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Star Fortress Heroic no longer soloable...


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Well maybe because -

One for All

Challenging achievement that require you to solo the heroic mode and do it without interacting with the buff terminal from the start.


There's a buff terminal? (being serious) I wasnt aware of this, not that I needed an email or anything, but, still I had no idea. So many things I'm so unaware of in all the games I play.. hehe..

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So I just finished up the Hoth Star Fortress on Heroic 2.


I did solo it, in augmented PvP rank 2 gear (208s), using a rank 37 Pierce.


It wasn't pretty though. I absolutely wouldn't want to try it in anything less than full 208s - and considering the instance DROPS 208s, that looks like a problem. I also had to use a lot of CC, particularly on the sun reactor sequence at the end with the double elite spawns - and Pierce was unable to keep up with healing on any of the major bosses, so they were all pretty much a DPS race.




EDIT: And yeah, I'm really not sure I could get that achievement now, in anything less than 216s if at all. Glad I did that before the nerf.

Edited by Jherad
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The companions WERE overpowered in most of the game.


... and could be set to passive so that their skills were only activated by the player instead of automatic. Voila - instant hard mode!


Instead, the SWTOR developers just wrecked the game they put so much effort into over the past year.


Everyone should go to Google and type in "star wars galaxies new game enhancements" and read about how well-meaning developers can make changes to play styles after people are comfortable with them and *completely* wreck their entire product irrevocably.

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Other players are soloing it in gear/companions worse than yours.



Everyone should go to Google and type in "star wars galaxies new game enhancements" and read about how well-meaning developers can make changes to play styles after people are comfortable with them and *completely* wreck their entire product irrevocably.

Oh for crying out loud. Things just went back to how they were last month.

Edited by Caelrie
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This is a perfect example of how you can admit that yes there was a problem with comps being *somewhat* OP, but also acknowledging that Biofail swung the nerf bat way too hard....AGAIN.


For all those douchenozzles saying that the nerf was correct...I hope you all get cold sores.


Let me guess? You died because you weren't using your class properly. OUTRAGE!.


In this case, really, really now, learn how to play. This is NOT Dark Souls. You don't even need to be GOOD at the game to win at it, you just need to have a BASIC understanding of how your class works.


You are actually meant to manage your companion, you are meant to use health potions, you are meant to only pull one group, and you are meant to use crowd control. Do this and you won't die constantly.


Death is something that is actually a risk that can occur, because you see that red bar next to your portrait? That's a health bar-- it isn't there for show. Though indeed before this much needed change it certainly was just a shiny red line to distract the player "OOoh, redness against the blueness. OOooh I'm not paying attention; oh doesn't matter, it's impossible to die."

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The clue is to go see what was said by BioWare yesterday on this, because it isn't what you assume.


Some sad sack is saying that this is out of context and the dev in question was only talking about heroics on planets.... which is nonsense, considering that it says HEROIC 2+ on both planet missions *and* Star Fortress Missions. If that wasn't the case, Star Fortress Heroics should read HEROIC 2++++ DO NOT ATTEMPT SOLO.


But that would assume people read...

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went into star fortress with Lana, to test out the nerf.


her health was slashed by 25%. ok. I can deal with that.


pull my first group of mobs. her heals? slashed by 75% or so - possibly more. they are now hitting like wet noodles. yep. so balanced. I think I've been getting more healing from Talos prior to 4.0 than what I'm now getting from Lana at almost 3 times the influence I have with him.


oh well. back to single player games.


P.S. glad I got one and only done before this patch at least.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Some sad sack is saying that this is out of context and the dev in question was only talking about heroics on planets.... which is nonsense, considering that it says HEROIC 2+ on both planet missions *and* Star Fortress Missions. If that wasn't the case, Star Fortress Heroics should read HEROIC 2++++ DO NOT ATTEMPT SOLO.


But that would assume people read...


This being the case, then the achievements for soloing the sf's with and without buffs is now impossible and should either be revisited by bioware or removed entirely as they are impossible.


I hate to say it but looks like bioware have truly f$%^ked up and should do an emergency patch to fix this.

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The companions WERE overpowered in most of the game.


Regular quests were a joke to complete. Most Heroics were as well, and while they're a bit more challenging now, they're easily still soloable as intended.


The Star Fortress was challenging before to solo, but doable. Now it's an absolute impossibility for virtually anyone, and that's being generous.


Tried on my 65 Shadow, with 208 gear, Lana at level 21. Everything is challenging but ok up to the first Knight of Zakuul, who proceeds to stomp us into the deck plates regardless of what mode I put Lana in. Maybe a tank might fare better, MAYBE. But anyone else? It's grouping or no chance, and even then I'm not confident that the champion level critters can be beat.


This definitely needs adjustment on some level.

Wow who exactly are you to say that so matter of factly.... Who are you to judge how other poele have fun?


Your just as bad as those pole who say .. ohhh well "mmo means just h have group and pvp ...Ohh yea and it Has to be challenging and take intricate button pushing and timing or its a joke"


I just facepalm at people like you.



If you want more challenge take the mods out of your armor and dismiss your comp or don't raise the influence more than you have to or dont use them at all.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Pretty sure most people believe he just phrased it poorly, and was talking about planetary heroics.


I'm trying to figure out why half of the community seems absolutely certain they SHOULD be able to solo a HC Star Fortress.


Uhhh, because there are achievements for doing so? Maybe?

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Oh for crying out loud. Things just went back to how they were last month.


Might I remind you that the point of an expansion is that things AREN'T supposed to be how they were "last month" or before that expansion, and that this expansion was supposed to create all new buzz and bring more people back to/into the game and get us all playing again?


I don't want to go back to the way things were "last month" when I had *nothing whatsoever to do* at end game except level yet another alt.

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Some sad sack is saying that this is out of context and the dev in question was only talking about heroics on planets.... which is nonsense, considering that it says HEROIC 2+ on both planet missions *and* Star Fortress Missions. If that wasn't the case, Star Fortress Heroics should read HEROIC 2++++ DO NOT ATTEMPT SOLO.


But that would assume people read...


If they had read the actual quest, it says "This quest is meant to be done with a group. Only a player with good gear and a strong alliance would be able to solo it"... SOOOOO, yeah, I'm sorry, but this quest is meant to be soloable. Also, the achievements...



Edited by Cicgnar
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Pretty sure most people believe he just phrased it poorly, and was talking about planetary heroics.


I'm trying to figure out why half of the community seems absolutely certain they SHOULD be able to solo a HC Star Fortress.


Isn't the normal SF called SOLO mode?


I would've thought that was suggestive of how the modes should work. Obviously the more difficult mode is meant to be done normally with another player. Even more evidence of this is by the achievement for doing it solo, and it doesn't count with another player-- obviously this means it is a special accomplishment to do it on your own.


It's obvious as well by how hard the mobs hit and how much HP they have, the only overriding factor was the ridiculous companions-- even more suggestive is how massively inconsistent the difficulty was, your companion focuses on something else for even a few seconds, or is stunned, and you drop like a brick. That means the companion is completely carrying you.


I just won't listen to the argument that somehow there wasn't an issue with companions before, isn't the fact that you simply cannot die out in the world an issue? Do you really think that is how things supposed to be?


Well, now you actually have to think just a bit when you play SWTOR. Maybe you'll actually learn how to play your class properly and not drag everyone down in the HMFPs.

Edited by Daezihang
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Isn't the normal SF called SOLO mode?


I would've thought that was suggestive of how the modes should work. Obviously the more difficult mode is meant to be done normally with another player. Even more evidence of this is by the achievement for doing it solo, and it doesn't count with another player-- obviously this means it is a special accomplishment to do it on your own.


You forget the part where you have to also ignore the computer bonuses (quite noticeables) and the extra packages which can be unlocked on the ships... So the achievement is not only for doing it solo. It's for doing it solo, with a hand tied on your back...


Tell me, how's that even possible without a companion who can at least heal you enough to give you reasonable time to kill bosses?


People have already been putting numbers around and heal comps at lvl 50 have a lower HPS than the average golden enemy DPS, much less when compared to bosses' DPS

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For the record, the in-game description for the [Heroic 2+] Star Fortress mission:


Heroic difficulty is intended for groups of two or more players, or powerful solo players who have strengthened their Alliance. (emphasis mine)


I read this as something that should be soloable by players with some combination of good gear, a high influence companion, and buffs from the alliance specialists.


Personally, I can't imagine being able to manage a heroic SF now. Call me bad all you like, but even pre-nerf I had a terrible time at the third reactor room. My healing companion melted when faced with massive amounts of damage, and my character died soon after. As a DPS without off-heals, I deemed it not worth the trouble unless I wanted the companion. And now? Well, it is a good thing that I only want to grab a Star Fortress companions on one more character, because there is no way I'm grouping up 6+ times for this. :(

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Isn't the normal SF called SOLO mode?


I would've thought that was suggestive of how the modes should work. Obviously the more difficult mode is meant to be done normally with another player. Even more evidence of this is by the achievement for doing it solo, and it doesn't count with another player-- obviously this means it is a special accomplishment to do it on your own.


It's obvious as well by how hard the mobs hit and how much HP they have, the only overriding factor was the ridiculous companions-- even more suggestive is how massively inconsistent the difficulty was, your companion focuses on something else for even a few seconds, or is stunned, and you drop like a brick. That means the companion is completely carrying you.


I just won't listen to the argument that somehow there wasn't an issue with companions before, isn't the fact that you simply cannot die out in the world an issue? Do you really think that is how things supposed to be?


Well, now you actually have to think just a bit when you play SWTOR. Maybe you'll actually learn how to play your class properly and not drag everyone down in the HMFPs.


The "Solo Mode" is a flash point that gives a different achieve and has a different final boss.


The H2 is in my opinion still soloable, its just a lot more challenging. You are going to need 204-208 gear to do it with the terminal buffs and 216 or better to do the <One and Only> achieve.


That said I still think they nerfed comps too much. Yes I agree that the nerf was needed, and we could see it coming, but now its too much. What is worse is the scaling that goes with leve sync got even worse.


Depending on rank of influence some of my comps struggle to keep me alive on Yavin doing straight dailes, but then can heal me well enough to solo Starfortress H2 without the terminal buffs ect. That is a serious problem IMO.

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You forget the part where you have to also ignore the computer bonuses (quite noticeables) and the extra packages which can be unlocked on the ships... So the achievement is not only for doing it solo. It's for doing it solo, with a hand tied on your back...


Tell me, how's that even possible without a companion who can at least heal you enough to give you reasonable time to kill bosses?


People have already been putting numbers around and heal comps at lvl 50 have a lower HPS than the average golden enemy DPS, much less when compared to bosses' DPS


That was the first thing I did when I logged on tonight. Took rank 21 Lana and my AP Powertech in a mix of 216-220 gear. Third reactor room gave me problems, but that was more because of other bugs(adds being immune to AOEs and Lana freezing). Though for the record that was the only place I had problems, and I killed both Paladins as well. So it is doable, its just hard.

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The one and only achievement. - Not the most casual player is gonna manage, but a decently capable player could. Not so much anymore.



Achis should be balanced and tuned with difficulty of content in mind. Dififculty of the content should not be tuned with an achi in mind.


If it turns out good players who know what they are doing can't earn this achi, then surely BW will just..


B) Nerf Star Fortress to ground!!

C) Adjust the achi somehow. (Say, you can now do it when fully buffed by turrets and whatnots. )


Which one makes most sense?

Edited by Stradlin
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That was the first thing I did when I logged on tonight. Took rank 21 Lana and my AP Powertech in a mix of 216-220 gear. Third reactor room gave me problems, but that was more because of other bugs(adds being immune to AOEs and Lana freezing). Though for the record that was the only place I had problems, and I killed both Paladins as well. So it is doable, its just hard.


I find it hard to believe. Not saying it's not true, mind me, just saying it certainly says more about your class and spec than what it says about companions. With a Heal Sorcerer 208+ and Lana at 18, I wasn't able to solo Heroic mode, even before nerf. Truth to be told, my alliance was still very low-level, and Lana was in tank stance, but last boss was simply impossible, it melted both of us faster than I could heal. (That's one of the reasons I respecced, to try again... then this patch hit)

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well this sucks i found it impossible to solo SF on my sniper before with my lvl 20 lana /T1 because i had no taunt and the boss eventually killed my comps no big deal i just needed to get higher gear to pull more dps threat.

but yesterday I was finally able to solo destroy SF with my jugg and lvl 20 scorpio healing now I can really understand they want ppl to group to complete these heroics but what they need to do is make the SF's a group que as a FP or tactical the idea of having to stand around odessa doing chat shout-outs LFG to do SF hoth, or tatooine is frustrating pls make it a group queable event.

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I find it hard to believe. Not saying it's not true, mind me, just saying it certainly says more about your class and spec than what it says about companions. With a Heal Sorcerer 208+ and Lana at 18, I wasn't able to solo Heroic mode, even before nerf. Truth to be told, my alliance was still very low-level, and Lana was in tank stance, but last boss was simply impossible, it melted both of us faster than I could heal. (That's one of the reasons I respecced, to try again... then this patch hit)


Yeah comps will stand in the AOE.


In fairness I do roughly 7k DPS on a dummy and 5-5.5k(on average) actual in boss fights with my current spec and kit, which I know is a little higher than average. Nor I am saying that I did this easily tonight. There was a lot of waiting for stuff to come off cooldown before moving on ect.

There were also some points where, if I had been sitting on a lump of coal, I would now have diamonds.


PS. I agree 100% that comps were way over nerfed.

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