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Customer support about equipment removal


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3:46 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=3m46s - Customer Support guy states that BioWare removed all the equipment vendors, drops from NPCs, etc; in order to make the game more challenging. While in reality, the companion change where I am on Dromund Kaas with my level 15 Juggernaut which has 1500 HP makes my companion to have 8500 HP and is able to heal me without any issues. I am never below 90% HP.


4:11 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=4m11s - In regards to 3:46, here the customer support says that the companion system right now is pretty OP (Over powered) so in regards to previous statement it makes no sense?


6:35 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=6m35s - Client is making a real good case here. Why would BioWare remove all the equipment vendors, NPC drops, etc; in order to make the questing more difficult? This guy from the customer support is already digging holes, first he claims that BioWare is removing all the equipment vendors in order to make it more difficult, in a statement less than 30 seconds later, he claims that companions are "frickin' OP" (over powered). If you wanted to make the questing more difficult, there is actually a lot of ways that BioWare could have done this. For example, you didn't have to remove the equipment, but the armourings, mods, enhancements and eventual color crystals inside them instead. This way, you could still get the equipment, but you'd have to buy the modifications seperatedly.


7:21 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=7m21s - I really liked that sentence. "There's a difference of being transparent and spoiling the whole thing", this is something you need to work on BioWare.


7:57 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=7m57s - I don't understand what the customer support agent is trying to conclude here? The client was speaking about outfits and such and this guy comes in and says that gear will be useless when he hits 65 anyways. Such a ridiculous statement.


8:41 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=8m41s - "That's the nature of the beast(??) People wanted it" I agree with the client here, I never heard anyone saying they didn't want the equipment vendors anymore. Where is this even said?


9:16 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=9m16s - The customer support agent here says "you can garaunte all you want, these are the changes that were made because we listen to our players" Another ridiculous statement. Incredible. If you were listening to players, things like this would not happen. In regards to the client's statement which he is correct about that you will not find a single post where players say that they want the equipment vendors removed. Last time I checked, people were asking for more gear, not removal of the old, so customer support agent is wrong once again.


12:40 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=12m40s - Wait what? The customer support agent says "It's not that big of a deal to me" Who could care what the agent thinks? He was speaking with a founder who said he was there since day 1. Does the customer not have a voice in this? Seriously BioWare, this is just embarrassing. Your agents seriously need to go back to school and learn what Service is. Service is not comforting yourself, but your clients with their purchase and feeling that the money is well spent, and here you say that "it's not a big deal to you".


14:51 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=14m51s - "I never said the equipment change was a good or a bad thing, I am just saying it doesn't affect me personally" I understand why the client is so upset. Incredible. What an embarrasment BioWare.


15:53 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=15m53s - What the heck. "If people want to leave, then that's fine" Of course it's not fine BioWare. Without customers = NO BIOWARE! Without customers = NO SWTOR! Without customers = NO PROFIT! This is such a big embarrasment BioWare. This guy even claimed earlier that you are doing what the players want and you listen to them and here you say that if people want to leave then that is fine...... Wow


16:31 https://youtu.be/6lw49OwqKaw?t=16m31s - Client: "None(as in no player) ever said anything about removing the equipment vendors" and this guy replies "How can you know that? These are tickets which is sent in directly" Does this guy handle tickets? No! He just stated earlier that he handles billing and account issues. How can he even know and claim that it's something the players wanted through sending tickets. Lying to your customers BioWare that is so bad.



This is so tragic BioWare.. Shame on you.

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It's as well funny how BioWare said earlier "We'd love to give you guys chat bubbles, but right now it messes with the performance of the game" and now they are even removing more stuff which a lot of guilds are considering to be gear that they use for their uniforms.
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It makes no sense to me why go through all that effort with Outfit Design and then remove equipment vendors from the entire game. I was tired when I logged on last night and got so frustrated with pantsless companions, of which Quinn's pants were apparently luggage lost as his pants weren't in email, then went to buy new equipment for companions from equipment vendors and come to find out they were all removed. Too tired to deal with and logged off. And that was just one character. Did they also remove comm vendors??


I don't understand at all why they removed all equip vendors, unless they plan to bring them back after the early access maybe they are still being updated? But why not say something? I haven't found anything about their removal. Did I miss something? I know one thing I didn't miss, any player (customer) asking for it.

Edited by Code_Airwolf
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It makes no sense to me why go through all that effort with Outfit Design and then remove equipment vendors from the entire game. I was tired when I logged on last night and got so frustrated with pantsless companions, of which Quinn's pants were apparently luggage lost as his pants weren't in email, then went to buy new equipment for companions from equipment vendors or comm vendors and come to find out they were all removed. Too tired to deal with and logged off. And that was just one character.


I don't understand at all why they removed all equip vendors, unless they plan to bring them back after the early access maybe they are still being updated? But why not say something? I haven't found anything about their removal. Did I miss something? I know one thing I didn't miss, any player (customer) asking for it.


Simple answer is they're either going to be given as "rewards" for completing missions in the Alliance part of KotFE, or they'll give them to you as purchasable Cartel Market sets at some stage.


iirc, I gained the "Revenant" Dread Guard Eliminator's chest armour shell from a lockbox on the one mission I handed in for Alliances, before I got annoyed enough to simply logout due to the shambolic "Classic Conversations" letterbox crap.


One consolation is it was Legacy bound. :rolleyes:

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Its a silly thing to do because between outfit designer and no stats on companion gear everything is about looks, so by removing all the equipment vendors you are taking away players "choices" on how their companions look, yes sometimes I may like the original starting gear (which if fine now), sometimes I like Cartel gear on companions (also fine) but sometimes there are companions that I just can't find the right looks for between those 2 choices and thats where the equipment vendors came into play.


For example Mako always wears the chest piece I can get from the Tatooine vendor which looks like a red armoured version of a hoodie, which I think fits Mako's personality down to a 'T'. I don't know if the armour will even still be in the game or if it is will I have to hope for a drop or obtain from GTN.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Why is the CS rep not allowed/able to tell the customer he will submit the complaint to the proper channels? That bothered me the most, puts him in a tough spot. He's Customer Service. If he was just able to do that he could have cut that whole 20 minute call down to probably 3-5 minutes. "I will relay your dissatisfaction with that specific change" "Customer is unhappy that all equipment vendors were removed and nothing was ever said/warned about it" Send. Done.


Rep said that is what the forums are for. Well alright, here we are on the forums. Why were the equipment vendors removed? Can we get an official answer on this?

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Especially during the call, the customer support agent first says "Equipment Vendors were removed in order to bring a bigger challenge to the game." and one minute later he says "Yeah, companions are pretty fricking OP right now". Which means, we lost gear, and it has become more easy for us to get through questing and such. I got full ranked gear, in a warzone I got 65K HP when I am not in a warzone. My companion got more than 80.000 HP + he's a OP healer who gives like 20k heals.
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Simple answer is they're either going to be given as "rewards" for completing missions in the Alliance part of KotFE, or they'll give them to you as purchasable Cartel Market sets at some stage.


iirc, I gained the "Revenant" Dread Guard Eliminator's chest armour shell from a lockbox on the one mission I handed in for Alliances, before I got annoyed enough to simply logout due to the shambolic "Classic Conversations" letterbox crap.


One consolation is it was Legacy bound. :rolleyes:


Yeah, alright, a trooper gets the old TH-15A Patrol Armour, maybe. That'd be alright, but annoying if it's accidentally deleted. For my Trooper guild, which has done so well with uniforms, we accept smugglers too - they can't get trooper rewards, so they wouldn't have the same uniform, which would look out-of-place.

Imo, the items as a reward is a silly idea; if we're to earn them, let us do it with commendations so we can get them again if necessary - not once and then never again if we lose them.

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i don't think most of this would of happened if @ericmusco was actually a community manager AKA a liaison between the people and the game devs.


In my recent forum searches cause i dont have early access i haven't seen one recent thing from him.


Also that agent sounds like he should be working at walmart stocking shelves, hes a kid and it really shows. They should hire adults with customer services experience and the information needed to provide adequate service.

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Wow that vid :eek:


I am surprised at my level of butthurt anger over the removal of the gear vendors. These past 3 or 4 months since my return to SWTOR have been filled with "Oh no biggy we'll have fun in KOTFE" replies to various concerns, yet here I am, ready to grab a pitchfork. I'm pissed!


I like playing space barbie ( well Ken, I don't play chics), thinking I look cool and running around shooting blasters.


When I returned to the game I can tell you with out a DOUBT one of the things I was excited about was the fact I knew there would be metric crap-tons of gear for me to choose from. Crazy and maybe I'm not normal but I like the visual diversity that takes place with an abundant amount of gear to choose from.


If all this gear is still available some how then please someone somewhere cough up the locations/missions :D


BW....If you plan to sell the gear, fine just tell us we'll see the gear again on the CM

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I'm sorry, while agree removing them was a **** move, putting up you tube videos of phone calls to the secretaries at the company who have no idea what is going on and do not make any decisions to make yourself feel better is tasteless


Tier 1 support are nothing more than secretaries, they have a set number of responses, and have no idea why things are done.

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I'm sorry, while agree removing them was a **** move, putting up you tube videos of phone calls to the secretaries at the company who have no idea what is going on and do not make any decisions to make yourself feel better is tasteless


Tier 1 support are nothing more than secretaries, they have a set number of responses, and have no idea why things are done.


Very, very true.

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I'm sorry, while agree removing them was a **** move, putting up you tube videos of phone calls to the secretaries at the company who have no idea what is going on and do not make any decisions to make yourself feel better is tasteless


Tier 1 support are nothing more than secretaries, they have a set number of responses, and have no idea why things are done.


At first I agreed with you, and yeah I don't think this would have had much effect either way, but basically what the rep should have done instead was just say "thank you for your feedback, I'll pass it on". Or, as is mentioned later by the rep (although phrased much worse) "I understand you're frustrated and you don't like some of these changes but I can't pass along your feedback, please submit that through these other channels."


The rep definitely shouldn't have responded with his own opinions on why the change was made or what he thought of it. He has no idea about the real motivations of BioWare, so don't comment on it. Pretty poor way to deal with a customer, even if it's not the type of support he offers. He's sitting there arguing with the caller.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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The CS guy said they did this because they listen to the players??? Wow...


Just wow...


How are they listening to us?




*just shaking her head*


Yup... They sure don't listen to the roleplayers. Those vendors had a ton of easily accessible items that we often grabbed for low prices... Guess they just want us to spend money on cartel items instead, and thus are removing non-cartel items to make sure that we turn to those kind of items. Money Grasp Alert!

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Yup... They sure don't listen to the roleplayers. Those vendors had a ton of easily accessible items that we often grabbed for low prices... Guess they just want us to spend money on cartel items instead, and thus are removing non-cartel items to make sure that we turn to those kind of items. Money Grasp Alert!


Except each one of those sets has crafted version.

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At first I agreed with you, and yeah I don't think this would have had much effect either way, but basically what the rep should have done instead was just say "thank you for your feedback, I'll pass it on". Or, as is mentioned later by the rep (although phrased much worse) "I understand you're frustrated and you don't like some of these changes but I can't pass along your feedback, please submit that through these other channels."


The rep definitely shouldn't have responded with his own opinions on why the change was made or what he thought of it. He has no idea about the real motivations of BioWare, so don't comment on it. Pretty poor way to deal with a customer, even if it's not the type of support he offers. He's sitting there arguing with the caller.


SO what, CS now cant inform a customr of PROPER way how to submit feedback? Really?


If i was CS i would hang up first time he said F word. And he said it instead of "hi"


CS is not counseling service.

Edited by Mikahrone
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