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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Slicing should have been nerfed from the beginning... it was a money cheat, nothing less. Every profession is a money sink while leveling it to 400, so should be slicing! People did get 100k credits a day with slicing by doing nothing!


I'm really enjoying this thread so far... you should feel happy that you could exploit it so long. Altough the Augments are far away from useless, every good gamers needs them for his gear. I only wear exceptional gear and augment can only be obtained by slicers. You will get your money in the late-game, like very other profession!


Altough there are still the schematics and missions that you can accuire while crafting augmentations. Augmentations will be your profit!

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Slicing is not crafting.
Technically correct. Slicing is a gathering crew skill, not a crafting crew skill nor a mission crew skill.


And I am certain there will be a decent amount of demand for stims when I get finished with it.
I'm sorry for your loss. The rumblings have begun as regards Biochem. Expect it to be the next crew skill on the chopping block. One can only hope you make your investment back before the inevitable nerf hits.
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I'm sorry for your loss. The rumblings have begun as regards Biochem. Expect it to be the next crew skill on the chopping block. One can only hope you make your investment back before the inevitable nerf hits.


of course, once it does. I bet she'll be the first to ***** about it.

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Please look at the numbers now Bioware.

I am not jumping up and down saying "PUT IT BACK". I am saying, however, that now it loses money.


Why should I pay 1400 credits on a C6 lockbox search for a box that returns 1000 credits?

Why should I pay 1900 credits for a high reward C5 lockbox that returns 1400 credits?

Remember your design goals BW, slicing is a mission skill for non-crafters. It is a way for them to utilize the crew skills to make money or get gear without entering the crafting world. This skill is no longer profitable as a mission skill.


Please consider adjusting it so the profit margin is smaller, not a complete loss now.


Please give BW some constructive forum posts on this topic, thank you.


You do realize that missions are not the only way to make money for slicing right? Go around planets to get lock boxes which cost you ZERO credits to do and the gain is 100%.


Learn to be a pro-slicer like me. I am over 2 million credits doing that along with missions. I gain more from planet slicing then missions.

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Slicing is not crafting.


And I am certain there will be a decent amount of demand for stims when I get finished with it.


Not in itself, however it did furnish the credits to buy material, or to go on missions to skill up crafts. As it is now why skillup any craft when a person can get better items from using commendations, raids, or a npc.

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It not falsely inflated, people are expecting things on the AH to be finely tuned like WoW or Rift but the truth is that the game is a week old today. 2 Weeks for the early access people, but lets stick with launch date, because that's when everyone had access to it.


Most people are not 50 or have not capped their professions, you can't expect a balanced AH 1 week into a game, its not possible. Things would have balanced out in the end, its called the Invisible hand, look it up.


Then again, most markets, global or local, do not have half the population being given free money for doing nothing.


Taking in the Invisible Hand and applying it in a scenario where people are not working, or doing anything at all for that matter, in order to obtain currency, is utterly meaningless.


Do to try to lecture me on economics. English may not be my first language, but there is no way I will stand for someone telling me laissez-faire will work in a setting where everyone are given free money.


It is frankly ignorant and pretentious beyond belief.

Edited by Contumelious
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Instead of making other crafts less horrible, they bring the only one that works to their broken level.




Have fun trying to sell your stuff at AH now that most money source in this infant economy is over. I'm sure ill be laughing at everyone pissed their stuff didn't sell. Sitting on 600k that ill save for vehicles, skills and inventory increase.


Gear and meds i was getting from AH now only from quests, raids and PVP.

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Please look at the numbers now Bioware.

I am not jumping up and down saying "PUT IT BACK". I am saying, however, that now it loses money.


Why should I pay 1400 credits on a C6 lockbox search for a box that returns 1000 credits?

Why should I pay 1900 credits for a high reward C5 lockbox that returns 1400 credits?

Remember your design goals BW, slicing is a mission skill for non-crafters. It is a way for them to utilize the crew skills to make money or get gear without entering the crafting world. This skill is no longer profitable as a mission skill.


Please consider adjusting it so the profit margin is smaller, not a complete loss now.


Please give BW some constructive forum posts on this topic, thank you.


Ive just had a 4hour gaming session where I ran slicing missions nonstop I ran only Rich yield missions of different ranks mostly level 5.


My income was 24,274 my outgoing was 16,430 total profit 7844

per hour profit is about 2k credits

I also got 7 mission items 3 epic and 4 blue of which can be purchased on the AH at default listing price or less.


As it is I don't believe slicing is worth the loss in a crew skill slot.

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Augments are very important at max level. Almost every high-quality piece of armor will have an augment slot, and crit crafted gear is guaranteed to have an augment slot. It's like jewelcrafting slots from WoW. And augments provide HUGE benefits. 30 of a primary stat per item is insane.


except thats nonsense. most people are going for the orange items (be it from crafting, pvp vendors, flashpoint/ops drops, whatever.. they all crave for the orange stuff) and stuffing them with mods. but did you ever see an orange item with an augment slots? no? thats because they don't exist. as it seems, there is no exception-augmentslot-crafting for orange items. and if you pack your orange items with purple mods/armor/enhancements, they'll be as good or even better than any non-orange item i've seen. thus, augments seem pretty much useless to me.


from the about 20 slicing missions i did today (all bountyful or rich), only a single one earned me more credits than it cost, and even that one not by much. so thats a definite loss in credits there.


what else do we get from slicing? every now and then, rarely, a mission that i can only gift to my guild, because nobody in the right mind would buy them, at least not at prices high enough to cover the slicing losses, and especially after the credits slicing earned us (and by us i mean the complete econemy, everybody, not only the slicers) are gone now and are no longer making the market flow like it could have. I'd have to sell those missions for a price high enough to cover for at least 10-20 mission losses... would you pay that? sure, those missions are nice, but as you can only do them once and they are not THAT much better or in any way unique, so who cares...


so.. no profit.. nothing worthwhile to sell.. only veeeeery small benefit to my crafting skill due to some crafting schematics (which i got about 3 or 4 while going all the way to 400), much less than if i picked UT... thus, slicing is now a totally useless profession.




i do agree that gaining up to 3 times the credits the mission costs was way to much and needed reduction. i do agree a nerf was needed, primarily for the lower level slicing missions, yes. but it came way, way, way to hard. especially considering that the credits slicing earned seemed very very much on low levels, but on high levels (im 41 now) it was next to nothing compared to the costs of my classes skills, the remaining crafting schematics i have to buy (from the vendor, not the AH), the mount skills, the mounts, and whatever comes next...


i'll wait for a while to see if BW notices its mistake and nerfs the nerf, otherwise i'll switch to UT and probably will make fare bigger profits with my already maxed cybertech skill selling purple mods instead of just green than i would have ever had with slicing. hooray to the whiners.

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Actually, those who are broke are those who reverse engineering the hell out of it trying to gain a blue / purple schematic. If you are leveling crafting for your own green gear, you won't be broke.


People won't buy green gear because they can be replace and blue gear is not worth it for the money sink. low level blue and purple gear are for alt. You are suppose to level up crafting with your level and replace any under level gear.


I don't RE to get a purple or blue schematic. I RE to get mats so that I don't have to pay for them (which is all these missions really are - paying for mats). And when I do that it is typically when i know I'm close to being able to train for the next level. I get blue items, but I never make them. Many make the decision to RE based on more than the schematic crap shoot.


But yes, I wouldn't buy any gear on the AH during while leveling - even for an alt. I will mail my alts any decent gear that drops that drops, but that is all. Blaming slicing for people not buying crappy green gear on the auction house is just silly.

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Then again, most markets, global or local, do not have half the population being given free money for doing nothing.



And this is where you're wrong.


Making money cost TIME. Slicing works just like any other profession. It cost money and time to send crew on missions, and our reward was money.


You spend time and money on missions, and your reward is MATS. Which you then use to craft EQUIPMENT which you then either:


A) Use to save you money that you otherwise would have needed to spend on equipment/materials/mods




B) Sell for a profit.



Do you still not get it? Slicing and any other profession all leads to the same place: Money. Either saving it by not buying mats/gear, or spending it to get said mats/gear.


*sigh* :rolleyes:


Jeez... why do you keep repeating this false BS?

Edited by Kashaan
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You are missing the point, when any other gathering profession does the same thing, they get SOMETHING back, not just a loss of profit. So the only way it becomes useful is with world nodes and crits


Thats not entirely true, archaelogy is a money pit and thats why tht and other crew skills are so poor. All slicers are like everyone else now it didnt go to far. You all think we can go gather, make something and sell it for profit and that belief is wrong. First no one wants to buy green items, so you have to reverse engineer several of the same item, just to get the blue specs. Once you get the blue specs you then have to gather additional supplies (at a higher level). Even once you make the blue item they still might not sale so you have to reverse engineer many blues just to get the purple schematic! Finally someone may buy your purple item mod.


The initial investment cost for artifice is unreal, so i find it funny to hear credit millionaires now complain about not makinf any money.

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Then again, most markets, global or local, do not have half the populating being given free money for doing nothing.


Taking in the Invisible Hand and applying it in a scenario where people are not working, or doing anything at all for that matter, in order to obtain currency, is utterly meaningless.


Do to try to lecture me on economics. English may not be my first language, but there is no way I will stand for someone telling me laissez-faire will work in a setting where every are given free money.


It frankly ignorant and pretentious beyond belief.


All crafting professions are "Free Money." As i said in the 1st post, the only difference between Slicer and the other gathering professions is that Slicers don't have to deal with the middle man (i.e. Auction House) and in a mature economy the other gathering professions will be just as profitable.

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Slicing is fine the way it is now, post nerf. I've noticed that there seem to be more nodes and tons of money to be made from harvesting nodes in the game world. Whats the fun in sending your companion on a tons of missions to get a gezillion credits.....I made 70k credits in one day...you tell me that that isnt broken. I think BW did a good job nerfing it.
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Honestly, this annoys me for a few reasons:


1. I like the concept of slicing. getting a little extra cash without having to AH / grind is fun. I play for PVP primarily, and it's nice to have a profession that supports that.


2. The way the situation was handled was completely sloppy:


a. It shouldn't have made it to live being too good. If BW paid even the tinniest bit of attention, they could have done the very basic math to see its credits / hour were higher than intended.


b. Similarly, nerfing it to worse than uselessness without any testing process is sloppy, and reactionary. If you slice incorrectly now, it will outright bankrupt you with not even a handful of aluminum to show for it, and that is offensively terrible game design.


Honestly, I'm going to see how this plays out, but if reactionary, poorly thought out nerfs is going to be the order of the day, I'm unsubbing after the first month. This is the single most ridiculous 1st patch I've seen in about the half dozen MMOs I've played.



I completely agree. Splicing was a fantastic idea for a casual player like me. Before, I had profit. I noticed I was almost broke from splicing today and had to quit and figure out what was going on. I really hope the nerf bugged and wasn't intended to be so ridiculous. Nobody likes nerfs but my crafters make stuff that benefits my characters, and my gatherers gather things. Splicing costs money to be without my companions for a while..

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Now you're like every other craft where you don't earn money going on missions.


Yeah, except I don't get anything else for those missions either. No mats, no equipment, nothing to sell unless I happen to get lucky and get a Mission or Schematic. Augments were selling at about 25% of the mission cost even before the nerf, so there's no money there. Slicing just went from being a steady way to make credits to being a completely worthless skill.


Rich rewards now give maybe 100-200 credits more than their cost, anything else loses money. Augments are totally worthless.


The way slicing was, it was an easy way to make credits early-game, with the tradeoff of slower credit gain end-game. Now, it's a pointless skill.



Sure, I can make 6k an hour early-game with Slicing. But come end-game, Slicing will still only be making 6k, while the other skills will be crafting items worth 10-15k.

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Slicing is fine the way it is now, post nerf. I've noticed that there seem to be more nodes and tons of money to be made from harvesting nodes in the game world. Whats the fun in sending your companion on a tons of missions to get a gezillion credits.....I made 70k credits in one day...you tell me that that isnt broken. I think BW did a good job nerfing it.



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Nice Work BW. You've pissed off a lot of casual and power gamers alike by offering a diamond and returning coal, while at the same time lowering credit influx into the market and crashing the minimal crafting trade that already feebly found it's way into the GMKs.


Not too shabby during your 1st full retail week!

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So let me get this right... People flood the forums whining about slicing, so they do something about it so people whine twice as hard? LMFAO THIS IS A VIDEO GAME GET OVER IT! IMO slicing should have been taken out to begin with and this would never have been an issue..



People are just pissed cuz everyone who had early access is sitting on a gold mine (760k here) and they didnt get a chance to exploit it... I dont know what ppl are talking about negative returns, you are doing it wrong... Im still making huge profit, just about 30% less then before... Put the effort into figuring out the skill rather then crying about it, and you would still be making a ton of money for doing almost nothing...


Take slicing out completely IMO, save everyone the tears! Slicing makes no sense.. If you want money for not crafting go farm like in every other MMo, go play the auction house.. Spoiled *** little kids....


To all the ppl still slicing and doing it right, keep the secret, we will laugh all the way to the bank!

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Really upset about this nerf, as much as I like the idea of this game and it's potential, the bugs, the clear lack of beta testing, the windows being limited to 2, the auctionhouse being severely tedious to use due to lack of search options.. what a joke.


So I just opened 10 class 5 green lockboxes from rich missions.. got 20900 credits total which is around 1000 credits profit, for 5 hours work with 2 companions on it... that's just rubbish considering before the nerf I would be pulling in 50k in the same time.. this wasn't just a nerf you obliterated this skill. Got slightly better results from the bountiful class 4 missions.. 16 containers yielding a total of 22700, 1250 to send them on the mission in most cases so 2700 profit there, for again, 5 hours work..


Absolutely ridiculous, we are clearly beta testing this game still. They will probably fix it next patch but hey, it's okay since it's in beta no one can complain about being inconvenienced by this right? No one is paying for the game right? No one can expect this most basic of things that needed to be decided and set before the game going live right?

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