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Penalty for Quitting a Match


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Can having a penalty for quitting be a thing, please? I am sick of being **** out of luck for my efforts when half of my team or the other team punks out and leaves the match. I've seen this happen in lowbies, mids and most of all high. It's absurd. I understand sometimes people go link dead, but that's rarely the case.


Also, it's quite humorous/awkward when people rage, quit the match, re-queue and get the same game, amirite?

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As long as the warzones are filled with people so incredibly dumb that you start developing doubts whether they're real human players or merely bots I reserve my right to leave whenever I want. Edited by Asaxor
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Can having a penalty for quitting be a thing, please? I am sick of being **** out of luck for my efforts when half of my team or the other team punks out and leaves the match. I've seen this happen in lowbies, mids and most of all high. It's absurd. I understand sometimes people go link dead, but that's rarely the case.


Also, it's quite humorous/awkward when people rage, quit the match, re-queue and get the same game, amirite?


If they do that they need to allow you to choose at least 2 wz's you do not want to que for.. like WoW does.

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It's not hutball which is crappy- it's you being crappy in hutball :D anyway I think ppl quitting regs are destroying the fun I want to get in regs- especially arenas- yesterday some retard dps (having about 300dps or something) left after first round, so we lost 3v4 (2 tanks and me as a healer v 4 dps if I recall correctly)
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It's not hutball which is crappy- it's you being crappy in hutball :D anyway I think ppl quitting regs are destroying the fun I want to get in regs- especially arenas- yesterday some retard dps (having about 300dps or something) left after first round, so we lost 3v4 (2 tanks and me as a healer v 4 dps if I recall correctly)


If the dps was globaled, then the 300 dps is understandable.

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It's not hutball which is crappy- it's you being crappy in hutball :D anyway I think ppl quitting regs are destroying the fun I want to get in regs- especially arenas- yesterday some retard dps (having about 300dps or something) left after first round, so we lost 3v4 (2 tanks and me as a healer v 4 dps if I recall correctly)


If the dps was globaled, then the 300 dps is understandable.

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Can having a penalty for quitting be a thing, please? I am sick of being **** out of luck for my efforts when half of my team or the other team punks out and leaves the match. I've seen this happen in lowbies, mids and most of all high. It's absurd. I understand sometimes people go link dead, but that's rarely the case.


Also, it's quite humorous/awkward when people rage, quit the match, re-queue and get the same game, amirite?


let's get this straight. you cannot choose your teammates. you cannot choose your maps. you cannot even choose your format (arena vs. WZ). there's absolutely zero role matching in regs. faction imbalance is a problem on every server. and YOU want to penalize people for not playing the matches they don't want to play?



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how about the unusual large amount of players with inadequate gear at 65, ie expertise of less than 800 in some cases, no crystals, who immediately go to a def position add nothing to game and then come on this thread and ***** about players leaving..just no...when a requirement of 2018 at 65 is implemented even for regs and zero reward for zero effort than Ill agree to a deserter penalty..but until the obvious win trading players are removed, banned or other wise penalized properly..sorry I demand my right to leave a match. As well REMOVE the requirement to "complete" war zones mission at 65, all its done is add loser pve players who don't try, sabotage matches and basically goof off just to get it over so they can complete their mission.
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Can having a penalty for quitting be a thing, please? I am sick of being **** out of luck for my efforts when half of my team or the other team punks out and leaves the match. I've seen this happen in lowbies, mids and most of all high. It's absurd. I understand sometimes people go link dead, but that's rarely the case.


Also, it's quite humorous/awkward when people rage, quit the match, re-queue and get the same game, amirite?


No. Hell no. So you would rather have people afk the whole match making it so you can't have the possibility of a decent backfill? You'd rather have people purposely sabotage the match to get over quicker? That's what would happen.


Also, as long as vote kick doesn't work to get rid of brain dead players, then I should be able to quit out of any team that doesn't have a cumulative IQ of higher than 1....excluding myself.

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Can having a penalty for quitting be a thing, please?


Quitters make space free for better team members. This *can* happen, I've seen it often enough.


So, to think that quiotters are just bad is wrong. Quitters actually give the own team a second chance.

You need to think out of the box, so to say.


On the other hand, if quitters quit because they don't want to get famed ... And you want them to get punished because threy don't want to get farmed ... So, this implicitely means that you encourage farming if this happens that quitters get a penalty - because this penalty might quitters want to not quit because they don't want to get a penalty - this is in its essence the Tarkin Doctrine : Ruling by fear ...

Except for those quitters who just don't care.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Quitting without penalty is the only way to have fun in regs and avoid all this cancer healer-tank meta without taking too much brain damage from :)


I've never saw a people leaving match without healers. There is a very few reasoning to leave regs match

- you are facing healer-2healers-3healers and\or tanks, while your team have 0 healers (hell, even if you have 3 healers in your team it is still will be a 15 minutes of retardfest dpsing a different Warzone Target Dummys, where noone can die, which i preffer to leave at the start). Here is also facing premades, cause they are most of the time healer-tank-2 dps. Facing a 4 dps premade is still doable even if you have lower chances to win, you will have a very good fights and what is more imporant - fun.

- you are joining arena match. Many people just insta leaving arenas, can't blame them :)

- people leaving "Huttballs", very rare, i think you even don't need to play with ball if you don't like it - there is still a lot of places to do actual PvP even in a huttball match.


So nope, no penalty is needed.

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Huttball is the most balanced pvp map though.


But only the old huttball.

Quesh-huttball is SO bugged..

As long as people with the ball with speed-skills are bugging away, I won't play quesh-huttball.

Engine is too bad for quesh-huttball.

And never fixed since they brought quesh-huttball.

Reported many times.... but as with all bugs I've reported... nothing is happening.

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But only the old huttball.

Quesh-huttball is SO bugged..

As long as people with the ball with speed-skills are bugging away, I won't play quesh-huttball.

Engine is too bad for quesh-huttball.

And never fixed since they brought quesh-huttball.

Reported many times.... but as with all bugs I've reported... nothing is happening.


Crappy map design? Sure? Bugged? No. The only thing that is bugged is leap abilities not working on a vertical climb which happens even on maps like Civil War in the middle area and the game engine itself. Not really a map issue.

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Can having a penalty for quitting be a thing, please? I am sick of being **** out of luck for my efforts when half of my team or the other team punks out and leaves the match. I've seen this happen in lowbies, mids and most of all high. It's absurd. I understand sometimes people go link dead, but that's rarely the case.


Also, it's quite humorous/awkward when people rage, quit the match, re-queue and get the same game, amirite?



Only if i get to put a Penalty for bad game play on you for 30 min should do. Then i will stick around till the end of the match. So i don't have to play with people that think the wheels on the bus go round in round. While there licking the windows. This is the problem with pvp some of us don't like carrying those that don't know that 2 healers free casting while trying to beat on the gunslinger while he is guarded by a tank is bad kk. Thinking some how the great swtor pvp masters will magically grant them a kill....

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Crappy map design? Sure? Bugged? No. The only thing that is bugged is leap abilities not working on a vertical climb which happens even on maps like Civil War in the middle area and the game engine itself. Not really a map issue.


But that is not what I wanted to tell.

The problem ist that always the ball carrier isn't attackable or healable if he uses a moving speed skill.

Shadows, Scoundrels, Vanguards, ...

All move with the ball without possibility to stop them because they aren't attackable for me. I can only see the line of the ball, but the player is like he is invisible ;-)

Thats why I never play quesh-huttball.

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Can having a penalty for quitting be a thing, please? I am sick of being **** out of luck for my efforts when half of my team or the other team punks out and leaves the match. I've seen this happen in lowbies, mids and most of all high. It's absurd. I understand sometimes people go link dead, but that's rarely the case.


Also, it's quite humorous/awkward when people rage, quit the match, re-queue and get the same game, amirite?


>Regs are so serious that leaving a match must result in a penalty.


>Regs are so unserious that there is no team balancing and teammates don't need gear, effort, or a clue to queue.


Pick one.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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But that is not what I wanted to tell.

The problem ist that always the ball carrier isn't attackable or healable if he uses a moving speed skill.

Shadows, Scoundrels, Vanguards, ...

All move with the ball without possibility to stop them because they aren't attackable for me. I can only see the line of the ball, but the player is like he is invisible ;-)

Thats why I never play quesh-huttball.


if we're only talking about queshball, then there is an issue targeting the ball carrier, but that has nothing to do with movement abilities. it's just literally seeing who has the ball because all of the colors are the same and you cannot see if the person you're targeting is the person with the ball.


I think you're confusing a sin's other CDs with his movement abilities. vanguards have no such dmg immunities attached to HTL either. most movement abilities in the game are or can be spec'd to break roots and be immune to roots, but only the op roll ties dmg immunity to it (which is really silly as a 1v1 mechanic and pretty useless in a scrum).


normally, I'd say the op roll is a problem in hb, but you specified queshball, and the glitching on that map isn't bad. it's on the more frequent and important ramps in the pit that the glitch breaks the game because it shows the op rolling in the pit when he's on one of the other two ramp levels.

Edited by foxmob
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