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George Smith - Raid Designer Leaves SWTOR


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Because a designer does not build an operation all on their own.


Without resources allocated to new operations projects, new operations do not get built - no matter how good or bad the designer is at their job.


And when nothing new has been released in a year, with nothing new on the horizon, the fact that an operations designer is leaving to pursue opportunities elsewhere in the company just reinforces what many already believe, and that the current management of SWTOR has no intention of creating new operations anytime soon, if at all.

lol, I'm having this very discussion with a friend of mine (about what his job is). He thinks it would take them a team of 4-5 minimum for new Ops...I disagree. I think 1-2 people working on Ops could easily deliver the amount of content that George has delivered the past 2 years...we're only talking about TWO ops...there's no way I think you can justify more than 1-2 people with results this anemic.


As for that last part...damn right it's a bad sign.

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lol, I'm having this very discussion with a friend of mine (about what his job is). He thinks it would take them a team of 4-5 minimum for new Ops...I disagree. I think 1-2 people working on Ops could easily deliver the amount of content that George has delivered the past 2 years...we're only talking about TWO ops...there's no way I think you can justify more than 1-2 people with results this anemic.


As for that last part...damn right it's a bad sign.


it all depends on what takes the time in raids, and what resources of general content they use, chances are they mostly utlize general content developers, and have a small number of people whose job is mechanics

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One more piece to add to the puzzle, there really is a strong indication that we will never receive another operation. :(

I'm not angry at George because he is not the reason why the raiding was abandoned. I remember watching him running TFB with DNT on a dev stream and I wish him the best on his future projects.

Edited by Jerba
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lol, I'm having this very discussion with a friend of mine (about what his job is). He thinks it would take them a team of 4-5 minimum for new Ops...I disagree. I think 1-2 people working on Ops could easily deliver the amount of content that George has delivered the past 2 years...we're only talking about TWO ops...there's no way I think you can justify more than 1-2 people with results this anemic.


As for that last part...damn right it's a bad sign.


And your basis on this 1-2 people is what exactly? A hunch? You have any involvement in any sort of development what so ever let alone a title of this calibre?


I used to hate those SWG NGE references to this game but I am actually starting to buy into the design choices being taken on by BW lately are leading down a similar path.

If anything NGE proves designers/management can make retarded decisions that take a successful product down the garden path to be put down so it's not becoming that much of a stretch to see the same thing occurring with SWToR.


Who knows though ... maybe something else will come along to justify long term subscribing again but right now preferred status is more than adequate.

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Pretty much I guess they have to share Bob the intern who leads the PvP team :p


Actually I have great new guys.


I've got an email from Bioware today saying I am the lucky winner of the "Create our future operations" secret draw they must have conducted.


As such I will be designing, developing, and coding all future operations.


Now I have no idea how to code this sort of thing nor do I have much time to spend on this but apparently the half an hour a day I can spare will be more than sufficient for the $90K per annum salary they are going to give me.


I promise I'll do my best though folks and not let you down! Just keep paying your subs because it will be worth it in the long term but only if you keep paying your subs in the mean time!


They also offered me a position as community manager but the 5 posts a week and over the top faked enthusiasm during live streams was a bit much for me to squeeze in so I had to turn down the salary of free lifetime subscriber to take on this role and thus Eric will be retaining it.


I'm happy to take idea's on new idea's for operations ... at this stage I am working on a working title of "Revan and Kephess return! .... Again!" and their might even be a secret appearance by the emperor because well ... can't get enough of him either.

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For all anyone knows, this is a sign new Flashpoints/Operations are going to be worked on. A fresh face to give it a fresh impetus. Way to assume the worst.


I like your optimism :mon_trap:


Personaly, I prefer to think that, given the almost a year old news that Mass Effect Andromeda was basically finished and the fact that why would a Mass Effect team require his specific ops and flashpoints designing skills, BW seems to be working on a new mmo, most likely mass effect mmo. So many signs (starting from the 2018 expertise "easter egg") and opinions show that swtor has about 2 years left of active online. Well, signs and opinions are all we have, BW surely can't afford to announce the year 2018 as the last swtor year, would be very bad for business. Swtor 2, probably...but this news allows to think that it's more probably mass effect mmo.


They have this amazing sci-fi mass effect universe, they're not bound by any licence or lore restrictions, the possibility of it was mentioned by BW representatives officially in interviews (and each time they said it's a great idea with tons of potential, never anything like "wouldn't work, mass effect is single player experience only etc...). Well, I'd be glad to see all the experience and lessons learned from swtor implemented in mass effect mmo :rak_grin:

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For all anyone knows, this is a sign new Flashpoints/Operations are going to be worked on. A fresh face to give it a fresh impetus. Way to assume the worst.


Sorry but have to be pessimistic when they have gone back on their word with regards to the rate of release of new ops (remember the df/dp to tos rav 14 month interval was supposed to be an anomaly?) and with the recent nightmare debacles I would say its you living in a fools paradise. I hope I'm being a negative Nancy and I'm proved wrong, but I seriously doubt it.

Edited by MuskyBoy
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Will be another to take his place. and maybe he wasn't so good afterall that's why we haven't had new raids or anything. Here's to hoping some new blood :)


Because of the way you highlight your comments and support this game i thought you were an EA employee but now i realize you are just a fanboy, boy pretty much because of the naivity, do you really think only 1 person creates operations? even worst do you think the guy who quit who was involved on all the past operations wasn't that good? really? sigh..... lets call mickey mouse to fill the vacant...

Edited by psikofunkster
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Transferred. People are acting like he was let go.


If there was an operation in the works or plans to start working on an operation, why would you transfer your lead raid designer to another project? Does that sword and shield ever get heavy Reno?

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So, what will happen to George now? what he will do?


Clearly he's still got work.


And that work will not be designing raids for SWTOR.


One might suspect he was informed he would have nothing to do for an extremely prolonged period and would be better served in a different game.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Linky links

reddit link


I can't say that I'm surprised. This is indeed sad and hilarious.


That tweet reads

@Swtor_Potato Yeah, time to do something new. Never say never though.

His user bio reads

Operations and Flashpoints designer on SW:TOR. Why 4 3s? Why super? Good questions.

Austin, TX

Joined December 2013


He's going to "do something new," implying he won't be making PvE MMO group content in the future.


Makes you wonder what he'll be doing for the Mass Effect universe. He could be going to (1) Montreal for Andromeda or (2) Edmonton for the new unannounced completely new IP Bioware project.

Edited by Falensawino
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im sure he left for good reasons i mean


the devs did go on stream & say FK off to the TOR PVE community & said get lost.


he leaves soon after i think it's safe to say devs here intend no ops ever agian or PVE content in general past story.....it's been so long.


dont put hope into this game its become more sp then any mmo out there

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If there was an operation in the works or plans to start working on an operation, why would you transfer your lead raid designer to another project? Does that sword and shield ever get heavy Reno?


Why are you asking me, I don't work at BW. And no it never gets Heavy since I play Strength Classes in MMO. Want a tissue?

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