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Lana, Senya or Vailyn who would you choose?


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Depends on the character I'm playing. Most are already in committed relationships, so pass on all of them.


As for Vaylin... You know there is a part of me that wants a scene where you have to face off with her and Arcann. You know, they have you surrounded, and you have to choose to face the one you think the bigger threat.


I'd pick Vaylin. She actually scares me more than Arcann.

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It would be funny if WE got to fight and beat her in a later chapter and she became infatuated with us because of it. However, More then likely she'd want to kill us even more for it. :(


I played the expansion 3 times , and 3 times she say 'You have a crush on me!' ....Wth was that :D

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Senya. Easily my favorite of all the new companions (sorry, Theron). She totally won me over when she started to sing in chapter 7 :D And I just love how hesitant she is about killing her own children. She realises they are a major threat, she knows they need to be eventually taken care of, but she can't bring herself to hurt Vaylin all the same. That's what I call a normal mother behaviour (sorry again, Samara). Now I will be totally fine with it if she finds it in herself to kill Arcann or Vaylin eventually, it's just important to me that she hesitated.


Lana was all right in SoR, but now she is becoming annoyingly inconsistent. She keeps acting all sith-like and condemns all your merciful decisions if you make them, but try playing a slightly more evil character... and she will be lecturing you agaisnt those very things she would advise as practical had you been lightsided. And no, Lana, you aren't the one to talk about trust after what you did to Theron on Rishi and after how you recruited Senya behind Koth's back. I mean, I understand your practical reasoning behind those decisions, but trust you? Nope. And please don't get offended that I suspected you might want to experiment on me if you learn about Valky in my head - after all, that's exatly what you wanted to do to Master Surro on Ziost.


Vaylin is just Vaylin. She makes DS Jaesa look sane. I realise some might find that attractive, but not me.

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Vaylin. She is strong and sexy. Yes, evil and uncaring, but you can't have it all in one woman.


Senya - I like her, but waging war on your own younglings = awkward.


Lana = Boring as hell. And I thought Elara Dorne was bad. Best quote ever: Aric Jorgan, referring to Elara Dorne: 'I've had drill instructors more relaxed than that woman." At least Dorne has some fire. Lana makes me not even care what she has under the hood. Glad Bioware put her through rehab though, she needed some help.

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Senya. Easily my favorite of all the new companions (sorry, Theron). She totally won me over when she started to sing in chapter 7 :D And I just love how hesitant she is about killing her own children. She realises they are a major threat, she knows they need to be eventually taken care of, but she can't bring herself to hurt Vaylin all the same. That's what I call a normal mother behaviour (sorry again, Samara). Now I will be totally fine with it if she finds it in herself to kill Arcann or Vaylin eventually, it's just important to me that she hesitated.


Lana was all right in SoR, but now she is becoming annoyingly inconsistent. She keeps acting all sith-like and condemns all your merciful decisions if you make them, but try playing a slightly more evil character... and she will be lecturing you agaisnt those very things she would advise as practical had you been lightsided. And no, Lana, you aren't the one to talk about trust after what you did to Theron on Rishi and after how you recruited Senya behind Koth's back. I mean, I understand your practical reasoning behind those decisions, but trust you? Nope. And please don't get offended that I suspected you might want to experiment on me if you learn about Valky in my head - after all, that's exatly what you wanted to do to Master Surro on Ziost.


Vaylin is just Vaylin. She makes DS Jaesa look sane. I realise some might find that attractive, but not me.


But Samara killed Morinth . So in a way , Samara code is far stronger then Senya . She does have the same Vibe..but I have more respect and love for Samara because while I know its mustve tore her apart to kill morinth..as she said..she owed the victims much more , regardless of the pain she has to endure .


Lets hope she sing..and that Koth doesn't interrupt ..again!

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But Samara killed Morinth . So in a way , Samara code is far stronger then Senya .

Well, my point was, I don't like Samara exactly for her code being that strong that she can go kill her own children. Yes, I realise that she mourned Morinth in her own way, and that she prefered suicide over killing her other daughter in ME3, but Senya still looks more human, more real to me.

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Well, my point was, I don't like Samara exactly for her code being that strong that she can go kill her own children. Yes, I realise that she mourned Morinth in her own way, and that she prefered suicide over killing her other daughter in ME3, but Senya still looks more human, more real to me.


But her daughter was killing peoples......


Thats like becoming a cop so ya stop ya kid if he become a serial killer .

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Sadly, and with no disrespect to the voice actor, who turns in a very good job on Lana; it's unsurprising that many who are that way inclined lock themselves on to her, the point about the writing is spot-on... she's Mary-Sith. The Sith who isn't evil, is nice and kind and decent but still emotion-fuelled and fiery and warrior-woman-hot while also being spymaster-hot ... oh, and with Defrosting Ice Queen tossed in for good measure; essentially, she's a rather transparent collage of all the tropes deemed 'hot' in a 'strong female character' archetype, whether those tropes are consistent or not.


If that turns out to be a trap, and she's the way she is deliberately to *be* in-universe irresistable bait, or as a disguise, then fine... but if that really is all there is to her character, then I'm afraid she's essentially a piece of cardboard, only there to be attractive to other people.


I disagree with you I like Lana as character becase she doesn't act like a typical Sith in a lot of ways.. I stated in my previous response below I actually made a trooper specifically to romance her prior to Kotfe came out when she was not even a official companion.


On e of my troopers .. have chose Lana even before KOFE came out 2 (one is with Elara)


if a pub romance for Vailyn came out though .... I have to say i would use my free 60 for that .....just for the sheer experience of it :)


her wild personalty with that sexy body and that voice :) ....maybe worth the risk..... the fact that she is crazy would mean she would permanently dominate you though .. you probably end up to be more of a possession/ plaything/ pet than a partner....but no one would dare threaten or harass you....ever.....


I'm with Jaxo :)


I would have traded Jaxo for Tano or Aric in a heart beat. I was sad when she wasn't made a official companion

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*le sigh* Give me more male companions. It's frustrating how Bioware wants to please male players by giving them almost a full crew of female companions for romance purposes. :rak_02:


*le sigh*


It is frustrating how no one is ever happy.


Through the first 8 chapters, here is the cast (main) lineup


Arcaan -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Male New

Valkorian -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Male New

Koth -- Playable first 8 Chapters; Male New ROMANCEABLE both sexes

Theron -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Male Not New ROMANCEABLE both sexes


Vaylin -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Female New

Senya -- Non - Playable first 8 Chapters; Female New

Lana -- Playable first 8 Chapters; Female Not New ROMANCEABLE both sexes


*le sigh* something out of nothing I suppose.


Those whom are really getting shafted is those looking for non sentient romance, as both HK and Scorpio are non romanceable. If anybody should have Bioware neglect issues it is that crowd.


Robosexuals matter #LGBTR

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Senya would be the most stable choice. Lana can be reliable and good, but also still very Sith at times (instant execution for her #2 on Ziost, for example - no questions asked).


Vaylin is just ******* crazy, far as I can tell. That isn't particularly fun or safe.

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I feel like Vailyn would be fun until something inevitably goes wrong and she ends up being that very powerful murderous ex out for revenge. That said, I would still probably choose Vailyn :). Lana would be a close 2nd


Scene: a dusty cantina lost in the outer edges of the galaxy.

Random guy 1: Did you hear that all life on Rishi 7 has been... eaten?!

Your toon: Yeah. That was my ex. I missed a settlement payment, she thought I was there. Oh well, there is one less watering hole in the galaxy now. You thought you had issues with your exes...

Random guy 1: *looks nervously around*

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Scene: a dusty cantina lost in the outer edges of the galaxy.

Random guy 1: Did you hear that all life on Rishi 7 has been... eaten?!

Your toon: Yeah. That was my ex. I missed a settlement payment, she thought I was there. Oh well, there is one less watering hole in the galaxy now. You thought you had issues with your exes...

Random guy 1: *looks nervously around*


Haha! Yes exactly that kind of stuff.:D She reminds me of a more powerful DS Jaesa

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Senya is too old and I certainly dont have mommy issues

Vailyn is too much of a nutjob


I could list some positive reasons for Lana but do I really have to? Process of elimination already invalidated the other potentials.


Altough honestly if I had to pick any strong woman from ANY female companions it would be Akaavi, Elara is definitely a very close second.

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I really find the "Senya is too old" to be strange. Plenty of us are the age as her (50-55), is everyone assuming she's like 80 or something?




The force does seem to keep people looking younger despite their age. Look at Satele She's at least 60 but looks more like shes 45ish. :D

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The force does seem to keep people looking younger despite their age. Look at Satele She's at least 60 but looks more like shes 45ish. :D


There are women in the real world that are pushing 60 who are still beautiful... It is all about taking care of yourself...

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I really find the "Senya is too old" to be strange. Plenty of us are the age as her (50-55), is everyone assuming she's like 80 or something?


^ this...


Lets say she is 55... she is within my age range, older than me, but not by that much...


Vailyn is a child from my point of view, I'm old enough to be her father...

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