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Everything posted by Axcalion

  1. In the quest Jedi Spy on Corellia, if you have Jaesa as active companion the dialogue option to expose Injaye with her secret ability doesn"t appear. According to Torcommunity, there should be a dialogue option for Jaysa to reveal Injaya's true nature, but this doesn't appear. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if this option never actually made to the game.
  2. Hello The mission The Shroud Revealed is currently bugged and you are not able to complete it, I've tried resetting the mission 2 times, it still doesn't work. After you destroy the turrets a bunch of droids is supposed to spawn, but they never do. So you cannot kill the droid inside the rayshield and thus cannot progress the quest, nor finish it. Please fix this ASAP.
  3. That's not what I meant, I meant the bonus missions for regular missions with multiple stages (Stage 1, Stage 2...). A lot of these missions were removed or replaced with a single stage bonus mission. I really miss doing them. Also the one quest on Belsavis is no longer obtainable as the Rakata Computer from which you got the quest is no longer present in the game.
  4. Is there a reason why several bonus missions with multiple stages leading up to a final boss have been removed? I reslly loved doing those. But some of them don't seem to trigger anymore even though the enemies or items for the bonus are still there. There's also a mission on Belsavis "A Safety Feature" for the Republic that I remember doing a long time ago but it's no longer obtainable as the Rakata Computer is no longed in the Power Relay Vault. Is there a reason these were removed? I'd love to see them back.
  5. Hello The Expert Fighter and Vintage Brawler Armor sets are still bugged after very many years of reporting this bug. I will keep posting this message until it is fixed. The main chestpiece of both armor sets has an issue where the thing on the character's butt is rendered in the character's skin color instead of a fixed color. This occurs in the preview screen and in actual cutscenes but not during gameplay. This is very annoying. Proof: https://imgur.com/a/vjE1pP0 Please fix this.
  6. Cassus Fet's Armor's cape is not affected by dyes. We already had a dev tell us the cape not dying was a bug and would be added to the issues list. However the bug is still there nearly six years later. I would really like to see this fixed. Proof: https://i.imgur.com/LAcCbzY.png As you can see, the armor is unaffected by the black/black dye. This does not occur only in the preview, but in-game as well.
  7. We shouldn't need a stupid Exalibur glowstick anyway. If anything we should beat Arcann and Vaylin with our OWN powers and abilities.
  8. The amount of bugs in this game is considerable and some of these bugs have been around for quite some time. Despite this it seems nothing is done to stop these bugs. Luckily, I keep sending the same bug reports every week and hope they get read.
  9. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/0c/0c9a6b0a464fe8c38b6e4cce7517c6ea7d9912e34033765432c0129d78b9a4c4.jpg
  10. An opinion cannot be wrong. An opinion is what one believes to be true, and there can be nothing wrong with that. If I say "the Earth is a pancake", this is my opinion. The opinion itself is not wrong. The Earth is obviously not a pancake, but that doesn't make my opinion wrong. If an opinion refers to facts, the facts may be correct/incorrect, but the opinion itself is not wrong.
  11. No you didn't, it seemed you were mocking me. Naturally, I felt the need to retaliate.
  12. Just let it rest already. We've both made our points. We should stop before this becomes a debate with no winner where we insult each other. Don't expect me to abandon my cause though.
  13. No you! You can't accept I have a right to state my opinion and then act like a self-righteous know-it-all who labels people who complain about something you don't have a problem "ridiculous". I have a right to state my opinion, while you have the right to call my opinion ridiculous. I'm not "obsessed", I'm just really annoyed because since 2012 nothing has changed about this nuisance. Triviality is an opinion, it's not trivial to me. I also have the right to say you're preposterous, and I'm being nice.
  14. Calling other people "ridiculous" for stating their opinion does not seem very constructive. An opinion, by definition; cannot be wrong.
  15. But it matters to ME, maybe it doesn't to you. But to me this is quite important.
  16. Was this supposed to be an argument, because I perfectly believe this. In fact most male companions are from "ewwwwww" to "you're pretty cute". Andronikos is just "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww". While Torian is "you're pretty handsome". The others are between those two. Stop complaing about me complaining about you complaining about me complaining. Then you should know I laugh at you. BECAUSE IT'S STILL UNFAIR!
  17. It is a big deal for me because it's UNFAIR. We should females be forced to either romance no one (which fits some of my characters) or romance a normal dude with a blaster? While males get like five female Force users to romance. There is no way to dissuade me from this, so stop complaining about me complaining. Who are all basically the same, a blaster wielding male with a boring backstory. And sometimes he's not even physically attractive!
  18. I have no idea what that means. It is my duty to continue saying this until this grave injustice has been corrected.
  19. Vaylin and Thana Vash are very alike. For example they are both completely insane and void of any rationality, complexity, reason, intelligence, personality and above all interestingness. I will kill that annoying princess as soon as I get the chance and then broadcast her death across the galaxy. Also, another female Force-user would be a huge slap in the face. Come on, how about a cool guy who can use The Force? Tell me about it!
  20. Yes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with prefering certain qualilities or looks, it's called personal preference. My Jedi Sage prefers guys who are not too brown, she doesn't like aliens either. How can such a thing be discriminatory?
  21. I'm sorry for asking this, but I would like to know this. I haven't romanced either Kaliyo, Vette or Aric yet on any of my characters. But I would like to know if: -If you had a customization on them, is this not remembered initially when they return? -As soon as they "join" you (I mean you can summon them or they appear as your companion in-game), can you put a customization on them? -Are there romantic actions in scenes before they rejoin you as companion (meaning they are not yet summonable). The reason I ask this is because I romanced several other companion characters. My Jedi Sage for example romanced Iresso (with a customization which turns him into an ok-looking Caucasian guy), she likes this Iresso, not dark brown Iresso with weird hair. So when he returns this means my customization is not taken into account and just handwaved? If this is so, this is extremely disappointing and I will have to dump him on the spot if he shows up as an dark brown guy. Same with Kira for my Knight and Mako for my Bounty Hunter . Anybody knows something about this?
  22. You're right, Bioware indifference to such issues has become a major nuisance. This "future patch" may be available sometime between 10;000 AD and 1;000,000,000,000 AD, according to my calculations.
  23. I also have this issue, but Bioware is too lazy to fix despite our complaints.
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