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Lana, Senya or Vailyn who would you choose?


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There are women in the real world that are pushing 60 who are still beautiful... It is all about taking care of yourself...


Oh trust me I know. I've seen women pushing almost 70 and still look like they are in their late 40s to middle 50s and damn hot.


They are like the poster women for "cougar" :D

Edited by Anaesha
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Sadly, and with no disrespect to the voice actor, who turns in a very good job on Lana; it's unsurprising that many who are that way inclined lock themselves on to her, the point about the writing is spot-on... she's Mary-Sith. The Sith who isn't evil, is nice and kind and decent but still emotion-fuelled and fiery and warrior-woman-hot while also being spymaster-hot ... oh, and with Defrosting Ice Queen tossed in for good measure; essentially, she's a rather transparent collage of all the tropes deemed 'hot' in a 'strong female character' archetype, whether those tropes are consistent or not.


If that turns out to be a trap, and she's the way she is deliberately to *be* in-universe irresistable bait, or as a disguise, then fine... but if that really is all there is to her character, then I'm afraid she's essentially a piece of cardboard, only there to be attractive to other people.


Not sure what you mean...

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I suddenly realized why Vaylin would be a bad idea to try and date/romp with...


And it is related to why I think she is the more dangerous of the siblings.


In the last playthrough I did, I started imagining her voice actor being replaced by Mark Hamill...


And as much as I like Harley... I don't want to take her place in that relationship...

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For me it would depend on the character I was playing. However, I'd have to make a special, completely psychotic darksider for it to be Vailyn. I dated plenty of crazy girls when I was younger, and have more than had my fill.


Of course, its a game, so do as you wish.


Still, for me, Vailyn's right out. So, depending on character, most likely Lana followed by Senya. Or none of the above, for the characters already married.

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currently going over this myself in the game and trying to decide if i really want my BH to cheat on Mako with Lana.


While the Mako romance was very sweet and reminded me a lot of Tali in Mass Effect, Lana just feels like a better fit for my character.


My head canon is saying about how traumatized my BH was following the



destruction of Ziost



and felt abandoned after Lana rescued him that the spark just grew between them.


But yeah, Lana over the other 3, has it been confirmed Vailyn is a romance option?

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currently going over this myself in the game and trying to decide if i really want my BH to cheat on Mako with Lana.


While the Mako romance was very sweet and reminded me a lot of Tali in Mass Effect, Lana just feels like a better fit for my character.


My head canon is saying about how traumatized my BH was following the



destruction of Ziost



and felt abandoned after Lana rescued him that the spark just grew between them.


But yeah, Lana over the other 3, has it been confirmed Vailyn is a romance option?


I never had that problem because I don't cheat ( i also don't play DS or any Sith) Although it seem I will date them becase i made an alt specifically for Lana i think she was well done. as Kira would say shes not your typical sith and that's a good thing


No nothing has been confirmed but if it were I would use my free 60 to make an alt if the vaylin romance so still would not have that issue....

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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^ this...


Lets say she is 55... she is within my age range, older than me, but not by that much...


Vailyn is a child from my point of view, I'm old enough to be her father...


Players may be older, their concept of a character may be older by using old details, the stories as written have the characters being rather young. :p


You have an old wise smuggler? Well, playing the smuggler story it shows you're not old when you flirt with the old guy and it's told he's a bit old for you :p


All classes are pretty young. :p

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I'd say all the player classes are between 20 and 25 an no older. Having said that, I'd still flirt with Satele and start a relationship if they had offered the choice during the JK story. :D


I would have found it hilarious to be in a romantic relationship with Satele then meet Theron in SoR.

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Vailyn is way hot but Lana is my girl since she's the only romance option for us girls who like other girls.

Nice Bioware finally threw us a bone! Maybe Vailyn's attitude will change down the line, especially if she likes pink!;)


Well, my trooper-girl did make out with Makeb's princess !

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Lana: too much Botox.

Senya..... Hmmm..... I'd be thinking of Someone else.

Vailyn - too crazy....


My new favourite companion blows them all away, Veeroa Denz. She's my new sidekick, as a Marauder myself.


Vera rules. She doesn't even close her eyes when kissing, or at all......or ever.....


But she's still hot. MY fave babe of the new bunch.


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Valyin is a total psycho. Very pretty but totally insane. As long as she is loyal to me I would chose her first. That way I can experience all her fun and craziness, but not have to worry about waking up with a lightsaber in my stomach.


Lana would be a close second. She is cute , also far more stable, and has a bit of a Taylor Swift thing going on. We would have many deep conversations about the true nature of the force.


Senya is a little too old for me, but looks good for her age.

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Why do people want to romance Senya? She is the mother of children in their 20s, so that would easily put her in her mid to late 50s. Also, when you begin your class story, it seems most refer to you as a "kid" or young man/woman. Not saying Senya would not be open to being with someone younger, but being in a romantic relationship with someone your children's age, and somone who has the essence of your former husband in them would be weird. The only way I can see it making sense, is if Senya viewed you as Valkorian, and when she falls in love with you, it isn't you she is interested in, but Valkorian. Edited by cool-dude
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Why do people want to romance Senya? She is the mother of children in their 20s, so that would easily put her in her mid to late 50s. Also, when you begin your class story, it seems most refer to you as a "kid" or young man/woman. Not saying Senya would not be open to being with someone younger, but being in a romantic relationship with someone your children's age, and somone who has the essence of your former husband in them would be weird. The only way I can see it making sense, is if Senya viewed you as Valkorian, and when she falls in love with you, it isn't you she is interested in, but Valkorian.


There have been age caps of that size (or greater) in couples.



Personally, though, I like to keep that to a minimum.

Edited by DAWUSS
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