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Bioware, remove the PvP from the quest to get M1-4X.


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What is the quest in question? I am confused.


After doing KOTFE main storyline you can get some companions to your alliance, doing different things across the galaxy.

To get the companion M1-4X you need to do 20 warzones.

Lot's of PVE players are doing warzone and they have no idea how to pvp.

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I understand sometime a pve doing warzone for fun, but it doesn't happen like it's happening right now.

I dunno your server, but on Harbinger I guarantee you, 5+ pve players every match on pub side facing double imp premade, getting destroyed over and over.

I undestand their putting something for pvpers and I like it, but it's making a lot of people pissed. Why just not offer a 2nd way to get the companion, a pve way?


Why don't they just offer a cop-out for all the optional companions? It would defeat the purpose. Honestly though, if people really don't want to PvP they should just skip the companion altogether. Or better yet, Bioware could provide an initial quest reward after the first of PvE gear designed to bolster to 2018 expertise, even out the playing field a little.

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Doing 20 warzones for Pearce is more easy than what's required for Qyzen. World bosses or those champion things where I have no idea where to find them. All you need to do is to queue up.


You may not like being forced to do pvp bit have some thought for those pvpers who don't like spending ages trying for some time to make progress with Qyzen and not getting anywhere....


No sympathy.


Not really... I found all my champions in under an hour.

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The PvP must be removed from PvE content. I have no problem with those who wish to do PvP and just because a lot of us don't like it doesn't mean we are casual players. We just have a different play style. I have no problem with it being there for those who wish to do it. The problem is for the vast majority of those of us who don't enjoy it. Other requirements could be worked out.


Again then you need to do the same for PvPers who don't like PvE. It is a double standard otherwise.


Stop being hypocrites over PvP "requirements" when you don't care about PvE "requirements" for PvPers.

Edited by Deyjarl
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There have always been PvE'ers entering warzones with top PvE gear with no clue what they're doing, the point of this quest is to a) provide PvP'ers with a companion reward and b) expose players to a part of the game they might not have tried yet and may learn after 20 matches that they enjoy.


Maybe they could lower the total amount of matches from 20 to 10, or heck even 5, so long as it was 5 wins. I still don't agree that removing the requirement is the right way to go.



My answer to this would be:

a) I'm all for giving PVP players rewards but companions are PVE content. Story content. You don't even use them in PVP, so I'm not sure why that was thought as an appropriate reward for PVP.

b) Forcing people to play pvp might work on some, but my personal experience after playing 12 matches is that, as I suspected I strongly dislike it and find no fun in it. I don't care about it making me a better player or anything, or winning. I just want to be done as fast as possible to go back to something I actually enjoy doing. The situation a no-win either for me, or for the PVP people I find myself playing with in the warzones.

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My answer to this would be:

a) I'm all for giving PVP players rewards but companions are PVE content. Story content. You don't even use them in PVP, so I'm not sure why that was thought as an appropriate reward for PVP.

b) Forcing people to play pvp might work on some, but my personal experience after playing 12 matches is that, as I suspected I strongly dislike it and find no fun in it. I don't care about it making me a better player or anything, or winning. I just want to be done as fast as possible to go back to something I actually enjoy doing. The situation a no-win either for me, or for the PVP people I find myself playing with in the warzones.


But there's the rub, they aren't forcing anyone. Pierce/4X are optional companions, and your option to get them is PvP. They aren't essential to your alliance, and may not even have an effect whatsoever on the general story. They are rewarding players with diverse playstyles. Your style isn't as diverse? That's okay, but you don't need all the companions then.

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But there's the rub, they aren't forcing anyone. Pierce/4X are optional companions, and your option to get them is PvP. They aren't essential to your alliance, and may not even have an effect whatsoever on the general story. They are rewarding players with diverse playstyles. Your style isn't as diverse? That's okay, but you don't need all the companions then.


Yeah, to me it is forcing. You play the game for certain contents, whether it is the star wars universe/pvp gameplay/raiding,... Me? I play for the story, and the companions. So whatever story content is there, optional or not, even if it's locked behind a gameplay that I dislike, I will want to do it, because that's the reasons why I play the game. PVP has never been about story, it's about challenge, and I just don't see why mix two things that shouldn't mix. Plus, if they really wanted to reward players with diverse playstyles, there's no reward only accessible to people who roleplay, should that happen then?

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Yeah, to me it is forcing. You play the game for certain contents, whether it is the star wars universe/pvp gameplay/raiding,... Me? I play for the story, and the companions. So whatever story content is there, optional or not, even if it's locked behind a gameplay that I dislike, I will want to do it, because that's the reasons why I play the game. PVP has never been about story, it's about challenge, and I just don't see why mix two things that shouldn't mix. Plus, if they really wanted to reward players with diverse playstyles, there's no reward only accessible to people who roleplay, should that happen then?


Roleplay, technically isn't a playstyle and there is no way to measure success/failure. Impossible to do.


A companion with a PvP requirement may feel like forcing to you, but it isn't, and I suspect you know that. Can't stand to PvP 20 matches? Fine, only go after Pierce/4X on Warrior/Trooper's. You don't need them as companions, want doesn't justify eliminating PvP requirements. I've submitted several possible alternate PvP requirements to make things less grindy or less slaughterfest 2015 edition for PvE'ers. But I'll never support eliminating the requirement outright.

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Even if they are NOT forcing you, they're making both PVE and PVP players really upset for the reasons in my first post.


You spelt "whiners" PvE and PvP players. Likely because of English being your third language.


There are dozens of companions, only 2 semi-require PvP, FourX and Pierce. If you are a Trooper/Warrior you don't have to PvP to get them back, and if you have Valor rank 40 you don't have to do any additional PvP to get them back.


They made 1 of dozens of potential companions, of which you can only use a Max of 7 at a time require you do something you don't like, then don't do that thing.


This is how choices work, you have to see what is required and decide if you want to do it or not. If you don't like it , don't do it, instead of crying about it. Seriously, PvP players get one little bone on this game and everyone cries about it.

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Personally, I have absolutely zero interest in PvP in this particular game. If I want to PvP, there are undoubtedly 1000 better games on the market.


I haven't even tried pvp in SWTOR and have no idea how it works, and while I feel that I need Pierce/M1-4X in my pokemon stable; that means that I will be a complete and utter detriment to my team for 6 characters worth of 20 matches as I stand there and do next to nothing of use.


Thumbs down to the quest design team for wasting my time on forcing PvP (and indeed for forcing grind of old content by level synch and reusing old heroics), and sucks to be on my teams for those who are unfortunate to drop during my Pierce/M1-4X hunt, I guess.


Not sure why some people are getting upset that others do not want to PvP, exactly how far up must one have their own head wedged to have that mentality?

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You spelt "whiners" PvE and PvP players. Likely because of English being your third language.


There are dozens of companions, only 2 semi-require PvP, FourX and Pierce. If you are a Trooper/Warrior you don't have to PvP to get them back, and if you have Valor rank 40 you don't have to do any additional PvP to get them back.


They made 1 of dozens of potential companions, of which you can only use a Max of 7 at a time require you do something you don't like, then don't do that thing.


This is how choices work, you have to see what is required and decide if you want to do it or not. If you don't like it , don't do it, instead of crying about it. Seriously, PvP players get one little bone on this game and everyone cries about it.


I'm not what I'd call a PvP'er. I PvP from time to time and enjoy it, but I fully agree that this needs to stay a reward for PvP'ers.

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Forex/Pierce are not PvE content. If they were, then the actions to recruit them would be PvE content related.


Since recruiting them requires PvP (or your toon being the class that originally had those comps), that makes it PvP content.


There will always be things added to MMO's to encourage people to PvP. If you don't want to PvP you do not have to PvP but you will not get the reward.


The only people who will be bothered with this are "completionists" who don't PvP...pretty small sub-group really...or people who can't stand to see anything PvP exclusive, such as the Gree Event PvP missions on the terminal.


Not doing the recruiting quest for Forex/Pierce will have zero effect on the PvE game, so it doesn't need to change.

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I really don't get it.

Why are people defending Forex as a PvP only reward when there is an easy way to "fix" the situation and not have the silly situation of having an original companion there.

It's called "Make 4X/Pierce have a PvE Alternative and add a non-Alliance quest that rewards a certain number of WZs a new, original with no Companion past, character. For example, a very often heard character in PvP, like Baron Deathmark!"

We aren't opposed to PvPers having their exclusive rewards. Not at all. You don't see us complaining about your shiny mounts and titles we'll never get, do we?

Most here have an issue with PvP being shoe-horned into a PvE mechanic (Alliance System), in a place and time where it makes no sense (Trying to build an Alliance so you go killing your "ennemies" to recruit some dude you're going to put in base with the same ennemies... What?).

It's okay for you to get an exclusive companion. Like it would be okay for every content type to reward one (Why couldn't Referral Link offer a Combat Companion based on the droids we are given? Or an Op reward a rare drop companion inspired by one of it's boss or a memorable looking trash mob?)

The issue is really that there is a difference between "Giving an incentive" (Offering something new and unique as a reward for taking part in a side activity, the offer being separate from content it isn't supposed to influence) and "Pointing a gun at your temple and making you play a side activity to get story content." (The case here, the quest is initiated via the "Followers and Contatcs" window by Theron/Lana, there are short "Classic Cutscenes" with the potential recruits, and then you have to PvP to have them. That makes it a not-PvP reward but Alliance content with ham-fisted PvP requirement. That's the difference.)

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I don't mind those character's requiring the pvp factor it FITS their personalities so I'm fine with these being in it isn't required from what I've read to get them I don't know I didn't get early access if they are just follower and you don't have to have them in the alliance to move the story forward by all mean's leave the pvp.
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You would have an argument if Forex/Pierce were a necessary part of the Alliance mechanic.


They are not.


This exists to encourage people to PvP and to give PvP-centric players something in this game. As far as I can see, there are very few PvP related things in KotFE compared to the plethora of PvE related content.


I don't PvP a lot, but I do PvP, and I still think there is nothing wrong with this. Again, the only people upset are the completionists who don't want to PvP.

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I don't mind those character's requiring the pvp factor it FITS their personalities so I'm fine with these being in it isn't required from what I've read to get them I don't know I didn't get early access if they are just follower and you don't have to have them in the alliance to move the story forward by all mean's leave the pvp.


But it doesn't "fit their personality" at all.

Pierce is a Spec-Ops soldier specialized in infiltrating tactical objectives with a highly specialized team. Not running around battlefield screaming like a maniac and jamming his weapon in the closest ennemy's eye socket before emptying his blaster pack.

M1-4X, in his companion quests, clearly dismisses taking part in mass battle to increase Republic morale and opts instead to hunt specific ViP Imp targets and captures or kill them. He doesn't prowl countless battlefield singing the praise of the great Republic.


So it doesn't fit, actually.


EDIT: And here it is, the perfect alternative! What new content consists both in assaulting a strategic location and eliminating actual enemy targets (Meaning neither Pub nor Imp but Zakuul)? Answer: The Star Fortresses! Add, as an alternative, that the companion will join us after clearing all 6 (I think it's six) Star Fortresses.

And it actually ends up making far more sense than PvP, personality wise.

Pierce would be impressed by the skill required to pull of those ops (Lore-wise, gameplay wise it's just incredibly long) while 4X would realize morale was receiving a far larger boost by seeing Zakuul pushed back instead of the useless war against the Empire that Arcann is supervising anyway!

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If you are a Trooper or a Sith Warrior, you get these companions with no requirment. They just join you again. For any other class, they are a bonus character really. We have so many companions to choose from and neither of those two are the more popular options. If you had to earn your old companion back through pvp then I suppose I could understand the complaint here, but that is not the case. Its like qyzen, I have to kill a world bossnor dredge around hoth looking to kill some random baddies, sounds boring and I dont even really liken qyzen anyway.
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As a PVE'er I'd prefer not to have to PvP, but having said that, it's not that much of a hassle to do 20 unranked warzones. It was the first time I'd touched PvP at all, so it was interesting to see, but I do kind of feel sorry for the PvP'ers who have to put up with a bunch of clueless PVE'ers running around. After this I might even jump into PvP again once in a blue moon, so maybe this will help to draw a few more players into PvP.
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As a PVE'er I'd prefer not to have to PvP, but having said that, it's not that much of a hassle to do 20 unranked warzones. It was the first time I'd touched PvP at all, so it was interesting to see, but I do kind of feel sorry for the PvP'ers who have to put up with a bunch of clueless PVE'ers running around. After this I might even jump into PvP again once in a blue moon, so maybe this will help to draw a few more players into PvP.


This right here is exactly why its set up this way. Thank you Varkiriel for highlighting the point a lot of us have been making. This is to incentivize PvP, and if its only 1/6 successful overall for total population, that's still a boon for PvP.

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Actually it is even more simple than that OP.


Don't do stuff you don't like doing. It really is this easy.


Accept that stuff you don't like, also, comes with rewards for people who do like it.


Agreed !!


And please Bioware DON'T remove the PvP !!

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I'm a PvE player. I don't do PvP, and there's a reason why. Because I'm really bad at it. However I like M1-4X, for me it's the best trooper companion, so I sigh and joined a few PvP matches to get him. So, like in any games, I found gankers, premades, and really bad things. However... I found it quite fun. I mean, some of the PvP matches in this game have a little backstory, all of them are different scenarios... It's quite funny actually.


So, as a PvE player, I don't think this should be removed. It makes sense for the Forex character and also it's a nice way to force some PvP and, at least, try it. Also, they reward you with nearly 2000 PvP marks, enough to buy some pieces and even a PvP set, for those willing to continue.

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