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Of all the BAD decisions in 4.0, the new alliance "conversations" has to be the worst


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There is quite literally no excuse to suddenly go cheap on voice acting when this game makes far more money than it ever has on producing items rather than content. When someone can buy a single hypercrate that equates to 3 months of subscription time or a cartel vehicle for 15$. And you know this stuff is selling based off the gtn flood of vehicles and decorations.


Bioware works less to make more than they did at launch thanks to cartel items so stop giving them excuses.

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Not having a full voice over takes away from the game and what people liked about it over others out there. By rolling back the "style" of play doesn't help future players who expect more immersion to sign up or stay as a subscriber.
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Not having a full voice over takes away from the game and what people liked about it over others out there. By rolling back the "style" of play doesn't help future players who expect more immersion to sign up or stay as a subscriber.


Not to mention the claim of cinematic story telling is bunk. There is nothing "Cinematic" about playing a mute.

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Been reading this topic on and off, and i wasnt sure what to expect as i hadnt arrived at the Alliance chapter.


But now i have! And i gotta say, that was an unexpected turn with the sudden silence protagonist. Its abit unnerving going through the entire game with a voice character and suddenly you have no voice and no present on screen. Classic Conversations, im guessing thats another way of saying "cost efficiency", or maybe its the VO strike.


Either way im not a fan of it. I did enjoy the old school rpgs back in the day, however that was a different time and i have personally since moved on from that part of video gaming.


Just hope this isnt something thats going to trend in SWTOR.

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Of all the BAD decisions in 4.0, the new alliance "conversations" has to be the worst


Agreed here, well it is better than terminal-based missions, but waaaaay worse than full-voiced. Also self-quote:



Story character narrative lines in classic conversations are fully voiced as you have all come to expect. Player responses in classic conversations are presented as an open-ended list of response options, displayed in full (as opposed to in paraphrases), and are not voiced. The classic conversation format allows us to give you a much wider array of choices and potential outcomes, as well as more specific, complex, and subtle character reactions to your choices.




Haven't seen it so far. Limited PC lines with looped "Story character" reactions. So basically same as fully voiced... but PC is silent and with static and boring camera. :rak_01:

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I have to chime in here as well, I agree that this is a terible decision with a mute main character, my connection with my characters is why i'm coming back, removing their voice is removing a large part of that, side missions in last expantions were bad enough, but this is down right catastrophical.
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Ouch...it's like this for your class story companions as well?


I assumed it was only like this for when you go to recruit companions from other classes.


Only got two class companions yet (Talos and Xalek), and both were me being silent. It was very, very weird. Awkward. So yeah, I'm guessing it's for every single character in the Alliance system. Hopefully companions that aren't recruitable now, will have more interaction with the player character.

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How about the completely worthless crafting overhaul?

Level sync?

That trailer, which looks to have cost more than this entire expansion combined?




Thank you!


Dude, You forget Disney owns Lucas arts, which means it also owns Skywalker Ranch where they make epic CGI trailers and other effects. So with that said no doubt BW got a nice Discount on that CGI Trailer.


I for one would love to see a full CGI movie on this storyline.


So i am sure it didnt cost as much as it would for most companies and film industries.....

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Dude, You forget Disney owns Lucas arts, which means it also owns Skywalker Ranch where they make epic CGI trailers and other effects. So with that said no doubt BW got a nice Discount on that CGI Trailer.


I for one would love to see a full CGI movie on this storyline.


So i am sure it didnt cost as much as it would for most companies and film industries.....


BLUR studios (not Disney) made it for them to the tune of $4 million. I forgot nothing.

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If this is just for the Alliance-building convos, well, I don't like it but I can live with it. I didn't play KOTOR, I play SWTOR and this is a step backward.


But I really hope the convos with our LIs whenever they come back are all fully voiced. ALL OF THEM. I'm not waiting months to see them again, just to have to sext them ... :eek:

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If the game gets the protagonists voice right I'm not too bothered about whether they are voiced or not.

If they get it wrong then it's enough to put me off playing the class altogether.


Now, I realise this is a subjective matter. I seem to be far more sensitive over the male voices in SWTOR than the female ones. I'm male so not sure if that is influencing things.


On the whole I much prefer having the greater range of responses and potential subtleties than having a voiced protagonist.

It's also a nice homage to the original KOTOR :)

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At first, the change of format was a bit of a surprise. But now, I have to say I have warmed to the concept - I prefer it over the way dailies were handled on Rishi every day - and even find it a neat idea!


And since all regular story content will most assuredly continue to work the way it always has (voiced protagonist and all), only in improved 4.0 quality, I really don't mind.

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It is unconstructive, childish, posts like this that give the forum such a toxic atmosphere. If you don't have anything to add to the discussion, please just keep silent.


That said, I have seen many posts that equal this new Alliance conversation format to a silent protagonist, but it is much more than that. It is the departure from the current (companion) conversation style, the one without black bars and with dynamic (if simple) side-to-side camera action and a 3-choice wheel. The protagonist has not just gone silent, rather, their entire presence has been removed from the screen with the choice to phase out -any- cinematics, completely shattering the immersion in the story. These conversations are such a stark contrast to the main story line and scenes, that the entire emotional investment simply vanishes. This is doubly sad because it is the story and its emotion that makes this game with its fully Voiced-Over content stand out, and because it is exactly this aspect of the game BW said they would bring back in KotFE


Of course I realize that their are time, money and contract constraints to creating more content and choices have to be made. But the choice for this style is such a dramatic change that it feels like a different game, with a different character, and I simply don't like it. I'm realistic enough to know the current system that is in place won't be replaced, or changed, but I certainly do hope they reserve it for unimportant characters and side-kicks.


When my female knight reunites with Doc, or Kira (and this goes for any class and the most invested-in companions), black-barred, one-sided, undynamic, scene-less conversations simply won't do.


It is especially bad for the characters that don't wear any full helmets. For my troopers and BHs I obviously cant see their faces, but with the other classes ( I know, I am thinking of others, shocking ) this is just awful. Considering all th ecompanion recruitment is during alliance, if I find Elara and I am just an emotionless husk, I will be rather disappointed.

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There is quite literally no excuse to suddenly go cheap on voice acting when this game makes far more money than it ever has on producing items rather than content. When someone can buy a single hypercrate that equates to 3 months of subscription time or a cartel vehicle for 15$. And you know this stuff is selling based off the gtn flood of vehicles and decorations.


Bioware works less to make more than they did at launch thanks to cartel items so stop giving them excuses.


I fully agree, please bring back the original voice choices. I might even unsubscribe if its not changed back.

Edited by GraveWalkerX
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I fully agree, please bring back the original voice choices. I might even unsubscribe if its not changed back.

So you would unsubscribe because of some 10 seconds cutscenes which are not mandatory for the story not being 100% voiced?


I could understand people who raid all day long and pvp all day long be upset by the lack of new endgame content which results in them throwing ultimatums and such things, even though they are silly, but if you really quit for this reason and this reason alone, then you obviously have your priorities wrong.


These cutscenes have a double reason for being the way they are: they're a throwback to the old games for a nostalgic feeling and to make spacebar warriors life easier. Because let's be realistic, those conversations are interesting only the first time you listen to them because they're new. As you have to grind those missions and do everything more than once in order to max affection with followers and contacts by bringing them stuff and repeating the same missions over and over, you would probably spacebar the entire conversations the 2nd time you do them. What's the difference between spacebaring a fully voiced dialogue and a semi-voiced dialogue? Pro tip: there is none. You stay in the instanced area of the alliance base no more than 5 minutes anyway.


The rest of the conversations are as they used to be. This whining doesn't make any sense.

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In real life people enjoy progressing, not regressing. That is what we are doing here, going 10 steps back. SWTOR was special because it was FULLY voice acted, if they go in this direction, it is no longer special.


It wasn't special to begin with, because a certain series had a fully-voiced main character, with a near identical wheel conversation system, in 2007.


Now, I know not everyone grew up with the masterpieces that were the KOTOR games, I know for a fact I wasn't alone in wanting a KOTOR 3. This is the closest we'll ever get to it, and this conversation style for side-missions is a clear homage. Did it cut costs? Sure, of course it did. They didn't have to bring the "Big 16" in to voice another... what? Seventy or so? Maybe more? Dialogue options across the entire Alliance building side series. However, they still have their voices, as shown in the Star Base missions. So, what is the problem?

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These cutscenes have a double reason for being the way they are: they're a throwback to the old games for a nostalgic feeling and to make spacebar warriors life easier. Because let's be realistic, those conversations are interesting only the first time you listen to them because they're new. As you have to grind those missions and do everything more than once in order to max affection with followers and contacts by bringing them stuff and repeating the same missions over and over, you would probably spacebar the entire conversations the 2nd time you do them. What's the difference between spacebaring a fully voiced dialogue and a semi-voiced dialogue? Pro tip: there is none. You stay in the instanced area of the alliance base no more than 5 minutes anyway.


By your logic, I fail to see why BW still makes conversations at all. Most people space-bar through it anyway? The hell with conversations and the hell with story then. Let's just raid..... Right?!


You don't make conversations a certain way for your so-called "spacebar warriors" that will skip the content anyway. You make those conversations for the people that DO care and that DO play (amongst others or exclusively) for the story. For that audience, this format is a step backwards and no way near the quality of the main story or previous companions conversations/quest and they are no where near as enjoyable to play through. And it is that regression that makes it a bad format in the opinion of myself, and with me, a lot of others.

Edited by Iryfindel
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By your logic, I fail to see why BW still makes conversations at all. Most people space-bar through it anyway? The hell with conversations and the hell with story then. Let's just raid..... Right?!


You don't make conversations a certain way for your so-called "spacebar warriors" that will skip the content anyway. You make those conversations for the people that DO care and that DO play (amongst others or exclusively) for the story. For that audience, this format is a step backwards and no way near the quality of the main story or previous companions conversations/quest and they are no where near as enjoyable to play through. And it is that regression that makes it a bad format in the opinion of myself, and with me, a lot of others.


Please tell me you listen to each conversation every time without skipping a single line even if it's a 2 words phrase and you've heard it 40 times in a row. Otherwise, your argument is invalid. I wonder what kind of person would possibly listen to Ogguroob 40 times in a row everytime you have to give him supplies or click through the exact same dialogue options every time. What kind of sick person would punch himself in the face hearing the same 2-lines conversations over and over?

Or please, tell me you don't/won't spacebar through the gold ship droid daily/weekly mission in the base. The one you need to put stuff in the instanced area and manually go talk to each contact until you get everything in order and repeat this every day/week? That quest became annoying the 2nd time I did it, and I'm all for story. But if it adds none to the story, what's there to lose? Nothing.


I'm all but trying to defend BW on their choice, but if they know that people won't listen to 2-lines conversations over and over because they're essentially on par with daily quests and in the long run they'll become boring, why would they waste money with voice acting conversations that adds so little to the story that they can't be even classified dailies or side quests? No matter how interesting the new Alliance system is, in the long run it's just another daily grind disguised as something else.

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By your logic, I fail to see why BW still makes conversations at all. Most people space-bar through it anyway? The hell with conversations and the hell with story then. Let's just raid..... Right?!


You don't make conversations a certain way for your so-called "spacebar warriors" that will skip the content anyway. You make those conversations for the people that DO care and that DO play (amongst others or exclusively) for the story. For that audience, this format is a step backwards and no way near the quality of the main story or previous companions conversations/quest and they are no where near as enjoyable to play through. And it is that regression that makes it a bad format in the opinion of myself, and with me, a lot of others.


We would all love for everything to be voiced, but SWTOR isn't a hugely successful mmo even right from the start. I'm not saying this isn't sort of a downgrade. Because they are. But given our mmo's modest success, cutting corners like this is inevitable. I'm happy we atleast get more varied dialogue now instead of the same recycled lines over and over again.

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Agreed here, well it is better than terminal-based missions, but waaaaay worse than full-voiced.


I think I preferred the terminal based missions, at least it wasn't so immersion breaking with the craptastic letter-boxing and naff font text choices. I mean they may as well have just had the screen black and gone the full hog back to the text adventure days....


"You are in a room"

- What can I see?

"You see it has four walls and a floor"

- Is there a ceiling?

"There are cobwebs up there"

- Open the door.

"There is no door"



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Is the main story fully voiced like before?


Yes the story is fully voiced like class stories were. People are just complaining about the end game quests when you get to chapter 9.


I honestly don't think it's even bad. I kind of like it. Your own character just doesn't talk, everyone else is fully voiced.

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