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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 50. My view of the current state of the game (wordy)


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Wall of text and blue font hurts the eyes can't even read.


I agree with you in regards to the blue font, but I'm not seeing a wall of text. I see several paragraphs. Have you ever read a book before? Would a novel be considered a "wall of text?" Heaven forbid you have to read anything longer than a sentence.

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not flaming just pointing out many of you people are griping about things are common in all mmo launches. These problems will get fixed in time but if want a well fleshed out mmo that has 0 bugs and amazing game play hate to tell you this but it doesn't exist. all mmos have bugs... but if you seriously cant stand bugs and ui problems atm go back to your old mmo for awhile and let game mature.




DUDE... that was flaming... don't try to act like you're NOT flaming after you just flamed.

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Honestly every MMO I have played has started out with the same problems at launch. IT WILL NEVER CHANGE! Any new release game will be the same way as history has proved. All of these people that say I'm canceling because blah blah blah have no idea and started playing WOW way after launch, they have failed to see MMO launches.


Honestly I would rather be playing the game now with the issues then wait 6 months for BW to implement all the features people are asking for.


For anyone thinking that the next MMO release GW2 etc will be any different then sadly you will be just as disappointed at its launch as well.


However props go to the OP for constructive criticism instead of another doomsday thread.


Someone is going to say BW knew this in beta etc. I know the issues were brought up during BETA, but lets face it BETA is just a crunch getting ready for launch, you know how many other issues they worked on to get it launched?


To date this is the best MMO launch I have seen.


Please no RIFT was a great release comment it was a joke. FOTM club press 1 five times then press 2 BOOM! PVP was a disaster.

Edited by XParoleX
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Im struggling to find anywhere in my original post where I say on any level that I am bored/have nothing to do etc...


Either many of the people that have responded didnt even read the post and just assumed I was complaining about having nothing to do, or there is just so much illiterate incompetence present among many of todays gamers that I want to vomit.


I am not trolling, I did indeed have early access on the 13th and did indeed get to level 50 quickly. However, I listened to every dialogue and chose my characters responses carefully. If you read my original post you would see that I did indeed praise the storylines and voice acting in this game. Getting to level 50 really doesnt take that long at all. I am on vacation before I have to go back to school in a week and a half. I have a lot of time to kill so thats how I did it.


I have been playing MMOs since Asherons Call 1 back in 1999. I played DAOC, FF XI, WoW for six years and countless others that I tried but couldnt get hooked on such as AoC, Rift, SwG, Warhammer etc etc etc.... I simply see the game for the potential problems it has that could possible MAKE or BREAK the game for me specifically. This was never a whiny "Im level 50 and have nothing to do thread" or a **** you I quit thread. I feel I have a descent amount of experiences when it comes to MMO's and know what works for me and what doesnt. This game has great potential, but if certain things arent fixed it will fall flat on its face. My post was my opinion and how I felt as well as pointing out some flaws (some of which are near gamebreaking) and backed them up with what I have seen so far first hand having leveled through the content and doing almost every sidequest and bonus series with the exception of some of the heroic quests.


Thanks to all those that posted constructively and in a mature manner. It is good to see not everyone that loves the MMO genre like I do is a mouthbreathing, knuckledragging 12 year old or fat old virgin that lives in his parents basement. You dont have to agree with my opinion but do you have to jump to conclusions on how I did what I did and saw what I saw and feel the way I feel simply because you didnt do it or see it or feel that way?


Ive apologized many times for the blue text... but since it seems to be focus of so many of the posts here... have some more.

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With regard to it being a single player game with MP functionality.. could not agree more.


However, I was running a bunch of missions last night with guys in my guild and it was a lot of fun.. of course, I could've done it solo, so other than us just enjoying the company, there really was no reason for us to group.. although we did a couple of the heroic missions which I obviously couldn't have done solo.


There is ZERO guild functionality. This is an absolute travesty that this game launched with so little guild functionality - especially since they apparently put so much effort into guilds pre-launch with their registration and all joining the same server, which was great. But why bother if guilds have no purpose in game? No guild house. No guild ship. No guild levels. No guild gear. It's just a glorified chat channel. There's NO way this game should have launched with no guild functionality at all. Just tells me how Bioware thinks - they're all about single player story games and don't know how to make a good MP game because the MP elements were apparently not at the forefront of the game's design.


Also totally agree about the game being on rails. Don't like it. Having fun playing the game, but would LOVE to feel like I'm part of a world rather than just being walked through a pre-defined story and walking down pre-defined corridors. Silly. That's a single player game, not a MMORPG.

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The blue font is hard to read. I would recommend against that as your highlight in the future.


As for your points. PvP in this format will usually be poorly balanced at release due to the lack of testing on a large scale. Some could argue that MMO pvp can never truly be balanced, only managed. I subscribe to that way of thinking. The best way to ensure that pvp is working correctly is that both sides complain that the other has the advantage, and the wins equal out.


The UI is an issue that must get resolved, especially in terms of the AH. That's almost inexcusable given that there were so many good options to pull from in current games. It's almost like they designed the system in a vacuum.

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omg stop it with the stupid the game just came out argument, it's the core of the game that is problematic and that is really hard to patch


The game is great. You and the 30 or 40 others that post over and over again are just wrong and most of us really can't wait till you make your exit.


Things will be much better in the forum next month.

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These kinds of posts are dumb on their face.


The OP states that someone can't say, "These features are coming soon" as an excuse. This flies in the face of every MMO ever made. WoW did not have all the features it has today at launch. In fact, it took it 7-8 years to add and tweak so much functionality, features and storylines.


Boo effing hoo that this brand new game doesn't have feature parity with all other MMOs that have all been out for years updating constantly.


These missing features are indeed missing. Meaning, we all would want them to exist. But the rational among us also know this takes time and you should enjoy the spectacular game that you already have!!!


These issues will be addressed in time, so relax.


This is from someone who came from WoW. I'm thoroughly enjoying this game. I loved WoW, but I'm excited to be playing in a new type of setting and can't wait to see the updates that come with this game.

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It's humorous watching some folks respond with "give it time" and "all other MMOs had these issues." Umm. No, they didn't. The core here is the issue. It's a game that was designed as a single-player game in a world with minimal multiplayer functionality. You don't just "fix" that like a bug. You can't open up the existing content. You can't correct all the people that leave after 1 month because there's no community (zero guild functionality and no need to group unless you want to run the heroic missions, which really offer nothing of value beyond what you can get from basic crafting or for cheap on the galactic market.. and you don't need the xp from them to stay well ahead of the planet level curve).
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Am I nuts for thinking that blue font on a blue background is a bit hard to read?


it is hard to read. i didn't make it past the intro text cos of it. this site uses blue theme and the op thinks using blue font is a good idea???

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These kinds of posts are dumb on their face.


The OP states that someone can't say, "These features are coming soon" as an excuse. This flies in the face of every MMO ever made. WoW did not have all the features it has today at launch. In fact, it took it 7-8 years to add and tweak so much functionality, features and storylines.


Boo effing hoo that this brand new game doesn't have feature parity with all other MMOs that have all been out for years updating constantly.


These missing features are indeed missing. Meaning, we all would want them to exist. But the rational among us also know this takes time and you should enjoy the spectacular game that you already have!!!


These issues will be addressed in time, so relax.


This is from someone who came from WoW. I'm thoroughly enjoying this game. I loved WoW, but I'm excited to be playing in a new type of setting and can't wait to see the updates that come with this game.



The next time you buy a car tell me how you would feel if the dealer kept comparing the 2012 model that you are looking at with a 77 pinto or a 2005 model. When you ask if it has power windows he says no but that the auto windows and airbag functionality is in development. You would definitely smell a rat.




People stop with the fail argument that wow or X MMO didnt have those features at launch either and to wait. It makes you look like an uneducated *******.

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it is hard to read. i didn't make it past the intro text cos of it. this site uses blue theme and the op thinks using blue font is a good idea???


While blue wan't the ideal color.........his original post is spot on.



Fact is this game is going to follow Rifts path. Ton's of early subs. reasonably strong subs for 3 months, then a slow decline into oblivion.

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With regard to it being a single player game with MP functionality.. could not agree more.


However, I was running a bunch of missions last night with guys in my guild and it was a lot of fun.. of course, I could've done it solo, so other than us just enjoying the company, there really was no reason for us to group.. although we did a couple of the heroic missions which I obviously couldn't have done solo.


There is ZERO guild functionality. This is an absolute travesty that this game launched with so little guild functionality - especially since they apparently put so much effort into guilds pre-launch with their registration and all joining the same server, which was great. But why bother if guilds have no purpose in game? No guild house. No guild ship. No guild levels. No guild gear. It's just a glorified chat channel. There's NO way this game should have launched with no guild functionality at all. Just tells me how Bioware thinks - they're all about single player story games and don't know how to make a good MP game because the MP elements were apparently not at the forefront of the game's design.


Also totally agree about the game being on rails. Don't like it. Having fun playing the game, but would LOVE to feel like I'm part of a world rather than just being walked through a pre-defined story and walking down pre-defined corridors. Silly. That's a single player game, not a MMORPG.


Quite a few MP games don't have all of the Guild perks you are looking for, honestly guilds are just a social channel, with a core group of people to do pvp and raids with. Guild gear, guild ship, guild levels, guild house etc. are just perks that while they might be a nice bonus I doubt the majority of people would see it as a must!

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The next time you buy a car tell me how you would feel if the dealer kept comparing the 2012 model that you are looking at with a 77 pinto or a 2005 model. When you ask if it has power windows he says no but that the auto windows and airbag functionality is in development. You would definitely smell a rat.




People stop with the fail argument that wow or X MMO didnt have those features at launch either and to wait. It makes you look like an uneducated *******.


What a HORRIBLE comparison. I mean GHASTLY. Are you comparing cars to software? REALLY!?


Let's change up your analogy so it makes sense, but we need to put the scenario in a bizarro world that doesn't exist. Follow along:


The better analogy would be that all cars are upgradable, bodies, features, etc are all upgradeable in under an hour with a quick "download." (I hope you see where your analogy is falling apart, but I'll continue).


Now one car is a 2004 BMW and over time it's been upgraded and is now currently a 2012 BMW, just by buying a few add ons and upgrading it yourself. Then there's the new car, the 2012 Mercedes. It's got some features the 2012 BMW doesn't have and is missing features as well. Some people prefer how the Mercedes drives and likes the features it contains over the BMW. They know some features are missing but are happy to buy it and wait for the upgrade which will be maybe a few months tops.


That's a much better analogy...but again cars don't work for what you're trying to say. One is literally a physical object that can barely be changed after purchase, the other is software that can be changed forever as many times as you'd like. Your analogy is best kept for something like a 3DS versus a Vita where once you have one, it is what it is.

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The next time you buy a car tell me how you would feel if the dealer kept comparing the 2012 model that you are looking at with a 77 pinto or a 2005 model. When you ask if it has power windows he says no but that the auto windows and airbag functionality is in development. You would definitely smell a rat.




People stop with the fail argument that wow or X MMO didnt have those features at launch either and to wait. It makes you look like an uneducated *******.


While I understand your analogy, this isn't a car. ALL MMO's have failed at release it's what they do in the first 3 months that will make or break them. NO MMO EVER HAS IMPLEMENTED EVERYTHING AT RELEASE NOR WILL THEY.


REASON: They are all greedy and want to get the game out as quick as possible to start making up for all the money they have spent. It has ALWAYS been that way and will ALWAYS be that way in the future. If you expect different you will always be disappointed as you move from one game to the next.


Either learn to live with it and hope they improve it quickly or move to a different type of game. Quit expecting perfect, polished launches that will make everyone happy because that is just a fairy tale dream.

Edited by XParoleX
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As much as I love this game, I agree with the OP. Very well written, and solid points. Though I disagree with the single player accusation.


Much of these problems should have been fixed in beta, and one wonders what, exactly Bioware was doing with their time, and nearly a year of beta testing. Many of the features listed are no-brainer, basic mmorpg amenities. Remember, this is the game that BW told us all was "finished and in the polishing phase" back in July.


For a game that borrowed so much from existing games, its frustrating that they ignored so much.


Someone mentioned that they haven't released a major patch yet, so all this crap is ok. Well that's the problem, they haven't. Why not? Many of these problems go back several beta builds.


I'll wait and see, the game will improve, it's just ridiculous that they couldn't hammer some of this stuff out sooner.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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In the end I stand by my previous statement. The game feels like a single player game with multiplayer functionality. It doesnt feel like an mmo to me.


I also stand by your statement, except I think it's what is great about the game.


Is not the goal of an MMO to make it feel like you're significant to the main story while interacting with others?


We should all be careful about mistaking personal preferences for ultimate realities of a game's inherent quality.


I agree with you on some of the mount and mail functionalities.

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The game is great. You and the 30 or 40 others that post over and over again are just wrong and most of us really can't wait till you make your exit.


Things will be much better in the forum next month.




OP - great post, many valid points, good arguments, and thank you for including a set of examples for each thing you mentioned

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I read the first 4 pages or so and stopped. Most of the arguements were saying that it is launch and there are going to be bugs.


RIFT mmo did not have hardly any bugs at launch now the game was not fun IMO but it had no bugs.


I agree this game feels like a single player with a chat box.


Bugs that upset me:


1. Over half the nodes I clear to harvest can't be harvested.

2. In the Flashpoint Cademimu, The first elevator you come to you have to dismiss your pet and summon him at the bottom or he just gets stuck.

3. The Last boss in Cademimu sometimes just sets your group on fire in the hallway before he is engaged.

4. The UI as mentioned before becomes unclickable a lot.

5. A lot of Pathing issues from pets and NPC's, Especially on Balmora.



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When I started playing MMO's, I loved the fact that I could meet people from anywhere. I still do, but that does not always mean I want to play with them. For me a guild with some chit chat is enough. I don't want obligations in MMO's, I want to be able to play alone when my friends or family are not around and if they are around, I'd like to be able to play with my family.


It's partly because of the horrible experience I've had with pugs over the years, partly because if I have to go afk for children or other business. My husband understands, but I don't even expect that someone who does not know me for real should understand. Besides my husband and I are the best team, we have so much experience playing together, that need less than half a word to understand each other.


For us a game like SWTOR is just fine. I am really liking the amount of 2+ heroics, which give us enough challenge. Sure bugs should be solved, but give it time. Even most single player games have plenty of bugs on release. Content will surely be added, I don't worry too much after one week.


If it's about too little content at level 50 right now, if you really want to enjoy this game, you should take it easy, watch the cutscenes, get involved with your story. That is what Bioware games are about.

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