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Why no official response on companion nerf???


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They have made the official response to companions already in giving a detailed response (pre patch) as to why they were doing the things they planned on doing. As of now though, there's a lot of people on the forums who are very upset, but a lot have a clear misunderstanding about content difficulty in general. If I were them I'd let this calm down a bit before I even attempt another action. As of now even if they wanted to additionally respond the patch went live yesterday, and I admit getting a sample size together that would be representative of the entire companion experience after patch isn't really attainable at present. If I were to respond, if I were BW, I'd compile my numbers over the course of the next week or even weeks to see what the over arching effect is. Right now, a lot of dramatics are being pushed up instead of cold hard facts. With time, we may see another response, or we may not, depending on what exactly the over arching theme the numbers tell. Now though, no way is it appropriate to respond. They have responded initially already, now it's time to let it sink in.


What are you doing trying to bring logic into this??

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Ya, you let them cry out, in the mean time.. people are dropping subs like crazy.. Looks like they removed the posts that was up to 50 some pages of people dropping them..


People claim they are dropping subs like crazy, like they do anytime any 'major' issue occurs. It's the boy who called wolf in most of those cases.

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Anyone who spends few afternoons browsing these forums should realize why not a single Dev wants to have anything to do with people posting here.


They have their own vision, gut feelings, test groups and data. I'm guessing they have no desire or reason to have any kind of interaction with few dozen pissed off entitled primadonnas who rage quit the game three times a week.


Occasionally they send Musco to do some damage control etc, but seriously, I'm sure not a single dev will ever sacrifice a single thought to the endless nuclear holocaust of entitled garbage people vomit on General Chat.

Edited by Stradlin
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People claim they are dropping subs like crazy, like they do anytime any 'major' issue occurs. It's the boy who called wolf in most of those cases.


Oh but there are people dropping and do we honestly need that? to make the elite players feel like they acomplished some thing ona heroic 2 that is and was designed to be casual content. NOt nightmare raids?

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Maybe the over nerf was in response to mass cancellations over how stupidly easy 4.0 made the game, and another wave of cancellations will get them to find a happy median


No because server pops keep going up and up i watch these things daily because i happen to like this game. most of the server were full and heavy. When the info came down number started to fall off quickly....

Edited by Neoforcer
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Come on! We know EXACTLY whats going to happen here. It's been happening since BETA.


In a few days Erics going to post and say 'blah blah blah we over nerfed, sorry it won't happen again. A fix is being worked on. blah blah blah.'


In a month a new expansion will be announced with fixes for EVERYTHING.


Expansion drops, people have fun and re-sub.


A few weeks go by, Biofail figures out what people are having the most fun with and nerf it. The forums explode, people un-sub and in a few days Eric posts and says 'blah blah blah we over nerfed, sorry it won't happen again. A fix is being worked on. blah blah blah.'


The cycle continues...

Edited by EightSided
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Can confirm; been playing this game rather none stop for weeks due to sickness - housebound etc.


Around this time the servers are somewhat heavy, especially Harbinger. They're all on light. Now that could be due to the screw up yesterday with the patch. But numbers are plummeting. o.O


This is bad...

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No because server pops keep going up and up i watch these things daily because i happen to like this game. most of the server were full and heavy. When the info came down number started to fall off quickly....


I think that mostly has to do with the complete and utter failure of the patching process this week. I'm still sitting in front of my launching app, cursing at bitraider.


Not arguing whether the companion nerf is good or not - I wish I could have an opinion on that because that would mean I would have finished downloading the accursed patch!

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Oh but there are people dropping and do we honestly need that? to make the elite players feel like they acomplished some thing ona heroic 2 that is and was designed to be casual content. NOt nightmare raids?


Lol, people want bragging rights on clearing the story :rolleyes:


If the only way the game is going to survive is by turning it into Hello Kitty Island Adventure where the game plays itself and you just watch videos, then let it burn. Maybe a good Star Wars MMO could come and replace it someday.

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I think that mostly has to do with the complete and utter failure of the patching process this week. I'm still sitting in front of my launching app, cursing at bitraider.


Not arguing whether the companion nerf is good or not - I wish I could have an opinion on that because that would mean I would have finished downloading the accursed patch!



Exactly where I am.


I wish I could be happy or upset about it, but right now all know is 93.18% is not even close to 100%...

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Same thing you do with a dramatic child. Make sure they aren't in any real danger or the like, then let them cry it out.




They are doing what they should. No react instantly to people complaining about change. It may turn out this nerf was too hard and needs correction - but they need to at least let it ride for a short period of time to see what the stats look like.


Able to solo an H2 with a comp and everyone no matter gear/skill level soloing it with a comp are two different things. I'll admit for the causal gamer which their recent direction seemed to be shifting towards it was a nice thing to have and likely they will make a buff to fix this..

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They will do the same thing they did when they swung the Nerf bat at the Slot Machine.

Not a damn thing.

Complain all you want, they have your money now and don't care.

They will ignore it and it will just go away.

Between the Alliance quests just sucking and now this, they will lose a few subs but they don't care.


Just like the Slots, they tell us "All is fine, working as intended", then they swing for the fences with the nerf bat, make a major change to what they told you was "working as intended" and then tell you "What we meant was, it's all fine now and now working as intended".


Actually....my account expires day after tomorrow. It will not be renewed. So, they don't (or rather, wont) have my money.

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The patch hasn't even been live for 24 hours. If what they see is a problem in their eyes, then they will comment. The best you'll get before then is that they are reading your feedback on the changes and monitoring the situation.


This guy gets it. I've voiced my opinion on here and the Suggestion Box about the nerf, and now it's just a matter of waiting a reasonable time to see if anything is done with it. I can say, looking at the Suggestion Box, that it's not exactly a small issue. But less than a day is not reasonable to expect feedback results.

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They don't need to response to it. They already came out and said why they are doing it. And this is a change for the better for once. Now the game is what it should be an MMO.


You need to go back to Everquest dude, the style of MMO you're looking for hasn't been popular for a long, long time.

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The patch hasn't even been live for 24 hours. If what they see is a problem in their eyes, then they will comment. The best you'll get before then is that they are reading your feedback on the changes and monitoring the situation.


Jadescythe either works for Bw or is the biggest Fanboy on site .Sounds just like a CM cough cough Eric cough

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