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Can people stop being so negative, please?


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Interesting. How much do those 9 days cost you? I can only imagine people who loiter around on the forum of a game they dislike have a pretty empty life?





I have nine days left just to pester you with ... yay :cool: I paid for my time so I'll post as much as I want. You sound scared of my presence. You could always report me and see how that works out lol but that would require staff actually still paying attention to this game. You know ... your healthy vibrant nothing wrong with it game. ;)


Actually I am calling you out about WoW cus i am looking forward to seeing you back here, after you check it out.

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Actually I am calling you out about WoW cus i am looking forward to seeing you back here, after you check it out.


I guarantee it wont happen. I really don't want to leave but the game has no future. Bioware has forced my hand. I hope the day never comes when you have invested years following a hobby (7 years now) and a proud supporter of said hobby and they throw you in the trash in hopes of new people. I pray that day never comes for you. Karma is a cold hearted mistress though.

Edited by Skaara
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I'm a returning player, and I'm enjoying the game immensely. Between conquest, strongholds, new story content and what not there is a lot of fun things to do in this game!


I come to the forums from time to time, and all I see is hate and rage at the game. Guys, please - you're starting to put me off, and it's not helping when new players visit the forum and see it's only full of complaints.


Ranting to other players here will no fix anything. If you have absolutely nothing positive to say, venting to people who are enjoying the game isn't going to change anything for you. Let's be more positive. A lot of new players are currently coming in and I can see it on my server - we should make them feel welcome so they stay!


Don't come to the forums in any game if you're looking for anything other than anger, resentment and outrage. You'll be disappointed otherwise.

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I guarantee it wont happen. I really don't want to leave but the game has no future. Bioware has forced my hand.


You might just need a long break. Who knows, in two years this game could be dead or it could be substantially different...

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These types of threads usually I find interesting. Yes people are negative, but at times people are resoundingly positive. While the forum's are probably a poor representative sample of the players general feelings they can provide some eye brow raising "hmm let's watch this and see what happens" type attitudes from the development side of things. Sometimes people are negative for reasons they confuse with being real actual problems or issues, others end up being avenues for someone to vent something in a way that they think is befitting their current mood. To each their own. But, I do subscribe to the notion that just because they're complaining about something in a negative fashion doesn't necessarily mean their concerns are without merit. Sometimes the argument made is completely baseless and truly a waste of space. Other times it's not. This forum is meant to be a place of communication between players and to a lesser extent the development team and community team. Whether that has been a good thing or a bad thing remains in a fluid state. Sometimes it's good and sometimes the reverse.


With that said, you're a new player OP. Enjoy the game. You have a lot of content to see and be a part of. Form your own judgements over time. Some of us have 4 years worth of experiences to work off of which gives us sometimes a better view of things, or sometimes a worse view of things depending on the person and their emotion level. I would say that while there is negativity that you don't like or agree with personally, these other people have their own views and there are things in this game to criticize especially if one's been around the block a time or two and this is the exact place to air their frustrations if they feel so inclined. Or they can share their positive feedback if they feel so inclined.

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I hope the day never comes when you have invested years following a hobby (7 years now) and a proud supporter of said hobby and they throw you in the trash in hopes of new people. I pray that day never comes for you. Karma is a cold hearted mistress though.


What in the actual **** are you talking about?


As the other guy said, it's pretty sad to loiter in the forums of a game you don't like, just to trash it.

You must be pretty mad how well the game is doing despite the things you don't like. See ya in *put random amount of time here*. Good luck in Shrek land. :cool:

Edited by Kaedusz
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What in the actual **** are you talking about?


As the other guy said, it's pretty sad to loiter in the forums of a game you don't like, just to trash it.

You must be pretty mad how well the game is doing despite the things you don't like. See ya in *put random amount of time here*. Good luck in Shrek land. :cool:


You wouldn't get it and I don't believe you even have the comprehension to do so.

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You might just need a long break. Who knows, in two years this game could be dead or it could be substantially different...


The way it is going now, it is going to be dead! They have changed so many things since the beginning. Some for good, but most for the bad. Since SoR, with Rishi and Yavin 4, if you are in a group and questing, you cannot enter in another group player's instant, you do your own. How is that encouraging MMO, they took the MMO out of MMORPG doing so. And then they took out most voice-over character conversations in KotFE, only the NPC has voice-over, your character has choice of answers and the character voice-over when answering is gone not like they used to have when we started this game. Cutting corners=cutting costs=loss of players. :mad: I refuse to pay for some half-assed game. I have 25 days left on my sub, unless they change their attitude towards the gamers and return the game as it was in the beginning, I am gone and so are my friends and from what I see, a lot of sub players as well. Please don't get me wrong, story-wise, the story is great, but game mechanics, not so much, plus all of the recent bugs, NIM, Bounty Contract, Raghoul and the monthly CC issue, it's just way too much ********, as they are being non-chalante (SP?) and they say it won't be fixed until Feb. I have been a trooper and defended this game since launch, but now I no longer have the energy or desire to defend it, like many said it, TORtanic. :D

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Maybe you should choose an example that isn't thirty-five years old? Or maybe an example from the same market? Or maybe an example that is comparable in any way at all that matters?


Is you implication that the example isn't valid? Are you saying that "Classic Coke" (and then just regular "Coke") wouldn't have been produced if consumers had not complained? Time rarely negates validity.


Here is what Coca-Cola had to say about New Coke .... in April of this year:

On the lessons of New Coke:

“I realized… that this was not a marketing issue; it was instead a deep psychological issue. A brand is not what you think it is; it is what is embedded in the mind of your user… We weren’t just playing around with a product; we were messing with an institution. And the American people let us know right away that they owned the brand.”


Let's see .... I could very easily reference the SWG NGE. Major game altering changes were made contrary to the will of the majority of the customer base in order to pander to casuals who are transient by their very nature.


But I'll stick to this game:

  • Forum users complained about companions being overpowered ..... that got fixed (maybe not on the first try, but it got fixed).
  • Forum users complained that the vanilla leveling process (ie hundreds of side quests) was too boring .... that got fixed.
  • Forum users complained that HK-55 died ..... and even though the story makes it perfectly clear that there is no way to bring him back to life ... we'll see him again soon.


It is a pretty simple matter of Supply/Demand that transcends time. If you change your product to the point that it is no longer in demand, you hemorrhage business to the point of failure. This game was the 4th highest grossing MMORPG in 2014. There was nothing wrong with the pre-KotFE game that required all these drastic changes.



Need I go on?

Edited by ekwalizer
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I'm a returning player, and I'm enjoying the game immensely. Between conquest, strongholds, new story content and what not there is a lot of fun things to do in this game!


I come to the forums from time to time, and all I see is hate and rage at the game. Guys, please - you're starting to put me off, and it's not helping when new players visit the forum and see it's only full of complaints.


Ranting to other players here will no fix anything. If you have absolutely nothing positive to say, venting to people who are enjoying the game isn't going to change anything for you. Let's be more positive. A lot of new players are currently coming in and I can see it on my server - we should make them feel welcome so they stay!


Let's say you came back and the only thing new was the KotFE storyline. Nothing else, just that. Would that be worth your $15 per month? Would you be willing to pay BW money every month to get 1 new chapter added starting in February with no other new content planned until at least mid year 2016?


Because that's where most people are at. And even KotFE relies heavily on running heroics that have been around since launch. It's not about needing a break, I've taken breaks. It's the fact that there is literally no new content on the roadmap outside of the next 7 chapters of story. Players will stick around if they like what's coming. That's tough to do for even the most loyal players when you don't know what that something is other than ~4 hours of story content added over the course of the next 8-9 months.


So I will continue to be critical of aspects of the game that don't satisfy my desires as a customer. And if new players ask, I'll let them know exactly how I feel. SWTOR is a great game if you've never played or haven't played in awhile, but will not be worth investing too heavily in for the long term.

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No because you don't pay my sub. Don't tell me what to say or think like this is some propaganda bs. If what there doing to the game is dumb then yes we can freely criticize. When will I stop being negative? Maybe when they release new content and New group content and do so on a consistent basis. But until then... :)
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I'm a returning player, and I'm enjoying the game immensely. Between conquest, strongholds, new story content and what not there is a lot of fun things to do in this game!


I come to the forums from time to time, and all I see is hate and rage at the game. Guys, please - you're starting to put me off, and it's not helping when new players visit the forum and see it's only full of complaints.


Ranting to other players here will no fix anything. If you have absolutely nothing positive to say, venting to people who are enjoying the game isn't going to change anything for you. Let's be more positive. A lot of new players are currently coming in and I can see it on my server - we should make them feel welcome so they stay!


I get where you're coming from, but that's never going to happen. Whether it's in game, on the internet or in real life, people often complain about something. It can be something as simple as their work, their relationships, their families, etc.. It's an innate feature in a lot of people. If you don't want to read it on the forums, the best thing you can do is to avoid them.

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How exactly is that supposed to happen when all the rants put new and returning players off, which means less players over all which means less chance of Bioware fixing what you want to to fix.

Criticism is not ranting, and if you don't understand just how ridiculously sloppy the past 8 weeks have been for Bioware, I suggest you read more about what has been happening and NOT happening that was promised.


And sadly, it's not my job, as a paying customer, to make sure all you returning players think everything is just fine. Whether or not players stay is 100% on Bioware...not ME! I'm doing my part...I haven't left. But it's very VERY clear that this game is in a spiral that we haven't seen since launch - and worse, there's NO light at the end of this tunnel...we have another full year of nothing new for groups to do...we aren't getting a new Op in 2016...we won't get the new WZ until fall at the earliest.


Bioware has done this...Bioware has created this...not their customers.

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Ranting to other players here will no fix anything.


Just as an aside, no, you're incorrect here. The massive backlash when they nerfed our companions a month after KOTFE was released *did* impact the design team. Well, that and the people threatening to quit.


I get that you're new and I get that you're happy. Just remember that you're the new kid at the table, and the rest of us old kids are way past leftovers and on the entrails now. That's why we're upset - the horrifyingly bad development team on this game just went on vacation and left everything broken while still taking our money for our subscriptions. It's a travesty.

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Let's say you came back and the only thing new was the KotFE storyline. Nothing else, just that. Would that be worth your $15 per month? Would you be willing to pay BW money every month to get 1 new chapter added starting in February with no other new content planned until at least mid year 2016?

It looks like I'll be getting more content per month under this new approach than I was averaging over the past two years or more.


Each new Operation takes, what? Two hours to complete? Each new Flashpoint less than an hour? Daily areas are maybe two hours of new content? We were not getting these things every two months - ever. If each story chapter clocks in at about an hour, and we get that each month, that's more new content on average than the Flashpoints or Operations releases were ever giving.


And as an aside, they are adding other content - we know we're getting the Brawler's Guild analog in February.

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Criticism is not ranting, and if you don't understand just how ridiculously sloppy the past 8 weeks have been for Bioware, I suggest you read more about what has been happening and NOT happening that was promised.


And sadly, it's not my job, as a paying customer, to make sure all you returning players think everything is just fine. Whether or not players stay is 100% on Bioware...not ME! I'm doing my part...I haven't left. But it's very VERY clear that this game is in a spiral that we haven't seen since launch - and worse, there's NO light at the end of this tunnel...we have another full year of nothing new for groups to do...we aren't getting a new Op in 2016...we won't get the new WZ until fall at the earliest.


Bioware has done this...Bioware has created this...not their customers.


Well said. Think about it this way "returning players", all ya'll left at least once already. So there was something about the game that you didn't like back then. Maybe if you had complained about it, it would have been fixed while you were still a customer. Or maybe, just maybe those of us who have stuck it out *did* complain about the things you didn't like and they did get fixed which is why you chose to come back.

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I'm a returning player, and I'm enjoying the game immensely. Between conquest, strongholds, new story content and what not there is a lot of fun things to do in this game!


I come to the forums from time to time, and all I see is hate and rage at the game. Guys, please - you're starting to put me off, and it's not helping when new players visit the forum and see it's only full of complaints.


Ranting to other players here will no fix anything. If you have absolutely nothing positive to say, venting to people who are enjoying the game isn't going to change anything for you. Let's be more positive. A lot of new players are currently coming in and I can see it on my server - we should make them feel welcome so they stay!


What exactly is there to be positive about? A new "expansion" with two hours of content that is the same on every toon? Two broken events back to back? No new end game content for over a year and by the time we even get new end game content it will probably have been two years since the last one.


I'm not saying the game is bad, but for long time players the slow updates, the major focus to the cartel market, the lack of any effort put into the game (see the two broken events or even the "big" announcement which was just "sub for 8 months and you get a free companion") Long time players have every right to be negative. We obviously like the game, but we expect more from the developers. FFXIV for example releases 3x the amount of content in the same time frame as BW does for swtor. Like even little things. Why doesn't BW add swoop bike racing? What about pazaak? Those are just minor examples of mini games they could throw in inbetween major content.

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You wouldn't get it and I don't believe you even have the comprehension to do so.


Nice bait, but you probably failed to see what my question was directed against. I called ******** the actual reference, not the meaning the post.



Why doesn't BW add swoop bike racing? What about pazaak? Those are just minor examples of mini games they could throw in inbetween major content.


This is something i can agree with, but i doubt they will ever add Pazaak for obvious reasons. Still the 2 space battle mini games are much better than Pokemon.


All in all the glass is more than half full.

Edited by Kaedusz
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It looks like I'll be getting more content per month under this new approach than I was averaging over the past two years or more.


Each new Operation takes, what? Two hours to complete? Each new Flashpoint less than an hour? Daily areas are maybe two hours of new content? We were not getting these things every two months - ever. If each story chapter clocks in at about an hour, and we get that each month, that's more new content on average than the Flashpoints or Operations releases were ever giving.


And as an aside, they are adding other content - we know we're getting the Brawler's Guild analog in February.


1 hour lol! More like 10 minutes.

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And to add to the list of nuisances: dread palace isn't dropping a 224 chest piece as it should be. But, let's just not be negative or criticize because this game is great, and everything is working as intended, and new players should be coddled. Let's add easy mode in here too...oh wait.


FRUSTRATING. But everyone....they'll fix things in February or talk to us again in February! It ends in Y! See! Everything is fantastic! Game's fun!

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Nice bait, but you probably failed to see what my question was directed against. I called ******** the actual reference, not the meaning the post.




This is something i can agree with, but i doubt they will ever add Pazaak for obvious reasons. Still the 2 space battle mini games are much better than Pokemon.


I see you are still validating my opinions because you know I'm right and you're wrong. :p Don't feel bad ... you were heading down a road of failure the moment you defended this mess.

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