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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Worst nerf ever!


30 min miss pay 1930 to get 2140 and its was rich one. What is point of slicing now? This is total disaster.


Too bad i been spend a lot of time to lvl up to 400lvl.

Lets see who will buy now from GTM. Atm i wont buy anything and lets see how all prices go down and crafting become worthless even more then slicing. Without of money on market GTM will fail.


Without of money game will fail so badly, cause we spend more then we earn. Look just at skill price. We lvl up realy fast and dont get anything good from quest.


LOL are you freaking serious? your whining about less than 400 credits? god i think i just got cancer

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I find all of you repulsive.



"oh no my skill that gave me a **** load of money now dose nothing for me because i don't know how to use it properly"



/throws toys out of pram


I'm at 300 slicing.


Let's say we agree that Bioware's decision to implement this skill as they did was really poor.


Is slicing still viable?


Or have they made another poor decision and made it poor compared to other skills so pushing it up to 400 and maxing affection before I find _that_ out is a total waste of time?


How am I supposed to know?


Maybe you want to write a guide on how to use it properly? Because Bioware sure didn't.

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At this point, the companion missions are a negative sum game from what I'm seeing. Slicing missions in general are no longer worth paying for. I've lost a small amount of money while slicing all day. Rich yield missions in particular seem to be a guaranteed money loss. The 'crit' rate on the missions does not seem to make up for the new nerf.


The only use for the profession are the slicing nodes and augments. I still don't know what augments are for, haven't run into a piece of gear that I can use them in.


This has been a terrible knee-jerk reaction. The nerf was way too severe, to the point of arguably making the profession useless. It wouldn't be so bad if I had some way of using my augments, at least.


I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Nerfing is fine. Breaking a profession is another.

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At this point, the companion missions are a negative sum game from what I'm seeing. Slicing missions in general are no longer worth paying for. I've lost a small amount of money while slicing all day. Rich yield missions in particular seem to be a guaranteed money loss. The 'crit' rate on the missions does not seem to make up for the new nerf.


The only use for the profession are the slicing nodes and augments. I still don't know what augments are for, haven't run into a piece of gear that I can use them in.


This has been a terrible knee-jerk reaction. The nerf was way too severe, to the point of arguably making the profession useless. It wouldn't be so bad if I had some way of using my augments, at least.


I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Nerfing is fine. Breaking a profession is another.


You already said, slicing nodes still works.


So why not do that?

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I was out with my Slicer friend. I saw a Damind Crystal formationa dn got 2 from it. I was so happy that I linked it to him 37 times and called him a sucker. Then I looked over and he pulled 2560 credits out of a box then just drove off on his epic speeder, into the sunset.


I cried.

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30 min miss pay 1930 to get 2140 and its was rich one. What is point of slicing now? This is total disaster.


Now you take the 210 credits profit you just made and buy some stacks of scavenged compounds or scavenged metals grade 5 on the GTN and continue skilling your Cybertech for example. You got no other choice, seriously. Except you drop Underworld Trading and buy these materials, but this will be an even greater credit sink as soon as you need lvl 50 blue/purple.


Good luck!

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Slicing was perfect the way it was. It enabled the ability to keep credits in the economy since users had to purchase items rather then craft their own, it removed the large portion of "Gold Spammers" because everyone could just make their own profits, Slicing scaled with the game with the cost of living, and more. Now it is utterly useless. You bleed credits. Every Gathering/Crafting profession would yield the same amount in the end. -_-


I'm with you in spirit, I'd just like to point out that slicing does not scale with the game... or at least not with the economy.


Item prices are based off of supply and demand, obviously. A key part of this is a common currency.


The abundance, or lack, of currency dictates the extreme limits of supply and demand. If you're only dealing with 1 million total, the likelihood of an item costing 100k is out of the question. However, should an item actually cost 1/10th of all currency, that item will likely cost 1 million should the total currency increase by ten fold to 10 million.


Thus, within the parameters of supply and demand, items scale in value. The more money in circulation, the more the item will cost; the less money in circulation, they less it will cost. This is, of course, assuming a static supply and demand ratio.


Credits are different. If you have 100k credits of the total 1 million credits, you have 1/10th of all the credits. If the total amount of credits increase by 10 fold to 10 million, you still only have 100k credits. Therefore, your credits have diminished in value and are now only 1/100th of all the credits.


This shows us that slicing, at least the lockbox portion of it which is the topic in question, does not, infact, scale.




Too many of the 'nerfers' do not realize or fully understand this concept. The 'over-powered'-ness of slicing is misunderstood at this point in time as the economy is brand new. Everyone started out with zero. Of course in this new economy slicing would appear to be OP, there's no money in it yet. Fast forward down the road when people are easily sitting on millions of credits and the idea of facerolling mobs for credits is common place with everyone at level cap, the idea of slicing(pre-nerf) being OP is laughable.




The sad part of it all is the fact that, as I stated earlier, this hurts everyone except the 'lazy man'.


Slicing nerf = less slicers


Less slicers = less trade

= less schematics/pricier

= less mission discoveries

= more grinding for credits


Less mission discoveries = less items/rare materials


Less (rare)materials = harder to obtain RE schematics


More grinding = less fun

= same end result that slicing was supposedly nerf for



...and the list can go on from here touching on augments and skill/inventory acquisitions.



/sarcasm on

But hey, it was OP and unfair/unbalanced. After all, not everyone could do it so something HAD to be done!

/sarcasm off

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Lulz. Throw names by calling you a kid? You are a kid. You don't have to believe me, here's proof.




My 4 and 6 year olds each have their own gaming systems as well running my old GTX 460s in each. I'm sorry you have such crappy hardware. Good luck with your life.


Don't hate, but thanks for taking time out of your day to try and prove yourself. I'm just glad I have inspired you enough to actually make you do something. People are so easily manipulated.


You got troll'd hard, my work here is done.

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You're exaggerating.


There will still be people who buy mats often. Ever played World of Warcraft? There are tons of people who like to power level their crafting professions by buying stacks of mats. Even low level ones.


Yes, there will be less. At least at first. But at least credits will have meaning again. At least they will have use and challenge attached to it.


Yeah, like I REALLY want my game to be like WoW.


In the end this is nothing more the envy and jealously. No different when people complain crafted armor is better then quest armor so they nerf crafting.


People who don't invest in material crafting should make more money. Plain and simple. Crafting is a money sink.

And instead of a tapping of a nerf bat, BW hit a home run.

So again, I thank you and yours for destroying a very viable skill.

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At this point, the companion missions are a negative sum game from what I'm seeing. Slicing missions in general are no longer worth paying for. I've lost a small amount of money while slicing all day. Rich yield missions in particular seem to be a guaranteed money loss. The 'crit' rate on the missions does not seem to make up for the new nerf.


The only use for the profession are the slicing nodes and augments. I still don't know what augments are for, haven't run into a piece of gear that I can use them in.


This has been a terrible knee-jerk reaction. The nerf was way too severe, to the point of arguably making the profession useless. It wouldn't be so bad if I had some way of using my augments, at least.


I really hope this isn't a sign of things to come. Nerfing is fine. Breaking a profession is another.


augments are mods for certain parts of armor i have some wrist guards that have 1 slot for an augment and im lvl 34 atm it may be in equipment at lower level but id assume that its more for endgame gear but dont quote me on that.

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The design of crafting professions are to craft. The design of gathering professions are to make money. The only decent gathering profession that made that possible was Slicing. It is supposed to be profitable. Right now it is a hassle. Yea it need a little bit of a nerf but this is ridiculous. I gave up treasure hunting to make the good crystals to make money because I needed it and I wanted to afford the mounts and stuff like that. The objective of Slicing or other gathering professions should be to make money. I saw a post earlier on this thread that said that the nerf ruined their gaming experience. I can understand that. When I don't want to grind dailies 24/7 and then do grinding stuff that makes the game not fun in order to enjoy the liberties of mounts and decent gear that makes the game not fun. If they want people to just buy credits like they buy gold for wow they need to keep it up. If they want people to depend on what they give to us in game to make profit and sustain our characters then they need to give us the tools to do so. Ergo Slicing. Slicing was too much of a profit before I agree. However, the nerf made it to where you are putting out 1.5k credits approximately and getting back maybe 1.4k that isn't a profit by anything. They just made it a crafting profession but with no perk of having it. There isn't some cool stuff you can make with it its just something that you can do and waste your companions time as well as yours and lose money in.
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Here's a few more mission stats I've done throughout the day: (you be the judge)


400 Slicing w/ 3 companions of varying affection...


MISSION                           CST  LVL           RET
the fly on the wall		1930	rich5		2973
pointing fingers			1250	btfl4		1311
be careful what you read  	1045	btfl4		1246	blue schematic - hoverbike
*					1930	rich5		5557    epic investigation
*					1250	btfl4		1438
*					870	rich3		3016    epic diplomacy
*					870	rich3		1294
*					535	rich2		465
*					1175 btfl4		1542
taking back control		2025	rich5		2125
the automated saboteur	870	rich3		763
the fly on the wall		1930	rich5		2294
the automated saboteur	870	rich3		2806	blue UT
vanishing acts			295	rich1		106
the automated saboteur	870	rich3		879
sullustan conspiracy		560	rich2		393

Edited by supersonicks
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honestly all the anti-slicing QQ has done to me is make me determined to have a million credits after I buy my level 40 riding through slicing you guys can hate on my custom-built speederbike but I won't be able to hear you over the sound of 1,000,000 credits in my bag

ty for the motivation haters

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You must not be doing these missions over a long enough period of time. I'm getting far, far better returns (roughly 10 times what you are) per minute (~130credits/minute)


this and for better or for worse are the only missions i run, you sir just happen to be a lucky bastard.

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Please look at the numbers now Bioware.

I am not jumping up and down saying "PUT IT BACK". I am saying, however, that now it loses money.


Why should I pay 1400 credits on a C6 lockbox search for a box that returns 1000 credits?

Why should I pay 1900 credits for a high reward C5 lockbox that returns 1400 credits?

Remember your design goals BW, slicing is a mission skill for non-crafters. It is a way for them to utilize the crew skills to make money or get gear without entering the crafting world. This skill is no longer profitable as a mission skill.


Please consider adjusting it so the profit margin is smaller, not a complete loss now.


Please give BW some constructive forum posts on this topic, thank you.


You're not supposed to pay anything for them. You're supposed to wander the world and pick them up as they are lying around , free of charge.


I know this because I am constantly tripping over them.

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I find all of you repulsive.



"oh no my skill that gave me a **** load of money now dose nothing for me because i don't know how to use it properly"



/throws toys out of pram


Hey tool we know what our skill used to do now go shed ur stupidity somewhere else.

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I bet they nerfed it extra hard so that when they fix it again next week (or tomorrow or who knows), everyone will be saying Hurray when in fact it's still much less than what it was before.


Mark my words: BW is so easy to predict.... :mon_trap:


IOW how do you hide a nerf?

First go down 50% and then up 25%. People will be happy that the devs reacted to their outcry and that it's not as bad anymore and will forget that they were nerfed anyways.


Psychologically smarter than just reducing results by 25% in the first place.......




Honestly, I believe you hit the nail on the head. Nevertheless, some of the sheer stupidity and ignorance in the thread is maddening.

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Here's a few more mission stats I've done throughout the day: (you be the judge)


400 Slicing w/ 3 companions of varying affection...


MISSION                           CST  LVL           RET
the fly on the wall		1930	rich5		2973
pointing fingers			1250	btfl4		1311
be careful what you read  	1045	btfl4		1246	blue schematic - hoverbike
*					1930	rich5		5557    epic investigation
*					1250	btfl4		1438
*					870	rich3		3016    epic diplomacy
*					870	rich3		1294
*					535	rich2		465
*					1175 btfl4		1542
taking back control		2025	rich5		2125
the automated saboteur	870	rich3		763
the fly on the wall		1930	rich5		2294
the automated saboteur	870	rich3		2806	blue UT
vanishing acts			295	rich1		106
the automated saboteur	870	rich3		879
sullustan conspiracy		560	rich2		393



you said varying affection from your companions now what if you did all these missions with your highest affectionate companion surely there would not be much of a loss at all yes?

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Has anyone mentioned that it was simply fun to get credits while doing other stuff, this is a virtual world where real world rules do not have to apply, now I have to work for my credits just like in real life can anyone see how much this sucks ?

I want to be able to escape!

This nerf just cut down my fun factor to pieces.

Edited by Anticasper
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You're not supposed to pay anything for them. You're supposed to wander the world and pick them up as they are lying around , free of charge.


I know this because I am constantly tripping over them.


Well there's probably going to be node scarcity now that slicers will have to leave the fleet to earn money.

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