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[BUG?] Dead NPCs Not Despawning


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I noticed since patch day the bodies of dead npcs simply do not despawn or are taking much much longer to despawn which is causing piles upon piles of bodies and producing lag I think. I've never had issues with frames in this game til I get around all these bodies everywhere. Then players just disappear in front of me or my companion acts like it's not summoned when the game assures me it is.


Anyone else notice things going derp from the bodies polluting the worlds?

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A lot of dead colicoids :D


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Been noticing it too.

Sadly, the one place you want corpses to stick around for a minute, they don't.

Heroic on Alderaan for Imperials, I forget the name, they despawn almost immediately unless they're strong/elite and held in place by the loot they contain.

Once tagged though, they just pile up like everywhere else...:mad:

Edited by JacksonMo
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It got really bad, can't even play properly anymore. It is a pain, i gave up after 30 minutes. Doesn't matter where you go, bodies and skill delay everywhere. Just came on to report it, since some smart person thought it is a good idea that prefered or f2p players can't use the ingame bug report..
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Just adding to the report: I was just on Hoth (on Ebon Hawk server) and there were areas just filled with NPC corpses. Those areas had some sporadic issues with abilities firing. Fights with mobs in the heroic areas alone were a bit painful at times.


A friend on another server (Red Eclipse) said the same thing was occurring in the exact same areas.

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1.Send in Bioanalasys toons

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Been noticing it too.

Sadly, the one place you want corpses to stick around for a minute, they don't.

Heroic on Alderaan for Imperials, I forget the name, they despawn almost immediately unless they're strong/elite and held in place by the loot they contain.

Once tagged though, they just pile up like everywhere else...:mad:


Bumping this to make sure it gets noticed - it's getting silly. Can't see the quest items on the ground and I'm noticing laggy behaviour too.


But I'm mainly quoting this post because I SO UNDERSTAND about the stupid quest on Alderaan. It's called 'Shock Doctrine' and I hate it. It's annoying for the reason you mention but others too, and I always fall down a hole. Because I'm an idiot.


Plz send in teams of carrion eaters, then pooper scoopers to clear up problem.


Edit: Don't know if this is connected but I've just had a CTD too.

Edited by Jazulfi
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Found a few pictures....and these are just mild cases....


Dromuund Kaas http://i.imgur.com/LlDKHLG.jpg

Tatooine http://i.imgur.com/9F4c9up.jpg

Balmorra https://yadi.sk/i/gBUKvHXckZdGE


That is from 3 different planets, submitted a ticket and asked others to do so when I was on Balmorra earlier. Was getting attacked by mobs that the server was yet to put on my screen....I'd be laughing if it was not so damn annoying! :mad:

Edited by Qoll
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/bump so hopefully this will get noticed before servers start to totally crash. Outside/non-instanced heroic areas are unplayable because dead npc's don't despawn. This is happening on almost every planet.


Yeah I've given up even trying to log in at this point. I'm surprised there hasn't been an emergency patch yet to address this or even gold post comment on it.

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If they did rolling restarts it would help with the lag some.


That would be lovely! At least until they can patch it properly. Myself and 4 guildies can't even move on planets without being teleported back to where we were or skills have like a 10second delay D:

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Usually the dead bodies are supposed to despawn after 1-3 minutes, depending if there is loot still on the body or not. Then it's like 4-5 min. But the dead bodies are causing areas to lag out badly. I sent a ticket in, here on Shadowlands. It'd be great if i were on my biochemist, but I'm not. lol


They must have gotten rid of the vultures this last patch, because the bodies are just sitting there, rotting in the sun, and oh man, the stench! lol

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