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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP Records on the Shadowlands (4.0+)


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why not?


cuz regs are not a "balanced" enviroment in 8v8's as they were in rankeds 8v8's (and yes mostly they were a clusterf$$k at the end).


Damage padding and heal padding numbers in regs can go from non existant because ppl will die in 5 gcds to "omgimsogud i did 17k hps" cuz ppl just hit random targets and most decent players can free cast.


In a group ranked enviroment tho, this thread would be a thing.

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cuz regs are not a "balanced" enviroment in 8v8's as they were in rankeds 8v8's (and yes mostly they were a clusterf$$k at the end).


Damage padding and heal padding numbers in regs can go from non existant because ppl will die in 5 gcds to "omgimsogud i did 17k hps" cuz ppl just hit random targets and most decent players can free cast.


In a group ranked enviroment tho, this thread would be a thing.


I went there. Started a **** storm. 10/10 would do again.

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Balance Sage, not fully ranked gear yet, back to game after letting my sub run out in may so I'm a bit rusty.


My biggest hit a bit low cuz I have somewhat high alacrity atm, 7.56%.



Not exactly my best WZ there either man. lol. Guarding a door can be exciting.... Or it can end up with numbers like I had in your pic there.


You didn't do that bad in that WZ.

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Not exactly my best WZ there either man. lol. Guarding a door can be exciting.... Or it can end up with numbers like I had in your pic there.


You didn't do that bad in that WZ.

Yes, guarding can be pretty boring and frustrating when no ones come when you call, one thing I've noticed in AH is when you come to help someone who was guarding the original person was guarding will leave with the others who helped, so you're like.. um okay guess I'll watch it then.


Thanks, I want to eventually get my DPS much higher, when viable, since with faceroll easy dot spread balance/madness can put up pretty insane numbers, it's kinda depressing when you get beat in DPS by a single target burst spec heh.

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4082.56 dps


25k hit



Edit: LOTS of pve geared people queuing. 2 games later:




Moral of the story: lots of pve geared people queue on Sundays apparently XD Wouldn't be surprised if a merc hit 4500 this weekend. It's not a coincidence that my two highest arsenal games came within an hour of each other.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Xavuy is literally the best player in SWTOR, at least at healing/doing raw damage with any spec. He just hardly plays. And yes, that includes the so-called "elite" people of Harbinger. It's always humbling to know that there will always be someone better than you who needs little practice :p Edited by Hoppinswtor
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