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Everything posted by Stenax

  1. If any of you would like to join depraved on satele Shan server, I am a Victorian Aussie and would love to have you all join. We have some Canadians and Americans who don’t sleep and play late. If anyone knows of an aussie guild on darth malgus it would be appreciated
  2. I am also interested in a run for wings of the architect discord Stenax#7715
  3. I missed out on getting her due to being out of work but would like her as a companion. Happy to pay.
  4. Hi Aussie player here Getting back into game after 2 years Have dps heals and tanks Looking to join IGN stenax or rightis
  5. This being the case, then the achievements for soloing the sf's with and without buffs is now impossible and should either be revisited by bioware or removed entirely as they are impossible. I hate to say it but looks like bioware have truly f$%^ked up and should do an emergency patch to fix this.
  6. Subscriber for 1 year and all I get is some lousy fireworks??? How about 50 black hole comms! ESPECIALLY since I have lost at least 20 nights of not being able to play and other countries get looked after better than the asia pacific servers (YES my first toon was on a us server so i have subbed for 12 months est)
  7. All of you guys sound like you want Star Wars Galaxies back! It had all that!
  8. Ok so you have killed everyone and are ready to take on Tarro Blood at his own game.... I landed on the ship and got up to the bridge level. But somehow stupidity got me killed just before the brig. Not thinking, I respawned at the med centre which just happens to be PAST the brig. Trouble is, you have to kill the warden INSIDE the brig to open the door, so you can't get in. There is an elevator to go back to the hangar level but SURPRISE it won;t open until the jedi is killed... So whatever you do if you die on the bridge level DO NOT RESPAWN AT THE MED CENTRE unless you want to use your fleet pass and have to do the whole lot again!
  9. Best thing... No other class has as many abilities to use or as sparse. Melee and ranged combat able. Damage mitigation. Jet Boost, grapple, flamers the list just goes on and on Worst...ummm....haven't really found one yet!
  10. I wanted to have a toon that wasn't sith or jedi. Powertech is the bomb. Plus it has a story at the start unlike some other classes which don't really kick in until later levels properly. I like the heaps of melee and ranged attacks grapple, jet boost, dmg mitigation, defence.. amn it's got the lot. I had a merc but just couldn't get the same speed kills or kill bosses first go. Maybe it's just me. I have every other class and advanced class in the game, over 3 servers and still like coming back to my ptech. And now with legacy I can have a ptech with force choke...lol awesome!!!
  11. Short answer..... Nothing!! Long answer. I started a sniper as maybe my third toon (after sorcerer and merc) I found the other 2 easier to play early on so stuck with them then went off track with a powertech and others ....got my sorc to 50 Then I went back to my sniper. They ROCK! I am now levelling her like crazy! DPS plus! Once I learned how to actual;ly fight with her she is awesome!!!! So nothign is wrong with them! But it is sith v jedi after all
  12. I do not think that this has actually changed. I have been in groups where the OTHER side has had more healers or 4 marauders and 4 healers and ruined everyone. Then teammates leave anyway. The FIX they needed to make was to limit the type and number of each class to maybe 2 in a group, or to balance each team out that was fully loaded with bm gear against people with lvl 50 or 40 pvp gear. However, when you get groups of 4 from a guild against 8 solo players, it becomes harder again. So what REALLY is the answer? I do not regularly defend software companies, but perhaps they had to be seen to do something, and i believe that like swg, the class changes will happen again in the future, maybe not all at once, but it will happen again. Maybe then the op classes that are actually op will be toned back to the rest of the field instead of nerfing classes that are actually not op. That being said, I was in a warzone the other night, where everyone fought the entire zone without hardly a death, and it was quite exhilarating to play. NO healer should be better than another, NO dps should hit harder. However, it should still be a challenge to 'get your class right', and if it takes a radical change then a few updates over a few months... I can wait it out.... my 3 cents
  13. Noone has the right to complaine about FAIR changes to classes to even them up and make everything, healing dps a challenge. However, unfairly disadvantaging one cor more classes and leaving already op classes alone is blatently WRONG! It however, if bw are the same as soe in their thinking which they appear to be, will continually attend to this matter until all classes are marshmallows and cannot heal nor attack anyone lol (joking) I trust that while some time I may suffer, the time will come for each class to be 'nerfed' until it evens out!
  14. There will be more of this 'balancing up' to come in the future.. I will live long enough to 'wait it out'. LOL
  15. I have a lvl 50 sorc, and have been only lvl 50 for about 3 weeks now. So I don't know all the ins and outs yet, and have had a lightning spec and madness spec, but I am going to wait and see. IMO Sorcs were never op in lvl 50 PVP. Marauders and assassins kill me all the time, and ptechs etc but I don't go off crying, I try to improve and get better gear and fight smarter. That's what it's all about. If you're a button masher who wants to obliterate everything like it's standing still, I would hope the classes would be more even. And I also suspect that this will happen a few times. MY ONLY GRIPE... is that every class got their skill points back except my merc and I suspect the commando is the same. WHY??? And it's only a minor gripe. However, I think in the future instead of resetting my skill tree, why not give me a token to use IF I SO DECIDE TO. Not unilaterally decide for me please! Cheers
  16. This isn't a bug.. you can't get the title until level 50. That's all! So level up!
  17. I was level 49 with all lvl 48ish gear on I am madness spec I shielded every opportunity and healed where needed and it took me around 5 minutes to kill him early on I hit him with all dots I could muster and stayed out of his aoe attacks I pretty much kited and ran behind the other council members chairs to Los him Then heal lightning aoe him then repeat He went down and I had about 40% health at the end It was actually an error going in without a companion but somehow I got it to work... Now I am a darth
  18. I have played pvp for a while and have almost every class on two separate servers. In a 1v1 situation, anyone who button mashes loses. don't laugh... there are still stacks that do. Anyone who knows their abilities and cooldown and their opponent's weakness best will pwn you regardless. I like my sorc, but he is hardly op. I also like my bh and sniper but they are hardly op either. A well driven Marauder will pwn you with ease. They are one of the strongest levelling classes I have, but if popular choice, like the assassin, they are also going to have the lowest % of people who really know and learn how to utilize them the best. In pvp you rarkely see 1v1 , it does happen, but it's usually 4-1 lol So for the purpose of the exercise, my vote for weakest goes to : Sniper.
  19. I have the lightning tree as far as chain lightning and the cooldown extinguish, and the rest in madness. It rocks!
  20. I was about level 20ish when i did this. Have chain lightning, to kill the minions and shield/keep healing khem. By the time he dies the boss will be a pushover. If you can't do this. Levelling up to be tougher is the only way
  21. I signed up in december and started using the europe servers because I just couldn't wait!!!
  22. I would have thought, since Boba Fett just was known by his name, BH's would not really ghet a title other than Bounty Hunter.
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