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BIG announcement for subs on Dec 1


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Many. Not out of any sense that "it might get better", because I don't believe that, but largely out of the thought that I've begun it, I may as well finish it. There's only ever been two things that have been so offensively bad that I've stopped watching or reading; a seemingly straight science-y movie about deadly storms suddenly becoming a movie about one of the Baldwins with lightning powers and Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I eventually finished the latter, but my first copy, bought to be reading material on a road trip when I was a kid from Ontario to Florida, went out the car window somewhere around Detroit.


Well I can see that sentiment but I think even that proves the point I am making about over hyping and under delivering. If you are going to finish a story just because you started it that's cool BUT remember they already got your money from the book, or the advertisers. Here they run the risk of subscribers unsubbing and just designing later to binge watch of f2p players saying " why bother" when they come along and see the lay of the land. In either case, even if the subscriber comes back eventually, under delivering costs them money in aa way that does not effect the made forTV/direct to video movie or the book publisher.


That said, if the movie is on TV, most people I know change the channel and with all the games out there atm a similar dynamic works here I think.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Vet rewards for players from say December going forward would be a slap in the face to those of us that have been subbed since 2011.


If they did go back to those accounts and all that time added it would create a huge stink from the people that were not subbed,,it's a no win imo.


At this point i do not care,i enjoy the game and have been subbed since early release but if something really grand does not come within the next few months i may go pref because while i enjoyed KOFTE and think it is great it still lacks the enormity i have wanted,just everything they do is always so small and then spend time and resources on things and then go back to the drawing board,they seem to change direction every 16 months or so.

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Vet rewards for players from say December going forward would be a slap in the face to those of us that have been subbed since 2011.


If they did go back to those accounts and all that time added it would create a huge stink from the people that were not subbed,,it's a no win imo.


At this point i do not care,i enjoy the game and have been subbed since early release but if something really grand does not come within the next few months i may go pref because while i enjoyed KOFTE and think it is great it still lacks the enormity i have wanted,just everything they do is always so small and then spend time and resources on things and then go back to the drawing board,they seem to change direction every 16 months or so.


How would it be a "slap in the face" to have something like "all people subbed between December 5 and January 5 get X, from January 5 to Feb 5 get Y etc. You get it, the new subscriber gets it... It would be no different than the promo they head leading up to early access for KotFE.


As for your last bit I agree. I think their problem is they are under resourced. Really with the Eternal Empire storyline this expac would have worked better with a WoW Cata like change to the storyline with NEW quests for leveling in the old world and then a SoR style quest vs the " you have been asleep for 5 years" gimick we got.


The problem was resources...which clearly EA won't give them, so we got the 5 year gimick to try and address the dichotomy between the leveling world and the current world.

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How would it be a "slap in the face" to have something like "all people subbed between December 5 and January 5 get X, from January 5 to Feb 5 get Y etc. You get it, the new subscriber gets it... It would be no different than the promo they head leading up to early access for KotFE.


As for your last bit I agree. I think their problem is they are under resourced. Really with the Eternal Empire storyline this expac would have worked better with a WoW Cata like change to the storyline with NEW quests for leveling in the old world and then a SoR style quest vs the " you have been asleep for 5 years" gimick we got.


The problem was resources...which clearly EA won't give them, so we got the 5 year gimick to try and address the dichotomy between the leveling world and the current world.


You utterly misread/or failed to get what i was saying,,i will make it simpler.


I have been subbed since release,many others have as well, i even made a post in 2012 on this to have rewards based on your account TIME BEING subbed,many others do this,for instance in EQ2 in year four or five OF TIME BEING SUBBED i received a Castle,plus we got monthly cards that gave items etc.


If they all of the sudden decide to do this what about ALL those years i was subbed? costumer loyalty is what they want? hell myself and others HAVE been doing that.


Back to what you said yah ok whatever let them add some new shiney to being a sub for this or that month for the next two whatever,i do not care tbh,i do not need another pet or mount etc.

Edited by Sathid
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If they all of the sudden decide to do this what about ALL those years i was subbed? costumer loyalty is what they want? hell myself and others HAVE been doing that.


Yeah, the slap in the face would be that someone who has been subbed 1 month would have the same "veteran" status as someone who has been subbed 4 years and a month.


And my pessimistic self fully expects that if they should indeed reveal a veteran system on Tuesday it will indeed have everyone start at 0. That would be fully in line with their track record of "we give you what you want, but not how you want it."

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Up the CC rate based on time subbed..

If you are a Founder you get xxx CC ...ect.


In reverse order so that the longer you were subbed the less you get e.g


Founder: 100 Cartel Coins

4 years: 200

3 years: 400

2 years: 800

1 Year: 1,600

6 months: 3,200

Just Joined: 6,400


all to encourage new players to stay of course.

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You utterly misread/or failed to get what i was saying,,i will make it simpler.


I have been subbed since release,many others have as well, i even made a post in 2012 on this to have rewards based on your account TIME BEING subbed,many others do this,for instance in EQ2 in year four or five OF TIME BEING SUBBED i received a Castle,plus we got monthly cards that gave items etc.


If they all of the sudden decide to do this what about ALL those years i was subbed? costumer loyalty is what they want? hell myself and others HAVE been doing that.


Back to what you said yah ok whatever let them add some new shiney to being a sub for this or that month for the next two whatever,i do not care tbh,i do not need another pet or mount etc.


I get your point BUT that misses the point of such bonuses. They aren't just about rewarding loyal long term players in a sub/f2p hybrid, they are also about encouraging f2p members to take the plunge and sub.


Second if you want to talk about rewarding loyalty arguably this entire expac is a slap in the face. All new content with the exception of the new story and 2 versions of the same instance are redesigned old content. Reset companions and the story itself essentially resets our character's story. An expac designed to attract and maintain new player while trying to minimize the loss of existing players. So a little subscription reward not based on rewarding long time loyalty is really nothing compared to the other punches to that group of players you see yourself among. This expac isn't about you or me, its about those new players that they want playing

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I love how so many people instantly think they are getting or are demanding free shiny stuff. Kinda sad. It's like the Black Friday mentality - "I want a 100" UHD TV for $1". Anyway, back to a more realistic hope, maybe the game is getting Canonised, that'll get the nerds creaming their pants. (I still don't get why being canon is such a big deal - it's all fiction)
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I love how so many people instantly think they are getting or are demanding free shiny stuff. Kinda sad. It's like the Black Friday mentality - "I want a 100" UHD TV for $1". Anyway, back to a more realistic hope, maybe the game is getting Canonised, that'll get the nerds creaming their pants. (I still don't get why being canon is such a big deal - it's all fiction)


Whether it becomes canon or not would have nothing to do with being a subscriber.

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I love how so many people instantly think they are getting or are demanding free shiny stuff. Kinda sad. It's like the Black Friday mentality - "I want a 100" UHD TV for $1". Anyway, back to a more realistic hope, maybe the game is getting Canonised, that'll get the nerds creaming their pants. (I still don't get why being canon is such a big deal - it's all fiction)

Disney already said they wanted SWTOR to stay non-canon. Even if they were, being canon would make no difference to the story of future chapters and expansions.

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In reverse order so that the longer you were subbed the less you get e.g


Founder: 100 Cartel Coins

4 years: 200

3 years: 400

2 years: 800

1 Year: 1,600

6 months: 3,200

Just Joined: 6,400


all to encourage new players to stay of course.


Are you a Comcast customer? By chance.

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Whatever it is, they've already overhyped it to the point of being ludicrous.


'Breaks all precedents!' Really? Really? Because the existing precedents are pretty amazing.


So, because I have little faith in the current situation and fully expect to be disappointed on Tuesday, let me explain how this work:


You don't over-hype stuff. You hype it and then OVER-deliver. You don't over-hype and then under-deliver.


When you over-hype and under-deliver, you disappoint people and you sound desperate. When you under-hype and over-deliver, you blow peoples' socks off and 'they' tell people for you just how amazing the hyped thing in question is.


And there's literally no way that I can believe that this game's new subscription rewards thing will 'break all precedents' as stated.


You may well have nailed it again.

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I have learned to hope for the best and expect the actual thing that is provided and the disappointment that follows.


Would LOVE to see a system like what SWG had, one of the best IMO. But that is likely wishful thinking.


I do the opposite when it comes to MMOs anymore. I expect the worst that way when good things happen I am pleasantly surprised ;) the sad thing is that, usually I am proven right, like when I predicted all but the crazy OP companions at launch. The impact of the content auto leveling and reset of companions, that I called in July on these forums. Sadly cynicism seems to be more right than wrong when it come to the gaming industry at least and MMOs in particular.

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If they are truly breaking precedent, it can't be a mount, pet, companion, armor, weapon, title, crystal or fireworks. What's left?

A decoration, GSF paint or cylinder ...


Whatever it is, it will not live up to the hype (because nothing ever lives up to its hype).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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