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Changes Coming to Packs with 4.1


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Blimey 17 pages of "feedback" in less than 1 day, none of it particularly supportive of this new "idea".


Something something "vocal minority", "metrics".


I wish I could say this change is going to make me buy less packs, but it's not possible to buy less than zero packs, which is how many I've purchased since 4.0. I used to spend CCs mostly on collections unlocks, but with the greed getting out of control at EA/BW Austin, I guess I'll just start saving up to instead buy the sort of unlocks that will allow me to still play the game occasionally and finally drop my sub.



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I used to look forward to Cartel Packs every month. I loved it when I could see the contents at least a week in advance and start to imagine my characters in the outfits, riding the mounts, and so on. And I spent way too much on them.


These new changes will save me lots of money--at your loss.


I already have most of what I want from the old packs. The chances of getting what I want from a Grand Chance Cube are so small that even a compulsive gambler would be unmoved by the prospect. If I buy a hypercrate, I want things from the latest pack. Including stuff I don't want and reducing my chances of getting the new items has made those crates far less appealing.


Making items increasingly hard to get will only raise sales to a certain extent. Random reward schedules have their limits of efficacy. Going beyond those limits extinguishes the behaviour. You have take that step too far. I will no longer buy crates.


You lose.

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Communication has been much better recently. It would create a lot of good will if BW/EA listened to their playerbase and canned this obviously unpopular idea. I wont be quitting or unsubbing but I wont be spending money on packs to get old crap from 8 sets ago.


Better Pack

2 Items from new set G/S/B

1 scrap material/CM cert

1 comp gift

1 xp boost item

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Wow, people responded and LIKED my ideas! Excellent! *cue air guitar*


While I am personally not a fan at all of splitting up armor sets, I do agree that breaking them up into Upper, Lower and Supplementary does increase the incentive to buy more packs, while allowing sellers on the GTN to offer them at lower prices therefor making the armors more accessible to other players. However, I am completely against:

A.) Offering armors one piece at a time (boots, gloves, helmet, etc).

B.) Doing separation with armors that only have a few pieces to start with (Revan, dancer sets, etc).


For me, the idea of putting the Bronze items on the CM (ALL of them), is for the people that don't like to gamble, i.e. don't like to buy packs either due to the random nature of it and/or the costs involved in getting something they can use or want. By placing the Bronze items as direct sales on the CM allows for the following:

A.) New players have access to items they normally never could have gotten due to the accident of not being here at the start, thus a nice welcome to them for joining up.

B.) Allows sales to players on a budget already, who simply cannot or will not buy packs.

C.) Cheaper unlocks means stronger incentive to buy directly from the CM, and thus adding to potential sales especially from those holding back due to costs.


REMOVING the random factor from a section of the market AND adding a lot of variety could potentially increase impulse and low-med end CC sales, plus encourage more players to just try one or two items. TRUST me when I say, I would GLADLY dump about $200 USD on the CM if they had more decoration options, pet and cheap armors so I can create new looks and stock my Strongholds better (which means I would more likely BUY a Stronghold to do it in).


I'd like to add this as well: I love the BSG packs you folks released a while back. I really want them back AS IS. I personally thought they were one of the best ideas this game has had in a long while. I'd much rather have them back, then this new pack idea. But I get you want to sell packs as well. Simply returning the reputation/Cartel Certs back into the packs instead of the gifts and boosters would go a LONG way toward helping that.

Edited by GiftoftheMagi
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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


We have definitely seen a few consistent topics popping up in this thread and we want to make sure we get answers to those questions. Here they are:


How much will packs cost after these changes?

The price will remain the same as the previous pack at 200 Cartel Coins per pack. Even with the price being the same, it is worth noting that you have a higher chance to receive Gold and Silver items than there was previously.


Are Grand Chance Cubes replacing all Bronze items in packs?

Yes, any time you would have gotten a Bronze item in the past, you will now get a Grand Chance Cube in its place.


Is it possible that I can get two Grand Chance Cubes in one pack (meaning no new items)?

Yes, this is possible. Just as with previous packs, it is possible to get two Bronze drops together, and in this case that means two Grand Chance Cubes. Keep in mind that you can get a new item from a Grand Chance Cube. It is even possible to get a full lootboxed version of one of the new Gold Armor Sets.


How does this change affect the drop rate on new pack items?

The Bronze category will be less common than it was in the past. This means that there is a higher drop rate for Silver and Gold items (which are new to the pack).


What are the drop rates for Bronze, Silver, and Gold items inside of the Grand Chance Cube?

Although we can’t go into details on specific drop rates, Silver and Gold items will be much more common in the Grand Chance Cube than they were in previous Bronze and Grand Packs.


Are Collection unlock prices going to be adjusted?

There are no plans to adjust Collection unlock prices at this time.


Are there or more less new items in the new pack, with the removal of Bronze items?

There are more Silver and Gold items than there were in previous packs, but less items overall with the removal of Bronze.


Thanks everyone.



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LOL, disregard, Eric answered these as I was posting. Still in here to say not gonna spend money or even credits on the GTN for this badly redesigned pack contents. Crap Chance Cubes can stay unpurchased on the CM imo.


Clarification Questions:


Regarding the two items: I read your post, Eric, as saying - for each Item, I would have a chance to get a new item OR a grand chance cube. Is that a 50% chance? Is that for both items? Because the way I read it I could easily get two chance cubes and no new pack items.


Regarding the chance cube: This is a cube that contains ALL past pack items, randomly assigned? Armor in a chance cube will be a full set, but the other bronze pack crap like ball tosses included? What is the bronze/silver/gold drop table look like? Do I have an equal chance to get any one item regardless of rarity? Because the former packs contained a LOT of items... and a lot of crap items at that. (No one really wants more ball tosses, pub/imp banners or antique socorro weapons, now do they, because if you do that chance cube loot table wrong, that's what we'll be getting mostly.)

Edited by Ryenke
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Hey folks,


We have definitely seen a few consistent topics popping up in this thread and we want to make sure we get answers to those questions.


Thank you for your responses. Two of my questions still remain.


1. What is the plan for the artifact stackable bound to legacy Cartel Market Certificates? Will they ever drop again and if so, from where?


2. How do you plan to address the eventual dilution of items possibly returned from grand chance cubes as time goes on?

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I have got to say, I think the reason the BSG packs sold was because they were broken down into items. I have all the armor I want, unless a specific new armor set interests me. But I do still want mounts, decos and dyes. So I purchased (honestly, bought off GTN) THOSE packs, and left the armor packs alone. Others, most folk I imagine, left the BSG packs I like alone and got armor packs.


The new Grand (crap) Chance Cube? One random (loot table hidden from consumer) item of any type, any grade? ........... Way to downgrade your goods. Total fail imo.

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1. What is the plan for the artifact stackable bound to legacy Cartel Market Certificates? Will they ever drop again and if so, from where?


^^^ so much this. PLEASE bring back the Cartel Market certificates! You have so many vendor items that still require them; to cut off the supply completely is extremely unfair.


(Don't even get me started on the microscopic chance of getting one from the nuked slot machine. that doesn't even count any more.)


And this Grand Chance cube thing? Seriously, total PHAIL. I'm sorry to have to be rude about it but it just is.

Edited by Taramayne
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I don't like the new pack's proposed structure.

...It's too random

Likewise, given the fact that most of the grand packs tend to offer rewards at a seeming 20+:1 ratio of bronze to silver/gold rewards this change is basically reducing the return on players investment.


It would be far better to simply add the grand pack to the existing pack offering structure since that adds to the pack's value as opposed to reducing the offerings in a pack and adding RNG fluff.


Asserting that there will be no more bronze armor packs doesn't mean there won't be any more "bronze quality" items

I'm not entirely sure how the assertion that there won't be a bronze tier even plays into things because that's not possible.


That last Czerka mount can barely even be called bronze tier (closer to rust, tbh). It dropped so often in the current pack that it can't even be sold at it's stated value.

If it could be sold to vendors, players would actually make more money off it than they could ever move it on the GTN for....That's how bad it is. You are saying this will now be a silver grade item?


In short, what you are proposing is too much RNG.

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Hey folks,


We have definitely seen a few consistent topics popping up in this thread and we want to make sure we get answers to those questions. Here they are:


How much will packs cost after these changes?

The price will remain the same as the previous pack at 200 Cartel Coins per pack. Even with the price being the same, it is worth noting that you have a higher chance to receive Gold and Silver items than there was previously.


Are Grand Chance Cubes replacing all Bronze items in packs?

Yes, any time you would have gotten a Bronze item in the past, you will now get a Grand Chance Cube in its place.


Is it possible that I can get two Grand Chance Cubes in one pack (meaning no new items)?

Yes, this is possible. Just as with previous packs, it is possible to get two Bronze drops together, and in this case that means two Grand Chance Cubes. Keep in mind that you can get a new item from a Grand Chance Cube. It is even possible to get a full lootboxed version of one of the new Gold Armor Sets.


How does this change affect the drop rate on new pack items?

The Bronze category will be less common than it was in the past. This means that there is a higher drop rate for Silver and Gold items (which are new to the pack).


What are the drop rates for Bronze, Silver, and Gold items inside of the Grand Chance Cube?

Although we can’t go into details on specific drop rates, Silver and Gold items will be much more common in the Grand Chance Cube than they were in previous Bronze and Grand Packs.


Are Collection unlock prices going to be adjusted?

There are no plans to adjust Collection unlock prices at this time.


Are there or more less new items in the new pack, with the removal of Bronze items?

There are more Silver and Gold items than there were in previous packs, but less items overall with the removal of Bronze.


Thanks everyone.



So...basically it works exactly like we all think it will.


Changing junk bronze gear into silver, and silver into gold, isn't the same as removing bronze...

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OK, how about this:


2 items as before (except now just silver or gold as no more bronze..)

One companion gift as before

One scrap as before




..straight up ADD one Chance cube thingy for a shot at some old stuff IN ADDITION to all else above.

ADD a chance at a cartel market certificate. (Maybe replace the scrap item on a small chance)


That would greatly increase the value of these packs and inspire more folks to have a go at them, rather than the current suggestion REDUCING the value by throwing in more RNG instead of anything interesting.


..Sound like a plan?

Edited by Taramayne
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Hey folks,


We have definitely seen a few consistent topics popping up in this thread and we want to make sure we get answers to those questions. Here they are:


How much will packs cost after these changes?

The price will remain the same as the previous pack at 200 Cartel Coins per pack. Even with the price being the same, it is worth noting that you have a higher chance to receive Gold and Silver items than there was previously.


Are Grand Chance Cubes replacing all Bronze items in packs?

Yes, any time you would have gotten a Bronze item in the past, you will now get a Grand Chance Cube in its place.


Is it possible that I can get two Grand Chance Cubes in one pack (meaning no new items)?

Yes, this is possible. Just as with previous packs, it is possible to get two Bronze drops together, and in this case that means two Grand Chance Cubes. Keep in mind that you can get a new item from a Grand Chance Cube. It is even possible to get a full lootboxed version of one of the new Gold Armor Sets.


How does this change affect the drop rate on new pack items?

The Bronze category will be less common than it was in the past. This means that there is a higher drop rate for Silver and Gold items (which are new to the pack).


What are the drop rates for Bronze, Silver, and Gold items inside of the Grand Chance Cube?

Although we can’t go into details on specific drop rates, Silver and Gold items will be much more common in the Grand Chance Cube than they were in previous Bronze and Grand Packs.


Are Collection unlock prices going to be adjusted?

There are no plans to adjust Collection unlock prices at this time.


Are there or more less new items in the new pack, with the removal of Bronze items?

There are more Silver and Gold items than there were in previous packs, but less items overall with the removal of Bronze.


Thanks everyone.




Thanks for confirming our suspicions that your new packs suck. :mad:


More silver & gold items = more expensive legacy unlocks


Grand Chance Cubes instead of bronze items = junk from old packs instead of new items.


Can you go back to Marketing and tell them they failed big time please? Cheers.

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Since there are more gold & silver items, which have high unlock costs,

unlock costs actually are a new, better way to get money from players, I assume.


Yup. People were waiting for a collections unlock sale, back in december. We now have an answer as to why it didn't happen (and it ain't gonna happen).


Nickel-and-dime much?



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BTW, the folks I have seen on the thread commenting "I don't like this new plan but i may buy a crate anyways just to see" are defeating the purpose IMO.


If you don't like it, then DON'T buy any at all. That's the message that will get through the clearest.

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First the disappearance of Cartel Certificates, with absolutely zero reason why and zero news on if and when they are coming back.


Then the reduction of the number of items in each pack.


Then the bumping up of legacy unlock costs for existing items.


Then the removal of the bronze/silver/gold packs, after we were told they would be a permanent addition to the Cartel Market.


NOW they make packs even MORE random and even LESS likely to drop the things you are trying to get by buying the packs in the first place.


That's it. I'm done. I'm tired of being so jerked around as a customer. Unless most of, if not all, of these decisions are reversed on BioWare's part, no more cartel packs for me. I'm speaking with my wallet.


From what I'm hearing from guildmates and friends, I'm not the only one who's going to stop playing the microtransaction game because of this either. Pity the BW/EA suits don't actually listen to their paying customers.

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So...basically it works exactly like we all think it will.


Changing junk bronze gear into silver, and silver into gold, isn't the same as removing bronze...


The more worrisome aspect is that he confirmed that the CM dev team has shrunk. They will release fewer new items so that have to give us old junk to fill out packs.

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The fact that they are not putting Cartel Certificates back into packs boggles the mind. Why even have the vendors? The only way other than old packs to get them is the Contraband slot machine and since the nerf the drop rates are so ridiculously low you might as well have the vendors accept Czerka Crate-O-Matics in exchange for items.
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Hey folks,


We have definitely seen a few consistent topics popping up in this thread and we want to make sure we get answers to those questions. Here they are:



WOW, you guys are clueless. The "consistent topic" has been this:




We don't have "questions" about the packs that you can answer in FAQ format. The community has been clear - this is a BAD idea, and it seems that the only people who are happy with it are the devs at BioWare. You are proving, time and time again, that you guys DO NOT listen to your community. So quit acting like you do.

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