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Video Proof that Companions are Too powerful! KOTFE


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OK. Would love to see that.. All i can go is based on my past experiences. and if you look towards the end i was taking way more damage than Lana.


The point is there is zero threat of dying at all because your companions are just too good. It might just be a damage mitigation issue. If i had my way they would only last as long as 15-20 seconds without either killing the threat or doing something to keep them up


You haven't got to heroic +2 star fortress yet have you? Things even out pretty well with companions at this point and I even had to solo the final boss at 50% because the ability it does is not kind to melee companions sadly. But still soloed it just fine as a healer, kiting is your friend use it well.

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people who play with keybinds and a gaming mouse are now being punished for their skill and commitment to playing the game by having all of their challenge taken away.


And how is a gaming mouse and keybindings equate to being more skilled may I ask? Just because you have a pretty toy that most people don't have does not make you skilled. It makes you dependent on toys to make the game easier.


And for the record, I have a G510 and a G600. I use them to make things easier, not cause it makes me more "skillful".


And how does having those pretty toys make you more "committed?" Seriously? It seems like you just want to whine and cry while waving your epeen.


IMO, people who need these toys don't care about challenge. Otherwise, they'd just click or good old button push... And yes, I don't give a damn about the challenge, I play to have fun. If I want to beat my head against a wall, I'll go play an Asian MMO where they actually ARE challenging.

Edited by Psychopyro
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And how is a gaming mouse and keybindings equate to being more skilled may I ask? Just because you have a pretty toy that most people don't have does not make you skilled. It makes you dependent on toys to make the game easier.


And for the record, I have a G510 and a G600. I use them to make things easier, not cause it makes me more "skillful".


And how does having those pretty toys make you more "committed?" Seriously? It seems like you just want to whine and cry while waving your epeen.


IMO, people who need these toys don't care about challenge. Otherwise, they'd just click or good old button push... And yes, I don't give a damn about the challenge, I play to have fun. If I want to beat my head against a wall, I'll go play an Asian MMO where they actually ARE challenging.


Well, I know for a fact that if I played with a 2 button mouse my response time for activating skills would be slower. I equate this with skill, and the investment in gaming peripherals I equate with a commitment to gaming. no need for you to get all pissy about it.


If I was a 2 mouse button point and clicker, I probably wouldn't be facerolling content with this new companion cheese.

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If I was a 2 mouse button point and clicker, I probably wouldn't be facerolling content with this new companion cheese.

So you are saying that using a 2 button mouse the game would be more challenging? Am I understanding correctly...


Maybe that means your tools are the problem and not the game.


But I am still curious how having more buttons and keybinding to those is skill, all you did was move the buttons closer together. That's convenience, not skill.


And just on that, I play Planetside 2 for instance. I am a sniper most of the time. Now, I have crouch on G9, Scope on G10, and Hold Breath on G11. Why, because it is faster then hitting C, RMB, and holding shift. In my estimation, a person that could in theory hit C, RMB, and hold shift faster then I can roll my thumb across 3 buttons has more skill.

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Honestly I was saying this on planet while I was playing. I like to PLAY the game, not be spoon fed, walked through it. Because of how strong companions were and how weak the opposition was by comparison (I really didnt need companions things are that weak... so either buff them or nerf companions I dont care) most of the time I feel like the GAME is just intermissions between cut scenes, rather then being intigrated into them. To me the best gaming experience is when the game play and the story merge, for that to happen the game has to have some form of challenge to it, as well as reward while also having the story be there as well. If I am being told to hurry, I want each opponent I run into to feel like OMG I do not have time for this, I cant just meditate up after this fight I need to hurry, so the battle becomes one of attrition. It doesnt need to be super hard to where noobs cant handle it, but it needs to at least feel like it is ME that is the hero, it is ME that is making the decisions, and it is ME that is accomplishing things in this game.


When was the last time you played a game where you could just spam a button and win, scratch that when was the last time you played a game that people actually liked where you could sit back do nothing and win. If there is NO challenge then there is no game.






a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.


There is no skill, no strength no luck, there is no competition to be had when the companions are this strong, and the enemies are this weak.... where is the game?

Edited by tunewalker
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When was the last time you played a game where you could just spam a button and win, scratch that when was the last time you played a game that people actually liked where you could sit back do nothing and win. If there is NO challenge then there is no game.


There is no skill, no strength no luck, there is no competition to be had when the companions are this strong, and the enemies are this weak.... where is the game?


Degear yourself, unsummon comp, you have your challenge now leave MY companions alone, you are responsible for making the game as easy or challenging as you want, that way those of us, and there are MANY who love it as is, can play and have FUN, while you have CHALLENGE if they change comps I loose MY FUN, so why should I have to give something up for you, when YOU can do it yourself WITHOUT effecting me.

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Degear yourself, unsummon comp, you have your challenge now leave MY companions alone, you are responsible for making the game as easy or challenging as you want, that way those of us, and there are MANY who love it as is, can play and have FUN, while you have CHALLENGE if they change comps I loose MY FUN, so why should I have to give something up for you, when YOU can do it yourself WITHOUT effecting me.


That's the dev's responsibility. Players should not have to willingly handicap themselves in order to enjoy a game.


I find it funny how people are saying "nerfing comps will ruin my game!" but have no problem telling other players how to play their game.

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That's the dev's responsibility. Players should not have to willingly handicap themselves in order to enjoy a game.


I find it funny how people are saying "nerfing comps will ruin my game!" but have no problem telling other players how to play their game.


So let me see if I understand this correctly....if there is a mechanic in the game....gear, weapon, mode, etc that makes the game too easy you are going to use it and then complain about it?


MOST GAMES on the market currently have players running a game solo. MOST have some kind of "pet" class, where as this game has ALL "pet" classes.


Companion use has been easy mode since the game was launched. This is more about folks trying to make the game more difficult than it is about people being forced to play in a way they dont wish IMO.


It is an attempt to go back in time.


Frankly, IMO, companions were fine the way they were....and there was no need for a level sync. Want level sync? The companions stay as they are.


Want companions to return to pre-3.0? Campaign for the removal of level sync, or at least make it a toggle.

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Degear yourself, unsummon comp, you have your challenge now leave MY companions alone, you are responsible for making the game as easy or challenging as you want, that way those of us, and there are MANY who love it as is, can play and have FUN, while you have CHALLENGE if they change comps I loose MY FUN, so why should I have to give something up for you, when YOU can do it yourself WITHOUT effecting me.


Honestly, for your "fun" they could just turn the whole thing into a movie, it would be just as "challenging" just as much of a "game" and work just as well for you, since you dont have to do anything as is. You dont need a game, when there is no challenge at all, Its like watching some one play Megaman X rather then playing it yourself...... Megaman X is a really easy game for most, but at least there is SOME inherrent challenge. When there is 0 challenge since you can littlerally sit there with your rump on your hands and get the same result, then by definition it is NOT a game, you are "playing" an interactive movie or choose your adventure book, if that's what you want then you should be arguing for them to give that to you... i want a game, I like having interactions with side characters in my game, so I am asking for that interaction to be preserved while it still being a game and not a walking simulator.


I can and have despawned my companion, but that is a band aid not something that should have to be done for anyone that actually wants to play a game. Its a Video GAME, not a walk through movie. Again look up definition of game. I dont want it to be so challenging that some one in Level 55 greens cant do it at all with the help of his companion, but I do want it challenging enough to where I cant strip naked moon walk back wards and let the SIDE CHARACTERS do all the work while I just sit on my hands and look up at the sky and wait for the next cut scene to show up so that I can do my "choose my own adventure" story decision. I wanted to play a game, by definition I should have to... push a button, at least once to succeed.... preferably 5 buttons at least once through out a boss fight... that would be nice.



Edit: I just want things to make me do something, i dont want companions to do everything for me with 0 effort, but I am not saying it should be "super hard/ undoable alone" or "super hard with a companion need to be able to complete Hard Mode raid skill level to compete". Did any one else play the Knight class in 1.0.... does any one remember how hard the final boss was.... that was to hard...... or how about Angral... he might have been to hard to, but that doesnt mean you turn every boss fight into a sit back and watch the fire works as the companions do all the work.... what i LOVE about the new companions is the new roles, I LOVE not being forced to take the healing companion, instead of the one I REALLY like, but that doesnt mean I wanted my companions to be so strong as to negate the need to even PLAY the game, there is an in between where we are now and where we were before.

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that's not true Before the update i had Kehm in end game quality gear and he could barely stand his own against 1 elite. This would of killed him within 20 seconds.


The easy mode will end sooner or later... with or without me.


Without you hopefully, I see this is just another "I'm mad, time to unsub. You won't be getting my $15 anymore"... Only one who cares about you staying here is yourself. Community doesn't care and neither does Bioware.

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Without you hopefully, I see this is just another "I'm mad, time to unsub. You won't be getting my $15 anymore"... Only one who cares about you staying here is yourself. Community doesn't care and neither does Bioware.


Such a welcoming community. /s

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I have not heard one complaint on the game about it. I take the complaints on the forums with a grain of salt. I have learn to do that since launch. I pay more attention to the people on the game and my guild than I do to people in the forums as I don't care what the issue is there will always be someone complaining.

You haven't heard one people in game say how OP the companions are now? I've seen it like 10 times and I am NOT exaggerating.

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I've not seen anyone complaining about companions being over-powered in-game.


My respectful suggestion is to take any OP companion into the Heroic 2 Star Fortress flashpoint that Theron sends you on. If anyone can beat it, great! It's no cakewalk, though. It's a struggle for every advance you make and I still can't win when two gold elites come out to play together.

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Have you not considered perhaps your collection of datacrons could be the reason? You do realize that as of 4.0 patch they are shared to all your toons through your legacy. That is just one example. If you persist on complaining and the dev's down grade the companions effectiveness the game, than is just not playable. Since we now can not improve them through gear, it would than be pointless having them other than following us as useless pets.
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Have you not considered perhaps your collection of datacrons could be the reason? You do realize that as of 4.0 patch they are shared to all your toons through your legacy. That is just one example. If you persist on complaining and the dev's down grade the companions effectiveness the game, than is just not playable. Since we now can not improve them through gear, it would than be pointless having them other than following us as useless pets.


Seriously what is with this kind of thing. Why are the only options 1 so OP that you dont ever have to do anything to succeed and are litterally playing a walking simulator or 2 so worthless that they dont do anything at all... every one understands there is a middle ground right? every one understands that companions dont have to be so strong as to negate the player characters need for existance, but also dont need to be so weak as to be desk ornaments. There is a middle ground... dear lord a nerf to something doesnt mean "make this thing useless"

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Watched the video and i get the OP he tries to just make fun here. Nothing to even discuss.

While he used hes companion and how long it took to kill mobs i already moved many times faster to next chapter having healer and me as dps.


Try harder this doesnt show us nothing other than companion can tank but the time it takes to kill still depends on player.

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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.



this can be done with out using companions and just using heroic moments with your companion on passive you can solo both there real squishy. So really no proof companion are OP Shoot with heroic moments i can solo the heroic 2 flash point star fortress and my companion barley has to heal. The story arc is made for casual game play as in all dailies and quest. There not meant to be raid bosses even before 4.0 i never felt like i was going to die questing. You guys that want companion nerfed just want new players to have a tougher time. As any good player could take 5 elite pre 4.0 with no issue.

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that's not true Before the update i had Kehm in end game quality gear and he could barely stand his own against 1 elite. This would of killed him within 20 seconds.


The easy mode will end sooner or later... with or without me.


Lies. Xalek in augmented 192's could spank any elite, so I'm assuming Khem would do the same.

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