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Mass Exodus , due to patching, Nerf and bugs


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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer

Edited by Beachdudeca
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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


The decision to nerf was made because we're chewing through KotFE too fast, bypassing the introduced grinds for companion influence and for upgraded equipment. They don't care how we feel, they're just looking at what we're doing, and what it means for their bottom line.

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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


The decision to nerf was made because we're chewing through KotFE too fast, bypassing the introduced grinds for companion influence and for upgraded equipment. They don't care how we feel, they're just looking at what we're doing, and what it means for their bottom line.


Maybe in other games. BW has stated that subs are the ones that spend the most on CM.

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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


The decision to nerf was made because we're chewing through KotFE too fast, bypassing the introduced grinds for companion influence and for upgraded equipment. They don't care how we feel, they're just looking at what we're doing, and what it means for their bottom line.


The problem with that situation is as follow:

Sure, players that focus on a single character powered through KOTFE and the Alliance stuff too fast.

But not everyone has only one character. Hell, even with the stupid M1-4X grind I managed to find the Alliance stuff fun and was ready to repeat it on every character I have (FYI, we are talking about 26, with only 8 that were KOTFE ready at launch and only one that became so after.)

But with this nerf, Bioware just ensured I would not repeat the grind. Like ever. Now everything has become tedious.

So what's better I ask: Players finishing content quickly? Or players not playing at all and thus not paying?

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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer


I hereby also declare that PvP'ers make up 98% of the entire playerbase, thus BioWare need to seriously start focusing on PvP content. I have about as much data to back up that claim as you.

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I hereby also declare that PvP'ers make up 98% of the entire playerbase, thus BioWare need to seriously start focusing on PvP content. I have about as much data to back up that claim as you.


I think the decimal point in in the wrong place, judging by the servers clamouring for merges it's more like 1% :D

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Actually the poll of 400+ players showed that only 10% of the player base supports the change


The healing data has been posted in dozens of threads



For the small vocal group that want the Nerf to stand , you can spam the forums , shout down others all you want , bug in the end it just means the game will need to shutter before the end of next year

Edited by Beachdudeca
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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer

those are a lot of percentages being thrown around there.


care to back any of it up?

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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


The decision to nerf was made because we're chewing through KotFE too fast, bypassing the introduced grinds for companion influence and for upgraded equipment. They don't care how we feel, they're just looking at what we're doing, and what it means for their bottom line.


Which is daft as the bottom line will suffer far more from people leaving early now in droves, than later in spurts.

Any business counts on steady income from regulars first and additional unreliable income as cream, CC is unreliable income.

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Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer


Yes, it would. Because I think that they already have their budget in for 2016 by now.


Also, just because I am not happy with this game anymore, does not mean that I don't wish all players who still like it, that they can play it for many more years.

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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Would it surprise anyone if the game finds itself shuttered before next Summer


I'd ask where you pulled those numbers from but I can already smell it from here.

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Actually the poll of 400+ players showed that only 10% of the player base supports the change


The healing data has been posted in dozens of threads


No it shows that 10% of the people that responded to the poll support the change, until you can ask and get an answer from every person playing the game all these posts are just hot air, do not presume to know what anyone thinks until you have actually got an answer from them.


As for myself, do I think they went to far - probably, is it a game breaker - no.

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Actually the poll of 400+ players showed that only 10% of the player base supports the change


The healing data has been posted in dozens of threads


You mean, out of the probably 1% of the players who post on forums, only 10% supported the change. You do realise, how little does this mean.


I think the decimal point in in the wrong place, judging by the servers clamouring for merges it's more like 1% :D


This is a common misconception. PvP'ers do not necessery play on PvP servers, simply because PvE servers offer bigger communities, and a bigger playerbase. Bigger playerbase = faster pops, even for warzones.

Also there is literally zero difference between the 2 types, if we exclude ganking.

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I'd ask where you pulled those numbers from but I can already smell it from here.
yes, going to the huge lineup at walmart customer service would constitute a scientific poll according to some.


98% of customers are upset!

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The poll isn't accurate. It has been launch by someone who doesn't like the change, put on the thread about how bad is the change (so those who respond have more chances to be those who grumble and are against the change) and those who answered are way too few to be representative of the whole player database.
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You mean, out of the probably 1% of the players who post on forums, only 10% supported the change. You do realise, how little does this mean.


And all the people who post on these forums only reflect the subs, and even then only about 0.001 percent of those. That's not something I'd hang my hat on.

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I always find it funny how people just come up with numbers like they are well informed.


80% is ready to leave?

You have any idea how many that is.

There might be a lot of people ready to leave because of the patch (But that's every patch and in the end they wind up staying) but I hardly doubt that it is the aforementioned 80%.


*SNIP* I didn't read the 98% PVP-er post correctly. Apparently it is Sarcastic. My apologies.


Stop making up numbers and passing them on as fact. It just make you look like you are making up fact to get some attention and look smart but does just the opposite.

Edited by Gundivar
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Out of a poll of over 400 players , only 10 % support the change


80 % do not


Only 10 % were neutral


Again the small vocal group spamming here can shout this down as you already have ,


But if you think having a Budget will make sure the game continues is enough you are wrong , because part of the budget would be the revenue numbers that will now be a fraction of what had been expected


In truth the entire discussion might be moot, and the damage done so significant that the community does not recover

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Out of a poll of over 400 players , only 10 % support the change


80 % do not


Only 10 % were neutral


Again the small vocal group spamming here can shout this down as you already have

we've already explained why this "poll" is unreliable. why keep pointing to it?
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The problem with a poll only the ones that come to the forums and the ones that even participate in a poll would do that.


Polls have been around since launch and people try to always say this or that about a poll when it never truly represents the individuals who never come to the forums.


In my guild there are only two people that come to the forums, myself and another friend. The rest of my guild relies on us to let them know what is going on. Neither of us participate in polls as we find them a waste of time and never really adequately represents anyone.


They hate the forums due to the environment and the fact no matter what it is happening there is someone complaining so my friend and I get the information and pass it on.


None of my guild is quitting due to this. We have dealt with other things as well and just learn to adapt.


Trying to judge something by the forums is never an adequate view as most people will not come to the forums.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Pagy because your assumption of it not being valid would be wrong
ok so what was the selection procedure to secure a representative sample for this scientific poll?


because it appears to be a comment box placed at the front of a complaint line to me. the truth is, there could be a majority of players that do hate the change, but this poll will never represent that.

Like I said , shout this down , I get that's what you do , but it will not change the fact that your small vocal group might get your way , but the end result will just be a shuttered game
"my" group?


i have a group now?

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