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Everything posted by InabaSensei

  1. sith warrior. got to kill Quinn in a cutscene but that was it. no elara. Thrill of the hunt
  2. exactly. I would be MUCH more excited about house ulgo vs Czerkza, or whatever. I mean, they could be existing reputation havers... the hunters guild VS the gree collective, or whatever. there could be a 'goal' chosen at random every week. each factions goal would be in the other factions territory. I could write an essay on it. lemme know.
  3. I agree completely. the lemming will: 1. spawn 2. run solo at the enemy team 3. die 4. not communicate or take note of what is happening 5. goto one
  4. I use guildship and strongholds for fast travel, I havent used fleet pass in months. qt still works and I imagine the heroic shuttles will still work
  5. My friends hit me with them whenever I appear on the fleet or the guild and I pretend not to be annoyed. You need to be way more careful about what you label 'bullying' though. We live in an age where over-sensitive people become horrific tyrants real, real fast. a good use for snowballs is as an alternate way to label targets in PvE. honestly snowballs are not anymore immersion breaking than you guys hopping around like spidermonkeys on meth or driving large vehicles and mounts on the fleet. you want to make a change how about you act like a character in a world, even a little bit.
  6. I tricked Koth into leaving, he even thought it was his idea. #ThatSithLife
  7. to answer the original question: "Dressable Female companions every month" either that or Buy0wear could start making design decisions that don't suck. all of us know that will never happen, so bikinis for all my friends.
  8. great thread you guys some very smart ideas. I liked the note about the gravestone being an orbital stronghold/ship with the option of changing planets. just great. wish the dev's could hear you.
  9. good man. I was of the same mind. I need to take back some of my previous comments, though. I went over to FE and then I hit the flipping roof. I assumed my SW ship was gone. then I went to check my stronghold and all my old comps were holo'd out. I made an assumption that they would stay they way. but once I re-summoned them the stronghold versions returned to their physical form. I am fairly certain I can still gift them and gain affection. Also my ship is back but now clear of everyone. In the end I got some of what I wanted. On the other hand I respect your choices. you should do what you feel is right, of course.
  10. dont have a solution for you but I wanted to stop by and say I admire your dedication. I hope I meet more players like you while I am in-game.
  11. people agree with me? bikinis for all my friends. now, make it so Number One.
  12. all of them. in custom outfits, not default. i thought that's what you were doing when you proposed FE. or do it for everyone if you have to/want to. dont care, just do it.
  13. and what is taking so long? I am not under any illusions about FE companions getting proper gear slots. seriously what is the hold up? Lana's football padding worn under discarded gunny sack is too painful to gaze upon.
  14. group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies ... group of three enemies group of three enemies you cannot ride your mount in here group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies. was that a green drop? screw it, I'm not going back there. this is monotonous I am going to go around these next guys. stealth mode activated. group of three enemies aggro because FE companion attacked them. group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies. what's in this white drop? trash? literally trash "this item has no use" ? I am a level 65 subscriber. why does buy0wear think that I am their personal trash collector? I thought they fixed the drops in 4.0. so... they left the trash in on purpose? just because I paid for this electronic entertainment which some have labeled 'trash' does NOT mean I actually stoop to picking up trash. not in real life and certainly not in a power fantasy. group of three enemies. ooo. a blue drop? [jerky schematic] ... ... is that supposed to be playful? because it's *********** retarded. group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies. so bored that I go over to the acerbic swotor forums. morons are still talking about nerf companions and level sync when clearly the design problems are more fundamental than that and the design conception needs an infusion of logic and craft. group of three enemies aggro because screw you. I have to hit each one 27 times because for some reason I am using my dps instead of my AoE for some reason lightsabers don't cut through things like they used ta'. group of three enemies group of three enemies. wait did I go the wrong way? where is the *********** door? was it.... group of three respawned enemies. what? what? why? clicks sare button 27 times. why am I playing this? do I hate myself? group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies. where is the door.... so tired.... where is... group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies. god damnit! leave me alone! Mount UP group of three enemies aggro because screw you. mount freezes, because that's a thing now. hit them 27 times each, but not in rapid succession, because I just dont care anymore. I am so numb. do I hate myself? I am level 65. I have saved entire worlds. cosmic forces of light and darkness spin inside me. guess these guys must all be real real tanky. where is the door? please. I am sick of this. a message from a friend. hello friend, chatting with you makes me feel better. you are in a heroic? do you need back up? you don't but I can come if I want to? well, I would only come if you need help. you dont need help? no one needs help? okay. let's team up sometime. what is my guild doing? "OPS". which one you guys? you don't need a dps? okay. maybe I should quit my guild. I farking hate this, I am so angry and frustrated. is this how Anakin felt? was this electronic experience designed to get me to understand how that petulant, useless little ***** felt? I should quit my guild. I am so angry. I hate myself. group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk. where is the door? wait, is that it? why isnt it clickable? is this a bug? stupid door. group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies group of three enemies. oh, there's a console, guess I will click it. Boss Battle. oh. fighty fighty. his health is down. battle interrupted by cut scene. oh, telltale-esque choice time. should I enable the monster who's release from Voss I am responsible for? hmm. well, I have obviously been saying "no" this whole time. my character would say "no". but since I am so beaten into numbness by the ***** that is the level design of this game, sure, come on out.
  15. you do understand that you just made the best possible counter argument against yourself, right?
  16. "we won't take anything away from you" Dev live stream they take quite a bit away from you. I have no idea why. even in the stronghold (which kind of exists in it's own dimension) all your companions get turned into memorial holograms. the opposite should have happened, all companions should be real and in their custom gear. "yes, you can edit your crew" Dev Q&A this was a lie and I am still confused about why it was told. do NOT go to the other side (FE) with a meaningful or established character UNLESS you think buy0wear are the ultimate storytellers AND you are a chronic completionist who really can't help yourself.
  17. exactly. this is why the "companions OP vs nerfed companions" faux debate was so infuriating. this is why we will never have progress. every nimrod playing this game wants a megaphone but they understand less than nothing about what is going on.
  18. it's not a bug, matey. you have been deceived. it is a horrid, cynical design choice that makes me come in here instead of playing the game that I paid for. buy0wear would rather make more mistakes than correct old mistakes. this game is a forest of mistakes populated by mistake trees.
  19. "clone wars"? well done! yeah, I have NO use for comps that cant be dressed up. I bet you they messed something up, like using models that they can't assign gear to without bugging out.
  20. when buy0wear does something the only question I have is "team evil or team stupid". (because it is either an attempted money grab or an incompetent design choice) that should be your question too. so. AGAIN. level sync = every friggin' creep camp chasing you for ten miles + possibly knocking you off your horse result: team evil AND team stupid level sync = unless you have AOE, standing there and swinging and swinging and swinging while the creep screams in agony for minutes on end at being eviscerated by a laser sword but not being able to die BECAUSE ARMOR IS THE ONLY THING THEY CHANGED YOU *%#^*@( result: team evil AND team stupid I think 95% of you don't even play the game if you can't at least see what I am talking about here.
  21. signed, baby. they should have done this in the first place since that's what their information control lead us to believe.
  22. I can agree that LS/DS awards is a screwy part of the game. I try to stay in character when I make a choice, although most of the time the character is some reflection of myself. I often have to go back and speed run Black Talon to keep my enlightenment. its a small price to pay for doing what I want in the story "choices"
  23. To put it another way, a companion where you have to know how to play to use it. a companion where the player has to "not suck" to use it. this would be a clue as to who is who when we bump into each other in the world. also it is something built upon 4.0 which they might be willing to do. upon further reflection, though the same pitfall occurs where the dev would still misunderstand and screw it up royally.
  24. No one addressed my previous statement? I don't know what that might mean. one positive I see in 4.0 is that it is not too late, it's not so bad as a foundation. the right people might build upon it. but so far suggestions from the players who are supposedly on 'my side' are misguided and even if they weren't the current dev cannot be trusted with them. you want to current dev to go off and create a difficulty button with no over site from anyone other that the EA marketing squad? same goes for the other suggestions. look, how about a companion, a NEW COMPANION, that is actually, technically, ultimately *more* powerful than the 4.0 comps? but it starts out weak, right? and you have to go to certain dangerous and interesting places to get its skills/moves. even when fully built, it is a challenge to use this hypothetical new comp properly because it interacts with you and with enemies in a complex, interactive way. if there is a story motivation provided as well, that would be great. so the mission *becomes* figuring out this new comp, and some people will dive in. if you both understand and like that idea then we might just be the same type. the real 'controversy' here seems to be "what kind of gamer am I" frankly, if you are not the same type as me, I don't really want to hear from you or run across you in my game world. seems that is something most of the types have in common.
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