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10 Good
  1. Put a server in Asia and I'll PvP more. PvP is **** with higher latency. Bioware are not exposing me to PvP with the Pierce/4X missions, Bioware are extorting me to play a game mode where I'm the last person on the map to be informed that I'm dead. Every game of Huttball I enter erodes a portion of the good will that they earned with KotFE.
  2. I feel that the armour packs containing a whole, completed armour set adds to its value because it unlocks in the collections section without further collecting required. There are some items labelled as bronze that I find more desirable than items labelled as gold and I can't be alone in this. If I'm going to pay more, I want to increase the chance of getting something I like and lessen/eliminate the chance of something I don't like. As it stands, buying a gold pack over a silver or bronze feels like one step forward and one step back in improving my chances of something I want, because my preferences don't align with the G/S/B labelling. It feels like slightly less of a lottery. Funds that would otherwise have been spent on a hypercrate can instead be spent on numerous category packs which means I'm exercising more control over the proportions of different types of goodies I'm getting. I miss the hypercrate clutter. Companion gifts, reputation items and jawa junk are the bubble wrap of the cartel market. Why did you remove the bubble wrap, Toby McCall? Why? Compared to category packs, the alliance packs and hypercrates feel like they have a much higher random element. I don't see myself buying those, but buying category packs instead. I bought a couple of gold armour packs. I opened them. The satisfying 'thump' noise that comes with the pack opening animation happened only twice, compared to the several times that come with a hypercrate purchase. It felt quiet, like opening Christmas presents alone in a dark room instead of by a warm fire with friends and family. There was no bubble wrap popping experience of consuming the clutter of rep and companion gifts to make inventory space. My companion Khem just stared at me in sullen silence, no Gree Nanite paste for him to pour into his bubble bath or whatever he does with it as I looked up the armour I'd just gotten on the GTN to see what it was worth and preview it. Overall I would say I was more satisfied with the purchase compared to what I'd typically expect to get from a hypercrate, but less satisfied with the unboxing experience.
  3. I agree with the OP. In an expansion pack of brilliant game design improvements, sticking pvp into what is otherwise the main pve experience is just a bad decision. PvP is a completely different paradigm to PvE. You're basically punishing PvE completionists who dislike your PvP. To add to that, the pace of the PvP game combined with the lack of overseas servers means that overseas players on high latency get a terrible experience from it. You're half-dead before you even know you're being focused. It's punishment for anyone unlucky enough to have you on their team. Forcing players to take part in a PvP experience they did not pay you for in order to complete a PvE experience they are paying you for is just bad.
  4. Even though EA has data on every account, including how many alts they have and how much time they spend on them, and a marketing department that has marketing people who have degrees in marketing and careers in marketing (and likely some of them did marketing in the marketing department for other games and have experience of good and bad marketing strategies for marketing games), they're just not in a position to make informed decisions like we are.
  5. The official stuff doesn't appear to go beyond how legacy level is treated. If one were to transfer a character from a server where one's stumped up millions of credits on "legacy level x and x credits" unlocks, will those unlocks remain unlocked too?
  6. Some of them are like this. The Republic Cantina on Alderaan is huge, for example. Personally I think that rest bonus should be restricted to when you're logged out - Rest Bonus was conceived as a catch-up tool for those who don't get to spend 6hrs/day playing. Whatever happens, it should be consistent between factions. I haven't kept count but Republic seems to have better access to cargo holds within rest areas. What I think would be better than rest bonus for SWTOR would be pausing the timers on buffs when in towns or fleet. With the legacy bonuses, class buffs are easy to 'collect' anyway, but it would take the pressure off players to rush through their visit to town for the sake of maximizing the use of a stim/food buff.
  7. The 'interface' in 'user interface' is between the user (decision making and intention) and the game (action/response). The faster and more intelligently it does that, the better. Automatically tranferring the target of an ability based on friend/foe logic isn't 'playing the game for you'. It's streamlining the interface, converting your intention into action with a simple but intelligent logic. The interface isn't the game. The less apparent it is, the better. Maybe some people like playing clicky-tabby whack-a-mole. It does no harm to add implied targeting for those who don't.
  8. The excellent UI customization system of excellence has a limitation in that it won't let us move elements so that they're slightly off-screen. It might be that this limitation is in place to protect daft people from victimizing themselves, but it also stops us from taking full advantage of the corners and edges which are prime real estate in a mouse-based gui, as the UI developers no doubt learned in their first ever UI lecture. There are some elements that can go against an edge/corner and take advantage of those pixels: the main menu and mission tracker expand/collapse buttons are a couple of examples. Stuff that was lined up on edges and corners in the default UI. But quickslot bars and target/player/party frames have enforced margins that won't let us put their clickable areas under the edge/corner pixels. Can the UI workspace be altered so that they can? Edit: and maybe further down the road, quickslot pie menus?
  9. The giggle was to notify you when upper hand procs wasn't it? I'm not hearing any notable sound when it procs at the moment. What did they replace it with?
  10. Maybe it's different in the U.S., but everywhere else in the world you don't issue an open invitation and then turn people away at the door. Put 'US Only' on the announcement instead of wasting peoples' time sending them to the form to find out.
  11. I agree with the OP. Until they can provide end-game armour that doesn't look ridiculously OTT, they should drop the costs. That was the response to recent complaints about the conan-in-space designs, after all: everything becomes mod-based so that you aren't forced into a certain look. That appeasement falls flat if it comes as an opportunity cost against every other high-priced purchasable in the game. edit: doesn't matter how easy it is to make money, it's still an opportunity cost.
  12. Just an aside, UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) isn't just 'Americanized GMT'. UTC is calculated off the atomic clock and dictated by an international standard, and loses a lot of the bureaucratic and traditions-related baggage that GMT has. Either works for the maintenance announcements, but just wanted to point out that UTC being created to sanitize any reference to the birthplace of the global meridian is a myth.
  13. 'Implied Targeting' should be the thread title. And I agree with it 100% The ToT system is fine, especially with interface customization. It puts almost all the targets of significance into the HUD so that they can be selected easily, a huge step up from having to click on the toons and their atrocious hitboxes. Implied Targeting would be a follow-up step in the right direction. The fact that it makes target selection less of an issue shouldn't be a problem. Target selection shouldn't be a challenge or an obstacle. The challenge in the game should be the strategic and tactical decisions around what action you want to take against what target; those decisions shouldn't be affected by how easily/quickly you can actually target something.
  14. And UTC. Not everyone lives in those time zones and those that don't are used to working with UTC.
  15. Nothing wrong with the system, just the way it was advertised. The promo videos and hype suggested that players were going to be 'rewarded with features for levelling their legacies', not 'granted access to buy stuff for levelling their legacies'. Unless you had the free time to delve deeper and read all the PTS reviews, that was the impression given. A player would have been better off (in terms of legacy unlocks) by sticking to one 50 character and gaining legacy XP and cash in dailies and WZs, rather than rolling some alts (i.e. a legacy) and levelling them through those early levels where you actually spend the pauper income your character gets. Being rewarded for rolling new alts now is fine, but if you spent time and in-game resources on alts pre-1.2 you got the short end of the stick. Not that the publishers care. It's just a way to get us to play through the game 8 times rather than do dailies ad infinitum until we go play something else. If you're already an alt-roller they don't need to bait you.
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