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he had to quickly add that he wasn't blaming Vaylin for it, and she responded with "No, I didn't think you did.".

Personally I just took that as a quick "I am angry at them and the situation, not you" since he actually cares about his sister.

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I get the impression that Valkorion's 3 children represent light, gray, and dark. Vaylin is the dark. She might kill Arcann, but I don't think she's very well suited to the leadership role of being empress. If she kills Arcann and force ghost Thexan kills her somehow, we might have some kind of yin yang thing (but in a triangle?) going on.


At the same time, she says she misses Thexan, but I have reason to doubt her honesty. I also thought it was really interesting and funny when Valkorion said that she was his favorite.

Edited by Dan_Loto
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I think at some point, she is going to just snap Arcann's neck with the force when she gets tired of his inability to do something she finds interesting, like hunting down the Outlander, or just ruling in general...she's pretty temperamental.


I would like it at some point if they worked it that could become an Ally/Love interest (i dig crazy chicks), she did think you were flirting with her during i think it was chapter 7 or 8 hehe.


Though for that to happen, there would have to be an event that would show you and Vaylin working together, then Valkorian would have to realize that to stop the two of you together, he would have to go possess Arcann and team up against you.


That is one thing i am really liking about the story so far.


What is Valkorian's endgame... its very cloudy atm, i can't tell what it is

What does Vaylin care about all this? I see her as likely to shift sides just because it amuses her as anything else.

How many times can Arcann fail before he goes completely berserk.


etc etc, only time will tell!


but ya, i put my vote in the Vaylin for romance pool! Though with her i see it more like "she wants you, do you resist or not" type romance hehe...which i'm totally fine with. Crazy chicks are hot, strong crazy chicks are even hotter

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Or maybe gets some actual character development. Let's hope for the best, shall we?
It would require changing the way she's written, voiced, presented etc. May as well create another sister character as it would be someone different. Not exactly sure what's happened here, especially since they restrained themselves a lot from presenting Valkorion/Arcann as muahahaha sunday villains, yet then comes Vailyn who's as interesting/deep as Dark Jasea.
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A power struggle between the two could make things interesting...


Well, keep in mind that while Vaylin has less experience and skill with the Force, she is stronger. Once she's honed her abilities she will be able to defeat Arcaan - so biding her time perhaps?

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She is Alot Stronger then Arcann, According to Devs, But I think alot of you siting her as childish or Weird. You do know she was locked away by Valkorian. Like Revan. But more sever, She still has a child personality because she hasnt been able to group up. And Personally she looks alot better then alot of other "Hooded Female Jedi/Sith" look, because hey, I can see her hair. The rest of you are bald. She has alittle eye shadow, and nail polish, and looks on par with Thena From Taris. But hey, judge her away while I sip my tea, and look for salty tears of misinformation.
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She is Alot Stronger then Arcann, According to Devs, But I think alot of you siting her as childish or Weird. You do know she was locked away by Valkorian. Like Revan. But more sever, She still has a child personality because she hasnt been able to group up. And Personally she looks alot better then alot of other "Hooded Female Jedi/Sith" look, because hey, I can see her hair. The rest of you are bald. She has alittle eye shadow, and nail polish, and looks on par with Thena From Taris. But hey, judge her away while I sip my tea, and look for salty tears of misinformation.


You're referring to parts of her mind right? She wasn't physically locked away, he basically pulled a professor X/Phoenix.

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A power struggle between the two could make things interesting...


It would not last long. She does not appear to have the same sibling feelings for her brother as he does for her... and he *was* the weakest of the three siblings.


...I'd be more worried about the Old Man V trying to seduce you into a relationship with his daughter... fairly certain pairing you off with one of his kids is how he's planning to resurrect (talk about bein' one's own grandfather).

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You're referring to parts of her mind right? She wasn't physically locked away, he basically pulled a professor X/Phoenix.


never mention X-men 3 again!


that said according to Senya it sounds like it was a lot worse then that.



She definatly strikes me as someone whose not well developed as a person. I don't mean the character isn't well developed, but on a mental stage she's baaaasicly still a child. everything about her behavior is, in a way, child like.


I think she also exists to humanize Arcaan a little. with their interactions we can see that Arcaan perhaps isn't quite so far gone. he's evil yes, but maybe not a complete monster

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Vaylin joining the Alliance sounds as likely as Valkorion being revealed as a bantha who transformed into a Sith, doing the rumba with Saresh, then building a super Death Star that blows up the Universe.

Honestly I don't see her betraying Arcann. He orders her around and she doesn't seem to bother.

Unless he royally pisses her off, then I could see her injuring, or even killing him in a fit of rage.

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I HIHGLY doubt she will be a romance. The part where she says "You've got a crush on me". Shes just babbling, toying with you. She's Insane, like DS Jaesa. Only... more Insane....


There's " Dark Chick that's hot" and then there is "Totally Crazy Black Hole of Destruction With Breasts That Kills Her Own Guys Because She Hates Odd Numbers."


Vaylin is the latter.

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Reviewing a few factors -



1. Vaylin could see you in your dream state, despite being in carbonite and not REALLY being there. That makes no logical sense. Unless maybe she's closer connected to Vitiate/Valkorion and thus notices your character. "I don't know you... But you. I've seen you." - Vaylin to Lana, then to Outlander


2. "Vaylin was always my favorite" - Valkorion (She is special to him for what reason? A connection? A piece of himself in her? Or just merely power alone?)


3. When she saw Valkorion die she didn't actually see it happen and stared at his body for a long time with the look of doubt or uncertainly in her eyes. Could be nothing. Just an observation why the two were heavily emphasized. Connected.


4. "You've got a crush on me" (Toying, or a hint towards romance, or really just teasing fans which is just as likely)


5. Arcann: "I'll die before they take our thrown."

Vaylin: "Of course, you will."

Foreshadowing. . .


There is some serious emphasis on her hinted now.


Which means she will indeed play a role and perhaps be connected to Valkorion (Or perhaps the vitiate essence) in some way. She will likely take the thrown sure, but there's also hints towards the "Insanity" being brought on from her mind being CAGED, which has damaged her. She "wasn't herself anymore." Meaning, who will she be when it is fully uncaged? Not just her power, but her mind. Perhaps more like a secret mastermind. Perhaps not, but I sense something deeper than shown on the surface. Or even a companion, though unlikely. As much as I'd like that for my Sociopath trickster Agent and Sith Warrior.


As for Arcann. He is impulsive and short fused, and arrogant. He gets upset every time someone stands a slight chance against him even a little bit like the Outlander (purely in lightsaber combat) when he was yelling "ENOUGH", "DON'T....TOUCH ME.", Ect. Which made him very basic and brutish jealous child. Kind of like a bully from a Rich family who abuses his riches now that his abusive father back home is now dead but is so tormented by his past that he is never satisfied anymore and becomes a temperamental bully himself.


What makes me find Vaylin a more intriguing character is that crazy or not (She is no crazier than Dark Jaesa or Dark Side Inquisitor who also torture and kill for fun), she has an air of mystery that Arcann clearly lacks.



I put them in spoiler tags just in case. Reviewing parts in the story with her.

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Why did she order everyone out of the eternal throne room after Marr died?


She and Valkorian planned something....


She doesn't want us dead, or she would have killed us in the 5 years we were stuck in carbonite. Or the first few hours after we escaped. Basically, she's got to be "on our side" somehow.

Edited by Tarkashae
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