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Subscriber Rewards Survey


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That's not even remotely how it works. There are very specific, stated rewards for subscribing, and there are very specific Cartel Coin purchase prices. If you're subscribing or purchasing Cartel Coins with the hope that you're going to get anything beyond what you're told, you're living in a dream world.

Actually, within the United States, you can negotiate for a better price. If you were to walk into a supermarket, clothing store, game store, and video store, you 'can' haggle with the store manager.


Women clothing stores, within our local malls, are famous for price adjusting.


I am currently getting a $600 subscription for $300 per year.


BioWare/EA control the reward system. If you look at what people are asking for, you will realize that people are asking for more substance. Why? "SWTOR" is not rewarding players 'enough' for the money being spent.


I spent around $400 on coins during the past few months. I also expanded my subscription for four months. As a result of making such a large investment, the crystal, comms, xp, pack, and credit rewards should have been exponentially increased. Why are people still getting one crystal for completing certain missions? Why is there no discount on CC-market items? Why is there no discount on vendor items?


Something has to give.


Unless BioWare starts fixing the reward system, 'paying' players are going to quickly get discouraged.


Where are the incentives for reaching levels 45, 50, and 55? Players use to get adaptive vendor sets at levels 50 and 55. As a result of BioWare moving up the goal line, the incentive to reach levels 50 and 55 are gone. Once I get to around level 45, the core story suddenly becomes daunting and boring. Even though this is due to writing, the time spent reaching the level cap is a drag.


I work 40 hours a week. I spend around 2 hours a day in traffic. I don't have the time to grind hours of content, so I can build a few sets of level 65 gear. So, I throw money at the game, for I believe it will give me a boost.


I 'might' go back to offline and single-player games, so I can maintain control over my time and economics.

Edited by Linyivee
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hah, maybe where you live

You just have to know: (1) how to negotiate for a lower price, (2) what stores allow you to negotiate, and (3) what asking price is logical. You cannot go into a store and say, "give me a lower price". You have to negotiate.


Your grandparents do it all the time. Whenever your grandmother goes into the supermarket, she most likely asks a department manager to lower the price of a damaged product.


Since many people don't know they can haggle, the majority carry on as if it doesn't exist.


Example: BestBuy sells item 'XYZ" for $60; however, Target sells it for $80. If you have some sort of flyer with you, you can get Target to lower the price to $55. "Hey, BestBuy is selling this item for $60. Since the box is showing some signs of damage, can I get you to lower the price to $55?"

Edited by Linyivee
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Your grandparents do it all the time. Whenever your grandmother goes into the supermarket, she most likely asks a department manager to lower the price of a damaged product.

Careful with lines like that.


My paternal grandfather died in 1952.

My maternal grandfather followed him in 1965, the year before I was born.

My grandmothers died while I was a student, in the mid-late 1980s.


Using the present tense for grandparents is likely to annoy someone, and distress others, because you are making unwarranted assumptions about their age.

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Careful with lines like that.


My paternal grandfather died in 1952.

My maternal grandfather followed him in 1965, the year before I was born.

My grandmothers died while I was a student, in the mid-late 1980s.


Using the present tense for grandparents is likely to annoy someone, and distress others, because you are making unwarranted assumptions about their age.

What are you overly sensitive?


My grandfather died six months ago. My grandmother died ten years ago.




Life happens.


Stop being a child.

Edited by Linyivee
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While rewards or bribes or whatever you want to call it is nice this feels like the focus is on the wrong thing.


Rather than what cheap trash can we give you to get you to subscribe it should be what do you want to see more of or improved.


For me, I've been wracking my brain about what changed some much from 2.0 to 4.0 for my carnage spec marauder. Now the talent trees was a massive step in the wrong direction making the game dumbed down. And from this the one skill I really noticed missing is dual saber mastery. Back in 1.0 and 2.0 the second weapon made a big difference thanks to this skill, with its removal the skill line feels low on dps but also marginalizes dual wielding .


Then in 4.0 it was the removal of gear and the appearance for companions, once again a move in the wrong direction making companions feel less than they were. We have gone from 5 unique companions to 20 or so generic boring companions. Dumbing down the system to make it bland and strip from it a unique option that SWTOR offered.


So by all means ask what rewards people like, but no new weapon appearance is going to change that my class is under performing and make up for the second weapon being marginalized. And no additional companion who probably has no spoken dialogue is going to make up for the move to generic companions taking everything special from ToR and turning it into a STO like crew roster only without any unique skills.

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You just have to know: (1) how to negotiate for a lower price, (2) what stores allow you to negotiate, and (3) what asking price is logical. You cannot go into a store and say, "give me a lower price". You have to negotiate.


Your grandparents do it all the time. Whenever your grandmother goes into the supermarket, she most likely asks a department manager to lower the price of a damaged product.


Since many people don't know they can haggle, the majority carry on as if it doesn't exist.


Example: BestBuy sells item 'XYZ" for $60; however, Target sells it for $80. If you have some sort of flyer with you, you can get Target to lower the price to $55. "Hey, BestBuy is selling this item for $60. Since the box is showing some signs of damage, can I get you to lower the price to $55?"


So apparently coupon discounts are haggling now. Interesting.


btw all my grandparents are quite dead, so if someone saw them in a supermarket there'd be a very different discussion with a store manager

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They simply want to know what will keep people subbing between content droughts..whoops, drops, given there won't be any new operations or flashpoints for a VERY long time.


I'll answer that question. Not much, certainly not what they provided leading into KotFE. There is hardly any real incentive with some of the changes they made in 4.0 for players like myself. I've dropped my recurring subscription after 3+ years and it remains to be seen if I can be enticed to renew that.


It certainly isn't going to be from providing fluff like the KotFE rewards.

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A very poor limiting survey that has no detail at all.


Such as, OK my most wanted would be new companions. This is one option. However I would only want if A. they can change outfits and B they had in game conversations. This last part was not an option asked or mentioned with out it I would not want new companions.

Cosmetic gear! again only if ALL companions had the option to use it, as it is now it is pointless having. Mounts are OK and is probably the best choice because the others choices have no details attached such as those mentioned.

Companion customizations is a very good choice just a shame it was not even an option.


This thread as such is pointless, best option is just ask what players want then take the top 5 and then ask in which order is preferable to your players giving as much details as possible.. Of cause the top 5 should be reasonable and not unrealistic expectations. This would be down to BW which one's are feasible and which are not.


Out of the ones given pre this last X-pac

Nicco, would have been the best one but could not change outfits which dropped him to second place. The mount would have been second but came top because as said could not change nico's outfit.

He's duster was useless as nico could not use it!

He's guns was just as worthless because the vast majority of my characters could not use them as why would I give them to any companion as they could not be customized at all?


The XP boost was nice mainly for lower levelled characters.

Dec was also nice but would have been nicer if it was randomized. Because while it was nice after you have a few it's just no longer needed, I mean do I really need 20+

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Survey was too short.


To add my separate thoughts... IMO all subscriber awards should be sent via e-mail like the KotFE ones. The times Bioware puts out some vendor somewhere for a limited time (3rd anniversary rewards for example) is dumb. If a person is away from the game for a month but stayed subbed or just happened to miss that on a patch note, they don't get their rewards and have no way of obtaining what is rightfully theirs if they qualified.

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I was very excited when character costumization added to game, then sudden realization bioware want real money for this.

If you remove CC for subscriber or decrease cost it will be nice. With subscriber discount it is still expensive. A lot of game had this tool but they don't want real life money for that.

I think it is fine that say changing species costs something, while other stuff like changing the hair really should be free for subscribers, after all, Leia does so in every movie and thus changing the hair style is something that should be encouraged and not gated wit cartel coins.

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I think it is fine that say changing species costs something, while other stuff like changing the hair really should be free for subscribers, after all, Leia does so in every movie and thus changing the hair style is something that should be encouraged and not gated wit cartel coins.


I agree. I was surprised at some of the stuff the cartel sells. Some of it should be included with subs. For example having dark jedi look. I was surprised to discover. I had to buy items like "basic blue eyes for 100 coins" it wasn't a ton of money. That wasn't the problem. I don't like them holding back the good stuff for the market if we're already subbing.

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I want to mention BW, the best way to keep my wife and I subbed at this point it to do something different with the Alliances.


We subbed for SOR and stayed because we enjoyed getting to legend with Rishi and Yavin, this new Alliance idea, with no tie to legacy, from our point of view is a very poor design decision.


You guys went out of your way to lessen the grind to level a toon up to 65, only to make us shake our head in disapproval over the grind tacked on with the Alliances idea.

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My final answer was to give players special currency that they could spend in an exclusive "rewards store".


So the run up is going to last 4 months? Set up the dates on which subscribed players will get let's say 5 "Eternal Coins" (using KFE as my example) for the account.


At the end of the run-up they would launch the "Eternal Store" containing a variety of items at different prices.

Companions, mounts (possibly with different colors/patterns), armor, weapons (different types, so people that don't use a pistol or a rifle or whatever would still have something that they could use if they wanted to), non-combat pets, stronghold decorations, dye modules, emotes, companion customizations, regen toys, even "mundane" things like packs of data crystals or Jawa junk.


Not all of that has to be available every time, and no player should be able to get it all.

The point isn't to give everyone everything, it's to let them decide which things they want and the means to get those things.


So maybe Nico would cost 8, the speeder 5, the duster 3 and the blaster 2 (X2 for 4 total). That comes to 20 (5 coins each month for four months).

But instead of getting the blaster pistols I could have gotten a rifle for 2 (if my main used a rifle) and then had two more that I could have spent on a stronghold decoration, for example. Maybe the decoration only costs 1 and I have 1 left over. Rather than buying a second decoration maybe I can buy a box of data crystals (different amounts according to the quality of the crystal).


It would all be account-wide, so even though I might be logged into one character when I buy a particular thing all of the other characters on that account would get the same thing in the mail, just like they do with the current rewards only with the extra step of me picking my own with a list and a budget to work with.

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I don't really care about the bonus subscriber perks for the expansion itself. This survey seemed focused on those. I stay subbed because I like the game, but if BioWare wants to know what matters to me...


Add a new Operation. While it's great that all the Operations have a lvl 65 HM option (and 50-65 SM option), there really needs to be high-quality operations added on a more frequent basis.


Re-texture the game. Seriously. I LOVE my trooper armor. I don't want to change it. But, the resolution of the textures is too low at max settings. Give us a high-resolution option. The NEW cartel market gear looks nice. Do that for the old content as well.


Story. Ok, I think you guys did a good job on the KOTFE story. Bravo.

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Let's see what I would subscribe for...


For a companion? No, because I know it wouldn't actually be exclusive and there would even be an achievement for NOT using it before it popped up in the story.


A piece of gear? No, because it will just be something old reskinned (which I can get for credits instead of real money on a sub). The legacy bound is nice, but there's plenty of legacy bound stuff now and the appearance tab means it doesn't matter what your modded gear looks like.


Weapons? No, same as above. Something old reskinned. And worse than the clothing, weapons tend to be restricted to certain classes. So blasters are useless on my non-smugglers/bounty hunters unless I toss them on a companion.


Early access? Nope, because it's just glorified beta testing, and from what I've read some people didn't even get it when they should have.


Mount? Well, at least that was actually unique and not a repaint of something else. Still not something that would make me sub by itself, but it was a good reward.


Now the free 60 token, even though I prefer to level up my characters from scratch, was a nice incentive considering how many CCs they would be worth if I bought one. A shame it doesn't automatically count as a slot unlock though too.


Basically, I'm very difficult to please :p

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Let's see what I would subscribe for...


For a companion? No, because I know it wouldn't actually be exclusive and there would even be an achievement for NOT using it before it popped up in the story.


My thought is... I do subscribe, and they took my companions away. So subbing didn't help. :)

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Here is what I would suggest....two models, one that rewards based on every month (but you collect every 90 days), the other in blocks.


Note that all suggested rewards would be retroactive...meaning folks that have already been subscribed would receive the rewards listed.




Every month subscribed gets a 50cc bonus, plus one random cartel market item every three months....so in other words, every 90 days you are a subscriber (or when you reach 90 days total of subscription) you receive a 150cc bonus plus one random cartel market item (except packs).




Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum


Bronze - 6 months - extra character slot, free level 60 token, 300cc bonus.

Silver - 12 months - extra character slot, free transfer, one free character appearance kiosk use token, 600cc bonus.

Gold - 24 months - extra character slot, free name change, one free race unlock, one epic mount, 1200CC bonus.

Platinum - 36 months - extra character slot, free cartel pack of your choice, free dye of your choice, free companion of your choice, 2400cc bonus.


All rewards are suggestive, just to illustrate the idea.


I realize that some folks think it should be purely time based, like it was in SWG (which was a great system BTW IMO), but I think it would be healthier for the game if it was based on actual money spent instead. This would act to encourage subscription.


I would also STRONGLY recommend the following for subscribers....


1) Drastically reduced costs for the appearance designer kiosk.

2) HK should be free to subs from now on, now that he is a generic companion...the mission should remain for preferred/F2P.

3) A way to earn CC in game should be added for subs....by participating in different underutilized sections of the game. Like PVP one month, Raiding the next month, GSF to follow, etc. This should rotate around to get folks to try different aspects of the game IMO.


Thanks for your time.


It wouldn't be a LordArtemis post unless there were detailed suggestions made in orange text :D

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What are you overly sensitive?


My grandfather died six months ago. My grandmother died ten years ago.




Life happens.


Stop being a child.


If you can "shrug" something like that so easily, then perhaps you weren't close to them.... Yes, it's true. Life happens, but if you are very close to someone, it still not be something that can be shrugged off so easily.

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