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New Comps Can't Wear Cosmetic Gear???


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Agreed. When the update went through, we already knew that companions like the droids/treek/wookie would be setup like this because their gear never affected their appearance to begin with. I'm hoping to god that it was an oversight to apply that to all the new companions.

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Considering the money they must make from Cartel Market Armor sales I would be shocked if it stays this way forever! Its a major cash cow to have them all enabled.


Yeah, the primary reason I've spent money in the Cartel Market was armor for my companions, not for me. This is just...weird.

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As has been said, I really don't need to see Lana running around the fleet looking like a hook... eh, a slu... I mean a dancer... Yeah.


Then don't look.


I need it and I'm more important than you are.



All you guys can relax, it was a bug and is fixed in the update running right this minute. Download it and read the patch notes.


You need to either re-read the patch notes or just straight learn to read. Nothing has changed and the patch notes didn't state anything would be changed.

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Back to the front! This is still irksome for a lot of people. At the very least something needs to be said about whether this is intentional, or will be adjusted.



Just wait, the reasoning for it will be that the new "main characters" planned with their own "individual", "epic" and "iconic" looks and can thus not be changed.


Even though I have more epic looking armor in my collections.



And if that's the reply, I dare to say a lot of people will be miffed and some may even leave.


Does anyone know where we can get some of the old lightsaber hilts? specifically the shadowbringer/vile sentinel hilt?

Edited by Lord_Velan
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Then don't look.


I need it and I'm more important than you are.





You need to either re-read the patch notes or just straight learn to read. Nothing has changed and the patch notes didn't state anything would be changed.


BW posts of the month should be stickied or archived in a special section.

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Y'know, that bit in the patch notes about companion "guests" makes me wonder.


While leveling, I have applied a customization and new gear to a class companion I had just gotten that was still showing as a guest. But in cutscenes, the companion still showed up as default until my class quests on the planet were wrapped up and they officially joined my crew.


If I had to guess, I'd say that Bioware doesn't want us to customize the new KotFE companions so cutscenes are easier for them to make. If so, this is unfortunate, though as a compromise it would be nice if we could at least change their outfits and have it show up outside of KotFE story cutscenes.


Not getting my hopes up though. I really wish I was still excited to get these new companions that I thought would be so great. :( As it is, I'm not starting KotFE until the companion return terminal is working.

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So just a quick update on this. I tried previewing some of my gear on Lana. When I did this, my gear would show up under the clothes for her appearance, and they would clip as well. This leads me to believe that they do have a base body model for the new companions, and their current design isn't set in stone.


Even if having these new companions customizable means that we will only be able to customize their look outside of the story, and their current clothes will come back any time we access the story, that is perfectly OK with me. I'm just hoping we will be able to customize their gear at some point, rather than just having the "customization tokens" that are exclusive to cartel packs only.

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I would be happy if they just add a bunch of customization's for the customization slots for the new companions...As others have mentioned it would be really weird to see them in the slave girl outfits people would put them in as it would not fit the characters at all.


You say as if wearing slave outfits was ever fitting for Jedi Like Kira or Nadya, or for soldier like Elaram or Raina.


Well, not seeing Lana and Senya in slave ourtfit is the only good thing about this situation, I admit. But it could be achieved by simply removing that gear from game. It should not been in there in the first place, since it does not fit any of female characters thematically.


It's just, the game has these of awesome armors I would like to use, but never will, unless they change their system. Like, Thexan armor for be fantastic on Lana and Zakuul Knight would be amazing for Senya. But I do not need neither of those outfits on my characters. So BW lost sales of CCs here.


I'd love to hear reasoning for them voluntarily cutting the cartel armor sales.

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As has been said, I really don't need to see Lana running around the fleet looking like a hook... eh, a slu... I mean a dancer... Yeah.


I never thought any of the characters NPC or PC seemed to be the type to run around in that (slave/dancer) gear (except maybe Vette and not because she chose to) because even for the PC it doesn't generally fit the story (Maybe the sith *shrug*) line given to us the players :p

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I feel like I was the only one not going to set Lana up in a dancer outfit, I never really do that to my female characters because it doesn't make any logical sense (at least in my brain) to go hopping around Hoth dressed like you're back from the pool.


Before the Early Access hit, I had this really cool Sith-like outfit ready for Lana, since the profile picture of her had TWO lightsabers, I was goign to have her dual wield the Heirloom sabers or Thexan sabers with a red/black beam in each. She was going to KINDA look like Revan (though not fully) and just be some cool, faceless Sith.


I had a soldier outfit ready for Lennie Kravitz, but all I could do was give him a customized rifle.


Come on Bioware, don't do this to me!


PS: Hmm...the Early Access sort of a let down...what is Early Access abbreviated too?




*dramatic music*

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