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An Easy Guide to Primary Stats and Others


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I am confused on your guide.


If i am going to be a Trooper - Commando Healer would i not want Cunning over aim.


Cunning: Increases your aptitude with technological abilities.

Aim: Increases your aptitude with ranged weapons.


I have seen in the Codex that is says Primary Stat: AIM but i would disagree that its is the primary stat once you pick your AA.


No, the primary stat of the Trooper is Aim for the entire life of the Trooper, all the way to level 50. There are no ifs or buts about it. If you raise Cunning on your Trooper, I assure you that you are doing it very wrong. Your Trooper will be weaker if you don't focus on raising Aim as much as possible. If you want to be a Commando Healer, then Aim is the only way to go, especially if you will be frequently healing other players while grouping. You want maximum healing output right? If yes, then please go full Aim on the Trooper. If you go Cunning, your trooper will be incompetent with healing and I doubt your fellow group members would appreciate that.


I was a full-time tester in beta since earlier this year. My guide is based on plenty of experience with the game and I wanted to share this information with others so that people won't make the mistake of building the wrong stat. And remember, the primary stat guideline also applies to all of your companions. If your companion's primary stat is Aim, then go full Aim for the entire life of your companion. It doesn't matter if your companion is a tank, healer, or DPS, you must always raise their primary stat as much as possible.

Edited by BlackRifle
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I'm a Sith Marauder and realize that Strength and Power levels are important, but I just picked up a new piece of orange gear that has high power base stat...I currently have an orange power heavy item...should I go with a modded Strength item, or am I better of going with the modded power item....confused!
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I'm a Sith Marauder and realize that Strength and Power levels are important, but I just picked up a new piece of orange gear that has high power base stat...I currently have an orange power heavy item...should I go with a modded Strength item, or am I better of going with the modded power item....confused!


Marauder primary stat is Strength. Power is a bonus stat. I think Strength would be more effective over Power. I'm not saying to forget about Power, as more Power is good to have for damage and healing output. I'm just saying that if I were to pick between Strength and Power, I would pick the primary stat, which is Strength for Marauders.

Edited by BlackRifle
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Thanks Black.


Guess I am just used to other games where different stats would be more beneficial when playing different styles.


The DEVs stated that the didn't want to restrict you based on race. They didn't want to force a particular race on you if you wanted to be the best tank, healer, etc. Races are just cosmetic.



BTW Great guide... STICKY PLEASE!

Edited by Owsley
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I am confused on your guide.


If i am going to be a Trooper - Commando Healer would i not want Cunning over aim.


Cunning: Increases your aptitude with technological abilities.

Aim: Increases your aptitude with ranged weapons.


I have seen in the Codex that is says Primary Stat: AIM but i would disagree that its is the primary stat once you pick your AA.


Stats do slightly different things depending on the character or companion - for instance, one source of confusion for us Consulars is that our first companion's primary stat is AIM, despide him being a melee fighter; if you hover your cursor over the AIM stat in his companion tab, it states that it "increases melee, ranged and tech damage".


I have not played a Trooper yet, but it is entirely possible that for commandos, Aim actually increases your tech abilities as well as ranged damage. The tooltip in your character sheet should specify this.

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Question about Stats? Sith Warrior primary Stat is Str, has anyone noticed that power seems increase primary and in my case secondary overall weapon dam significantly more than str point for point. I spent many credits removing modifications crystals, etc. to investigate this, so has anyone else discovered that power gives you more bang for your buck then strength and more than likely does the same for other classes primary stats, cunning, aim etc.?
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Question about Stats? Sith Warrior primary Stat is Str, has anyone noticed that power seems increase primary and in my case secondary overall weapon dam significantly more than str point for point. I spent many credits removing modifications crystals, etc. to investigate this, so has anyone else discovered that power gives you more bang for your buck then strength and more than likely does the same for other classes primary stats, cunning, aim etc.?

Very good of you to dig deeper into this. I always knew that bonus stats can make a difference, but I wasn't sure of how effective they really are compared to the primary stat of a given character. I appreciate your effort and if you find out more, please let us know. A lot of things in this game are unclear.

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If troopers are meant to completely ignore the cunning stat, why have I picked up assault cannons that raise my cunning? Only commandos can use assault cannons. I definitely understand that Aim is meant to be my primary attribute as a trooper but something still does not seem right. Cunning raises tech power, and I know some of my attacks are tech type because the damage numbers appear yellow (I was told this is the way to distinguish tech attacks). Additionally, just like the cunning stat, the off hand items that I am meant to hold as a trooper hold also grant a direct boost to tech power.


I understand you are saying that I am supposed to completely ignore cunning but could you help me out by explaining some of these incongruities? Also, I read somewhere that for troopers aim will increase tech power as well, is this true?


thanks for this thread!

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Also, I read somewhere that for troopers aim will increase tech power as well, is this true?


This is the key point. Stats do different things for different classes, and each class is designed so that one primary stat affects all of their abilities. If you're a trooper, aim increases both ranged and tech damage. You're not sacrificing tech damage by choosing aim over cunning.


As for why you've seen trooper gear with cunning on it, I assume that's just due to some items having random stat bonuses.

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Svensr, it looks like Buckmoth's answer summed it up well. If you are tempted to raise other stats on your Trooper other than Aim, then raise your Trooper's bonus stats directly like Power, Accuracy Rating, or other bonus stats that apply to your Trooper and how you choose to play him. For your Trooper, raising Aim and your bonus stats will build a powerful character. Raising Aim and Cunning on your Trooper will result in a weaker character. Edited by BlackRifle
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Great post, OP. I guess it's not exactly a primary stat, but I'd love to see some detailed info on alacrity here and how it works exactly. Putting points into certain skills will increase alacrity, yet I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the specific benefits. Edited by daemian
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Great post, OP. I guess it's not exactly a primary stat, but I'd love to see some detailed info on alacrity here and how it works exactly. Putting points into certain skills will increase alacrity, yet I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around the specific benefits.


The original purpose of this guide was to help new players become aware of the primary attributes or stats of their characters and companions, nothing deeper than that. I didn't originally intend the guide to be overly detailed and scientific regarding stats across the board, hence, the title "An Easy Guide."


Here's a quote from the OP that mentions Alacrity Rating.


Alacrity Rating provides a bonus to Activation Speed. Although anyone can benefit from higher Alacrity Rating, healers may find this particularly beneficial for faster activation of healing abilities.

Activation Speed: Reduces the time needed to activate or channel abilities, so they can be executed more frequently.

Edited by BlackRifle
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Am I just slow or is Alacrity Rating not on the Character sheet?


There is a dropdown menu at the lower left of the character sheet. Expanding this dropdown menu reveals Melee, Ranged, Force, Tech, Defense, and PvP. Not all of these will show up depending upon the character. Activation Speed can be found in Force and Tech. Mouse over Activation Speed and a tooltip will then reveal the Alacrity Rating bonus stat.



Oh, and great guide! Thanks! I am curious, where can you find the companion primary stats? It isn't listed on the companion pages on the holonet. Would be a great add.


The OP already answers your question in the following quote:


You can find the primary attribute or stat of your character and your companions by opening the Codex (under the sections Game Rules and Persons of Note) and reviewing the information there. To open the Codex, press L and then click on the Codex tab at the bottom.


The following is a list of the primary attributes of each player character class. The primary stats of your companions can be found in the Codex as noted above.

Edited by BlackRifle
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