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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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i was relying on slicing for leveling crafting on an entire array of 4 total toons.


now, i cannot finance their crafting leveling, so i wont spend money to leveling crafting - else i wont have money for anything else.


and people do not buy anything from the GTN while leveling except for crafters who buy mats to level their crafting - because mission rewards/quest rewards already give anything people need for their chars and their companions. there is no need to spend loads of cash on blues etc to equip for a 10% boost to performance of toons. therefore i wont attempt selling anything i produce either.


i guess many people will do the same, considering how expensive stuff in this game is. 30 k for speeder training etc.


so basically crafting will come to a standstill until this problem is fixed.

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I thought you needed Slicing to get Cybertech schematics? Also you can still go out and gather/harvest lock boxes and make plenty of money. Pretty much they just made it so you can't get rich while afk. Slicing still has a place, just not for the reason such a vast amount of people picked it up for.


Except the return on cybertech schematics is rare, its like a bonus you could get from a mission. You can't just send them out for a schematic. I've made it up to level 200 slicing and found a total of 4 schematics, 2 which were the same. Also, why would I send companions out for a loss for a chance at a schematic? Doesn't seem worth it.

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It was beyond ridiculous, you have to admit.

Now it's brought down to where you have to sell the extra missions and stuff that you get to make profit, just like other profs. When you factor in the extras, you'll still make money it looks like, just not brainlessly like before.

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Well, all the hardcore players have already got the money needed to max everything and get speeder (if they didnt buy it with real money already) and their ships....so they will never change it back now...hardcore are happy.


I'm still trying to figure out the system...got 4 chars at 10-11 and trying to figure out what crafts to give them so most everything is covered.

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I am keeping track of slicing results, and despite the negative results, slicing is still profitable over time. There is still a problem here though.


Now the results I am about to summarize were done with a companion who has no slicing buff and 0 affection. This is important, because these factors would influence the crit rates and the missions times.


I prefer measuring my slicing in terms of credits per minute than base results. You might get a huge result from some half hour long mission, but the credits per minute might be stupidly low due to how long it took.




Before the patch = 95 credits per minute average. Some missions gave a higher yield than others, such as 'The Automated Saboteur', so to get that high amount you needed to pick the correct missions. This is about 5-6k an hour per companion profit. That's about 50k a day per companion. Factoring in crits, this number can be much larger. This is just a base number.


After the patch = 20 credits per minute average. This is all across the board, though it is higher with mid-level missions. This is about 1k-2k an hour per companion profit. That's about 15k base profit per regular gaming day.


With all of your companions running before the patch, 200k a day profit was the base standard, and it was easy to get much higher than this. Now it's been nerfed down to about 60k.


Huge nerf? Yep. Is slicing useless? Not really. It's just not an easy way to get gobs of free credits as you level anymore.


If you factor in maxed out companion affection, and collecting boxes in the field, slicing can become comfortably profitable again. It just takes more work now to hit that point. The deciding factor is if the player wants to work toward this point, or just grab something else and try and make money by other means. I am personally unsure right now.

Edited by Dgator
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I´ll not job ship right away. I´ll document the margin and will factor in the sales income from mission schematics. Due to the high number of player who will dump slicing right away the prices for the missions should be reasonably high so you might be able to turn a profit in the end. I hope that Mako will soon have 10k affection so I might be able to make her my top earner. She has been so far.
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all I'm gonna say is out of my guild of 30+ members all having slicing in the 300 range they say they aren't noticing much of a difference in rewards. I think someone who seriously believes bioware messed up needs to have a picture proof instead of having us believe everything by word of mouth because its word of mouth that ruins a game just as much as it makes a game.
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So long as the role of augments is increased and mission drops are more common, slicing will be much more in-line economically and still bring something of value in.


Also, just a note to all you doing numerical comparisons. Please stop exaggerating your losses, overemphasizing the cost of missions, and picking the absolute worst missions to run your analysis on. Out of all the slicing comparisons I've seen so far, only a few actually use the right missions.


Automated Saboteur, Prince of Fools, Fly in the Wall, Taking Back Control, Pointing Fingers, and Careful What You Read (in about that order, depending on circumstances) were the only ones really worth running, even before the changes. So if you're going to run missions and talk about how little you get now, please do run the right ones.

Edited by Shinyshin
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Seems they closed the thread where I posed it so here you go again.


I am keeping track of slicing missions via Google Docs.




I will update as my crew returns from missions.





Edit for typos.


I recommend factoring in credits per minute instead of just a base profit. That is much more important.

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Actually this isnt going to hurt Slicers, alot will just drop the profession and switch to something like underworld trading where profits are hugh. The people this is going to hurt is the non-slicers. I have 400 skill in slicing and have probably made 400k since launch and of that I have spent 300k on the GTN buying resources, gear and other items. I wont drop my slicing, cause that would be really reactionary but i will no longer buy anything off the GTN unless I absolutely have to. I have every crafting profession already, instead of leveling a main and working up all the skills, I will just start leveling all the crafter charactrers in tandem. So in the end the people who are going to hurt the most are the non-slicers because the slicers are the ones paying those high costs of materials so you could afford your speeders.


This is exactly what I was doing. I will not buy mats or gear off the GTN any longer. You need money to spend money to get the economy going in this game, so this will render the GTN useless once the slicers run low on money and stop spending it, which in turn helped the crafters recoup some of their money lost in doing their crafting.

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Did you not notice the increase in mission discoveries? Or are you only slicing for the credits.


Slicing is about finding missions and schematics, the credits are just a bonus, the primary focus isnt the credits however.


If slicing was about schematics instead of credits, then the drop % on schematics wouldn't be as low as it is. When you get credits in every single lockbox, but a schematic/mission in one of every ten or so, the whole "it's about the schematics" argument flies right out the window.


In the end, slicing is about making credits, pure and simple. If the amount of credits were cut in half, but we received enough vendor trash and schematics to make up the difference, we'd be happy to continue using it. But since the balancing point is the number of credits you receive per mission, that's just blatantly not the case.


And let's not even get started on augments. I think it's cool the "crit" crafting grants augment slots.... but currently, there just isn't enough crit gear to create a steady demand for augments. If anything, augments should probably be rolled into the whole "lockbox" thing, or have the secondary missions be marked as "schematics" with a handful of credits awarded to both mission types.

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Did you all forget this is a gathering skill?


Youre supposed to be running around hoth and belsavis and all the other level 50 zones for those level 5 and 6 lockboxes, not sitting in town paying a couple hundred credits to generate 5000.


The missions skills are about procing the epic missions and schematics, thats why you pay for them, they give you lockboxes sure, but they are primary for getting missions.


Slicing in its current state is much better, when you pay for a mission you pretty much break even, so the goal is to do missions until you get epic missions to sell on the ah.


If you want a 100% profit from slicing, then run around the world and gather like everyone else. Slicing was the only gathering profession where you could make more money doing missions then actually gathering nodes and now it is fixed. Stop freaking out, and do it the right way.

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Seems they closed the thread where I posed it so here you go again.


I am keeping track of slicing missions via Google Docs.




I will update as my crew returns from missions.





Edit for typos.


thank you for this and yeah it may not be that encouraging but at the same time do you want something that takes literally no work (a couple of clicks and waiting 40-60 minutes) to net you an outrageous amount of cash im sure if you didn't use every companion you would still turn a slight profit because at the moment with 268 treasure hunting im making just about that much of a profit scaled down to the numbers your giving.

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For those who think that slicing is the only mission gathering skill that yields profit keep in mind that you can earn a profit from any mission skill by converting the goods into credits via the GTN.


Slicing is the only mission gathering skill that yields an immediate profit but it's certainly not the only one that yields profit.

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all I'm gonna say is out of my guild of 30+ members all having slicing in the 300 range they say they aren't noticing much of a difference in rewards. I think someone who seriously believes bioware messed up needs to have a picture proof instead of having us believe everything by word of mouth because its word of mouth that ruins a game just as much as it makes a game.


They were running it very poorly prior to today.


You could never lose money on a rich/bountiful unless it failed before the patch.


I have run 25 today and of those 13 have lost money.


Total I have earned 3600 creds and two schematics/missions to sell.


I will drop if it does not get improved.

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Here is who is going to be hurt the most by the slicing nerf.


Every single person in a crafting profession. Period.


Why? Because, I don't have a single bit of incentive to use slicing now. I make no profit from it, and because I make no profit, the Missions I'd find would have to be sold at an insanely high cost because... can you guess?


Oh, that's right. I don't make money from any other avenue of slicing. Augments are a bust, and even a heavier money sink because I get no refund on time spent.


Lockboxes are now digging a hole. Yes, I may find a Mission, but that mission will have to be sold at an insanely high price to recoup any losses from the skill.


So, in a weeks time, when you haven't sold anything on the marketplace except Mats because not a single person in the world has any money to buy anything except Level 50's, I hope you realize that the grass is only greener because you saw more of the side, and less of the top.

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all I'm gonna say is out of my guild of 30+ members all having slicing in the 300 range they say they aren't noticing much of a difference in rewards. I think someone who seriously believes bioware messed up needs to have a picture proof instead of having us believe everything by word of mouth because its word of mouth that ruins a game just as much as it makes a game.


More than likely the people in your guild were just casual slicers, and sliced without much of notice for patterns and maximizing profit. If they were sending companions out for lvl 400 missions for instance, they are more than likely in this group. This nerf has affected these types very little.


Others, like me, found patterns in slicing and maximized their profits. I was making almost half a million per day. I am already noticing the patterns I used before have been drastically nerfed to more normal levels. I am still making a profit, but it's been nerfed by at least 80%.

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I have run Fly on the Wall once and Taking Back twice since servers have come up. First was a 400 credit loss, next two were 600 profit each. No extra missions or schematic rewards.


800 credit profit in 90 minutes.


In that 90 minutes I came across ZERO in-world slicing boxes while questing. In the same time I earned about 7k selling grey items and found a blue glove upgrade. Considering I was using slicing as a way to generate credits without crafting while I quested, its now essentially worthless to me.


Time to find a new crew skill. Just like Bioware wants I'm thinking.

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Slicing was supposed to be the answer to my casual gaming style. I don't have time to play the AH and I don't want to play the AH. I don't want to go gather nodes. That is not my idea of fun. I do, however, want to progress through content. With such ridiculously high repair costs (around 40k for a full repair, currently) I am finding this very difficult and I am not enjoying it one bit.
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Reading the last couple of days about how op slicing was, I noticed most of the posts calling for nefs to it were from people who made a lot from it. The whiners had an agenda, keep all their credits while preventing others from the same opportunity.


Is this how BW plans on managing the game, by listening to the whiners with an agenda? I really have concerns about the future of this game if BW has no long term plans and will change things because a vocal few whiners.

Edited by Hajizan
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At the level he's running them, the average mission time is between 20-30 minutes, probably closer to 25 minutes a mission. Certainly not great profit margins. So at the end of the day slicing is still what it was pre patch. It's a crew skill for leveling but when you hit 50 (especially now) the other crew skills are going to blow it away in terms of profit margins because of the demand for rare resources.


Once again, the short sighted sheeple get their way. Doesn't change much though, I was going to drop slicing for some other gathering crew skill at 50 anyway.

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