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10 Good
  1. Also irritated with the removal of the gear vendors. Diversity is the spice of life, don't make us pay even more real money (I'm a sub and a founder) to get back what we could originally get for commendations/crystals.
  2. Yeah, this. My wife would nail my cojones to the wall if I were to flirt with another woman. Welcome to real world relationships.
  3. I'll have to say I don't miss that bloody droid prattling at me every time I board my ship....
  4. Nico comes back in Chapter 9 from what I understand - it was in the note when you activated him early.
  5. There was a lot of consolidation of materials (thank the maker). Now, there's just one major type of each material (e.g. before we had two different types of Level 1 artifacts, now there is just one). I didn't notice anything majorly missing - in most cases I had an "extra" stack of the same class material when they would have combined to be more than 99.
  6. Same problem here, but they don't wait for me to talk to Denri, I just get slagged as all four repeatedly respawn and kick my arse.
  7. This. Exactly what I did when I changed laptops recently. Worked like a charm.
  8. Agreed and for the same reasons. Good feature request there.
  9. I've repeatedly attempted to GTN augments for the last week at all levels at base price and have yet to sell a single one. Considering the high cost of the mission to get them, I'm flat out done doing any missions that generate augments.
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