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The Current State of this game. Will Swtor make it another year?


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I dont believe this is a big PvP game. Yes, even though many players might do it. It was always a PvE game. But don't worry, after 4.0 which is dedicated all to story, you will find 5.0 and beyond getting many of the mmo bits and more operations and stuff.

PvP played a very big part in the design direction of SWTOR and still continues to influence the direction of development.


At the heart of the issue is that SWTOR tries to be an all encompassing MMO catering to all but doesn't really excel in any area, and spreading themselves so thin means the development cycle for content you may be interested in if you are focused on a single element is long.


Remember that PvP does not just mean new warzone maps or mechanics (capture the flag, etc...) but a lot of the class balancing and the decision in 3.0 to do away with discipline trees. Look at many of the utility options and they are principally concerned with PvP movement control.


The one remaining feature that shows how core PvP was to the initial design brief is that Advanced Classes have specific weapon choices (this used to go hand in hand with a very limited pool of armour choice, which has since been removed). The reasoning behind the weapon is a visual representation of the Advanced Class you will be fighting... if they are using an Assault Cannon they must be a Commando. I think the designer lingo is 'Tactical Transparency'. In PvE no one cares what weapons you use as long as you can do what your role requires.


As to the OP, far too negative and full of misinformation.

The only thing I will say on the potential lifespan of SWTOR is that it is tied to a licensed IP. When that license comes to an end EA will need to decide if it is worth the investment to keep it.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Of course it will...it's Star Wars.


And that's basically the only reason. If this were just another standard fantasy or sci-fi MMO it would've been dead within the first 4 months and no amount of f2p, CM or whatever would've saved it. Not with that kind of customer support, lack of communication etc.

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Can I have the name of your dealer? I want some of what you're on.


Did you only read the first line of my post?

I explained my reasoning in the rest.


PvP was a central part of the original design. It may not have been implemented well (a matter of discussion as players PvP requirements may vary) but PvP considerations had and still continue to have an impact on other non-pvp aspects of the game.

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I just found out all the planetary gear vendors are removed and also all the gear that used to drop from low lvl fps is removed. Also all the 50 and 60 gear is removed. Only modification vendors are left ahahah. What the actual ****? :mad:


From where am i supposed to get that 25 warrior chest with a cape that used to drop in Mando raiders or was found on the Tatoine planetary gear vendor for my low level Jugg?


So basically a good chunk of unique looking gear is removed from the *************** game and when i found out i just felt like not playing(to put it lightly).


I don't know if i should laugh or cry. In moments like these i truly question swtor's future.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I just found out all the planetary gear vendors are removed and also all the gear that used to drop from low lvl fps is removed. Also all the 50 and 60 gear is removed. Only modification vendors are left ahahah. What the actual ****? :mad:


From where am i supposed to get that 25 warrior chest with a cape that used to drop in Mando raiders or was found on the Tatoine planetary gear vendor for my low level Jugg?


So basically a good chunk of unique looking gear is removed from the *************** game and when i found out i just felt like not playing(to put it lightly).


I don't know if i should laugh or cry. In moments like these i truly question swtor's future.


There was already a dev post from launch of the expansion saying all those armor shells exist somewhere new now. You'll just have to find out whether they are at a different vendor, drop from a heroic, or drop from random mobs somewhere.

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I don't care how many players we have either TUXs. I'm saying that THAT is how a lot of people think with mmorpgs. If it doesn't "beat wow" it's a failure and that's not true at all. We DO Have a quality product that our payments pay for and this game has gotten much better than what it was years ago. Right now? I give the game 10/10. Because it is enormous, amazing with tons of stuff to do to keep you occupied and well immersed. The level sync to go around and do what you want when you want is fantastic! You can pile on the credits and us higher levels don't have to "wait for a new planet" or zone to go in JUST to do some more few dailies. We can do anything anywhere now. Very, very fun. I love it even more so now. (if that's possible... :p )


Do I believe they could do better for the PvP aspect? Yes, but this was never really a pvp game. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't cease work on it. Do I believe they need to add more maps and stuff for Galactic Starfighter? Yes. They need to keep on the ball with that so in time there are different battle fields and scenarios around the galaxy to choose from. Operations? I feel as though we will get some a lot next expansion.


Remember, all of 4.0 is dedicated solely to story and Jeff Hickman said "we are going back to our roots with 4.0 and then come the mmo bits" so next expansion look forward to for your mmo things. Such as more raids, operations and stuff.


I DO sincerely believe they ought to do more with GSF though. It has such good potential and they seemed to have abandoned that aspect of this game. I don't get it. But I believe in the future, after 4.0 and after they are done putting a crap ton more story into this game, that they will focus on that stuff for 5.0 and beyond. Remember, they were getting back to their roots which IS story in 4.0. They even stated.


I dont believe this is a big PvP game. Yes, even though many players might do it. It was always a PvE game. But don't worry, after 4.0 which is dedicated all to story, you will find 5.0 and beyond getting many of the mmo bits and more operations and stuff.


And yes, I DO believe that sometimes customers are at fault for having way too high of expectations and something that is not within the scope of reality then they get mad if it's not what they exactly expect down to the T. You must keep an open mind about things. It's not always the fault of the producer....the consumer isn't perfect as well.

Thank you Sarfux...good reply!


I understand what you meant now...the way you had originally phrased it made it sound different to me, but I think we're on the same page :)


I was trying to point out how, to a large corporation like EA, a game failing to meet expectations is usually defunded quickly. I think some of our current development woes stem directly from failed launch performance, meaning the game failed in the eyes of EA Accountants far more than those of us playing it.


And I think you're right...I don't think this is a big PvP game...but I also don't think it's a big Ops game...or a big GSF game...or Crafting game...or Story game...or exploring game, or FP game...it's a game that incorporates ALL of those aspects and appeals to players who enjoy a variety of activities. PvP, like it or not, is an important part of this games activities....and it has been neglected. It's not just flippin maps needed either, they need to honestly work on balance in PvP...it's atrocious atm.

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I believe SWTOR will be around for a few more years at least.


However, I also believe most important question is can they change up the game enough to attract and keep additional players. That I can't say. If they don't then it may well be that new content will come at an even slower pace and it will gradually fade into a maintenance only mode for as long as it keeps making money.


Having come back, after a year off, for KOTFE it seems obvious to me that a lot less development/maintenance money is being spent than there was during the first couple of years.


Maybe Abrams' lore changes will make SWTOR a little more accessible. If they change from the "master/apprentice" model of Sith, perhaps it won't seem weird to people who haven't played the KOTOR series.

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By what some of these forum goers say, TOR is going to die any day now.


"Boy I tell ya hwat! That game is going down!" - 2012 after launch

"Boy I tell ya hwat! That game is going to die!" - 2013

"Boy I tell ya hwat! That game is boring, it's dead" - 2014

"Boy I tell ya hwat! That game is finished!! won't make more money" - 2015


It's an endless cycle. :p


Don't forget the "TORtanic" nickname. :p

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PvP played a very big part in the design direction of SWTOR and still continues to influence the direction of development.


Can I have the name of your dealer? I want some of what you're on.


exactly what i was thinking ....they are so out their they are now living in their own reality in their mind.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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