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Warning/Question About Chapter 9 Romance


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Its still a reading comprehension/deductive reasoning fail. I concede that there is a cinematographic mishap, but people who aren't on auto-pilot are most-likely going to catch it.


True enough - Generally on auto-pilot when playing this kind of stuff, its hardly a challenge and then chill in cutscenes and tbh I wouldn't of even cared had I not found out later on another toon that lock-ins are now a thing.

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I don't remember having any flirt option in that scene with Lana at all. But I was "dating" her since Revan and no one else. Don't tell me that now I'm not in an official relationship with Lana..





So when's the wedding?

Can I haz your stuff because Lana's going to make you mow the dead grass on Ziost pal.

next time, think with the "other head".

these are not the droids you are looking for.

I'd rather take Hylo on a flyby night fling than Lana or give me that meanie Vaylin. :eek:;)

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If you got the pop-up in the middle of the screen asking if you were extra super sure you wanted to kiss _________ as that would start a romance with them, then THAT is the trigger for the romance in chap 9.


Wait a minute, there actually is a popup that asks you if you are sure about doing that? ROFLMAO :D :D

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You can use the flirt option whenever its available with whoever u want up untill that scene.

when u press the flirt button its the time u choose is his official relationship.

3 choices open




then on the private scene u get locked to that particular comp if u continue to use the flirt option.


People overthinking too much for that scene giving real life examples as an excuse for their mistakes is bad.

The only reason ur char gaze theron is because the convo started with him.

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I haven't gotten to the chat yet but looking at a screenshot of the chat in question I see "[Flirt] I wish to speak to one of you" with it on Theron going by the past way the flirts were even with the text stating that it looks like the flirt is meant for Theron. They should have zoomed out to the group it would have made more sense showing it as a group option and choosing the one you want. Edited by AurraPing
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I also though it was to flirt with Theron so I didn't click it. I wish we could toggle our characters hetero only to avoid having the theron/koth option constantly forced on us.


It's not forced on you, you get the choice to flirt or not.


Multiple times playing this game I've seen people demand that they don't even have to look at or acknowledge that homosexual flirting options exist. Interestingly, I've never seen someone say that heterosexual options.

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Didn't realize this was THE opportunity to advance romance, and since 3 characters were standing there I chose a non flirt option and just spoke with Koth for some info. Thought I would be able to speak with Lana and Theron afterwards. :( Unlike many of you, I was planning to romance Theron, but I didn't realize this was my last shot.

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I only noticed this on my second time through it wasn't directed at Theron specifically. First play was my Jedi Consular that is still holding out for the original LI and being all goody so I didn't pick the flirt. Plus didn't have any notion of trying with Theron or the other two.


Second was my SW who had no LI really in the original game. Second SW so played it without dealing with a one true love interest as I did that with previous one. I played my second through KotFE just because it was more completed in previous stuff and my "main" warrior still has stuff to do like SoR. So I picked flirt then noticed it gave a choice of which of the three to talk to.

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When I want a companion badly and I know the companion CAN be a possible actual romance and not a booty call (looking at you Pierce and Tharan Cedrax), I always, always, always pick the flirt. I pick every single flirt possible. I romanced Theron on both of my males. When the flirt option popped up, I chose it. When I wanted to kiss Lana, I picked the flirt option. When I wanted my male operative, who's a manho, flirt with everyone, he picked flirt with Lana, Senya, Koth and Theron and picked the flirty option at the cantina. And the end result was the same as the non flirty one, except I chose Theron and we proceeded to begin the relationship with the pop up warning box.


As FOR the warning box, I believe it is there to let you know if you're married to say Risha, and decide to romance the pants off of Lana, and you get the warning box, it's letting you know, hey you're with Risha are you SURE you want to piss Risha off and possibly become divorced from her for Lana?


But when in doubt, pick Flirt. If it's not who you wanted, hit ESCAPE.


That's my advice.

Edited by Eanelinea
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This has really annoyed me.


Theron is on the screen.

Theron is talking ...


so, when there is an option to [Flirt] I made the assumption it was a [Flirt] option for Theron.


I will be so annoyed if I have now lost my opportunity to enter into a 'relationship' with Lana.


Have I already lost my chance on the 5 characters that have completed KotFE?



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This has really annoyed me.


Theron is on the screen.

Theron is talking ...


so, when there is an option to [Flirt] I made the assumption it was a [Flirt] option for Theron.


I will be so annoyed if I have now lost my opportunity to enter into a 'relationship' with Lana.


Have I already lost my chance on the 5 characters that have completed KotFE?




I can't say for sure. Hopefully bioware will have a second option for people to do a romance since they missed it the first time. But as I said before, always hit flirt no matter what and if it's not the right person ESC button is your friend.


For me, I've ran 11 characters through KotFE. All 1-60 leveled characters who did their class stories etc. On 8 of those people I ran through, they never flirted with Theron/Lana during Forged Alliances, never flirted with Theron/Lana throughout Shadow of Revan, but they STILL got flirts popping up everywhere for Theron, Lana, Koth and Senya.


So, HOPEFULLY, there will be at the very least a second opportunity to lock yourself into a relationship with Theron, Lana or Koth depending on who you want.

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Checking on the forums for the first time because I just noticed I messed this up, since I finally did it as an alt. Really hope bioware will tell us sooner instead of later if we get another chance at this. I'm so fickle this could probably ruin my entire experience with the new content.
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I'm really sorry people find this confusing. I had thought it worked intuitively to be honest. I'm sure everyone knows who they're going to romance, if anyone, before they start their character. Flirt with that person all the time and you honestly can't go wrong. On my characters where I've romanced Theron, Lana or Koth I've only flirted with that person (mostly). When the flirt option comes up in Chapter 9 the game knows your previous choices and acts accordingly when you choose [FLIRT]:


- Did you flirt with one person? If yes, game automatically chooses that person and you leave the room to talk to them

- Did you flirt with more than one person? If yes, the game prompts you to select which person you actually intend to speak to and you leave the room to talk to them.


At the end of the day, you're not going to be thrust into a relationship with someone against your will. The game's always made it clear imo and now they've taking it one step further with the romance confirmation pop-up.


Having said that, for those who were confused, I truly hope there's a solution.

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