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These 4 threads all ask the same questions,can we get answers?


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I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed.


Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


I think that should answer the primary questions that you have! Let me know if anything requires further clarification. Thanks!






That is clear, and pretty much as I expected based on how the alerts/quests work currently.


Since these alerts/quests hardly can be considered optional should they not be coloured purple? If you start down the KOTFE path, these alerts/quests will forever remain as alerts or quests in your log unless you complete them. That is not optional, exploration, or any other quest type defined in the new quest marker system in my view.


I understand the opportunity to "advertise" different game activities through the alliance companion system and hopefully get more players to engage in said activities. Perhaps opening their eyes to activities in the game they previously did not even try. But getting a taste for some activity is only really relevant once or twice, not for a multitude of characters.


The strain that puts on playing a multitude of characters is downright discouraging. I have no interest in obtaining all companions for all my characters. Not to mention it has a detrimental effect on replayability. If I can not pick and choose what companions to go after for each character each playthrough will be identical, and certainly not in line with choices that matter.


For example for a boyscout light side jedi it makes absolutely no sence in my book he is even willing to help certain potential alliance recruits. If he took the time to go find them it would be to bring them down, and not to befriend someone he would consider a villain in the galaxy. And what about an all evil sith? Sure he might be inclined to go about recruiting just about anyone, but not by doing them favours. He would either overpower them, exploit them or sucker them into a position where they have no choice but to do his bidding.


One can ignore all this and just go recruit everyone, but for my part this system is making my wastly different character personalities feel like one bland mass so far with little difference between being an all out light side jedi and a pure evil sith. Since there are 4 alliance specialists (plus Theron seemingly designated the pvp general) you cant really go about ignoring their alerts either as it wont take long before some companion that makes sense is blocked behind another that doesnt. Nothing so far suggests alliance specialists make any distinction between potential recruits personalities or nature either so you cant focus on 1 or 2. After all, they arent named boyscout specialist, pure evil specialist, neutral specialist and traitor specialist.


I have hopes the Kotfe story will develop so it at least feels like there is some difference between a good jedi, an evil sith, a laidback goodhearted gunslinger, a dutybound trooper or any other class or persona I see in a character. Right now however the story feels a bit bland regardless of your characters background, and the alliance companion system is contributing to it since there is little wiggleroom recruitnig who you want and dismissing those you dont.


As for the second part of your answer I have absolutely no understanding for making some companions obtainable through pvp only. That people that like pvp can recruit some (or all for that matter) companions this way is perfectly fine. It is the lack of a pve option to obtain them that is the problem. Star Wars Galaxies reported in its early days official statistics showing less than 10% (unless I recall wrong I believe the actual figure was closer to 5%) of the player base ever had enganged in pvp. And yet they proceeded to spend wast amounts of development resources in order to make pvp better balanced and more attractive. As far as I know World of Warcraft have reported about the same numbers, around 10%. Your pvp servers Bioware, are from the look of it virtual wastelands compared to other servers. So I am curious, what pvp participation statistics do you posess that justifies this? The truth of the matter is that a wast amount of mmo players will never participate in pvp, why you choose to potentially upset them because its a companion they really want is simply beyond me.


If I really want one of those companions I could complete the objective, but most likely I will just ignore those alerts. There is absolutely no chance doing a few warzones to obtain a companion will suddenly open my eyes to pvp in SWTOR though. Despite the fact I enjoy going toe to toe with other players instead of an AI there are two main reasons for that.


First of all in my view pvp is detrimental to pve in mmorpgs. The endless complaints regarding class balance is all the evidence I need. In order to satisfy this demand classes have a wastly more narrow playstyle making them all much more similar than what would be necessary if pvp was not in the equation. The impact of this is that it reduces the fun in playing different classes simply because they are too similar instead of being wastly different. It also impacts any group play limiting combat mechanics simply because less distinct and fewer class roles limits the scenarios a group can solve.


Second of all there are too many people enjoying pvp displaying behavior I have no interest subjecting myself to. It doesnt matter that a lot are nice, friendly and helpful people I enjoy encountering in other aspects of the game. The ones that arent are simply too vocal and obnoxious for my taste.


All in all I am unable to see a single reason the mechanics of the alliance companion system you describe will in any way prolong my interest in this game and in turn the amount of money I spend on it. Quite the contrary, the limited freedom in making my own choices regarding companions is contributing to a reduction of my interest in SWTOR.


Thank you very much for your input on this issue, that was much appreciated.



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Put a server in Asia and I'll PvP more. PvP is **** with higher latency.


Bioware are not exposing me to PvP with the Pierce/4X missions, Bioware are extorting me to play a game mode where I'm the last person on the map to be informed that I'm dead.


Every game of Huttball I enter erodes a portion of the good will that they earned with KotFE.

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I hope you all get bans and get your progress reset like the dirty cheaters you are.


They are not cheating...


How about you focus on the problem... i.e. BW/EA refuses to make PvP work... The PvPers refuse to make it attractive to PvE players... I could go on and on...


I don't like the fact that people are going AFK in WZs (and they are whether you want to admit it or not). If you want only people who will for sure PvP in a damned WZ, how bout you go after the people like Eric who refuse to listen and pass on what we want/need instead of this Dev team forcing garbage down our throats.


But alas, all skill-less PvPers like you can see is a chance to ezmode farm noobs with your premades all day. How bout you ask for a real damn challenge and actually make it so PvPers want to PvP. I PvP and I don't want to with this change because it just ruins it. Conquest made it bad, this made it worse.


But unlike people like you, I don't blame them. They are playing within the system. I blame the people responsible for the system. Is that too hard for you to comprehend? I got crayons if you need me to draw it for you....

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Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


PvP is a CHOICE; and there should be NOT be FORCED on players. I joined a PvE server to, for the most part, AVOID PvP - yet there is no way to COMPLETE Alliance Companion Mission(s) (M1-4X/Pierce) without being FORCED into a gameplay style I hate - HATE!!!


I know PvP junkies get all "excited" each time they kill a player (like a junkie gets excited each time they get a fix) but I have ZERO DESIRE to PvP and being FORCED to do it just to complete an ALERT MISSION REQUIRED to ADVANCE THE PVE STORY is B.S.

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This gets better and better! Not only will I have to suffer through 280 warzones for my 14 characters, and have everyone in the warzone suffer by extension for having me in it, but I also might have future companions who would be pvp companions? Wonderful...




I'm not against exposing players to pvp. If you tried it thanks to that and discovered you like it? Awesome. I'm glad for you. Sincerely glad. But you don't need 20 warzones to know if you like pvp or not... One or two is way sufficient to realize that, and it didn't take me more than one try to know that I disliked it. Ten just got me mad enough to want to not even bother to try and make an effort or participate. Twenty? I just officially hate pvp now...


And yes, I know it is optional, but companions are part of the story and I'm playing for the story, so as much as I dislike pvp, if companions are gated, I'll do whatever is needed to get them even if it's stuff I dislike. But I'll do it very very reluctantly.




It did not take me long to figure out that I hate PvP... I play this game for the STORY, not to have children cry when they lose in PvP or have some moron jerkin' his gerkin' each time he kills someone... Oh.. And let's not forget the endless "X-PROFESSION IS OP!!!!" cries that call for the NEVER-EFFING-ENDING-BALANCING of PvE just because the PvP players can't win each time...

Edited by Choloe
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I really feel that you guys should reevaluate the forced pvp for future companions. The players that are complaining about it are definitely not having fun. This is IMO NOT encouraging any of these players to continue to pvp in the future. Many enter the warzone map and find a corner to hide in until the match is over. I don't mind the quests, as I enjoy pvp. If you guys want to see more participation in pvp do something to balance class performance inside wz's. A lot of these players don't do pvp with any regularity, and tossing them into an end game (65) warzone where they can't kill anything because certain classes are over performing, or get killed in 5-7 seconds because certain dps specs are broken can't be fun for them.

TLDR: either exclude pvp from story mode pve progression or balance class performance inside warzones.


Thank you, sir! As a "fair to middling" PvPer, I am OVER-Fing-JOYED to see a PvPer understand that PvP shouldn't be forced.


Like Ford said, if you FORCE a PvE Player into a Warzone, either 1) they perform under-par, resulting in their team mates berating/degrading/trashing them and possibly vote-kicking (which results in a failed mission), 2) they hide and wait, resulting in the aforementioned consequences, or 3) they trudge through painfully. In all three cases, you have now forced someone to do something they don't want to, aren't skilled in, and/or have no taste for. This is not the definition of "fun".

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On the (admittedly vanishingly small) chance somebody on the dev team is actually looking at the feedback in this thread, I'll throw my 2 creds in. I get what you're trying to do with the system, rewarding people for doing stuff (crafting, world bosses, PvP) that isn't usually in their wheelhouse. On paper it's a great idea, but the reality of the implementation...not so much.


Of the three companions (so far) that people are complaining about, you came closest to getting it right with Lokin - do the event! Don't want to do the event? Gather bio/diplo mats! Don't want to do your own gathering? Buy or trade with other players for them. People have options.


Qyzen was a near-miss - do world bosses! Don't want to do WBs? Go hunt Worthy Targets. The catch here is that a lot of the time there'll be an ops group worth of people camping the spawn point, which moves it from "a little tedious but something I can knock out in an hour" to "endless dragging grind waiting for spawns." Making the trophies tradeable might help (and time will help too, of course, as more and more people get their rep up and the soloable mobs aren't quite so heavily camped. Of course that will also make it harder to get groups together to go WB-hunting...)


Pierce/4X are just a disaster. There's not even a nod to a bypass the way there is with Qyzen - it's "queue for WZs or go home". (You've fallen into the classic MMO dev mistake of thinking that if only people are forced to try PvP they'll like it, when the reality for a lot of us is that we've tried it, decided it sucks (like the vast majority of MMO PvP) and want nothing to do with it. No offense intended to those who enjoy it - if you think it's fun, I'm honestly happy you're having fun with it. For myself, I tried it back at launch, thought it sucked, tried it again when I came back to the game a few months ago, discovered it still sucks, and want nothing to do with it.) That there's no requirement to participate - just be present - makes things worse. Getting people with no interest in PvP to queue up for WZs and go AFK builds resentment, not community. This quest really needs an alternate success path, even something as simple as "Donate X credits to the Republic/Imperial War Heroes Widows and Orphans Fund to earn Y influence." (As things stand, this would probably turn out to be a remarkably good credit sink, which the game could use - it's not hard at all to pull in 3-4 million credits/week these days without crafting or playing the GTN, and that's a lot of inflationary pressure.)


If you're going to stick with the current plan of making the recruitments a chain, so that we have to recruit all previous companions to unlock a new one, with no option to reject one and skip their mission there need to be multiple options for completing the quests. I don't have a problem with making it easier for people who do things the "right" way, but, as with Lokin, having a choice would be a huge improvement. If you aren't going to give people options, there needs to be a "tell this potential recruit to bugger off" option that doesn't lock people out of later companions.

Edited by Pardoz
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On the (admittedly vanishingly small) chance somebody on the dev team is actually looking at the feedback in this thread, I'll throw my 2 creds in. I get what you're trying to do with the system, rewarding people for doing stuff (crafting, world bosses, PvP) that isn't usually in their wheelhouse. On paper it's a great idea, but the reality of the implementation...not so much.


Of the three companions (so far) that people are complaining about, you came closest to getting it right with Lokin - do the event! Don't want to do the event? Gather bio/diplo mats! Don't want to do your own gathering? Buy or trade with other players for them. People have options.


Qyzen was a near-miss - do world bosses! Don't want to do WBs? Go hunt Worthy Targets. The catch here is that a lot of the time there'll be an ops group worth of people camping the spawn point, which moves it from "a little tedious but something I can knock out in an hour" to "endless dragging grind waiting for spawns." Making the trophies tradeable might help (and time will help too, of course, as more and more people get their rep up and the soloable mobs aren't quite so heavily camped. Of course that will also make it harder to get groups together to go WB-hunting...)


Pierce/4X are just a disaster. There's not even a nod to a bypass the way there is with Qyzen - it's "queue for WZs or go home". (You've fallen into the classic MMO dev mistake of thinking that if only people are forced to try PvP they'll like it, when the reality for a lot of us is that we've tried it, decided it sucks (like the vast majority of MMO PvP) and want nothing to do with it. No offense intended to those who enjoy it - if you think it's fun, I'm honestly happy you're having fun with it. For myself, I tried it back at launch, thought it sucked, tried it again when I came back to the game a few months ago, discovered it still sucks, and want nothing to do with it.) That there's no requirement to participate - just be present - makes things worse. Getting people with no interest in PvP to queue up for WZs and go AFK builds resentment, not community. This quest really needs an alternate success path, even something as simple as "Donate X credits to the Republic/Imperial War Heroes Widows and Orphans Fund to earn Y influence." (As things stand, this would probably turn out to be a remarkably good credit sink, which the game could use - it's not hard at all to pull in 3-4 million credits/week these days without crafting or playing the GTN, and that's a lot of inflationary pressure.)


If you're going to stick with the current plan of making the recruitments a chain, so that we have to recruit all previous companions to unlock a new one, with no option to reject one and skip their mission there need to be multiple options for completing the quests. I don't have a problem with making it easier for people who do things the "right" way, but, as with Lokin, having a choice would be a huge improvement. If you aren't going to give people options, there needs to be a "tell this potential recruit to bugger off" option that doesn't lock people out of later companions.


Gimme an option to throw a few million credits at this to make the PVP thing go away. Trust me, we'll all be happier without me sitting in Warzones, mocking everyone and everything and doing the barest minimum to keep from getting vote-kicked.


Me not in Warzones = PVPers happy, me happy, everyone happy.

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I'm wondering if the story itself, in the future, is going to be gated behind all this recruitment. There are very few companions I have any interest in recruiting.


How will this impede my ability to play through the story in the future?


I play for fun, and if something is not fun for me I just do not do it. Nothing will compel me to do things in a game, if it is not fun. So, what are the ramifications of ignoring all these companions?


Not a complaint. I just want to know if I am not going to be able to go further.

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I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed.


Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


I think that should answer the primary questions that you have! Let me know if anything requires further clarification. Thanks!




Don't see how this is good!. So basically I may as well stop playing now as I will never do pvp, So if the alerts will not move forward if I don't get companions such as pierce and lokin then I can never finish this xpac. Going forward to future xpax's as all these would require this one being completed I see little point in carrying on with this game.

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If you're going to stick with the current plan of making the recruitments a chain, so that we have to recruit all previous companions to unlock a new one, with no option to reject one and skip their mission there need to be multiple options for completing the quests.

This. I hate PvP. I avoid it. I'm fine with certain companions being gated by PvP participation; I'll simply choose not to recruit those companions.


If my progress in recruiting any other companions or playing through expansion content in general is blocked until I complete mandated PvP activities, I'll simply stop progressing -- which means I'm likely to start playing less, and the scales of "Am I getting enough enjoyment out of this game to continue paying for it?" will tip a little more toward the negative.

Edited by SelinaH
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Srsly, why are you doing this?


First: You kill the fun with this Alliancesystem and your "KOTOR Flashback" non-voiced stuff. I tried, I hated it mostly, but I accepted it, because it cuts the costs and give us stuff without too much work. But then -


second: I need to do group content (in a mostly singleplayer game now, attracting single player people for story) for a worldboss or battle for every trophy monster.


And with the third issue... forced PvP for companions I do not want anyway? No. I will not accept this. Being forced to do PvP with atleast 5 or 6 characters (I dont want to know, how ppl with 14+ characters feel) to get over with a chain quest... it makes everyone just miserable. Me, the PvP TEAM (and forced group content for story again) and just everyone.


And anyway: WHY so much companions? I only need 7 - 6 for crafting, 1 for playing with. We need way more possible kills or refuse options. I dont even want half of those star fortess companions.... But i'll get them anyway, if I destroy those. More and more and more companions.... everyone is generic now anyway.

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Oh I don't really care what you do, it's not me that looks like the complete moronic child here.


At the risk of yet another board warning for crossing verbal sabers with a PvPer, why isn't it? If you're all that spectacular at PvP, why aren't you in Ranked? The mode we're discussing here is, after all, non-ranked, and so, for the crème de la crème pvper such as yourself, these people shouldn't be an issue at all, right?


No? So your beef is that they might wind up on your team, because I'm betting if they were on your opponent's team, you'd be a church mouse about them not even trying, quietly hiding in the corner, wracking up your kills, right? I guess my other question is, if you're such a spectacular PvPer, why don't you have your own premade, where you'll never have to worry about these people being in your group?

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Sorry but being forced to do PVP to complete an alert which may block any progress if I don't is not on.I detest pvp with a vengance yet I have rolled a new low lvl Oprative (healer) instead of using one of my max lvl characters and tried it and after 5 matches completed the weekly I have had enough hate the style,hate the zones and tottaly hate the players who qq all the damm time and you make this a requirement I need to do if I want to complete the whole story with my other 11/13 characters....Sorry but if this does halt my progress then It will be a sad and ill thought out thing to happen in a story that is not to shabby.


I said sorry in every single match I took part in as I know I am going to hinder the team and not give my all to somthing I hate,isn't fair on them and not fair on players like me.



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We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.

While I am sometimes doing PvP, it is not my favorite playstyle. There are way too many people playing for maximum damage/healing and not playing to win via objectives. This ruins my whole experience because I can either try to take objectives alone, which only works in few cases, or joining everyone who zergs which is not what I enjoy spending my time with.


Why did you decide to focus on PvP? Why favor one group of players and force everyone else into that playstyle? Why not offer companions for GSF, flashpoints, operations? Why only PvP?

Just because we received one yellow post doesn't mean this thread is over. I expect more posts that will respond to our concerns and I expect a policy change on BioWare's part. Forcing PvP onto players while ignoring PvE content is a bad decision.

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You have a bunch of alts, making this alt unfriendly, but you couldn't manage to get Bioanalysis or Diplomacy on any of them? I had so many mats left over form leveling in SOR that I was able to get 5 characters through that step, and still have enough mats for at least 2 more.


Yes the quest chain is dull and yes i had a pop at it, but your kind of missing my point with your selective quoting of my post.


Its the fact that content is being gated behind content...


And to answer your point yes i have those crew skills accross my alts, that doesnt change the fact that the Lokin chain is insanely boring and i only got the option to kill the senile old git after the insane grind :D

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While I am sometimes doing PvP, it is not my favorite playstyle. There are way too many people playing for maximum damage/healing and not playing to win via objectives. This ruins my whole experience because I can either try to take objectives alone, which only works in few cases, or joining everyone who zergs which is not what I enjoy spending my time with.


Why did you decide to focus on PvP? Why favor one group of players and force everyone else into that playstyle? Why not offer companions for GSF, flashpoints, operations? Why only PvP?

Just because we received one yellow post doesn't mean this thread is over. I expect more posts that will respond to our concerns and I expect a policy change on BioWare's part. Forcing PvP onto players while ignoring PvE content is a bad decision.


Lol. Did you really type that last sentence with a straight face? Lol.

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I would have been perfectly fine with this had the next alert popped once the comp is spoken to and the mission taken, but clearly this is not happening, Lokin is locked behind Qyzen, is this intended? How do I know that an original member of my crew isn't going to be locked behind Forex or Pierce?


I despise PvP with the burning passion of a thousand suns going supernova. I always intended to recruit my original crew's back and pick and choose the rest. Forex and Pierce would have been left behind. I cannot for the life of me imagine how anyone could think this is a fantastic idea. As many have said, forcing PvP on those who despise it does nothing but foster resentment within the community, it isn't fair on either us or them.


I don't have a problem missing out on those companions that have a PvP requirement, but what I don't want is for members of my original crew to be locked behind their recruitment.


I'm sorry if I've repeated myself here, this is actually the first time something has upset me so much that I felt the need to join in with such discussions.

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Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes.

I dont much fancy this. I mainly PVP and like to dabble into PVE when no-one is looking. But something like Qyzen is not something I want to do given it requires grouping and sitting around with my thumb up my butt waiting to kill a world boss X3, or hours of mindless farming. But mostly staring at pixel snow, and waiting to mindlessly farm.


So that means future content is gated to me? Seems a pretty short sighted way to approach it. Trying to force us into something we don't like, and then gradually take away parts of the game until we either give up and go do the thing(s) we don't like... or else we end up with a smaller game. I'm all in favour of us missing out on something if we don't want to put in the work, but not stopping up future content behind that choice.


I thought the idea was we should find more things to do that we like? Not feel forced into doing things we dont like.... employers get to do that as they pay us... You're not paying us so I'm not sure you've thought that through. And what the ultimate result will be when we start to feel the scales are tipping more into the "do not like" territory than we can live with.

Edited by Rantank
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You mad, bro?


Not even a little, but you sure are. How is that pouting in PVP going for you?



At the risk of yet another board warning for crossing verbal sabers with a PvPer, why isn't it? If you're all that spectacular at PvP, why aren't you in Ranked? The mode we're discussing here is, after all, non-ranked, and so, for the crème de la crème pvper such as yourself, these people shouldn't be an issue at all, right?


No? So your beef is that they might wind up on your team, because I'm betting if they were on your opponent's team, you'd be a church mouse about them not even trying, quietly hiding in the corner, wracking up your kills, right? I guess my other question is, if you're such a spectacular PvPer, why don't you have your own premade, where you'll never have to worry about these people being in your group?


This is quite a bit of projection, something I see you do pretty often when you get worked up in a thread. I don't actually PVP at all, really. But in the event that I want Pierce or 4X on a character that can't get them naturally? I'll do the 10-20 warzones and try to help my team. I'm not going to pout or cry in a corner while the big bad PCs run around killing eachother. I'll join in the mayhem. What have I got to lose?

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Screw PVP and screw any efforts to force me into it. If we wanted to PVP, we'd be doing it already, I wouldn't need to be railroaded into it by hiding a Companion behind it.


I'll tell you this much, though. If this continues, I'll show up naked in your warzones and be a complete and utter waste of a spot. I'll be a hindrance and nothing but dead weight.


You'll carry me and I'll laugh when we lose.


Go ahead, keep pushing PVP on us, see what comes of it.


What is going to come of it is my groups plan...

Every single day we are going to log in to make a farce of pvp and trade stories of our team's outrage. Laughing all the way. Not just on characters that need to do the quests mind you....just while we wait for others to log in...chatting in vent...not just 20 and done...all the flipping time....

"I am just here for the pvp companion quest!" is the battle cry....lol

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I talked to Matt about Alliance, Companions, and your questions specifically related to accessing future Companions. Between this thread and the ones linked in the OP, I think there are two main questions you are looking to have addressed.


Will I need to complete currently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?

As of right now, the answer to this is yes. Inside of each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are very much looked at like a Mission chain. Generally, you must complete one alert Mission before you will receive the next. Note that you only need to complete the Mission itself, not necessarily recruit any Companion associated with it. There may be exceptions to this later on, for story reasons, but this is the general rule right now. It is worth noting that this is something the dev team is talking about, so it could change, but this is how it works right now.


Will I need to PvP for future Companions / Will I need to unlock Companions like Pierce to access future Companions?

The answer to your question is maybe. We are open to the possibility of future PvP related Companions/Mission content which could require the completion of M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. That said, we would not likely have PvE related content require it.


I think that should answer the primary questions that you have! Let me know if anything requires further clarification. Thanks!




This is all rather bad news, Bioware are clearly not listening to its customers, people quite clearly don't want a PvE companion being gated to PvP rewards (however optional it may be).


It is doing neither PvE or PvP any good mixing in people who clearly don't want to partake in PvP but refuse to allow that to stop them obtaining a alliance companion.


I have no problem with PvP having their own rewards but it should be completely separate from PvE companions. If you want to reward PvP players with "unique" companions fine just as long as its not a part of the PvE alliance story.

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