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Ensign Temple's voice acting...


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I'm willing to bet that the QA picked up on the bug, but some exec signed off purely to make sure the expansion got out of the door on time.


Don't bash the QA people, they're probably doing their jobs properly.


If you didn't say this, I was going to. In fact, I'm almost definitely certain it's not QA's fault, because I'm pretty sure EA is one of those places where QA is given an even crappier end of the stick than most places.

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Seems companion voices are kind of messed up in general. Aside from Vector and Temple randomly sounding like Kaliyo, Lieutenant Iresso occasionally has Zenith's lines too. :confused: I wonder what other less used companions are spouting the wrong lines.


The voice mix-ups are kind of funny for their sheer absurdity, but if this persists for too long it is just going to be annoying.

Edited by Gwena
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Yeah I noticed it earlier when I was running around Oricon. I laughed. It won't matter once I start the Expansion though. I don't re-acquire comps from the terminal any way so it doesn't particularly matter, although once she shows up in the story it would be nice if they fixed it. Won't get my hopes up though.
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....So why does Temple sound like she was born in Texas?


.... but I do wonder who decided to turn Ensign Temple from a modest English woman into a trailer park hag.


As a person from Texas, I find this offensive. You think because she sounds like she's from Texas, she's trailer trash or a hag. I have no idea where you come from, but down here I was brought up to have a lot better manners than make such comments. Most people don't live in trailers here, and some of the ones I've known were good people, not trash at all.

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