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Mass Exodus , due to patching, Nerf and bugs


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So your citation is "Because it's on the internet, and they can't put anything on the internet that isn't true". Check...:rolleyes:


You are certainly free to believe whatever you want to believe. It might make you look a bit crazy around here where some things are common knowledge. I know you're new, but hopefully you'll get over that.

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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.

But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


It seems to me that this entire thread is full of a lot of people pulling figures out of their ***. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Citations needed.


I know of a couple of people that can't/won't commit to a sub, but buy off the CM. I'm just one guy, on one server where I'm guilded. I wonder how that extrapolates out to the rest of the game? Not the forums, the game.

Bioware has stated this themselves. Look it up for proof, but enough other people know it's accurate. I think it was stated at a bar tour they did.

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The main thing from that poll is to see that 600+ people have canceled or considering canceling their subs. The overall percentage of the subs could be more or less, but the fact is a lot of people are canceling.


It is pure forum rage. Poll asking " Will you unsub?!" would be pretty untrustworthy due to sheer measure of dishonest protest votes it'd inevitably have. Poll asking if you " consider unsubbing" in active fashion encourages protest votes. It is equal in value to " I'm angry, BWpls give me stuff!" - option.


If losing an invisible super god companion who can not die and dishes out more healing than your fellow players is all that keeps you in-game, then there isn't much that keeps you in-game. If one messy patch day is making you so annoyed that you just have to unsub(i mean, a real unsub, not just a totally cool forum thread where you say so!) then, again, you must have been on your way out anyway.


That said, I'm quite certain the game is busy leaking subs though. How could it not? We are one month after a small, story centered pipe run expansion. People who came back for KOTFE are now done with KOTFE. Last summer, it was proudly declared how this year will be " all about the story!" Well, people are now done with the story. The heck did you expect they'd start doing now? Eternity Vault? lol

Edited by Stradlin
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You are certainly free to believe whatever you want to believe. It might make you look a bit crazy around here where some things are common knowledge. I know you're new, but hopefully you'll get over that.


Just refer them to my screenshot above with my account transactions, also note that there is 9 pages of 10 entries. Because subs only pay for a sub and nothing else... :rolleyes:


Subs are the ones that spend hundreds per month on the CM, not f2p or preferred. If they had the money to spend that much, they would have subbed too. If 15 bucks a month on a sub is too much, you can rest assured that they aren't buying more than 15 bucks a month in CC.

Edited by Draqsko
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Just refer them to my screenshot above with my account transactions, also note that there is 9 pages of 10 entries. Because subs only pay for a sub and nothing else... :rolleyes:


Subs are the ones that spend hundreds per month on the CM, not f2p or preferred. If they had the money to spend that much, they would have subbed too. If 15 bucks a month on a sub is too much, you can rest assured that they aren't buying more than 15 bucks a month in CC.


Honestly it's common sense, regardless of what BioWare has said. If you're going to pay more than $15 a month, you're going to subscribe. There's no way the average free to play player is going to pay more than the average subscriber on the CM.

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Many people gave a flip, mind you. Just because you didn't doesn't mean you can generalize to "no one cared". I, for one, wasn't finding OP comp "fun" at all. It killed all challenge and had more fun with them being not as strong. It was boring.

(inb4 "you could just make them passive" : While it's true, it's not very fun either).


Then again, I won't pretend that I can speak in everyone's name, I'm sure a bunch of people were glad that the comp were so OP you were able to cook cupcake at the same time you played without dying.



So instead of seeking out content that was a challenge, like hardmode flashpoints and ops, that don't require comps, you'd rather slum it in the kiddie pool and complain it too easy? Please! If you're all about the personal challenge, set your own goals and go out and do it instead of complaining about what other people do.

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You are certainly free to believe whatever you want to believe. It might make you look a bit crazy around here where some things are common knowledge. I know you're new, but hopefully you'll get over that.


Tell me, how does a single quote, that you won't even provide, act as a citation to the rest of the post I originally quoted. I realize that supporting statements is hard, and shouldn't be required where "Because I said so" is all the evidence that's needed, but it sort of falls flat when people want to provide "evidence".


BTW, new is the last thing I am where BioWare forums are concerned. I am a veteran of "but my hyperbole is all I need" from the BSN, and even the Legacy forums all the way back to NWN. Sorry if that offends your sense of "I don't have to support my claims, I made them, and that's enough", but this problem really isn't my own.


I will point out, however, that even your hyperbole refutes the claims I asked for citations on since you didn't say "all of our money comes from subs", but a majority. For the slow: Majority means that not all of their income comes from that source, or they'd have said "All" instead. This means that, despite the poster's claim that F2P players don't support the game, according to your own "source", they in fact do. Logic is hard, when you're used to "because I said so", but you'll eventually grow out of that phase.

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Tell me, how does a single quote, that you won't even provide, act as a citation to the rest of the post I originally quoted. I realize that supporting statements is hard, and shouldn't be required where "Because I said so" is all the evidence that's needed, but it sort of falls flat when people want to provide "evidence".


BTW, new is the last thing I am where BioWare forums are concerned. I am a veteran of "but my hyperbole is all I need" from the BSN, and even the Legacy forums all the way back to NWN. Sorry if that offends your sense of "I don't have to support my claims, I made them, and that's enough", but this problem really isn't my own.


I will point out, however, that even your hyperbole refutes the claims I asked for citations on since you didn't say "all of our money comes from subs", but a majority. For the slow: Majority means that not all of their income comes from that source, or they'd have said "All" instead. This means that, despite the poster's claim that F2P players don't support the game, according to your own "source", they in fact do. Logic is hard, when you're used to "because I said so", but you'll eventually grow out of that phase.



It was at the Dallas Cantina Q&A


"Contrary to popular belief, F2Pers are NOT the ones buying the most stuff from the CM. It was never clarified whether this means the bulk of purchases is strictly coming from subs or from a combination of subs and preferred status players. (Though this does beg the question of whether F2P is even beneficial if its still subs and sub CM purchases supporting the game.) They are tentatively (TENTATIVELY!) considering removing the limit on the amount of WZ's a F2Per can play in a given week, BUT only if they determine a way in which it doesn't negatively affect subs."

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The only thing that will speak to BIOFAIL is numbers. Subs going away, and F2P folks not logging in and spending money.


This Open Beta player is about to be one of them. Not just because of the companion nerf.... because of all the stupid, asinine, wholesale changes BIOFAIL made to the game that I love. All the dumbing down of character stats, the neutering of our companions to where you only really need 1 companion, and the absolutely horrible crafting systems they now have in place.


Too many good MMOs out right now...and a few good sci-fi MMOs coming soon. My $$ will go elsewhere.

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You already had them. Your lack of understanding how to use them doesn't mean they didn't exist.


I understand what your suggesting, it's just a stupid suggestion.


Not everyone would have had to handcuff themselves, only a few elite players did.


And if you really are this interested in challenges, what the hell are you doing running heroics? HM FPs and Ops are the "challenging" content, not the grinding content.


I'm not part of a small number of elite players. I've only been subbed like 4 out of the last 18 months. The last time I did an OP or FP S&V was the newest. I came back because I wanted to play and enjoy the story. Face rolling once every 30 minutes isn't enjoyable to me in the slightest. I have no intention of going back and doing FP or OPs, all I really want to see is the story. If I'm not going to enjoy the fighting then there's no point to subbing, I should just watch the videos on youtube and see the only enjoyable part. I give my feedback to Bioware and they choose to act on it or not, they choose to.

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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer


imaginary percentages are imaginary


But please by all means show us your research on how you came up with such a spefic percentage!

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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


It feels to me as if the Cartel Market has hit a wall. Even the high spending players have to feel like they have enough mounts, outfits, color crystals and misc stuff at some point. Nothing seems very interesting anymore.


I never buy loot boxes but I used to look through the auction house regularly and try to buy armor sets and other items I liked at a cheap price. But lately I don't even bother. I feel like I have enough of everything.

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I hereby also declare that PvP'ers make up 98% of the entire playerbase, thus BioWare need to seriously start focusing on PvP content. I have about as much data to back up that claim as you.


It's also a well known fact that President Obama cancelled his sub yesterday when they nerfed the companions, and that 87% of American citizens are boycotting Bioware products until an apology for patch 4.0.2 is issued.

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there is a gallop poll from 1939 that specifically states that 67% of the 50 people they asked felt that the companion nerf amounted to 23.5% of their frustration, but a whopping 60% was attributed to the frustration of seeing post after post of statistics based off of 47.6% of a variable figure derived from 22% (+/- 22%) of how many people wore a cod piece during 35.2% of the previous five years of carnival held across 5.3% of the countries that celebrate some holiday that would except said cod piece. I dont know about you, but thats some serious statistics and i am 5% inclined to believe about 1.34% of what i see across 76% of what 85% consider the most malnourished segment comprising of 4% of those who believe at least 12.5% of what we eat contributes to 78% of our cognitive functions. now thats impressive.
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Out of a poll of over 400 players , only 10 % support the change


80 % do not


Only 10 % were neutral


Again the small vocal group spamming here can shout this down as you already have ,


But if you think having a Budget will make sure the game continues is enough you are wrong , because part of the budget would be the revenue numbers that will now be a fraction of what had been expected


In truth the entire discussion might be moot, and the damage done so significant that the community does not recover


Only the unhappy people come running to the forum. The people who are happy with it just play.

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Only the unhappy people come running to the forum. The people who are happy with it just play.


Unhappy people were the minority in the first poll, about leaving companions the way they were (prior to the nerf) by a huge margin. There goes your argument.

Edited by Vember
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