opinion that a MMO is NOT a multiplayer game.
  8. There is an option under preferences>social that allows you have other party members in your story zones, watch/listen to your conversations, and even help with completing your class missions.
  9. Had to jump in since you were so adamant about declaring someone wrong about an MMO. Technically, you are wrong here since MMO stand for Massive Multiplayer Online etc. You certainly can play solo, but it's not a MSO or Massive Singleplayer Online etc. And yes, the entire point and design of an MMO is to play with other people at various points of your gaming experience. By playing solo through out your entire game time you can have an awesome time, no doubt. But you pretty much miss at least 2/3rds of the games intended design/content/social intentions/etc. Skyrim, Fable, Fall Out, and games of that ilk are great examples of intended solo play games designed specifically to played alone without the intention of grouping, socializing, or interacting with other players online.
  10. Are you in a new guild with people you don't know? It's kind of unusual to not have guildies level together or group. I would bring it up to them. Maybe see if they prefer a scheduled guild leveling run. As for social points, I enjoy the silly vanity rewards. Nothing quite as neat as a group of sand people (social reward tier 3 gear sets from tatooine) running about and questing. Or a squadron of imperial pilots (social tier 3 gear from Coruscant) marchign through the space station. I know some people are having issues with social points, but I haven't experienced it. Use the social panel to search for like leveled players in your area and see if they want to group up. Or ask in general chat. Most players on my server are pretty social and helpful.
  11. Thanks for a decent response. I use about the same size monitor, 24" widescreen in 1920x1080. But I also spend all day at work analyzing numbers over 2 monitors, so maybe I have an advantage to looking at everything at once compared to others. BTW I wasn't questioning anyone else's competency. I intended to state I was able to play competently. So feel free to remove any doubt on customization. Soon the customization will be here and hopefully benefits everyone. I'd rather fight a great opponent who whups up on me then a fail player who can't proc.
  12. You can give Saber of Exar Kun a try. Some active republics with raiding guilds too.
  13. Heya! The curve on skill costs and speeder training can take you by surprise. Plus the game economy is still in flux since the game is new and the majority level of players changes every weekend. Are you spending money on anything? The reason I ask is usually with just questing and vendoring trash and greens, I was able to have enough to train my skills and work on crewskills while playing. Are you just doing class quests on a planet and moving on or completing a few more quest chains before leaving? If you don't want to play the GTC (AH) and are playing the game to experience the story and level, I would suggest: 1) Do not pay for vendored items. Between planet commendations and quest rewards, your gear will be upgraded in a reasonable manner. Keep any orange (moddable) gear you can use because buying mods with planet commendations is cheap usually ~2-5 for each mod. 2) Do not spend money on social, exotic, non gathering crewskills, speeders, or anything else really. There are some cool items like the imperial pilot outfit or sand people outfit to buy. Don't. Wait until you have a surplus of cash for each level so your skill upgrades are covered. While you can buy a new speeder at 40, I would save your cash, ride the level 25 speeder, and wait until 50. 3) Sell all your grey, white, and non equipable greens. Sell, sell, sell. While questing, you'll find lots of useless or nice but not for your class items. (I personally find only heavy armor items while playing my Inquisitor and only medium IA armor when playign my Bounty Hunter ). Sell anything that isn't a direct upgrade to your gear or current companion. 4) Choose quest rewards on a certain priority. Quest rewards usually give you a choice of gear for you, planet commendation, companion gear, or a box. Unless the gear for me looks dazzling or entertaining, I pass. Companion gear is good if you have already settled on a certain companion to carry you through questing, otherwise I skip it. Planet commendations are usually easy to come by, so I skip as well. I usually choose the box to get an item to sell. 5) Pick gathering crewskills. Pick a crewskill you can level while questing - without spending money on sending your companions out. You can always change later when you have cash and a better idea on what you want for your toon. You can then sell to players on the same planet as you quest with a tell here and there, or drop off a bundle onto the GTC, or bank for your own (or guild or friend) crafting later. 6) Space Missions. Do space missions daily and upgrade your ship. These are quick and easy credits and XP. Good stress relief from a tough boss or questing as well. There you go, these won;t make you rich. But will keep you in the money while playing and nto have to stress over skill upgrades or an impulse buy for that awesome looking lightsaber/helm. Hope it helps.
  14. On some of the missions they open bonuses or a part of bonus missions. My advice would be to focus on the mission and any visible bonus missions first. Once you mastered the patterns and timing for finishing those, destroy anything and everything else as you repeat them to find the hidden bonus missions.
  15. Maybe you should start playing in 640x480 since you have an issue being blind, handicapped, or incapable. Your first two paragraphs are really unneeded. My post mentioned nothing about any physical or imaginary flaws you may possess or your screen size and resolution. I also play an assassin and rely on my proc based abilities to perform well. I understand the importance of being able to time your procs. Again, I do not understand how it becomes difficult to see you procs/buffs/debuffs while playing competently. That was my query. My thinking, since you have been on too many forums fighting with trolls based on your first strike attempt at sarcasm, is if I can understand what the issue is, maybe I can help, offer a solution, or perhaps I am may not be as observant as I think and am missing something. Thanks for responding though, next time try answering the post you are responding to and don't start with unneeded and poor sarcasm. For the record, I'm not against UI customization. I feel there should always be the option for each player to customize as they see fit to suit their needs.
  16. Yes it does decrease cool downs and casting times, but I don't have numbers on how much of it decreases how much time. I am not familiar with Sith Warriors or Jedi Knights, but I imagine you won't have too many channeled abilities. And other stats would be more important I imagine, such as Str>Acc>Pwr>Crit. I would check the Class forums under Warriors and Knights for good gear stat priorities and better information. If you have any Inquisitor questions or Bounty Hunter, let me know.
  17. I'm not sure alacrity would be good for either. Alacrity can speed up GCD to a max of 1.5 (normal GCD) and speed up channeled spells. Do you have a lot of long casting or slow cool downs that could benefit from it?
  18. I say give the game time to mature. It's just a month old, player populations will equal out in regards to faction. It's entirely waaay to early to start giving benefits or penalties (which I disagree with) to try and balance factions. People will play both sides. I know my guild has plans on having republic side toons to level and storylines to experience. I read many other people doing the same.
  19. lol you started with EQ! I am guessing you don't remember or didn't play in the beginning; during the 20-30 (or more!) minutes of basic traveling which consisted of walking and running, across areas? Not to mention all of those games have had time to mature post retail launch.
  20. If you having 5 minutes for a single transition, than you have much larger issues to be concerned with than a teleport. And to be fair, the budget for the original trilogies was much smaller and Lucas couldn't afford to put in everything he wanted, such as more immersive elements during those transitions scenes. He had to go back later and add them. You'll notice in the newer prequels (shudder at having to use them as a reference) there is much more time spent on transition scenes.
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