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The Snark is strong in this one


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Your fight is going well, until... your companion opens his/her mouth and spouts an endless string of stupid chatter. And of course, we have to respond by talking back to the screen in some creative fashion that equates to "Will you please, for the love of the Force, SHUT UP!"


So I'd like to hear how you respond to your companion's repetitive chatter. Let's hear your most hated lines and your most snarky replies. For example...


Koth: I wouldn't mind a challenge now and then.

Me: I have a challenge for you. Try shutting your mouth for a few hours.


Lana: Somewhat worthy opponent.

Me: He died in two shots. How is that worthy?


Lana: That's the end of that one.

Me: Until he respawns and we have to fight him again.


Lana: I've got you.

Me: Babe? Are you Darth Sonny and Cher now?

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Lana: Somewhat worthy opponent.

Me: He died in two shots. How is that worthy?


Well, he didn't die in one hit. She did say somewhat, after all. :p


In all seriousness, though, one big one always pops into my mind:


Xalek: "One day, the servant will become the master."

Me: "Not if the servant dies first."


That line has always made me dislike Xalek and considering how stupidly DS I've made my Sorcerer, I can't imagine Xalek lasting long as their apprentice.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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Well, he didn't die in one hit. She did say somewhat, after all. :p


In all seriousness, though, one big one always pops into my mind:


Xalek: "One day, the servant will become the master."

Me: "Not if the servant dies first."


That line has always made me dislike Xalek and considering how stupidly DS I've made my Sorcerer, I can't imagine Xalek lasting long as their apprentice.


You know, that's the one thing that always bugged me.


WHY in the world would any Sith take on an apprentice? Why? They covet power and knowledge, so of course, they're going to go find a powerful Force user and teach them stuff and indoctrinate them into a culture that encourages promotion via assassination? WHY?


They can 'hire' all the servants that they need. So it's not that.


The smartest Sith who felt inexplicably compelled to take on an apprentice would NEVER teach them enough to be an actual threat, thus resulting in a weak tool and instrument that will never be as powerful and useful as they could be.


There's literally no rational, logical or sane reason for any Sith to take on an apprentice. The culture is rife with proof that Sith don't truly care for their apprentices and apprentices 'always' try to eventually overthrow and kill their Masters. SO WHY DO IT?

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"You finally trust me to do something."

Did a bowling ball fall on your head, this is the hundredth time I've sent you on a mission. I didn't know you embraced the passive-aggressive side of the Force.


Khem: "Jim 'n' Jawa."

You can watch your favorite cartoon when we get back to the ship.


Heskal: Choice is an illusion!

I didn't like the Mass Effect 3 ending either, Heskal, but let it go already.

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You know, that's the one thing that always bugged me.


WHY in the world would any Sith take on an apprentice? Why? They covet power and knowledge, so of course, they're going to go find a powerful Force user and teach them stuff and indoctrinate them into a culture that encourages promotion via assassination? WHY?


They can 'hire' all the servants that they need. So it's not that.


The smartest Sith who felt inexplicably compelled to take on an apprentice would NEVER teach them enough to be an actual threat, thus resulting in a weak tool and instrument that will never be as powerful and useful as they could be.


There's literally no rational, logical or sane reason for any Sith to take on an apprentice. The culture is rife with proof that Sith don't truly care for their apprentices and apprentices 'always' try to eventually overthrow and kill their Masters. SO WHY DO IT?


Main reason IMO is that, at some point during your life, you're gonna face a task too difficult to leave to a servant and too dangerous to risk your own life. So, you take an apprentice as use it as a pawn. Another reason might be numbers.


You know how the saying goes "It does not matter how strong the lion is, enough jackals will overwhelm and kill it". And smart Sith Masters usually leave a hole in their training like "how to avoid the effects of my strongest techniques"

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Main reason IMO is that, at some point during your life, you're gonna face a task too difficult to leave to a servant and too dangerous to risk your own life. So, you take an apprentice as use it as a pawn. Another reason might be numbers.


You know how the saying goes "It does not matter how strong the lion is, enough jackals will overwhelm and kill it". And smart Sith Masters usually leave a hole in their training like "how to avoid the effects of my strongest techniques"


Maybe so. But I still think that the whole 'hire tons of Mandalorians' makes more sense than 'teach this other force user enough tricks to be useful, but not enough to be truly dangerous and hope that he doesn't get lucky when he tries to kill me somewhere down the road.'


Now that I think on it, maybe that one Sith had the right idea. Create a servant race like the Massassi and pretend to be God while elevating the most loyal to positions of power and augment them accordingly.

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You know, that's the one thing that always bugged me.


WHY in the world would any Sith take on an apprentice? Why? They covet power and knowledge, so of course, they're going to go find a powerful Force user and teach them stuff and indoctrinate them into a culture that encourages promotion via assassination? WHY?


They can 'hire' all the servants that they need. So it's not that.


The smartest Sith who felt inexplicably compelled to take on an apprentice would NEVER teach them enough to be an actual threat, thus resulting in a weak tool and instrument that will never be as powerful and useful as they could be.


There's literally no rational, logical or sane reason for any Sith to take on an apprentice. The culture is rife with proof that Sith don't truly care for their apprentices and apprentices 'always' try to eventually overthrow and kill their Masters. SO WHY DO IT?


Because they are religious zealots and it is the Sith way.

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Maybe so. But I still think that the whole 'hire tons of Mandalorians' makes more sense than 'teach this other force user enough tricks to be useful, but not enough to be truly dangerous and hope that he doesn't get lucky when he tries to kill me somewhere down the road.'


Hmm, teaching a stupid child I can brainwash a few tricks before sending him to a sure death eventually, or spend a bazillion credits hiring mercenaries? Decisions, decisions...


Edit: Also, in Xalek's case, he will eventually try to kill you, yes, but in his culture, that is rising you to the status of a god, so... That's not so bad.

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Hmm, teaching a stupid child I can brainwash a few tricks before sending him to a sure death eventually, or spend a bazillion credits hiring mercenaries? Decisions, decisions...


Edit: Also, in Xalek's case, he will eventually try to kill you, yes, but in his culture, that is rising you to the status of a god, so... That's not so bad.


Not bad for him, not exactly good for the dead Master.


I mean, with the whole history of the Sith being rampant and stuffed full of examples of Sith apprentices overcoming their Masters and killing them, you'd have to be supremely stupid/arrogant to think that you'd be the exception to the rule.


As for the apprentices, I can understand them. They're escaping certain death in the Academy. But, why stick around after you get out? I've seen a few apprentices with slave-collars on, but most of them willingly cling to people that they 'know' are going to throw their lives away at the slightest 'chance' at getting some additional power.


The whole thing is illogical and insane.

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Not bad for him, not exactly good for the dead Master.


I mean, with the whole history of the Sith being rampant and stuffed full of examples of Sith apprentices overcoming their Masters and killing them, you'd have to be supremely stupid/arrogant to think that you'd be the exception to the rule.


As for the apprentices, I can understand them. They're escaping certain death in the Academy. But, why stick around after you get out? I've seen a few apprentices with slave-collars on, but most of them willingly cling to people that they 'know' are going to throw their lives away at the slightest 'chance' at getting some additional power.


The whole thing is illogical and insane.


Supremely arrogant. That sounds a lot like Sith. And well, I'm gonna say "brainwash" again about the apprentices clinging to their Masters.


Also it is part of the Sith teachings; you can't grow more powerful if you don't have to keep watch over somebody who craves for it. So the master needs and apprentice. You can't grow more powerful if you don't have power to crave. So the apprentice needs a master.


After that. survival of the fittest.... errr... Forcest?

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Supremely arrogant. That sounds a lot like Sith. And well, I'm gonna say "brainwash" again about the apprentices clinging to their Masters.


Also it is part of the Sith teachings; you can't grow more powerful if you don't have to keep watch over somebody who craves for it. So the master needs and apprentice. You can't grow more powerful if you don't have power to crave. So the apprentice needs a master.


After that. survival of the fittest.... errr... Forcest?


Ah, it's stupid. The whole thing is dumb. But, Sith gotta Sith, I guess.


Still say having a servitor race as minions makes more sense than hiring your own assassin and then training him for the task.

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So I'd like to hear how you respond to your companion's repetitive chatter. Let's hear your most hated lines and your most snarky replies.


Mako: I'm not just the pretty sidekick, buster.

Me: Well, actually...


Jaesa: Show me who to kill.

Me: Why? You'll pick some tactically disadvantageous target anyway.


Tharan Cedrax: Did I mention I'm a pacifist?

Me: You're a pacifist? Really? This is the first I'm hearing about it.


Guss: I heal you with Jedi power!

Me: My bad, the cloud of Kolto had me confused.

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Elara: "Hold still!"

Me: "Ok, you fight this guy then."


Theron: "Master Zho would be proud."

Me: "That you just killed someone?"


Skadge: "Aww. Do you need me to call your mommy?"

Me: "Least I know who mine is..." (yeah it didnt make sense when i said it either but its what popped out lol)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Mako: I'm not just the pretty sidekick, buster.

Me: Well, actually...


Jaesa: Show me who to kill.

Me: Why? You'll pick some tactically disadvantageous target anyway.


Tharan Cedrax: Did I mention I'm a pacifist?

Me: You're a pacifist? Really? This is the first I'm hearing about it.


Guss: I heal you with Jedi power!

Me: My bad, the cloud of Kolto had me confused.


The winner!

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There's literally no rational, logical or sane reason for any Sith to take on an apprentice. The culture is rife with proof that Sith don't truly care for their apprentices and apprentices 'always' try to eventually overthrow and kill their Masters. SO WHY DO IT?


Both Jedi and Sith philosophies fall apart when viewed as something that can exist in the real world. They are storytelling devices created by a young man who smoked too much weed and read a book about Buddhism once.

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Not bad for him, not exactly good for the dead Master.


I mean, with the whole history of the Sith being rampant and stuffed full of examples of Sith apprentices overcoming their Masters and killing them, you'd have to be supremely stupid/arrogant to think that you'd be the exception to the rule.


As for the apprentices, I can understand them. They're escaping certain death in the Academy. But, why stick around after you get out? I've seen a few apprentices with slave-collars on, but most of them willingly cling to people that they 'know' are going to throw their lives away at the slightest 'chance' at getting some additional power.


The whole thing is illogical and insane.


maybe have an apprentice and hire the whole bunch of Mandos to watch the apprentice? :p

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Both Jedi and Sith philosophies fall apart when viewed as something that can exist in the real world. They are storytelling devices created by a young man who smoked too much weed and read a book about Buddhism once.



Very True, except for


Equality is a lie. A myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow – those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence. Equality is a perversion of the natural order!… It binds the strong to the weak. They become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They suffer for the sake of keeping them even with their inferiors.”

~Darth Bane.




The weak will always be victims. That is the way of the universe. The strong take what they want, and the weak suffer at their hands. That is their fate; it is inevitable.




Whether you like it or not, in real life, they are oh so true


You gotta love Bane.

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