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  1. There has been a big post in the bug report section allready. 58 replies and counting. Add your voices there.
  2. I always find it funny how people just come up with numbers like they are well informed. 80% is ready to leave? You have any idea how many that is. There might be a lot of people ready to leave because of the patch (But that's every patch and in the end they wind up staying) but I hardly doubt that it is the aforementioned 80%. *SNIP* I didn't read the 98% PVP-er post correctly. Apparently it is Sarcastic. My apologies. Stop making up numbers and passing them on as fact. It just make you look like you are making up fact to get some attention and look smart but does just the opposite.
  3. Exactly. I said this in another post as well. People just expect everything to work like before. Healing has been nerfed so the conditions of the heroics have changed. If the conditions have been changed it is needed to change your tactics. Look again at your character, adapt, jump in again and profit.
  4. Have you allready tried changing tactics? Like I said in my post before I was having trouble as well with a healer companion but I just switched to a tanking one and all problems were solved. Seeing he is a Sage maybe he should try a tanking companion, Use CC and then just DPS and heal your companion when needed. Worked like a charm for me.
  5. Hey Guys, My two cents on the whole change. When I first heard it I was worried. I've been leveling my Bounty hunter by doing the story quests and Heroics on each planet and nothing else (apart from daily pvp). I was scared that the heroics would be too hard now. So I logged in this morning and while doing a Class story quest I nearly died to a pull of 6 mobs with 2 silver enemies in it. At that time I was really scared if I would hit up heroics. I finished the story line with a healing companion but she had trouble keeping me up, but I did some crowd control and managed to wrestle through. The time came to do some heroics, I stepped in and on the first pull noticed that he (Blizz) wasn't goign to keep me up. I was bleeding health and we came out of the first pull with only 5% left. This scared me and I was ready to hit the forum and start complaining. I decided to stick with it and look at my class again and My abilities. My usual tactic was just start pumping out damage and let my companion stand back and heal up any damage that came through. The problem now was that the healing wasn't good enough anymore. So I looked at the abilities and I noticed I can do a lot of damage and I have some healing abilities. Not enough to be a main healer or to keep up a DPS that is being focussed. But maybe my healing is enough to keep up a tank who won't be taking as much damage as the other companions do. I decided to give it a try. I set Blizz to tank and we started the rest of the heroic. It worked very well and after the third pull I was nearly back at my original clearing speed. Only on big pulls did I have to heal my companion with a few heals and the rest was handled by stunning one mob and then pounding out the DPS on the rest. The changes did a huge number on Companion healing that much is true. But that is no reason for anyone to just yell "OMG unsub". The people that do that are just hot headed and affraid of change. Because they did away with an overpowered mechanic doesn't mean everything is ruined. Just take a step back. Reevaluate your powers, your strengths and your weaknesses and come up with a new startegy. All will be doable. The patch made me use a lot more skill on my skill bar instead of just the 4 buttons needed for max DPS. I actually have to put up my shield once in a while. I actually have to use my stuns now and then. The heroics do indeed take longer then normal but the length is not so bad as people tell. Most people complaining are probably just trying to do the heroics like before and that is doable but will take a whole lot longer. The matter of the fact is that the game has changed the old tactic won't work now get out there and find a new tactic and you'll be doing the content at the previous speeds in no time. TLDR: Look at your class. Find strengths and weaknesses. Change your tactic, adapt and profit.
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