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Space combat...good or bad?


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They've stated that they plan to add to the space aspect of the game greatly. As it stands, I enjoy the minigame.


It's a daily that I don't loath.


Pretty much this. I like it for what it is, but I'm really looking forward to the "greatly expanded space combat". I'm really hoping for a x-wing/tie-fighter tour of duty style campaigns eventually... Those games were silly good.

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Nice to see a thread without pointless whine, thanks for that :)



Regarding the topic, I like the space combat a lot. Sure it would be fun if you could do more there, or if you could discover new planets like that etc.


but maybe this is something for the future? Right now its a nice addition to the game, I just think it could be a bit harder, even red missions are easily done :D

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I think for missiles, it mentions that in-game somewhere. I did not however, know your shields only recharge if you're not firing. I assumed they just didn't start to charge until you weren't hit for a little while.


They mention both how you can queue up a set of firing missiles at a time at different targets, how shields only recharge if you're not firing, and how you can rapid fire by holding down the mouse button on the loading screen tips for space missions. I haven't followed the other tips or they were already obvious and I forgot them, but those loading tips are useful stuff. It should be in a guide or quick tutorial somewhere.

Edited by Chaizen
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I loved the old Rebel Assault games, and this has a very similar feel. I love it, and considering most of the in movie space combat was portrayed in a very similar way (Most famous examples being the trench run and the destruction of the Death Star II) I feel it's very true to the spirit of the movies.


I am a big fan of how they did the space combat, my only gripe is that there's no multiplayer missions and that there aren't enough missions (Never enough!).

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I don't know how many played Galaxies, but the open world style of space combat was awesome! I know the game as a whole fell flat after the NGE, but the space portion of SWG was great. It was a lot of fun to group up with some other tie fighter players and take on a correlian cruiser "boss" ship before it takes off into hyperspace. Take him down and get a great drop in the form of new shields or blasters that you could equip on you ship. Or huge PvP space battles with NPC targets being defended by other players. I had envisioned that type of play when I heard of this game, not a shooter on rails, that is my only large complaint so far. I hope they will rework space combat to something similar to SWG instead of pandering to face roll WoW fast food gamers. Edited by Wolfshart
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I don't know how many played Galaxies, but the open world style of space combat was awesome! I know the game as a whole fell flat after the NGE, but the space portion of SWG was great. It was a lot of fun to group up with some other tie fighter players and take on a correlian cruiser "boss" ship before it takes off into hyperspace. Take him down and get a great drop in the form of new shields or blasters that you could equip on you ship. Or huge PvP space battles with NPC targets being defended by other players. I had envisioned that type of play when I heard of this game, not a shooter on rails, that is my only large complaint so far.


I loved the JTL expansion but you have to realize how big that was. That xpac DOUBLED the size of SWG if not more. I expect they will expand space in an expansion but until then this game is good for space combat.

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Space combat has been, and always, will be a rail shooter.


It was a rail shooter during beta where A LOT OF BETA TESTER SAID THAT IT IS A RAIL SHOOTER.


It will continue to be a rail shooter..


It is a rail shooter..



With that being said that it is a rail shooter and it is not going to change.


I like it...



It is a nice little mini/meta game. Nice time waster.


So your saying its a rail shooter and its not going to change? Is that what you said?

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I find it a lot of fun, but admittedly suck at action/twitch/reflex games, so if I find it enjoyable and just challenging enough to be interesting without being frustrating, MOST people would probably find it about as exciting as Hello Kitty Island Adventures. I'm man enough to admit my areas of weakness. :)


My favorite parts of EVE were tinkering with my ship, playing with complex loudouts of computer power, weapons, missiles, and so on. Ironically, it gave me a very "Han Solo" feeling, the kind of mad tinkering he always did to get the last drop of performance from the Falcon. In TOR, it looks like a)all ships have identical combat specs, just different external models, and, b)all you do is slam in the best upgrade to each slot you can -- no tradeoffs of "longer ranged guns but that drains engine power so speed is down but I can boost engine power by cutting weight by eliminating armor but that means...", which is what I'd REALLY like to see. Then I'd go out and get blown up. :)


A perfect game would mix EVE's ship modification and skils with TIE Fighter style missions. (I'm talking about the game that was hot around 1998 or so.) Granted, I needed to fly those missions 20+ times to finally beat them and learned a lot of new profanity, and I've only gotten worse since then, but they were fun and involving and challenging.


I also used to play Wing Commander. Wing Commander *II*. The one with no video clips. Where you had to edit your autoexec.bat to get it to run.


I'm old.

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I like the space combat because it reminds me of that star wars trilogy arcade game, which is my favorite arcade game ever. But besides that, I find it to be really difficult; I can't even complete the Fondor Escort mission after four tries with all the first tier upgrades. I think this is mainly because it takes my computer a long time to render things so I end up not seeing half the fighters that I need to get. If I had a more powerful computer I would definitely find it an entertaining mini-game.
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I am a huge fan of JTL. In SWG space combat was quite awesome. SWTOR ground combat is awesome. Combine the 2 and it would be epic.


[ninja edit] P.S. If you hadn't have guessed my opinion yet, current SWTOR space combat is terrible.

Edited by Trinchilinchi
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Good for what it is trying to do.


In the long run it needs to get more depth though for people to continue be interested in it.


Surprisingly I personally like it. It offers nice change of pace from questing/flashpoints and I have been doing dailys every day. But like I said, in the long run it needs to have more depth since I bet it will get old at some point.




I think it's a refreshing mini-game that they didn't have to put in, but did.

I like the on-rails shooter type games.


But, there is always room for improvement.


This^ is pretty much how I feel about it.


Its like a side game you can do in between regular mission to take a break from them, and also to gather additional money and XP if/when you need it. It could be improved, but I like it how it is already.


In regards to comparisons with other space combat systems, I played Star Trek online for a bit and it offered some interesing options for space combat, but I kinda like this one better because its faster, less involved and less time consuming. Star Trek also uses a different approach, because space combat there seems to be a major feature of the game, with lots of important missions centered around space combat, while here is more like a supplement to regular missions.


The space combat used here also has a more "Star Wars" feel to it than what they did in STO. When you move, you move like in the movies. STO space combat is more about space exploration and fightnig enemies along the way, which I suppose its more fitting to a game based on that particular IP.


SWTOR space combat is about jumping into the fight and helping whichever side you're on achieve their objectives, then go back to regular ground missions. Which I think is fine for a Star Wars universe game if you want to retain the feel of the movies.

Edited by VisionStorm
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I think it depends on what expectations you came in with.


If you were expecting SWG:JTL, STO, Freespace, etc. type of game play and discovered what BioWare put in, I would wager you were disappointed.


If you accepted the fact of the scope of what they were designing to implement at launch for space combat/missions, I would wager there would still be those that are disappointed but far more are at least okay with it if not pleased.




I'm in the latter. I know full well there are better space combat games/simulators out there. I also understand that those were in most cases the center/sole focus of those games OR the main/sole focus of the expansion for the respective game.


I think BW made a project choice based on time and resources of what they'd ultimately like to do, and what they could feasibly do well within the launch deadline.

And I find what they put in a fun diversion from questing/crafting/group heroics. I don't do them every day but tend to hit them up when I feel a credit crunch or need that last couple bubbles of xp to level, etc. before calling it a night. Or, when we have a scheduled guild event and I've got 15 minutes to kill before we get underway.


I know some folks are dreaming of defending their capital (guild) ships against swarms of opposing faction fighters. Or forming a squadron of them and 7 friends and having epic galactic dogfights against opposing faction squadrons or just grouped up to take on more challenging missions then the ones currently offered.


Do I want to see those things too? Hell yeah. I think full x, y, z 360 control of a fight would be awesome to do in those types of scenarios!


Am I going to say that because the current space combat lacks those things that it sucks or is terrible? Nope.



It's like going to a restaurant with your mouth already watering for a prime rib dinner with au jus and loaded baked potato only to find they'd run out so you opt for the meatloaf with garlic mashed potatoes. While you may be disappointed in the restaurant for running out of what you wanted, it should not detract from how good or bad the food you were served is.


For me, what the space of this game could be is the prime rib. What we got was the meatloaf. To me, it's pretty dang good meatloaf but, not the best I've had. And hoping they're stocked with the prime rib soon so I can enjoy that another time.

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I think it depends on what expectations you came in with.


If you were expecting SWG:JTL, STO, Freespace, etc. type of game play and discovered what BioWare put in, I would wager you were disappointed.


If you accepted the fact of the scope of what they were designing to implement at launch for space combat/missions, I would wager there would still be those that are disappointed but far more are at least okay with it if not pleased.




I'm in the latter. I know full well there are better space combat games/simulators out there. I also understand that those were in most cases the center/sole focus of those games OR the main/sole focus of the expansion for the respective game.


Thing is, in this day and age, one doesn't expect a P2P Star Wars MMO to be limited to a Tunnel Shooter type gameplay. That is the sort of thing that one would expect in F2P gameplay. Like

. However, now even F2P MMO's are now able to offer "full control" space combat, for example BSGO.


THAT is precisely why some think that this Tunnel Shooter is selling the game short when it comes to the space part of Star Wars.


Now, one can just accept anything that is thrown at them, or one can express disappointment that 7 year old MMO's are able to offer more. It's a matter of opinion.


I think BW made a project choice based on time and resources of what they'd ultimately like to do, and what they could feasibly do well within the launch deadline.

And I find what they put in a fun diversion from questing/crafting/group heroics. I don't do them every day but tend to hit them up when I feel a credit crunch or need that last couple bubbles of xp to level, etc. before calling it a night. Or, when we have a scheduled guild event and I've got 15 minutes to kill before we get underway.


I know some folks are dreaming of defending their capital (guild) ships against swarms of opposing faction fighters. Or forming a squadron of them and 7 friends and having epic galactic dogfights against opposing faction squadrons or just grouped up to take on more challenging missions then the ones currently offered.


Would it surprise you to know that the Tunnel Shooter WASN'T actually made by the same team doing the "ground game"? It's a fact.


This is why when people talk about resource limitations, such excuses are questioned.


Do I want to see those things too? Hell yeah. I think full x, y, z 360 control of a fight would be awesome to do in those types of scenarios!


Am I going to say that because the current space combat lacks those things that it sucks or is terrible? Nope.


Like I said earlier, it's a matter of opinion.



It's like going to a restaurant with your mouth already watering for a prime rib dinner with au jus and loaded baked potato only to find they'd run out so you opt for the meatloaf with garlic mashed potatoes. While you may be disappointed in the restaurant for running out of what you wanted, it should not detract from how good or bad the food you were served is.


For me, what the space of this game could be is the prime rib. What we got was the meatloaf. To me, it's pretty dang good meatloaf but, not the best I've had. And hoping they're stocked with the prime rib soon so I can enjoy that another time.


Your analogy is a poor one at best. A more applicable analogy would be to say that you go to a restaurant to eat a rib eye steak, with all the expected trimmings. Only to find that whilst the steak is indeed nice, the vegetables are undercooked. Now, yes the state of the veg shouldn't detract from the enjoyment of the steak. Nevertheless, one could arguably consider the entire experience of the meal as a little disappointing.


At that point, you could either just enjoy what ever is put in front of you, or perhaps you could bring it to the attention of the waitress, who may / may not be able to do something about it. Nevertheless, you've at least brought it to someones attention, maybe preventing the next person from becoming dissapointed.




The fact remains that even F2P MMo's are now no longer limited to just offering simplistic space combat such as that found in a Tunnel Shooter. They can now offer more. Hell, you can even play full control space combat on an IPhone.


So why can't a AAA P2P MMO that has a much bigger budget and is using an engine that is capable of handling that style of gameplay, not provide a better experience?

Edited by Tarka
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Its fast and action paced. Even though I dominate it, I do enjoy it quite a lot. ;)




Lol, is it so wrong for someone to have enjoyed something else?

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