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Everything posted by flyingwarden

  1. Sniper was gutted this expansion, their dcd's are sub-par. Mara's with defel spliced genes have an anti-focus pretty much on demand.
  2. Definitely not. There are 2 ways to shut down an op, root them or stun them. Giving them a root breaker that can break roots twice on a 10 second cd, would make them just as annoying as sorcs. Plus, ops can choose a root breaker in their utility tree, that's tied to their threat dumper (45 sec cd). The rest I either agree with or dont really care about.
  3. If the dps was globaled, then the 300 dps is understandable.
  4. If the dps was globaled, then the 300 dps is understandable.
  5. Most players are complaning about sorc heals, not their dps disciplines.
  6. Because crappy huttball has feelings too.
  7. Boltstorm is single target, flamethrower is not.
  8. They should just decrease flamethrowers channeled time by .5 secs per stack of superheated flamethrower.
  9. flyingwarden

    New HYPE!

    In addition, Force Barrer's cd has been removed.
  10. Not much changed from 3.0, except for the surge nerf, but practically every class got the surge nerf. So, if you liked them in 3.0, you'll like them in 4.0.
  11. Only 1 dps spec arsenal. IO took a hard nerf in 4.0.
  12. The burst nerfs were heavily centered around pve; so i doubt those buffs will be returning.
  13. I have never seen anyone in my life state a mouse as anything other than mouse, and I'm from the US. For you see, mice are plenty awesome, and downplaying them like that is preposterous. Bioware will just probably announce something about their story. Since, that's the angle of the game they're focusing on.
  14. I feel we can all come to an agreement. Let's just remove ops from the game, that way they're op-ness doesn't ruin everyone's enjoyment. I mean lethality is op currently, you ever been hit by their crap dots? It's insulting, therefore op, and scrapper is even more op. I mean sure you can root them and that pretty much shuts them down, but they can root you back. How dare they.
  15. flyingwarden

    Dear Santa

    I'm assuming since Santa doesn't exist, nothing will happen.
  16. Aren't all tanks over-performing in the damage department? So, that's not exclusive to jugg tanks. Pt's are op as hell currently though. One isnt that difficult to take down, but if there's 2 and a healer, no matter who you focus you're still gonna get globaled. I just hope when the nerf comes, pyro isn't nerfed by association.
  17. I'm pretty sure this was stated before, but Bioware has had around 4 years to implement a solo and group queue in regs, yet they haven't, nor do i think they plan on ever separating the queue. So, after being rolfstomped by a premade for the last time. I'm going to vote with my wallet and just unsubscribe. (Note - I could of made a thread about me unsubscribing, but i didn't, and yes I want a cookie. Since this is my first forum post in 3 years, gonna use an emoticon for the hell of it. ) May the force be with you all. (I'm not going to give anyone my items or credits; since i do enjoy this game, and if they at least implement matchmaking based on role. I'd be tempted to resubcribe. One more emoticon, )
  18. You guys do realize, many people re-subbed for the pvp update in 1.2. So, when you take that away, or say (" sorry we lied to you, wait a bit longer"). You will get a ton of complaints, but I knew this was going to happen. Reason being, Bio-ware loves making false promises, and won't stop until they realize they are losing consumers because of it. (Just what I think though.....)
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