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Level Sync needs an Off Button! : ).


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The only "downside" to level sync is going after World Bosses that once again require you to honor the mechanics and have a group.


Not really a downside in my opinion. Heroics were still easily completed though I can no longer round up dozens of mobs and AoE them down.


And while it is annoying to get knocked off your mount, the solution is to not run through mobs on a vehicle but go around them instead.

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Turn off Lvlsync so you can solo all FE heroics... Seriously enough already with this sync rage. It shoud be done for FE content. Otherwise you will crying out because its easy...

You can't put 65 lvl to mid of grinding zones, so you have to sync them...

Note: You can solo thanks the op comps right now, yet you can't when they ate the glorious nerf hammer.

For the sake of FE, heroics should become much harder, and sync should be adjusted to much more lower stats. It's already easy enough...

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Turn off Lvlsync so you can solo all FE heroics... Seriously enough already with this sync rage. It shoud be done for FE content. Otherwise you will crying out because its easy...

You can't put 65 lvl to mid of grinding zones, so you have to sync them...

Note: You can solo thanks the op comps right now, yet you can't when they ate the glorious nerf hammer.

For the sake of FE, heroics should become much harder, and sync should be adjusted to much more lower stats. It's already easy enough...


Forcing group content in a casual focused game will kill it. This game is built to be enjoyed solo. Why would they put companions you can recruit behind an artificial gate.


It turned out well how it is.

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The lore argument against level sync seems particularly stupid. Level sync actually makes the game more lore friendly. Those who make this mistake is just confusing game mechanics with lore. There's no reason that a random thug on Coruscant, one on Nar Shaddaa, one on Corellia, and one on Rishi should be more powerful than the other. Just because you're some noble on Alderaan does not make you stronger than all the Sith on Korriban. Don't tell me Kai Zykken can wipe the floor with Darth Skotia. That does not make sense. This is not Dragonball Z.


As for level sync itself, initially when they first announced it on the twitch stream, I was like "no way." And since I had no plans of ever going back to old planets to do content, I just shrugged it off.


And now that it's actually live, I think it actually improves the game somewhat. I've always disliked grey missions. Even if the content was super easy they always feel like such a slog. Like what was even the point. But now, aside from some random companion missions there are no longer any grey missions. At least, that I could find.


It's like you could pretty much level on any planet you want. For instance, one of my characters got to level 64 (from 60) just from helping people do their heroics in older planets. Didn't even touch a single bit of the new story.

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They reworked every planetary heroic in the game with appropriate currency/credit rewards...giving people the opportunity to turn off level sync would completely invalidate that whole process. Even with level sync, I'm still annihilating everything so I don't see why people are having such an issue with this.


I agree! I think some people want to just have easy mode all the time and everywhere.... I like the fact I don't just jump in and kill a group with one smash. The fighting is still easy enough and we have insanely strong companions now too.


Lever Synch = great decision

eventually the easy mode lovers will win out, they always do... I think the next expansion should be just one long cut scene and at the end, it simply states, "you win". :p

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On paper I didn't like lvl sync. In practice it's not half bad, and I can understand why they did it.



look at qyzen and lokins quests. You need to run around lowbie planets killing mobs/bosses. It would be way to easy to face roll getting them with out lvl sync. Heck it made me form a raid group to go world boss hunting.



I'm OK with actually having a challenge on lowbie planets once and a while.

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Wow, people need to get off their high horse for a moment and stop talking about difficulty, as if the difficulty of doing a heroic quest or whacking low level mobs is the reason anyone objects to the level sync. No, it has got nothing to do with "God mode".


What it boils down to is a sense of progression, which is essential in any RPG. It's why the dreaded level scaling of Oblivion is often considered its main weakness. My level 65 Guardian feels no more or less powerful than my 60 Juggernaut, and my level 60 Juggernaut feels exactly the same as my 55 Juggernaut. That simply feels completely wrong to me, and brings me back to my Oblivion days where I kept bumping into "SUPER RATS!" that could hold their own against a dude in Daedric armor. It wasn't that the rat presented me with any actual problems, but it removes the lack of character progression.


And don't give me that rubbish about "keeping abilities and passives" - I'm well aware that a 65 will feel different from a level 10. The question is, how different will they be compared to a 55 (which is two whole expansions worth of leveling I might add) or 50 (three expansions), and how much of a progression will anyone feel leveling through those expansions? Consdering the fact that even gear gets scaled, I'd say the difference will be almost irrelevant, and that's just not good enough.

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So you are just being hard headed? No offense, but an mmo does not center around one person. Many changes happen, that players have to adjust around even if they don't like it. That is the nature of a mmo. If you are not willing to try, and adjust how you play to changes. MMOs might not be for you.




No, an MMO doesn't center around one person, it has to cater to multiple players all who have their own way of playing if it is going to be successful.


Level sync, in it's current iteration is hands down one of the worst ways I've seen it implemented. I'm not against having a level sync system in the game, I'm against the totally craptastic version of it we've been shafted with. Go click the link above this if you want to see a few ways it could be improved upon, there are many facets to any gaming community and your opinion is one of many. While perfectly entitled to it, stop and think at how much better the level sync system could have been, and not what you are being force fed.


Think for yourself, let others think for themselves. If you like it, fine, go play the game. I've unsubscribed. So that should give you an inclination of what I actually care about other posters love of level sync, you're all welcome to it. I'm not prepared to support developers who don't cater to all of the player base though.

Edited by Transcendent
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I fully support adding a toggle on/off to level sync.


Now at 65... going back to a lower level planet and being knocked off your mount by trash mobs all over again when just trying to get somewhere is so annoying.


There needs to be some benefits to being a higher level than the planet you're on, such as no longer pulling agro from every insignificant trash life form on the planet.

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I fully support adding a toggle on/off to level sync.


Now at 65... going back to a lower level planet and being knocked off your mount by trash mobs all over again when just trying to get somewhere is so annoying.


There needs to be some benefits to being a higher level than the planet you're on, such as no longer pulling agro from every insignificant trash life form on the planet.


Given all the whining about overpowered companions, just how much easier do you want it?


Level Sync is utterly irrelevant, you do not even notice it is there when down synching at all.

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The only "downside" to level sync is going after World Bosses that once again require you to honor the mechanics and have a group.


Not really a downside in my opinion. Heroics were still easily completed though I can no longer round up dozens of mobs and AoE them down.


And while it is annoying to get knocked off your mount, the solution is to not run through mobs on a vehicle but go around them instead.


If I am forming a wb group, there wont be a spot for lowbies on it. they dont pull their weight so why should they be carried? I can use that spot for a level syncd character and have a much better team member.

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GW2 did the same thing since launch. Everyone there enjoyed it. SWTOR just adopted the concept. In all likelyhood this will be seen more and more in other MMOs. It keeps content relevant.


the content isnt "relevant" it isnt as if you can go back and rerun the missions you did on the planets when you were leveling. GW2 did it but they sold the game with that in it, and they have much better programmers.

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If I am forming a wb group, there wont be a spot for lowbies on it. they dont pull their weight so why should they be carried? I can use that spot for a level syncd character and have a much better team member.

I suppose this depends on your definition of "lowbie". There was a group the other day on my server for the Coruscant megadroid WB. The range of levels was around 20 up to 64 (me). Of course, that last note was a problem - my character is a commando, and was able to quite easily rip aggro off the tank, even synced down to 18 like the rest of the maniacs there. Granted, even 20 is synced on Coruscant, but I was able to hit hard enough to outpace all the rest. (This sort of implies that the range of true levels is important as well as what level they are.)


But overall, I'm OK with the level sync. It doesn't feel nearly as punitive as the one in GW2 did, back in the early days of the game. (So the post above that talks about how everyone who played GW2 loved it is just plain wrong. It wasn't even compatible with one of the stated design goals, that people on highbie characters would be able to help out in lowbie areas, because the armour repair bills were monstrous for highbies who got killed, and it was trivial to get fatally hit against lowbie world bosses. That got fixed later when they set the costs to zero.)


An off button for this feature is the simplest version, but there are references to a graded solution. Neither of these is suitable for non-instanced areas.

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I dont know, I for one think its cool. I was still crushing the NPCs on illum but it was a bit more challenging.


I have always supported a more lateral progression though because I hate to lose old content but now with all old flashpoints being 65 we can visit everything with more challenge. The planetary quests are a great way to pass the time now while waiting for ques


Getting kicked upside your head would probably be cool to you, too, eh???? :eek::p;)


These are not the droids you are looking for.

Next please. Move along.

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Given all the whining about overpowered companions, just how much easier do you want it?


Level Sync is utterly irrelevant, you do not even notice it is there when down synching at all.

Depends how far you downsync. My 60 commando (the day after early access started) went to Ord Mantell and discovered that she now has to use real skills to one-shot the foes, rather than being able to one-shot everything except the champion savrip with her basic attack.

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