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Is This Really What People Want??


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For me it is what I want, but it isn't because i don't want traditional MMO aspects, it is what i want because SWtoR was and is a pretty bad MMO and probably always will be, but it can still be a damn good RPG.


SWtoR tried to be both a really good MMO that attracted the elite, while also being casual friendly, and then also be an amazing RPG with great story telling. It tried to be too much and failed at all aspects. The initial MMO content was horribly balanced, and buggy, and the gearing systems were trash. The game had little gating and content was consumed to quickly. Yet at the same time, this content for the casual gamer was too hard, and so very little ever tried or completed the MMO group content. The combat system was and talent systems were a straight copy of WoW, and zero innovation or thought was added to it. When you look at the RPG elements, you got 8 very linear class stories, that were okay, but definitely not good, and it is because they spread the resources across 8 stories, and also a poorly implemented game story that wasn't really told like an RPG story, but was more like a traditional MMO story, and even that was completely linear. The game failed to make use of phasing areas, which would of allowed for non linear stories, and for individual choices not to affect other players. They also wanted to do complete voice acting like you would see in a traditional RPG, but that runs up the cost quick, especially when you are signing quality actors/actresses to do the voices.


In the end, It sucked as an RPG and sucked as an MMO. Recources were spread too thin trying to do too much, and Instead of getting a quality MMO with a solid story, we got a poor MMO, with poor story, but we did get 100% voice acting, which wasn't necessary outside of the main story content.


What they should of done is focused on making a good MMO, then add one solid Bioware styled RPG story with real choices that mattered. It could of been done but too much time and money was put into voice acting, and 8 different stories, instead of creating 1 solid story, and proper game engine that could handle group content like an MMO is meant to.


So yes this is what i wanted, because i don't think they can save this game as an MMO, but it could still provide the solid RPG KotoR 3 experience that most people wanted to begin with.

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Yes we are. Did I say this game was difficult? No.


Does this game have group content? Yes. It has operations, flash points and pvp. Is it challenging? Probably not for you. But because it isn't or to your liking doesn't mean this game fails at being an mmo. It just fails for you.


You however are being overly dramatic. Good job.

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I think if you want a hardcore game with amazing Elements you would play another game. The fact is that day 1 we got told this MMO would be built around a amazing story and future content will be as well.


The MMO elements blew, and the story content updates was not fast enough or good enough. So it is better to cut off some of the worse parts for the better.


Well Sad thing is most of these people talking about story have never tried the hardcore portion of the game like ranked PVP or world first OPS raid groups. Which is what i enjoy.

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Ok I really get the toning down of grinding, the elimination of tedious tasks such as "kill 20 rats" or "explore 4 corners of map". I'm all for that. I get that people don't want to stay up 'til 3am tearing out their hair and pinning their eyes open anymore. That's great.


I also get that there's a player base out there that has felt neglected by Bioware because they created a great franchise in KotOR that people were enamoured with. And while this game is based around the theme of KotOR it was never once marketed as a KotOR 3 or RPG. From the get-go it was marketed as an mmo of that universe much like World of Warcraft was marketed as an mmo of the Warcraft RTS franchise. Now when people hear the term mmo, you assume it will contain certain elements, much like when I say car - you assume it has tires, a motor, seats, steering and brakes. Most traditional mmos contain elements of pvp, raiding, dungeons to explore, multiple iconic class roles such as tank, healer or dps. Yes, We can still do these things but these elements have not seen any updates in at least 1 or 2 years in favour of story-telling. The elements of what made SWTOR have shifted from 50/50% to; I'd argue 90/10%, that's a major shift. It's not even the same game anymore. Wether you see that as a positive or negative thing is purely based on the individual.


I'm simply stating that there is a group of players out there that have supported this game for almost 4 years based on the premise that SWTOR would retain its mmo roots wrapped in great story-telling. This game is slowly, stealthily being morphed into an RPG by phasing out traditional mmo elements in favour of traditional RPG elements such as stream-lined solo gameplay & engaging story.


I'm not a hardcore raider either but you have to admit for the last 8 months or so there's been a real departure from the base, more traditional elements of typical mmos. And by departure I mean virtually 0% traditional mmo elements. Some people are stating that any game with a large inter-active player base is an mmo. By that definition, you could call any modern game an mmo, they're all inter-active now aren't they? But just because lots of players can talk and shoot at each other or trade cards doesn't make it an mmo. Battlefront 3 is a first-person shooter not an mmo. SWTOR is going on 4 years now and some elements of the game haven't seen any upgrades or improvement in 2 yrs, that's not even neglect, that's abandonment. If you strip off enough things from a car it becomes a boat. If you wanted to buy a car and I sold you a boat you'd be kinda pissed no?

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I'm an old-fashioned mmo player, I've been playing mmos for a long time. I'm also a Star Wars fan, Old Republic was a great mix of the two. That's why I'm here. But personally, I think this new direction of SWTOR is just a big mess. They keep saying "Oh ya, all players really want nowadays is more story, more epicness". Really!!??


Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon? You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations? Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all. How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.


I think you are all confused, you want to sit around for 6 months at a time waiting for an afternoon's entertainment. Then you don't want an mmo, you want a MOVIE!! And great news, there's a Star Wars movie coming out in 2 months!! I'll see you all there but in the meantime I'd like my mmo back because this is not a mmo PC game, this is an advanced version of a read-along book. I used to read those when I was like 7 yrs old. "If you want to jump over the puddle turn to page 63. If you want to go around the puddle instead, then turn to page 89." Either way you're on the other side of the puddle!! Congratulations you finished Chapter 1 - The Puddle, now please wait patiently for 6 more months as we move on to Chapter 2 - The Hill.


Come on people!!


Man it is too soon to ask that, people will be enjoying this expansion at least for 3 weeks more, ask later.

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Note to the OP?

The "old school" traditional style MMO has gone the way of the do-do Bird. Sorry. Casuals seem to rule them now.


If you want that go play eve or the 10yr old MMO WoW; but even WoW has dumb the game down and now caters to casuals. :rolleyes:

Edited by Zergnaut
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Yes, story content is exactly what I really want. I hate the repetitive end game grind like running the same dailies, same flashpoints (I have no guild and don't do ops) and same events over and over again.

I find it outright insulting that MMO devs require their player base to be like trained monkeys because that's exactly what that stupid grinding is like. Even monkeys probably spend their time more wisely than doing stupid repetitive crap like that...


That said, it would be great indeed if they would create more engaging story content.

It's probably time to introduce difficulty levels like in a single player game. At least easy (like it is now), normal, hard and maybe even more. And then adjust loot (chance) accordingly. There should be a reward for the higher levels.


The complete lack of challenge kind of ruined the KotFE storyline. If all you have to do for eight hours is holding down the 'W' key and spam your best DPS attack (= two buttons total) to move to the next cutscene then that's a little underwhelming to put it mildly.


Why not have a couple puzzles? A challenging (depending on the chosen difficulty level) mini-boss encounter or optional bosses? Some exploration? Mini-games? Anything?


Also, how about some loot/equipment progression. KotFE is soooo boring (except for the somewhat decent story). We really should have walked out of it in full 200 gear, maybe even a few 208 pieces with some lucky drops.


So, yes, I absolutely do want them to continue to invest in unique story content and not in repeatable grind crap but please make it MUCH more engaging and add difficulty levels that can be adjusted on the fly. Just pressing 'W' until you run into the next cutscene is not how I want to continue with Chapter X.

My decision to resub then (I will cancel in a couple of weeks) will greatly depend on whether there will be more meat to the next expansion.

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Note to the OP?

The "old school" traditional style MMO has gone the way of the do-do Bird. Sorry. Casuals seem to rule them now.


If you want that go play eve or the 10yr old MMO WoW; but even WoW has dumb the game down and now caters to casuals. :rolleyes:


Wow has always been about casuals. Even 40 man raids was easy because half the time people just afked or auto attack at range. (looking at you hunters.


MMORPGS are now going back to its mud roots. Telling amazing stories, and drawing people into the world. Focus on the RPG element.


MMORPG is not about how tough the game is. It is not about grouping, it is not even about being social. It is a world filled with players in a role playing setting, that can trade or just talk. That is it. That is the core of a mmorpg.

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Exactly what I wanted. I loved it. Too short, sure, but the fact that I'm wanting more content, means they did a good job. The Alliance missions, without the voice acting, are not what I wanted though. That's a huge step back. The rest, I'm pleased with. Story, characters, cut scenes... Jup, my kinda thing.
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Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon? You don't want any new pvp content? No new operations? Yes I realize these things "may be coming in the near future" but in the meantime this new storyline content just has no re-playability at all. How many times are you willing to follow Lana the "Jedi-wannabe sith" through a swamp? I've been told that this is what players really want and I find it hard to believe.
It's easier to sell story than it is to sell more operations and more warzones. Who is Bioware supposed to attract with those two types of MMORPG exclusive game types? First Person Shooter players won't go anywhere near MMORPG group content like raids, Destiny is trying to bridge the gap between MMO subscription and FPS. Many players hate Destiny and feel alienated by their new direction.


Where are you going to find players who want to subject themselves to the pain and suffering of MMORPGs and subscription-based grinds.

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It's easier to sell story than it is to sell more operations and more warzones. Who is Bioware supposed to attract with those two types of MMORPG exclusive game types? First Person Shooter players won't go anywhere near MMORPG group content like raids, Destiny is trying to bridge the gap between MMO subscription and FPS. Many players hate Destiny and feel alienated by their new direction.


Where are you going to find players who want to subject themselves to the pain and suffering of MMORPGs and subscription-based grinds.


Wildstar tried not long ago. 40 man raiding 40 man warzones. And it failed spectacularly. Yah, it did have 20 man raids, dungeons, whole progression/gear grind thingy.


But what it didnt have? Entertaining game. For those who dont care about above.

Edited by Mikahrone
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Do you really want all of Bioware's resources tied up for months & months to partake in a stream-lined, cut scene infested story arc that can be finished in an afternoon?


Yes. Exactly that. I love the infestation of cutscenes. And, an afternoon of play that I enjoy trumps months / years of play that I don't.


Selfish? Absolutely. I also don't go to ice cream shop and order what's best for the company, or what's best for other customers. Weirdly, I order what's best for ME. Ditto how I VOTE for what's best... wait for it... for me! Don't expect me to be different in a game...

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Well, I wanted more of the game like the story from chapter 1-3. But I'll take any sort of story.


I just have no interest in grouping or raiding or PVPing. And frankly, most people do not, which is why this xp is trying to give as much story as possible, if not as much as we would have liked.

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