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    Games, Moves, Typical geek stuff
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    Environment Artist in the Video Games Industry
  1. I'VE JUST CANCELED MY ACCOUNT Many of my friends are also jumping ship and going back to other games, because of game breaking stuff like this, among other reasons. All of these stupid bugs should have been fixed before the game launched. Instead we are months into release and these bugs still exist, as well as a number of flashpoint boss's that break randomly, making the encounters impossible to complete without exploiting. Thanks for the great cinematic single player storylines, but it's clear BW, that you weren't prepared to support an mmo, and this far in, I'm doubting you ever will be.
  2. /Rant ON This mission is INCOMPLETEABLE a lot of the time when this happens. I can't believe they let some of the bugs I've seen get through release, to begin with. But to be 2 months out and STILL have GAME BREAKING issues like this NOT fixed is ridiculous. Hardmode Flashpoint bosses STILL occasionally bug in combat, making the instance impossible. (HK-47 & Jindo Anyone?) Half the damn bonus series missions are STILL clogging up my mission log, nearly a month after you said in your own patch notes that it was fixed. ...and these are just a couple of the ones I've noticed. I understand the desire to put off bugs that require investigation. Hell, I've got a honey-do list on my fridge that I might forget some items on it for a day or two, but if I forget to do something important off the list, like feed the dog for 2 months, he's gonna be dead. Is it obliviousness, laziness, incompetence? I can't see myself continuing to pay a subscription to a game when I can't trust the company to be capable of supporting it. And it's not just about the frustration. If this is how you handle bugs, how can I know you're able to keep my personal and credit card info secure?
  3. Seriously, This bug has been out since release. Nearly 2 months now. Time to start firing some programmers, cause they obviously aren't capable of fixing this sh*t.
  4. Agreed! If there are any existing windows on the screen, just shove it to the queue in the corner. ...Done
  5. Anyone know if there are any level 50 +Willpower +Endurance +Defence Rating Matrix Cubes, and what the shard combos are to make them? I know there is the Matrix Cube M7-Y3, but that has strength, which is still useful but not as much as Willpower.
  6. Figured I'd update this thread and say that it looks like they fixed this recently. Edited original post
  7. Not sure if you have an nvidia card or not but...
  8. What exactly are Proton Torpedos useful for? I know they pack a larger punch than regular missiles, but they take so long to target and are really just an annoyance most of the time when trying to target something. Am I doing something wrong, or are these truly useless?
  9. Updated again... (1/18/2012) Post-patch, still cannot abandon a lot of missions in the misison log.
  10. A day later and still no mail! This is insane. All those credits. GONE!
  11. I feel that there are far too many steps involved when traveling from one planet to another in general... run to shuttle click on shuttle door run to elevator click on elevator switch run to ship door click on ship door play take-off cinematic run to galaxy map click on galaxy map run to ship exit play landing cinematic run to elevator click elevator switch run to shuttle click shuttle door ...after doing this 5-6 times a night. I'm ready to give the damn ship back At least give us an option when we quick travel to get picked up by the ship or something..
  12. Even though this thread has erupted into a s**t-storm of egos, I'll post the solution I found for nvidia gpus. I underclocked my GPU in Nvidia's control panel to solve this problem. WTB Limit Frame-rate slider in a future patch.
  13. Wow ...really!? I sent a ton of credits to an alt I re-rolled a few hours ago, and they still haven't shown up. I don't like to think of bugs as deal-breakers for me, but the fact that a bug of this magnitude made it to release is very discouraging. It makes me worry about what else has been allowed to slip through the cracks.
  14. Updated Original Post... With my Assassin, enemy NPCs with the detect stealth ability can see me easier when I'm stealthed, than when I am not stealthed.
  15. If you mean "Allow Access to Same Class Story Area" I already tried that. I couldn't find the option you mentioned. I didn't have any problem getting into the story area, but once inside. I couldn't interact with the object that teleports you to the dream world instance.
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