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10 Good

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  • Location
    Marina Del Rey, CA
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  • Occupation
    EP of an Animated TV Series
  1. Guild Name: WOOK Faction: Republic Focus: Everything Website: wookieeroar.com Notes: Not Actively Recruiting / We have at least one WOOK at every cantina event.
  2. I only have the attention span for PvP, but I'm inspired by allies and enemies alike. First and foremost, our fearless WOOK chief, Bam, has dedicated himself to our clan, server and game in a way few if any can compare. He's a hard *** on our PvPers pushing us to learn every class and work as a unit. He's attended more Cantina events than some of the devs! With the help of others, he developed a strategy that led us to tie for first guild to conquer the galaxy without actively recruiting or consolidating smaller guilds. Bam is a champ. Other WOOK who inspire me often are Yolky and Krent, our true ninjas. Watching them play has helped me be incredibly sneaky and rather hard to kill on most of my toons. The Sportsmanship award goes to Youbecool (whereever he is). He handed out stims etc, just to strengthen a team. Never saw him leave a match, no matter how bad the pugs play. Lastly, you Death Smile dudes are inspirational. You're tough rivals. In regs, we have to really come together to beat you and when we do, it feels pretty good!
  3. I've thought about proposing a Huttball League! But then there'd be a lot of WZ dropping because there's no way to activate huttball queues... What if: Teams are broken down into 4-Man Squads... (alt characters cannot represent the team member) A screen capture at the end of every match is required to confirm Win/Loss A huttball season could coincide with the PvP Ranked Season... Both Huttball maps.
  4. Togruta is completely underwhelming for me. I would take a wookiee with an English accent speaking Basic any day over this. Cathar was eh... good. Togruta... I'm just not even gonna waste a character slot on this. Devs: Just because I bought it, doesn't mean you got my approval on it!
  5. Good meeting you too! Some of us will be in SD for sure.
  6. We'll be there. Will you? Look for us in our matching T-shirts. We'd love to meet you if you're there!
  7. WOOK motivation depends on what planets our members need/missed. We're dedicated for that. We're also dedicated to PvE and PvP... not so much GSF We haven't relied on crafting since the big 20+mil weeks. Otherwise, we plan to share the galaxy. If a guild wants a planet bad enough, they'll win it.
  8. If I don't queue for any more ranked I'm #1 Scoundrel (I say this super lightheartedly!) 5-0 solo ranked, baby. Lucky as hell though!
  9. KloudyKlaw


    Only on conquest weeks for the bonus.
  10. This thread is funnier than the Best Players of Each Class thread. . . Thanks CotP for always being the first to recognize our progress and status! You guys certainly deserve honorable mention for all of your achievements. Cheers to all of you other amazing guilds who were overlooked for whatever silly reason!
  11. Congrats Nepthen and ORD! You guys are amazing strategists! Funny how both our guilds were able to avoid a showdown. Congrats to my WOOK brothers and sisters!
  12. It's a tactic that anyone can use! Kinda like the last minute ebay auctions, but still the winner wins. It didn't work when we tried it on Triumph, because they did it too. Congrats on your stealth cap!
  13. Sry! All fiery in competition so close to the round ending
  14. Congrats to The Drunk Tanks! You guys are formidable! At the risk of sounding elitist, both Triumph and WOOK (us) have defeated TDT in previous weeks. Let's not get ahead of ourselves
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