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Players that inspired you the most?


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Who inspired you the most when it comes to SWTOR?


For me, the two players who have inspired me the most (among MANY) are Abalam and Chasso, and for different reasons.


Abalam was the first player I saw put up truly monstrous numbers in regs while still performing well in 4's (seasons 2 and 3). Sure, he ignored objectives (something I just can't do most of the time) but he would put an entire team in spawn back when Madness was legitimately fearful. Coincidentally, I decided to main a Madness sorc at the time (just coming off being a clicker) and tried to emulate his aggressive approach. There is nothing more exciting than wiping an enemy team and then proceeding to their node for a 2v5 showdown with your healer.


Chasso was THE most recognizable/prolific merc for the longest time and is still one of the best. His approach to a weak, turrety but fun-to-play class/spec has inspired a TON of RDPS, myself included, thanks to his YouTube videos. My playstyle borrows heavily from his, particularly in the area of positioning. It is very satisfying to go through an entire match without dying because of smart decisions.


Without these two players I'd be some crappy marauder named Zeliana. Probably still clicking too.


Most people fail to get good at this game because they don't look up to people who are better than them and strive to become that.


I try to use a balancing act between the two playstyles: Chasso's cautious, positioning-based approach, and Abalam's aggressive, risky style. There is nothing more exciting then waiting until the last possible second to extricate yourself from a situation, but surviving nonetheless.


Both of these players have one thing in common: they take ownership of a spec and become the best at it. We live in an age where most people don't really have the patience to master something (and understandably so).


Also, Marisi and Fascinate's super professional 3.0 guide to Merc DPS inspired me to give PVE a shot on this toon. Major kudos to them.


What about you guys?

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Zenod. He inspired me to play Assassin, which is funny because it's the class that I told myself I'd never play.


Chasso was actually the first player I became obsessed with back in the day. I found myself watching his videos and trying to emulate his play-style. Rinnegan and Calem followed after that. I remember dueling Rinnegan on Death Smile's ship and dying so quick that I didn't even have time to use any of my defensives.


Special mention to Sicari - Best waifu

Edited by DARKheartLAND
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Ooooo My first person that made me want to be a merc was Skyfall (Zepplin) he prob doesn't play anymore but hes the reason I even made a merc has a mara named cashmir.


The person that made me want to improve as a medic was tariuka I prob butchered the name but he was in eternal or Invaild target at the time and I remember my first ranked game was agasint him when I was moved to the correlian run server and my team got CRUSHED and there was tariuka with probe both medics and that made me go wow I wanna be as good as them one day.


Next for me are 4 people Telos Teretyhn Entity and Ambien. Those 4 for me always just felt different prob over hyping but they were like supreme beings always always always always on point and just did stuff that made me sit back and just feel special and lucky enough to even get the chance to play with them. There are other ppl that Iv'e been around with that Iv'e seen get 2 that are at that lv of superness in my eyes (not that it means anything) like Xani Jaglo Lallah (my twin! the better 1) and Khronik but those 4 were the first I personally ever expeirenced and its like they started at that lv of mind blowing air gasping stunlocked ur keyboard lv I'm not sure how to explain it.


And a special feeling feelz for healing No one 2 me is better then Xavuy he just plays realllllly realllly super computer ish. Iv'e literally spent entire warzones in stealth on bonkbonk just watching him heal and it's like he takes everything into account all at the same time where hes positioned what cds are available who's more important to keep alive, escape options line of sight everything and it's just beautiful to watch.


This is a nice thread btw hoppin /bonk

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Well id say it is a little different for me....

I wouldnt attribute 1 specific player to me wanting to get better at this game... i have always played on shadowlands and have always played pub side... so needless to say i have gotten the shhhhhhhiittttttt kicked out of me by the imps... and one day i had enough and instead of rerolling imp i decided to get better.... so thank you to all the imps that beat my aaasssssss.....

Players who affected my play since then in no particular order: Elros, Ily, Suby, and Dothack

Elros is probably the most intelligent person in this game that i have been able to play with and the GREATEST SENTINEL EVER! imo....

Ily i had some of the most fun with playing double merc early in the day 1 of us in IO 1 of us in Arsenal blowin people up...

Suby is just intelligent in every class that he plays... points out things you can do better and is always the first one to say when he does something wrong....

Dothack brought me into the late night raid team... it was my first real progression raiding experience and WE ARE HAVOC SQUAD! All those late nights wiping oh boy what fun:tran_tongue:


Shout out to my OMG pink members! you guys are the reason i still play.... #pinknation

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There are few players who have influenced me, but I will admit that 3 players have had a significant impact on my game play. In no particular order, Olivia/Flo'am/Syoma(he gave me his names btw), Spurs/Lord Venkman, and Diavola/Pvesucks have had the most impact on who I am as a player. I've basically taken what I learned from them and applied it to my own play style. Olivia taught me that playing with your instincts is key, don't just play in the moment, but anticipate your opponents actions. Spurs has always been the most aware player in the game. Target selection and map/objective awareness is what I learned from him. Diavola has always stressed how important strats are, you have to have a plan, and you have to be able to adapt if something isn't going as planned. These guys are the greatest players/mentors of all time.


Shoutout to Lord Xavuy for being literally the best player in the game.

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Also just wanna add so ppl aren't afraid can post whoever they want just share the inspiration cant really get anyone upset because u may love playing with X Y and Z but maybe it was A that really inspired u, this imo is actually a nice thread doesn't even have to be ppl from way back at the start of the game or even insanely uber overlords of destruction and devastation. I know personally that having an inspiration in anything makes u "give" or unlock some kinda of passion....pretty much just saying 222 views and 7 rplies FEEEEEED THE THREAD (with good stuff)
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My inspirational story... Some preteen girl merc healer kicked my *** in some reg. I rerolled merc healer, coincidentally wound up in her guild 2 years later. I went back to her for advice when I started playing tank in 4's. She said my mask was ugly, and she wanted some fruitcups. Now here I am, a better person.


Actually a true story.

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TL;DR - Started picking out a few exceptional players from each class as I leveled them all and combined all the knowledge from each to become better.


Hmm... I was an exclusively PvE sorc for the longest time but I started solo queuing for warzones about 6 months in and got absolutely steamrolled by the only 8 pubs that queued on my origin server (shoutout to those still playing from sith meditation sphere). I decided that PvP was far more entertaining and challenging than anything PvE could ever produce so I dove in headfirst.


I started creating new characters to keep the game fresh and I always searched for someone who knew the class inside and out to talk about rotation, gearing, specs, anything that seemed helpful. I asked so many people questions most of the names now escape me. Gradually I built up all 8 AC's and felt at least competent on all of them (While I definitely had my favorites).


Having such incredible players as Xa'vuy, Dr'Venkman, Jalgo, and Diavola to talk with and play with has been great though. Xa'vuy has the multitasking skills of a supercomputer. Dr'Venkman is the most objectively aware player I've ever seen and is superb at making plays. Jalgo is a beastly dps on whatever toon he plays and it's great to work with him in ranked. Diavola is right up there with Xa'vuy at being able to multitask and predict the incoming damage and make smart cc's and workshop new strats with. Overall, these are the people that inspire me to continue to strive to improve.

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I only have the attention span for PvP, but I'm inspired by allies and enemies alike.


First and foremost, our fearless WOOK chief, Bam, has dedicated himself to our clan, server and game in a way few if any can compare. He's a hard *** on our PvPers pushing us to learn every class and work as a unit. He's attended more Cantina events than some of the devs! With the help of others, he developed a strategy that led us to tie for first guild to conquer the galaxy without actively recruiting or consolidating smaller guilds. Bam is a champ.


Other WOOK who inspire me often are Yolky and Krent, our true ninjas. Watching them play has helped me be incredibly sneaky and rather hard to kill on most of my toons.


The Sportsmanship award goes to Youbecool (whereever he is). He handed out stims etc, just to strengthen a team. Never saw him leave a match, no matter how bad the pugs play.


Lastly, you Death Smile dudes are inspirational. You're tough rivals. In regs, we have to really come together to beat you and when we do, it feels pretty good!

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Definitely Eatthepennies,TCThief, and Cat from Hates you. While they probably don't even remember who I am, back when all of us were on POT5 they'd do a lot of runs in content my groups and I probably had no business in at the time free of charge and just for kicks. Pennies explained to me how to actually be a successful healer, and shared information I desperately needed at the time to help me get on the right track to becoming a competent end game player. Thief tirelessly joined a lot of my groups and helped out with mechanics while never getting overly frustrated with our incredible lack of awareness and brain farts. And Cat helped smooth out a lot of my tanking issues, and checked in with me on his own time to see how my old team and I were doing in the 3.0 raids. I learned tons from those three. I hope they're still around in some form. Great for the game to have guys like that....even if they did give me a good ribbing for being a moron from time to time...because I was doing something utterly insanely dumb. Edited by Shwarzchild
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Change thread title to DS circle jerk





Medes is the best dps sorc on our server when you include objectives and consistent play


he did so while being nice to people


something ds has yet to manage, sparing yourself, Hop, who as far as I can tell you were always classy

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Rick'James, Chasso, Dr'Venkman


Never give up and knows how to mess up your day.


Watched, learned and mentored by all. My gameplay has improved and I miss the Reg Q. Though I'll make that up in a couple weeks when I return from this deployment.


I do miss seeing Lalah on your Merc. ;)

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One of my greatest and most memorable mentors in this game was Lord Jackrip. He taught me the ways of the dark side of the force which enabled me to unleash my true potential on the peasants of this server.


Another player that influenced me to channel my dark side was Lord Malrak. His main contribution was teaching me to really dig deep down to find that hatred and harness it to global randos so hard they spawn back in the server selection screen.

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In my PVE days probably sicari (indirectly) and Ranick. But that was another life

1. Easily Zenod though was biggest inspiration and helped make me better, I can still feel his wisdom in air on fleet and in wzs. Kudos man

Clyde was also big help until he left, his presence lingers with me.

After a 4 months vacation Hoppin helped me get back in the saddle along with Clyde and of course Zenod.

Edited by NateSoGross
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