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Anyone else disappointed with the KotFE Story? [SPOILER][/SPOILER]


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I'm not trying to be negative about this expansion and maybe my disappointment in it is a result of over hyping it up in my mind (BW does get blame for that too because they make such sweet cinematic trailers) but I can't help but feel let down by the story of KotFE (so far)


I don't love the "Valkorion" is Vitiate (or visa versa) twist. I know that Swtor is largely Vitiate's story but I am finding the Emperor story over done at this point. It is like the writers can't think of a way to have a villian without just having it as Vitiate at this point.


Also the whole Valkorion is in my head plot is tired and boring in my opinion.


I found the Eternal fleet a great idea, an unbeatable star fleet that was the core of the power base of this massive army, but then without even knowing it my team within hours of freeing me from Carbonite (why was I in carbonite just to keep Valkorion trapped in my head? How exactly does Arcann know he is in my head?) my team stumbles upon a ship capable of one shotting 24 ships in this unbeatable star fleet...maybe its the force fighting against Arcann or maybe its luck but it feels like it was forced.


I don't really like the new companions at all, I realize that is a personal opinion but in the main story they came slowly and the reasons they joined were thought out (most) but this expansion I get all new companions all dumped on me with no warning...don't get me wrong, I was all for my old companions be scattered and Lana coming to rescue me is fair and makes sense, but Senya, Koth, HK-55...they may be great ppl but I feel like my republic character's first priority would be finding his friends.


Which leads me to my next gripe...if I woke up with Vitiate in my head I would be going no where near people I need or care about like T7 or Lana...plus removing him from my consciousness would be priority #1.


Id suggest trying to find the Jedi counsel but apparently they have disappeared and Satele is plotting my death...ummm WHAT?


Overall I think the expansion idea was very good just horribly executed.



PS: I realize others will disagree I just felt the writing and plot were very poor.

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Few notes:

-You are not put into carbonite to trap Valkorion within your head. You are put there as alleged punishement for murdering him and he just comes to talk to you.

-Satele isn't plotting your death at all. What are you talking about?

-While the Gravestone IS convenient, it's implied by a force-sensitive PC that it's indeed the Force that wills it. It's not new, either to Star Wars or to storytelling in general. Opinions are completely subjective of course. Also, until we know the actual origin of the Gravestone, we can't fully judge the circumstances of it's discovery. For all we know, we'll soon learn that it was built by a race who could see the future and who willingly crashed it in the Zakuul swamp because you'd find it here eventually.

-As for Valk=Vitiate. It's sad but it had to be. They couldn't just drop Vitiate. Not after Yavin 4 and Ziost. And before that, not after the class stories of the JK and SW. And I find Valkorion to be a much better rounded character.

-The reason you don't try to chase Valkorion from your mind is because he isn't in your mind proper. He has transcended the very notion of physicality and hangs aroun you because he wants to. Since there is no real way to chase him, your character tends to focus on surviving immediate dangers rather than him since, for now, he hasn't made a single aggressive move towards you.


As for my personal opinion, I like the new story and I really connected with the new companions.

Edited by Leklor
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I like the story, but I find the level design to be annoying.


It seems to be the common sort of modern day level design. Walk a bit. Kill a few groups of enemies. Cut scene. Walk some more, kill some more groups of enemies, another cutscene. Repeat until chapter is over.


IMHO, it's possible to tell stories without having completely linear gameplay.

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Few notes:

-You are not put into carbonite to trap Valkorion within your head. You are put there as alleged punishement for murdering him and he just comes to talk to you.

-Satele isn't plotting your death at all. What are you talking about?

-While the Gravestone IS convenient, it's implied by a force-sensitive PC that it's indeed the Force that wills it. It's not new, either to Star Wars or to storytelling in general. Opinions are completely subjective of course. Also, until we know the actual origin of the Gravestone, we can't fully judge the circumstances of it's discovery. For all we know, we'll soon learn that it was built by a race who could see the future and who willingly crashed it in the Zakuul swamp because you'd find it here eventually.

-As for Valk=Vitiate. It's sad but it had to be. They couldn't just drop Vitiate. Not after Yavin 4 and Ziost. And before that, not after the class stories of the JK and SW. And I find Valkorion to be a much better rounded character.

-The reason you don't try to chase Valkorion from your mind is because he isn't in your mind proper. He has transcended the very notion of physicality and hangs around you because he wants to. Since there is no real way to chase him, your character tends to focus on surviving immediate dangers rather than him since, for now, he hasn't made a single aggressive move towards you.


As for my personal opinion, I like the new story and I really connected with the new companions.


The Satele and Marr part was basically the last scene of the chapters so far and if I recall it they make a comment like "its too bad they all have to die" it is possible I was falling asleep by then or something.


As for Valkorion I know because it had to be him...but I just kept hoping they would do something to end his story and then this be a new story...I felt let down that it was same old villain

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They said its a shame so many of them have to die, I thought this implied with regards to the upcoming war.


I liked the story somewhat, but felt annoyed at times such as the case when I force push the Prince and he barely moves yet he can toss me around at will.




Why make my toon out to be so wimpy, same goes for the sister, shes made to OP.....

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The Satele and Marr part was basically the last scene of the chapters so far and if I recall it they make a comment like "its too bad they all have to die" it is possible I was falling asleep by then or something.


As for Valkorion I know because it had to be him...but I just kept hoping they would do something to end his story and then this be a new story...I felt let down that it was same old villain


He said that it's said that "so many of them will have to die," in reference to the alliance that the Outlander has assembled.

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He said that it's said that "so many of them will have to die," in reference to the alliance that the Outlander has assembled.


I didn't take it that way...it seemed foreshadowing not in a sorry type of way, more in a sinister way


I will agree though that is all perception so I could be mistaken

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Overall I think the expansion idea was very good just horribly executed.



I'm your polar opposite OP; I think the expansion is horrible idea very well executed. I thought story was alright, with Daddy Emperor's character and his dynamics with the Jedi/Sith player char being very enjoyable. I have very fond memories of Baldurs Gate and greatly enjoy the constant barrage of echoes and nods towards this direction.


Most importantly, narrative/storytelling ( how things are phased etc) was handled very well towards the beginning of the story. Like first 4-5 chapters were pure gold in this regard.


Not in a million years can I imagine how anything at all in KOTFE story is supposed to feel in any way right at all for any of the non-force using classes though. Playing KOTFE on my trooper is much more alienating an idea than playing some EA football game on my trooper.


Despite all of the above, idea of releasing an entire MMO expansion which is...well, nothing much besides a 10 hour story is utter insanity. It reads like a setup to some joke. I've no idea how they thought this could ever work. People who love BW storytelling have time of their lives..for 10 hours. Then it ends.


I can kinda understand how EA might consider this a good idea; Tiny expansion that amounts a fast easy cash- in from players via huge hype, repeat after few years for as long as people keep showing up again. I can undersyand how they think this will work out. Fair enough. What utterly mystifies me is how there still are some players, who clearly care for this game and mean to stick around who also think it a good idea. Design philosophy like this will eventually turn game into dead wasteland, where life and community strives only during some 3-5 week launch window of new expansion. How is this a positive to anyone who isn't currently busy cancelling their sub?

Edited by Stradlin
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I didn't take it that way...it seemed foreshadowing not in a sorry type of way, more in a sinister way


I will agree though that is all perception so I could be mistaken


Marr was talking about all the people who will die in the upcoming war with the Eternal Empire. He wasn't saying someone needs to take a hit out on the Outlander. Clearly you were falling asleep.

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I don't think the Valkorian in your head story is tired at all. I don't really read, watch, or consume stories like that very often. I thought the moments where you choose to either resist or submit to him were interesting and his perspective throughout the entire storyline really made me think about how far your character has come since the original Chapters and where it could all lead.


If anything, this story feels like the beginning of the end and a major milestone will be reached by the end of it. I don't really see their being a next big thing once this story arc takes its course. I don't really see where else they could go. Anyways, I hope it is enjoyable up until the end. This beginning was really well done IMHO.


I don't play that many games anymore and Bioware is one of the few developers that actually pulls me back in from time to time.

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They said its a shame so many of them have to die, I thought this implied with regards to the upcoming war.


I liked the story somewhat, but felt annoyed at times such as the case when I force push the Prince and he barely moves yet he can toss me around at will.




Why make my toon out to be so wimpy, same goes for the sister, shes made to OP.....


This is my feeling exactly. It was utterly ridiculous when you're one of the most powerful jedi knights, who took out the emperor once, and

you can't even kill Arcann but your companion has to save you.


Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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You said you weren't trying to be negative, but then picked apart all these little details about the expansion and why you don't like them. :p


Just accept the story for what it is and enjoy the content you've been given. The story has plot twists, suspense, mystery, life, death, love, betrayal, and more. So many people try to pick apart these little details as if the fate of the world depends on a perfect 10/10 critique score for the storyline. If you don't enjoy it, then move on like its no big deal. That's what I did with guild wars 2. :D


I'm really enjoying it so far, and I can't wait for the future chapters. Also, it sure as heck beats the Hutt Cartel and Shadow of Revan storylines. :)

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